-- ------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Copyright © 2014 AlephCloud Systems, Inc. -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} module Configuration.Utils.Http ( -- * HTTP Service TLS Configuration HttpServiceTLSConfiguration , hstcCertFile , hstcKeyFile , defaultHttpServiceTLSConfiguration , pHttpServiceTLSConfiguration , validateHttpServiceTLSConfiguration -- * HTTP Service Configuration , HttpServiceConfiguration , hscHost , hscPort , hscUseTLS , defaultHttpServiceConfiguration , pHttpServiceConfiguration , validateHttpServiceConfiguration -- * Http Client Configuration , HttpClientConfiguration , hccHost , hccPort , hccUseTLS , defaultHttpClientConfiguration , pHttpClientConfiguration , validateHttpClientConfiguration , httpService2clientConfiguration ) where import Configuration.Utils import Configuration.Utils.Internal import Configuration.Utils.Validation import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Writer.Class (tell) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.DList as DL import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.Monoid.Unicode import Prelude.Unicode hiding ((×)) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Http Service TLS Configuration -- | In order to make TLS optional this type should be used -- wrapped into a Maybe. -- data HttpServiceTLSConfiguration = HttpServiceTLSConfiguration { _hstcCertFile ∷ !FilePath , _hstcKeyFile ∷ !FilePath } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) hstcCertFile ∷ Lens' HttpServiceTLSConfiguration FilePath hstcCertFile = lens _hstcCertFile $ \s a → s { _hstcCertFile = a} hstcKeyFile ∷ Lens' HttpServiceTLSConfiguration FilePath hstcKeyFile = lens _hstcKeyFile $ \s a → s { _hstcKeyFile = a} defaultHttpServiceTLSConfiguration ∷ HttpServiceTLSConfiguration defaultHttpServiceTLSConfiguration = HttpServiceTLSConfiguration { _hstcCertFile = "cert.pem" , _hstcKeyFile = "key.pem" } validateHttpServiceTLSConfiguration ∷ ConfigValidation HttpServiceTLSConfiguration f validateHttpServiceTLSConfiguration conf = do validateFileReadable "cert-file" $ _hstcCertFile conf validateFileReadable "key-file" $ _hstcKeyFile conf instance FromJSON (HttpServiceTLSConfiguration → HttpServiceTLSConfiguration) where parseJSON = withObject "HttpServiceTLSConfiguration" $ \o → id <$< hstcCertFile ..: "cert-file" % o <*< hstcKeyFile ..: "pem-file" % o -- | This is used as default when wrapped into Maybe and -- -- 1. the parsed value is not 'Null' and -- 2. the given default is not 'Nothing'. -- instance FromJSON HttpServiceTLSConfiguration where parseJSON v = parseJSON v <*> pure defaultHttpServiceTLSConfiguration instance ToJSON HttpServiceTLSConfiguration where toJSON HttpServiceTLSConfiguration{..} = object [ "cert-file" .= _hstcCertFile , "key-file" .= _hstcKeyFile ] -- | This option parser does not allow to enable or disable -- usage of TLS. The option will have effect only when TLS -- usage is configured in the configuration file or the default -- configuration. -- -- FIXME: print a warning and exit when one of these options is -- provided even though TLS is turned off. -- pHttpServiceTLSConfiguration ∷ String → MParser HttpServiceTLSConfiguration pHttpServiceTLSConfiguration prefix = id <$< hstcCertFile .:: strOption % long (prefix ⊕ "cert-file") ⊕ help "File with PEM encoded TLS Certificate" <*< hstcKeyFile .:: strOption % long (prefix ⊕ "key-file") ⊕ help "File with PEM encoded TLS key" -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Http Service Configuration -- | We restrict services to use either HTTP or HTTPS but not both. -- -- TLS can be turned off explicitely in the configuration file by -- setting the respective section to @null@. It can not be -- turned on or off via command line options. But once it is turned -- on the values for the certificate and key file can be changed -- by command line options. -- data HttpServiceConfiguration = HttpServiceConfiguration { _hscHost ∷ !B8.ByteString , _hscPort ∷ !Int , _hscInterface ∷ !B8.ByteString , _hscUseTLS ∷ !(Maybe HttpServiceTLSConfiguration) } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) hscHost ∷ Lens' HttpServiceConfiguration B8.ByteString hscHost = lens _hscHost $ \s a → s { _hscHost = a} hscPort ∷ Lens' HttpServiceConfiguration Int hscPort = lens _hscPort $ \s a → s { _hscPort = a} hscInterface ∷ Lens' HttpServiceConfiguration B8.ByteString hscInterface = lens _hscInterface $ \s a → s { _hscInterface = a} hscUseTLS ∷ Lens' HttpServiceConfiguration (Maybe HttpServiceTLSConfiguration) hscUseTLS = lens _hscUseTLS $ \s a → s { _hscUseTLS = a} defaultHttpServiceConfiguration ∷ HttpServiceConfiguration defaultHttpServiceConfiguration = HttpServiceConfiguration { _hscHost = "localhost" , _hscPort = 80 , _hscInterface = "" , _hscUseTLS = Nothing } validateHttpServiceConfiguration ∷ ConfigValidation HttpServiceConfiguration DL.DList validateHttpServiceConfiguration conf = do maybe (return ()) validateHttpServiceTLSConfiguration $ _hscUseTLS conf validatePort "port" $ _hscPort conf when (_hscPort conf < 1024) $ tell ["listening on a priviledged port requires super user rights"] validateNonEmpty "host" $ _hscHost conf validateIPv4 "interface" . B8.unpack $ _hscInterface conf instance FromJSON (HttpServiceConfiguration → HttpServiceConfiguration) where parseJSON = withObject "HttpServiceConfiguration" $ \o → id <$< hscHost ∘ bs ..: "host" % o <*< hscPort ..: "port" % o <*< hscInterface ∘ bs ..: "interface" % o <*< hscUseTLS %.: "use-tls" % o where bs ∷ Iso' B8.ByteString String bs = iso B8.unpack B8.pack instance ToJSON HttpServiceConfiguration where toJSON HttpServiceConfiguration{..} = object [ "host" .= B8.unpack _hscHost , "port" .= _hscPort , "interface" .= B8.unpack _hscInterface , "use-tls" .= _hscUseTLS ] pHttpServiceConfiguration ∷ String → MParser HttpServiceConfiguration pHttpServiceConfiguration prefix = id <$< hscHost ∘ bs .:: strOption % long (prefix ⊕ "host") ⊕ help "Hostname of the service" <*< hscPort .:: option auto % long (prefix ⊕ "port") ⊕ help "Port of the service" <*< hscInterface ∘ bs .:: option auto % long (prefix ⊕ "interface") ⊕ help "Interface of the service" <*< (hscUseTLS %:: (fmap <$> pHttpServiceTLSConfiguration prefix)) where bs ∷ Iso' B8.ByteString String bs = iso B8.unpack B8.pack -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Http Client Configuration data HttpClientConfiguration = HttpClientConfiguration { _hccHost ∷ !B8.ByteString , _hccPort ∷ !Int , _hccUseTLS ∷ !Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) hccHost ∷ Lens' HttpClientConfiguration B8.ByteString hccHost = lens _hccHost $ \s a → s { _hccHost = a} hccPort ∷ Lens' HttpClientConfiguration Int hccPort = lens _hccPort $ \s a → s { _hccPort = a} hccUseTLS ∷ Lens' HttpClientConfiguration Bool hccUseTLS = lens _hccUseTLS $ \s a → s { _hccUseTLS = a} defaultHttpClientConfiguration ∷ HttpClientConfiguration defaultHttpClientConfiguration = HttpClientConfiguration { _hccHost = "localhost" , _hccPort = 80 , _hccUseTLS = False } validateHttpClientConfiguration ∷ ConfigValidation HttpClientConfiguration f validateHttpClientConfiguration conf = do validatePort "port" $ _hccPort conf validateNonEmpty "host" $ _hccHost conf instance FromJSON (HttpClientConfiguration → HttpClientConfiguration) where parseJSON = withObject "HttpClientConfiguration" $ \o → id <$< hccHost ∘ bs ..: "host" % o <*< hccPort ..: "port" % o <*< hccUseTLS ..: "use-tls" % o where bs ∷ Iso' B8.ByteString String bs = iso B8.unpack B8.pack instance ToJSON HttpClientConfiguration where toJSON HttpClientConfiguration{..} = object [ "host" .= B8.unpack _hccHost , "port" .= _hccPort , "use-tls" .= _hccUseTLS ] pHttpClientConfiguration ∷ String → MParser HttpClientConfiguration pHttpClientConfiguration serviceName = id <$< hccHost ∘ bs .:: strOption % long (serviceName ⊕ "-host") ⊕ help ("Hostname of " ⊕ serviceName) <*< hccPort .:: option auto % long (serviceName ⊕ "-port") ⊕ help ("Port of " ⊕ serviceName) <*< hccUseTLS .:: switch % long (serviceName ⊕ "-use-tls") ⊕ help ("Connect to " ⊕ serviceName ⊕ " via TLS") where bs ∷ Iso' B8.ByteString String bs = iso B8.unpack B8.pack httpService2clientConfiguration ∷ HttpServiceConfiguration → HttpClientConfiguration httpService2clientConfiguration HttpServiceConfiguration{..} = HttpClientConfiguration { _hccHost = _hscHost , _hccPort = _hscPort , _hccUseTLS = isJust _hscUseTLS }