-- | -- Copyright: (c) 2019 Lucas David Traverso -- License: MPL-2.0 -- Maintainer: Lucas David Traverso -- Stability: stable -- Portability: portable -- -- FromConfig instance for warp {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Conferer.FromConfig.Warp where import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Dynamic import Conferer.FromConfig import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Internal instance FromConfig HostPreference where fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigByIsString instance FromConfig ProxyProtocol where fetchFromConfig = fetchFromConfigWith $ (\case "proxyprotocolnone" -> Just ProxyProtocolNone "none" -> Just ProxyProtocolNone "proxyprotocolrequired" -> Just ProxyProtocolRequired "required" -> Just ProxyProtocolRequired "proxyprotocoloptional" -> Just ProxyProtocolOptional "optional" -> Just ProxyProtocolOptional _ -> Nothing ) . Text.toLower instance DefaultConfig Settings where configDef = defaultSettings -- | Deconstruct a 'Settings' into a many key/dynamic pairs to -- provide valid defaults for downstream 'fetchFromConfig' deconstructSettingsToDefaults :: Settings -> [(Key, Dynamic)] deconstructSettingsToDefaults Settings{..} = [ ("port", toDyn settingsPort) , ("host", toDyn settingsHost) , ("onException", toDyn settingsOnException) , ("onExceptionResponse", toDyn settingsOnExceptionResponse) , ("onOpen", toDyn settingsOnOpen) , ("onClose", toDyn settingsOnClose) , ("timeout", toDyn settingsTimeout) , ("manager", toDyn settingsManager) , ("fdCacheDuration", toDyn settingsFdCacheDuration) , ("fileInfoCacheDuration", toDyn settingsFileInfoCacheDuration) , ("beforeMainLoop", toDyn settingsBeforeMainLoop) #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,4) , ("fork", toDyn $ ForkSettings settingsFork) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(2,0,3) , ("noParsePath", toDyn settingsNoParsePath) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,1) , ("installShutdownHandler", toDyn settingsInstallShutdownHandler) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,2) , ("serverName", toDyn settingsServerName) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,3) , ("maximumBodyFlush", toDyn settingsMaximumBodyFlush) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,5) , ("proxyProtocol", toDyn settingsProxyProtocol) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,2) , ("slowlorisSize", toDyn settingsSlowlorisSize) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,7) , ("http2Enabled", toDyn settingsHTTP2Enabled) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,10) , ("logger", toDyn settingsLogger) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,2,7) , ("serverPushLogger", toDyn settingsServerPushLogger) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,2,8) , ("gracefulShutdownTimeout", toDyn settingsGracefulShutdownTimeout) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,5) , ("gracefulCloseTimeout1", toDyn settingsGracefulCloseTimeout1) , ("gracefulCloseTimeout2", toDyn settingsGracefulCloseTimeout2) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,8) , ("maxTotalHeaderLength", toDyn settingsMaxTotalHeaderLength) #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,11) , ("altSvc", toDyn settingsAltSvc) #endif ] -- | Newtype wrapper for the 'settingsFork' value that has too much polymorphism -- to be typeable newtype ForkSettings = ForkSettings (((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()) -> IO ()) instance FromConfig Settings where fetchFromConfig key originalConfig = do config <- addDefaultsAfterDeconstructingToDefaults deconstructSettingsToDefaults key originalConfig settingsPort <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "port") config settingsHost <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "host") config settingsOnException <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "onException") config settingsOnExceptionResponse <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "onExceptionResponse") config settingsOnOpen <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "onOpen") config settingsOnClose <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "onClose") config settingsTimeout <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "timeout") config settingsManager <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "manager") config settingsFdCacheDuration <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "fdCacheDuration") config settingsFileInfoCacheDuration <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "fileInfoCacheDuration") config settingsBeforeMainLoop <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "beforeMainLoop") config #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,4) (ForkSettings settingsFork) <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "fork") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(2,0,3) settingsNoParsePath <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "noParsePath") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,1) settingsInstallShutdownHandler <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "installShutdownHandler") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,2) settingsServerName <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "serverName") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,3) settingsMaximumBodyFlush <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "maximumBodyFlush") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,0,5) settingsProxyProtocol <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "proxyProtocol") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,2) settingsSlowlorisSize <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "slowlorisSize") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,7) settingsHTTP2Enabled <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "http2Enabled") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,1,10) settingsLogger <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "logger") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,2,7) settingsServerPushLogger <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "serverPushLogger") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,2,8) settingsGracefulShutdownTimeout <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "gracefulShutdownTimeout") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,5) settingsGracefulCloseTimeout1 <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "gracefulCloseTimeout1") config settingsGracefulCloseTimeout2 <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "gracefulCloseTimeout2") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,8) settingsMaxTotalHeaderLength <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "maxTotalHeaderLength") config #endif #if MIN_VERSION_warp(3,3,11) settingsAltSvc <- fetchFromConfig (key /. "altSvc") config #endif return Settings{..}