-- ------------------------------------------------------ --
-- Copyright © 2014 AlephCloud Systems, Inc.
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{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Configuration.Utils.Internal
( lens
, over
, set
, Lens'
, Lens
, Iso'
, iso
) where

import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Profunctor

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Lenses

-- Just what we need of van Laarhoven Lenses
-- These few lines of code do safe us a lot of dependencies

-- | This is the same type as the type from the lens library with the same name.
type Lens σ τ α β = Functor φ  (α  φ β)  σ  φ τ

-- | This is the same type as the type from the lens library with the same name.
type Lens' σ α = Lens σ σ α α

lens  (σ  α)  (σ  β  τ)  Lens σ τ α β
lens getter setter lGetter s = setter s `fmap` lGetter (getter s)

over  ((α  Identity α)  β  Identity β)  (α  α)  β  β
over s f = runIdentity . s (Identity . f)

set  ((α  Identity α)  β  Identity β)  α  β  β
set s a = runIdentity . s (const $ Identity a)

-- | This is the same type as the type from the lens library with the same name.
type Iso' β α = (Profunctor π, Functor φ)  π α (φ α)  π β (φ β)

iso  (β  α)  (α  β)  Iso' β α
iso f g = dimap f (fmap g)