{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.Conduit.Network
    ( -- * Basic utilities
    , sinkSocket
      -- * Simple TCP server/client interface.
    , SN.AppData
    , appSource
    , appSink
    , SN.appSockAddr
    , SN.appLocalAddr
      -- ** Server
    , SN.ServerSettings
    , serverSettings
    , SN.runTCPServer
    , SN.runTCPServerWithHandle
    , forkTCPServer
    , runGeneralTCPServer
      -- ** Client
    , SN.ClientSettings
    , clientSettings
    , SN.runTCPClient
    , runGeneralTCPClient
      -- ** Getters
    , SN.getPort
    , SN.getHost
    , SN.getAfterBind
    , SN.getNeedLocalAddr
      -- ** Setters
    , SN.setPort
    , SN.setHost
    , SN.setAfterBind
    , SN.setNeedLocalAddr
      -- * Types
    , SN.HostPreference
    ) where

import Prelude
import Data.Conduit
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Network.Socket.ByteString (sendAll)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified GHC.Conc as Conc (yield)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad (unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl, control, liftBaseWith)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, MVar, ThreadId)
import qualified Data.Streaming.Network as SN

-- | Stream data from the socket.
-- This function does /not/ automatically close the socket.
-- Since 0.0.0
sourceSocket :: MonadIO m => Socket -> Producer m ByteString
sourceSocket socket =
    loop = do
        bs <- lift $ liftIO $ SN.safeRecv socket 4096
        if S.null bs
            then return ()
            else yield bs >> loop

-- | Stream data to the socket.
-- This function does /not/ automatically close the socket.
-- Since 0.0.0
sinkSocket :: MonadIO m => Socket -> Consumer ByteString m ()
sinkSocket socket =
    loop = await >>= maybe (return ()) (\bs -> lift (liftIO $ sendAll socket bs) >> loop)

serverSettings :: Int -> SN.HostPreference -> SN.ServerSettings
serverSettings = SN.serverSettingsTCP

clientSettings :: Int -> ByteString -> SN.ClientSettings
clientSettings = SN.clientSettingsTCP

appSource :: (SN.HasReadWrite ad, MonadIO m) => ad -> Producer m ByteString
appSource ad =
    read' = SN.appRead ad
    loop = do
        bs <- liftIO read'
        unless (S.null bs) $ do
            yield bs

appSink :: (SN.HasReadWrite ad, MonadIO m) => ad -> Consumer ByteString m ()
appSink ad = awaitForever $ \d -> liftIO $ SN.appWrite ad d >> Conc.yield

addBoundSignal::MVar ()-> SN.ServerSettings -> SN.ServerSettings
addBoundSignal isBound set = SN.setAfterBind ( \socket -> originalAfterBind socket >>  signalBound socket) set
                             where originalAfterBind :: Socket -> IO ()
                                   originalAfterBind = SN.getAfterBind set
                                   signalBound :: Socket -> IO ()
                                   signalBound _socket = putMVar isBound ()

-- | Fork a TCP Server
-- Will fork the runGeneralTCPServer function but will only return from
-- this call when the server is bound to the port and accepting incoming
-- connections. Will return the thread id of the server
-- Since 1.1.4
forkTCPServer :: MonadBaseControl IO m
                    => SN.ServerSettings
                    -> (SN.AppData -> m ())
                    -> m ThreadId
forkTCPServer set f =
       liftBaseWith $ \run -> do
         isBound <- newEmptyMVar
         let setWithWaitForBind = addBoundSignal isBound set
         threadId <- forkIO . void . run $ runGeneralTCPServer setWithWaitForBind f
         takeMVar isBound
         return threadId

-- | Run a general TCP server
-- Same as 'SN.runTCPServer', except monad can be any instance of
-- 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO'.
-- Note that any changes to the monadic state performed by individual
-- client handlers will be discarded. If you have mutable state you want
-- to share among multiple handlers, you need to use some kind of mutable
-- variables.
-- Since 1.1.3
runGeneralTCPServer :: MonadBaseControl IO m
                    => SN.ServerSettings
                    -> (SN.AppData -> m ())
                    -> m a
runGeneralTCPServer set f = liftBaseWith $ \run ->
    SN.runTCPServer set $ void . run . f

-- | Run a general TCP client
-- Same as 'SN.runTCPClient', except monad can be any instance of 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO'.
-- Since 1.1.3
runGeneralTCPClient :: MonadBaseControl IO m
                    => SN.ClientSettings
                    -> (SN.AppData -> m a)
                    -> m a
runGeneralTCPClient set f = control $ \run ->
    SN.runTCPClient set $ run . f