{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop) import Test.QuickCheck (getPositive) import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert, monadicIO, run) import Data.Conduit (runConduit, (.|), ConduitT, runConduitPure, runConduitRes) import qualified Data.Conduit as C import qualified Data.Conduit.Lift as C import qualified Data.Conduit.Internal as CI import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Control.Exception (throw, evaluate) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT)) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (modify) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe,catMaybes,fromJust) import qualified Data.List as DL import qualified Data.List.Split as DLS (chunksOf) import Control.Monad.ST (runST) import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.IORef as I import Data.Tuple (swap) import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (allocate, resourceForkIO) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, killThread) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (execWriter, tell, runWriterT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT, get, put) import qualified Control.Monad.Writer as W import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>)) import qualified Control.Monad.Catch as Catch import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity,runIdentity) import Control.Monad (forever, void) import Data.Void (Void) import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as M import Control.Monad.Except (catchError, throwError) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Conduit.Extra.ZipConduitSpec as ZipConduit import qualified Data.Conduit.StreamSpec as Stream import qualified Spec (@=?) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> IO () (@=?) = flip shouldBe -- Quickcheck property for testing equivalence of list processing -- functions and their conduit counterparts equivToList :: Eq b => ([a] -> [b]) -> ConduitT a b Identity () -> [a] -> Bool equivToList f conduit xs = f xs == runConduitPure (CL.sourceList xs .| conduit .| CL.consume) -- | Check that two conduits produce the same outputs and return the same result. bisimilarTo :: (Eq a, Eq r) => ConduitT () a Identity r -> ConduitT () a Identity r -> Bool left `bisimilarTo` right = C.runConduitPure (toListRes left) == C.runConduitPure (toListRes right) where -- | Sink a conduit into a list and return it alongside the result. -- So it is, essentially, @sinkList@ plus result. toListRes :: Monad m => ConduitT () a m r -> ConduitT () Void m ([a], r) toListRes cond = swap <$> C.fuseBoth cond CL.consume main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Combinators" Spec.spec describe "data loss rules" $ do it "consumes the source to quickly" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| do strings <- CL.map show .| CL.take 5 liftIO $ putStr $ unlines strings CL.fold (+) 0 40 `shouldBe` x it "correctly consumes a chunked resource" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ (CL.sourceList [1..5 :: Int] `mappend` CL.sourceList [6..10]) .| do strings <- CL.map show .| CL.take 5 liftIO $ putStr $ unlines strings CL.fold (+) 0 40 `shouldBe` x describe "filter" $ do it "even" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CL.filter even .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` filter even [1..10 :: Int] prop "concat" $ equivToList (concat :: [[Int]]->[Int]) CL.concat describe "mapFoldable" $ do prop "list" $ equivToList (concatMap (:[]) :: [Int]->[Int]) (CL.mapFoldable (:[])) let f x = if odd x then Just x else Nothing prop "Maybe" $ equivToList (catMaybes . map f :: [Int]->[Int]) (CL.mapFoldable f) prop "scan" $ equivToList (tail . scanl (+) 0 :: [Int]->[Int]) (void $ CL.scan (+) 0) -- mapFoldableM and scanlM are fully polymorphic in type of monad -- so it suffice to check only with Identity. describe "mapFoldableM" $ do prop "list" $ equivToList (concatMap (:[]) :: [Int]->[Int]) (CL.mapFoldableM (return . (:[]))) let f x = if odd x then Just x else Nothing prop "Maybe" $ equivToList (catMaybes . map f :: [Int]->[Int]) (CL.mapFoldableM (return . f)) prop "scanM" $ equivToList (tail . scanl (+) 0) (void $ CL.scanM (\a s -> return $ a + s) (0 :: Int)) describe "ResourceT" $ do it "resourceForkIO" $ do counter <- I.newIORef 0 let w = allocate (I.atomicModifyIORef counter $ \i -> (i + 1, ())) (const $ I.atomicModifyIORef counter $ \i -> (i - 1, ())) runResourceT $ do _ <- w _ <- resourceForkIO $ return () _ <- resourceForkIO $ return () sequence_ $ replicate 1000 $ do tid <- resourceForkIO $ return () liftIO $ killThread tid _ <- resourceForkIO $ return () _ <- resourceForkIO $ return () return () -- give enough of a chance to the cleanup code to finish threadDelay 1000 res <- I.readIORef counter res `shouldBe` (0 :: Int) describe "sum" $ do it "works for 1..10" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] prop "is idempotent" $ \list -> (runST $ runConduit $ CL.sourceList list .| CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int)) == sum list describe "foldMap" $ do it "sums 1..10" $ do Sum x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..(10 :: Int)] .| CL.foldMap Sum x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "preserves order" $ do x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [[4],[2],[3],[1]] .| CL.foldMap (++[(9 :: Int)]) x `shouldBe` [4,9,2,9,3,9,1,9] describe "foldMapM" $ do it "sums 1..10" $ do Sum x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..(10 :: Int)] .| CL.foldMapM (return . Sum) x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "preserves order" $ do x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [[4],[2],[3],[1]] .| CL.foldMapM (return . (++[(9 :: Int)])) x `shouldBe` [4,9,2,9,3,9,1,9] describe "unfold" $ do it "works" $ do let f 0 = Nothing f i = Just (show i, i - 1) seed = 10 :: Int x <- runConduit $ CL.unfold f seed .| CL.consume let y = DL.unfoldr f seed x `shouldBe` y describe "unfoldM" $ do it "works" $ do let f 0 = Nothing f i = Just (show i, i - 1) seed = 10 :: Int x <- runConduit $ CL.unfoldM (return . f) seed .| CL.consume let y = DL.unfoldr f seed x `shouldBe` y describe "uncons" $ do prop "folds to list" $ \xs -> let src = C.sealConduitT $ CL.sourceList xs in (xs :: [Int]) == DL.unfoldr CL.uncons src prop "works with unfold" $ \xs -> let src = CL.sourceList xs in CL.unfold CL.uncons (C.sealConduitT src) `bisimilarTo` (src :: ConduitT () Int Identity ()) describe "unconsEither" $ do let eitherToMaybe :: Either l a -> Maybe a eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing eitherToMaybe (Right a) = Just a prop "folds outputs to list" $ \xs -> let src = C.sealConduitT $ CL.sourceList xs in (xs :: [Int]) == DL.unfoldr (eitherToMaybe . CL.unconsEither) src prop "works with unfoldEither" $ \(xs, r) -> let src = CL.sourceList xs *> pure r in CL.unfoldEither CL.unconsEither (C.sealConduitT src) `bisimilarTo` (src :: ConduitT () Int Identity Int) describe "Monoid instance for Source" $ do it "mappend" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ (CL.sourceList [1..5 :: Int] `mappend` CL.sourceList [6..10]) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "mconcat" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ mconcat [ CL.sourceList [1..5 :: Int] , CL.sourceList [6..10] , CL.sourceList [11..20] ] .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [1..20] describe "zipping" $ do it "zipping two small lists" $ do res <- runConduitRes $ CI.zipSources (CL.sourceList [1..10]) (CL.sourceList [11..12]) .| CL.consume res @=? zip [1..10 :: Int] [11..12 :: Int] describe "zipping sinks" $ do it "take all" $ do res <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CI.zipSinks CL.consume CL.consume res @=? ([1..10 :: Int], [1..10 :: Int]) it "take fewer on left" $ do res <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CI.zipSinks (CL.take 4) CL.consume res @=? ([1..4 :: Int], [1..10 :: Int]) it "take fewer on right" $ do res <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CI.zipSinks CL.consume (CL.take 4) res @=? ([1..10 :: Int], [1..4 :: Int]) describe "Monad instance for Sink" $ do it "binding" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| do _ <- CL.take 5 CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) x `shouldBe` sum [6..10] describe "Applicative instance for Sink" $ do it "<$> and <*>" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| (+) <$> pure 5 <*> CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] + 5 describe "resumable sources" $ do it "simple" $ do (x, y, z) <- runConduitRes $ do let src1 = CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] (src2, x) <- src1 C.$$+ CL.take 5 (src3, y) <- src2 C.$$++ CL.fold (+) 0 z <- src3 C.$$+- CL.consume return (x, y, z) x `shouldBe` [1..5] :: IO () y `shouldBe` sum [6..10] z `shouldBe` [] describe "conduits" $ do it "map, left" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CL.map (* 2) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` 2 * sum [1..10 :: Int] it "map, left >+>" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CI.ConduitT ((CI.unConduitT (CL.sourceList [1..10]) CI.Done CI.>+> CI.injectLeftovers ((\c -> c `CI.unConduitT` CI.Done) $ CL.map (* 2))) >>=) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` 2 * sum [1..10 :: Int] it "map, right" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| CL.map (* 2) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` 2 * sum [1..10 :: Int] prop "chunksOf" $ \(positive, xs) -> let p = getPositive positive conduit = CL.sourceList xs .| CL.chunksOf p .| CL.consume in DLS.chunksOf p (xs :: [Int]) == runConduitPure conduit it "chunksOf (zero)" $ let conduit = return () .| CL.chunksOf 0 .| CL.consume in evaluate (runConduitPure conduit) `shouldThrow` anyException it "chunksOf (negative)" $ let conduit = return () .| CL.chunksOf (-5) .| CL.consume in evaluate (runConduitPure conduit) `shouldThrow` anyException it "groupBy" $ do let input = [1::Int, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.groupBy (==) .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` DL.groupBy (==) input it "groupBy (nondup begin/end)" $ do let input = [1::Int, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.groupBy (==) .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` DL.groupBy (==) input it "groupOn1" $ do let input = [1::Int, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.groupOn1 id .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` [(1,[1]), (2, []), (3,[3,3]), (4,[]), (5, [5])] it "groupOn1 (nondup begin/end)" $ do let input = [1::Int, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.groupOn1 id .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` [(1,[]), (2, []), (3,[3,3]), (4,[]), (5, [])] it "mapMaybe" $ do let input = [Just (1::Int), Nothing, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.mapMaybe ((+2) <$>) .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` [3, 4, 5] it "mapMaybeM" $ do let input = [Just (1::Int), Nothing, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.mapMaybeM (return . ((+2) <$>)) .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` [3, 4, 5] it "catMaybes" $ do let input = [Just (1::Int), Nothing, Just 2, Nothing, Just 3] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.catMaybes .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` [1, 2, 3] it "concatMap" $ do let input = [1, 11, 21] x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList input .| CL.concatMap (\i -> enumFromTo i (i + 9)) .| CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) x `shouldBe` sum [1..30] it "bind together" $ do let conduit = CL.map (+ 5) .| CL.map (* 2) x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10] .| conduit .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum (map (* 2) $ map (+ 5) [1..10 :: Int]) #if !FAST describe "isolate" $ do it "bound to resumable source" $ do (x, y) <- runConduitRes $ do let src1 = CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] (src2, x) <- src1 .| CL.isolate 5 C.$$+ CL.consume y <- src2 C.$$+- CL.consume return (x, y) x `shouldBe` [1..5] y `shouldBe` [] it "bound to sink, non-resumable" $ do (x, y) <- runConduitRes $ do CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| do x <- CL.isolate 5 .| CL.consume y <- CL.consume return (x, y) x `shouldBe` [1..5] y `shouldBe` [6..10] it "bound to sink, resumable" $ do (x, y) <- runConduitRes $ do let src1 = CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] (src2, x) <- src1 C.$$+ CL.isolate 5 .| CL.consume y <- src2 C.$$+- CL.consume return (x, y) x `shouldBe` [1..5] y `shouldBe` [6..10] it "consumes all data" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| do CL.isolate 5 .| CL.sinkNull CL.consume x `shouldBe` [6..10] describe "sequence" $ do it "simple sink" $ do let sumSink = do ma <- CL.head case ma of Nothing -> return 0 Just a -> (+a) . fromMaybe 0 <$> CL.head res <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..11 :: Int] .| CL.sequence sumSink .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` [3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 11] it "sink with unpull behaviour" $ do let sumSink = do ma <- CL.head case ma of Nothing -> return 0 Just a -> (+a) . fromMaybe 0 <$> CL.peek res <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..11 :: Int] .| CL.sequence sumSink .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 11] #endif describe "peek" $ do it "works" $ do (a, b) <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| do a <- CL.peek b <- CL.consume return (a, b) (a, b) `shouldBe` (Just 1, [1..10]) describe "unbuffering" $ do it "works" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ do let src1 = CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] (src2, ()) <- src1 C.$$+ CL.drop 5 src2 C.$$+- CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [6..10] describe "operators" $ do it "only use .|" $ runConduitPure ( CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (subtract 1) .| CL.mapM (return . (* 2)) .| CL.map (`div` 2) .| CL.fold (+) 0 ) `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "only use =$" $ runConduitPure ( CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (subtract 1) .| CL.map (* 2) .| CL.map (`div` 2) .| CL.fold (+) 0 ) `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "chain" $ do x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (subtract 3) .| CL.map (* 2) .| CL.map (`div` 2) .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (+ 1) .| CL.map (subtract 3) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [1..10] describe "termination" $ do it "terminates early" $ do let src = forever $ C.yield () x <- runConduit $ src .| CL.head x `shouldBe` Just () it "bracket" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (0 :: Int) let src = C.bracketP (I.modifyIORef ref (+ 1)) (\() -> I.modifyIORef ref (+ 2)) (\() -> forever $ C.yield (1 :: Int)) val <- runConduitRes $ src .| CL.isolate 10 .| CL.fold (+) 0 val `shouldBe` 10 i <- I.readIORef ref i `shouldBe` 3 it "bracket skipped if not needed" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (0 :: Int) let src = C.bracketP (I.modifyIORef ref (+ 1)) (\() -> I.modifyIORef ref (+ 2)) (\() -> forever $ C.yield (1 :: Int)) src' = CL.sourceList $ repeat 1 val <- runConduitRes $ (src' >> src) .| CL.isolate 10 .| CL.fold (+) 0 val `shouldBe` 10 i <- I.readIORef ref i `shouldBe` 0 it "bracket + toPipe" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (0 :: Int) let src = C.bracketP (I.modifyIORef ref (+ 1)) (\() -> I.modifyIORef ref (+ 2)) (\() -> forever $ C.yield (1 :: Int)) val <- runConduitRes $ src .| CL.isolate 10 .| CL.fold (+) 0 val `shouldBe` 10 i <- I.readIORef ref i `shouldBe` 3 it "bracket skipped if not needed" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (0 :: Int) let src = C.bracketP (I.modifyIORef ref (+ 1)) (\() -> I.modifyIORef ref (+ 2)) (\() -> forever $ C.yield (1 :: Int)) src' = CL.sourceList $ repeat 1 val <- runConduitRes $ (src' >> src) .| CL.isolate 10 .| CL.fold (+) 0 val `shouldBe` 10 i <- I.readIORef ref i `shouldBe` 0 describe "invariant violations" $ do it "leftovers without input" $ do ref <- I.newIORef [] let add x = I.modifyIORef ref (x:) adder' = CI.NeedInput (\a -> liftIO (add a) >> adder') return adder = CI.ConduitT (adder' >>=) residue x = CI.ConduitT $ \rest -> CI.Leftover (rest ()) x _ <- runConduit $ C.yield 1 .| adder x <- I.readIORef ref x `shouldBe` [1 :: Int] I.writeIORef ref [] _ <- runConduit $ C.yield 1 .| ((residue 2 >> residue 3) >> adder) y <- I.readIORef ref y `shouldBe` [1, 2, 3] I.writeIORef ref [] _ <- runConduit $ C.yield 1 .| (residue 2 >> (residue 3 >> adder)) z <- I.readIORef ref z `shouldBe` [1, 2, 3] I.writeIORef ref [] describe "sane yield/await'" $ do it' "yield terminates" $ do let is = [1..10] ++ undefined src [] = return () src (x:xs) = C.yield x >> src xs x <- runConduit $ src is .| CL.take 10 x `shouldBe` [1..10 :: Int] it' "yield terminates (2)" $ do let is = [1..10] ++ undefined x <- runConduit $ mapM_ C.yield is .| CL.take 10 x `shouldBe` [1..10 :: Int] describe "upstream results" $ do it' "works" $ do let foldUp :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> CI.Pipe l a Void u IO (u, b) foldUp f b = CI.awaitE >>= either (\u -> return (u, b)) (\a -> let b' = f b a in b' `seq` foldUp f b') passFold :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> CI.Pipe l a a () IO b passFold f b = CI.await >>= maybe (return b) (\a -> let b' = f b a in b' `seq` CI.yield a >> passFold f b') (x, y) <- CI.runPipe $ mapM_ CI.yield [1..10 :: Int] CI.>+> passFold (+) 0 CI.>+> foldUp (*) 1 (x, y) `shouldBe` (sum [1..10], product [1..10]) describe "input/output mapping" $ do it' "mapOutput" $ do x <- runConduit $ C.mapOutput (+ 1) (CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int]) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [2..11] it' "mapOutputMaybe" $ do x <- runConduit $ C.mapOutputMaybe (\i -> if even i then Just i else Nothing) (CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int]) .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` sum [2, 4..10] it' "mapInput" $ do xyz <- runConduit $ (CL.sourceList $ map show [1..10 :: Int]) .| do (x, y) <- C.mapInput read (Just . show) $ ((do x <- CL.isolate 5 .| CL.fold (+) 0 y <- CL.peek return (x :: Int, y :: Maybe Int)) :: ConduitT Int Void IO (Int, Maybe Int)) z <- CL.consume return (x, y, concat z) xyz `shouldBe` (sum [1..5], Just 6, "678910") describe "left/right identity" $ do it' "left identity" $ do x <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| CI.ConduitT (CI.idP >>=) .| CL.fold (+) 0 y <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| CL.fold (+) 0 x `shouldBe` y it' "right identity" $ do x <- CI.runPipe $ mapM_ CI.yield [1..10 :: Int] CI.>+> (CI.injectLeftovers $ (\c -> c `CI.unConduitT` CI.Done) $ CL.fold (+) 0) CI.>+> CI.idP y <- CI.runPipe $ mapM_ CI.yield [1..10 :: Int] CI.>+> (CI.injectLeftovers $ (\c -> c `CI.unConduitT` CI.Done) $ CL.fold (+) 0) x `shouldBe` y describe "generalizing" $ do it' "works" $ do x <- CI.runPipe $ CI.sourceToPipe (CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int]) CI.>+> CI.conduitToPipe (CL.map (+ 1)) CI.>+> CI.sinkToPipe (CL.fold (+) 0) x `shouldBe` sum [2..11] describe "withUpstream" $ do it' "works" $ do let src = mapM_ CI.yield [1..10 :: Int] >> return True fold f = loop where loop accum = CI.await >>= maybe (return accum) go where go a = let accum' = f accum a in accum' `seq` loop accum' sink = CI.withUpstream $ fold (+) 0 res <- CI.runPipe $ src CI.>+> sink res `shouldBe` (True, sum [1..10]) describe "iterate" $ do it' "works" $ do res <- runConduit $ CL.iterate (+ 1) (1 :: Int) .| CL.isolate 10 .| CL.fold (+) 0 res `shouldBe` sum [1..10] prop "replicate" $ \cnt' -> do let cnt = min cnt' 100 res <- runConduit $ CL.replicate cnt () .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` replicate cnt () prop "replicateM" $ \cnt' -> do ref <- I.newIORef 0 let cnt = min cnt' 100 res <- runConduit $ CL.replicateM cnt (I.modifyIORef ref (+ 1)) .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` replicate cnt () ref' <- I.readIORef ref ref' `shouldBe` (if cnt' <= 0 then 0 else cnt) describe "injectLeftovers" $ do it "works" $ do let src = mapM_ CI.yield [1..10 :: Int] conduit = CI.injectLeftovers $ (\c -> c `CI.unConduitT` CI.Done) $ C.awaitForever $ \i -> do js <- CL.take 2 mapM_ C.leftover $ reverse js C.yield i res <- runConduit $ CI.ConduitT ((src CI.>+> CI.injectLeftovers conduit) >>=) .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` [1..10] describe "monad transformer laws" $ do it "transPipe" $ do let source = CL.sourceList $ replicate 10 () let tell' x = tell [x :: Int] let replaceNum1 = C.awaitForever $ \() -> do i <- lift get lift $ (put $ i + 1) >> (get >>= lift . tell') C.yield i let replaceNum2 = C.awaitForever $ \() -> do i <- lift get lift $ put $ i + 1 lift $ get >>= lift . tell' C.yield i x <- runWriterT $ runConduit $ source .| C.transPipe (`evalStateT` 1) replaceNum1 .| CL.consume y <- runWriterT $ runConduit $ source .| C.transPipe (`evalStateT` 1) replaceNum2 .| CL.consume x `shouldBe` y describe "iterM" $ do prop "behavior" $ \l -> monadicIO $ do let counter ref = CL.iterM (const $ liftIO $ M.modifyMVar_ ref (\i -> return $! i + 1)) v <- run $ do ref <- M.newMVar 0 runConduit $ CL.sourceList l .| counter ref .| CL.mapM_ (const $ return ()) M.readMVar ref assert $ v == length (l :: [Int]) prop "mapM_ equivalence" $ \l -> monadicIO $ do let runTest h = run $ do ref <- M.newMVar (0 :: Int) let f = action ref s <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList (l :: [Int]) .| h f .| CL.fold (+) 0 c <- M.readMVar ref return (c, s) action ref = const $ liftIO $ M.modifyMVar_ ref (\i -> return $! i + 1) (c1, s1) <- runTest CL.iterM (c2, s2) <- runTest (\f -> CL.mapM (\a -> f a >>= \() -> return a)) assert $ c1 == c2 assert $ s1 == s2 describe "generalizing" $ do it "works" $ do let src :: Int -> ConduitT () Int IO () src i = CL.sourceList [1..i] sink :: ConduitT Int Void IO Int sink = CL.fold (+) 0 res <- runConduit $ C.yield 10 .| C.awaitForever (C.toProducer . src) .| (C.toConsumer sink >>= C.yield) .| C.await res `shouldBe` Just (sum [1..10]) describe "mergeSource" $ do it "works" $ do let src :: ConduitT () String IO () src = CL.sourceList ["A", "B", "C"] withIndex :: ConduitT String (Integer, String) IO () withIndex = CI.mergeSource (CL.sourceList [1..]) output <- runConduit $ src .| withIndex .| CL.consume output `shouldBe` [(1, "A"), (2, "B"), (3, "C")] it "does stop processing when the source exhausted" $ do let src :: ConduitT () Integer IO () src = CL.sourceList [1..] withShortAlphaIndex :: ConduitT Integer (String, Integer) IO () withShortAlphaIndex = CI.mergeSource (CL.sourceList ["A", "B", "C"]) output <- runConduit $ src .| withShortAlphaIndex .| CL.consume output `shouldBe` [("A", 1), ("B", 2), ("C", 3)] describe "passthroughSink" $ do it "works" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (-1) let sink = CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) conduit = C.passthroughSink sink (I.writeIORef ref) input = [1..10] output <- runConduit $ mapM_ C.yield input .| conduit .| CL.consume output `shouldBe` input x <- I.readIORef ref x `shouldBe` sum input it "does nothing when downstream does nothing" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (-1) let sink = CL.fold (+) (0 :: Int) conduit = C.passthroughSink sink (I.writeIORef ref) input = [undefined] runConduit $ mapM_ C.yield input .| conduit .| return () x <- I.readIORef ref x `shouldBe` (-1) it "handles the last input correctly #304" $ do ref <- I.newIORef (-1 :: Int) let sink = CL.mapM_ (I.writeIORef ref) conduit = C.passthroughSink sink (const (return ())) res <- runConduit $ mapM_ C.yield [1..] .| conduit .| CL.take 5 res `shouldBe` [1..5] x <- I.readIORef ref x `shouldBe` 5 describe "mtl instances" $ do it "ErrorT" $ do let src = flip catchError (const $ C.yield 4) $ do lift $ return () C.yield 1 lift $ return () C.yield 2 lift $ return () () <- throwError DummyError lift $ return () C.yield 3 lift $ return () runConduit (src .| CL.consume) `shouldBe` Right [1, 2, 4 :: Int] describe "WriterT" $ it "pass" $ let writer = W.pass $ do W.tell [1 :: Int] pure ((), (2:)) in execWriter (runConduit writer) `shouldBe` [2, 1] describe "Data.Conduit.Lift" $ do it "execStateC" $ do let sink = C.execStateLC 0 $ CL.mapM_ $ modify . (+) src = mapM_ C.yield [1..10 :: Int] res <- runConduit $ src .| sink res `shouldBe` sum [1..10] it "execWriterC" $ do let sink = C.execWriterLC $ CL.mapM_ $ tell . return src = mapM_ C.yield [1..10 :: Int] res <- runConduit $ src .| sink res `shouldBe` [1..10] it "runExceptC" $ do let sink = C.runExceptC $ do x <- C.catchExceptC (lift $ throwError "foo") return return $ x ++ "bar" res <- runConduit $ return () .| sink res `shouldBe` Right ("foobar" :: String) it "runMaybeC" $ do let src = void $ C.runMaybeC $ do C.yield 1 () <- lift $ MaybeT $ return Nothing C.yield 2 sink = CL.consume res <- runConduit $ src .| sink res `shouldBe` [1 :: Int] describe "sequenceSources" $ do it "works" $ do let src1 = mapM_ C.yield [1, 2, 3 :: Int] src2 = mapM_ C.yield [3, 2, 1] src3 = mapM_ C.yield $ repeat 2 srcs = C.sequenceSources $ Map.fromList [ (1 :: Int, src1) , (2, src2) , (3, src3) ] res <- runConduit $ srcs .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` [ Map.fromList [(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)] , Map.fromList [(1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)] , Map.fromList [(1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2)] ] describe "zipSink" $ do it "zip equal-sized" $ do x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [1..100] .| C.sequenceSinks [ CL.fold (+) 0, (`mod` 101) <$> CL.fold (*) 1 ] x `shouldBe` [5050, 100 :: Integer] it "zip distinct sizes" $ do let sink = C.getZipSink $ (*) <$> C.ZipSink (CL.fold (+) 0) <*> C.ZipSink (Data.Maybe.fromJust <$> C.await) x <- runConduitRes $ CL.sourceList [100,99..1] .| sink x `shouldBe` (505000 :: Integer) describe "upstream results" $ do it "fuseBoth" $ do let upstream = do C.yield ("hello" :: String) CL.isolate 5 .| CL.fold (+) 0 downstream = C.fuseBoth upstream CL.consume res <- runConduit $ CL.sourceList [1..10 :: Int] .| do (x, y) <- downstream z <- CL.consume return (x, y, z) res `shouldBe` (sum [1..5], ["hello"], [6..10]) it "fuseBothMaybe with no result" $ do let src = mapM_ C.yield [1 :: Int ..] sink = CL.isolate 5 .| CL.fold (+) 0 (mup, down) <- runConduit $ C.fuseBothMaybe src sink mup `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe ()) down `shouldBe` sum [1..5] it "fuseBothMaybe with result" $ do let src = mapM_ C.yield [1 :: Int .. 5] sink = CL.isolate 6 .| CL.fold (+) 0 (mup, down) <- runConduit $ C.fuseBothMaybe src sink mup `shouldBe` Just () down `shouldBe` sum [1..5] it "fuseBothMaybe with almost result" $ do let src = mapM_ C.yield [1 :: Int .. 5] sink = CL.isolate 5 .| CL.fold (+) 0 (mup, down) <- runConduit $ C.fuseBothMaybe src sink mup `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe ()) down `shouldBe` sum [1..5] describe "catching exceptions" $ do it "works" $ do let src = do C.yield 1 () <- Catch.throwM DummyError C.yield 2 src' = do CI.catchC src (\DummyError -> C.yield (3 :: Int)) res <- runConduit $ src' .| CL.consume res `shouldBe` [1, 3] describe "sourceToList" $ do it "works lazily in Identity" $ do let src = C.yield 1 >> C.yield 2 >> throw DummyError let res = runIdentity $ C.sourceToList src take 2 res `shouldBe` [1, 2 :: Int] it "is not lazy in IO" $ do let src = C.yield 1 >> C.yield (2 :: Int) >> throw DummyError C.sourceToList src `shouldThrow` (==DummyError) ZipConduit.spec Stream.spec it' :: String -> IO () -> Spec it' = it data DummyError = DummyError deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) instance Catch.Exception DummyError