{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} -- | -- Module: Main -- Copyright: Copyright © 2014-2015 AlephCloud Systems, Inc. -- License: MIT -- Maintainer: Lars Kuhtz -- Stability: experimental -- module Main ( main ) where import Tests.BoolOption import Tests.MonoidConfig import TestTools import Configuration.Utils import Configuration.Utils.Internal import Configuration.Utils.Internal.ConfigFileReader import Control.Monad import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Monoid.Unicode import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Example hiding (main) import Prelude.Unicode hiding ((×)) import PkgInfo -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main main ∷ IO () main = do -- run tests localResults ← sequence $ tests0 ⊕ monoidUpdateTests pkgInfo ⊕ boolOptionTests pkgInfo localFileResults ← localFileTests remoteResults ← remoteTests helpResults ← helpTests -- report results let (successes, failures) = L.partition id $ localResults ⊕ remoteResults ⊕ localFileResults ⊕ helpResults T.putStrLn $ "success: " ⊕ sshow (length successes) T.putStrLn $ "failures: " ⊕ sshow (length failures) unless (length failures ≡ 0) $ error "test suite failed" -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Test categories helpTests ∷ IO [Bool] helpTests = withConfigFile Yaml config0 $ \tmpPath0 → withConfigFile Json config1Part $ \tmpPath1 → sequence $ testPrintHelp [tmpPath0, tmpPath1] localFileTests ∷ IO [Bool] localFileTests = concat <$> mapM run [ (Yaml, Yaml, "yaml-yaml-") , (Json, Json, "json-json-") , (Yaml, Json, "yaml-json-") , (Json, Yaml, "json-yaml-") ] where run (format1, format2, label) = withConfigFile format1 config0 $ \tmpPath0 → withConfigFile format2 config1Part $ \tmpPath1 → sequence $ testsConfigFile ("configFile-" ⊕ label) [tmpPath0, tmpPath1] ⊕ tests2Files1 ("local-" ⊕ label) [tmpPath0, tmpPath1] ⊕ tests2Files2 ("local-" ⊕ label) (tmpPath0) (tmpPath1) ⊕ tests2Files3 ("local-" ⊕ label) (tmpPath0) (tmpPath1) remoteTests ∷ IO [Bool] #ifdef REMOTE_CONFIGS remoteTests = concat <$> mapM run [ (Just Yaml, "yaml") , (Just Json, "json") ] where typedConfigs = [("config0", ConfigType config0), ("config1", ConfigType config1Part)] textConfigs = [("invalid", "invalid: invalid")] run (format, label) = withConfigFileServer typedConfigs textConfigs format $ \httpPort httpsPort → sequence % tests2Files2 ("remote-" ⊕ label) (serverUrl httpPort ⊕ "/config0") (serverUrl httpPort ⊕ "/config1") ⊕ tests2Files3 ("remote-" ⊕ label) (serverUrl httpPort ⊕ "/config0") (serverUrl httpPort ⊕ "/config1") ⊕ testsInvalidUrl httpPort ⊕ testsTlsUrl httpPort httpsPort #else remoteTests = return [] #endif -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Test Cases -- | This always succeeds. It prints the help message for manual -- inspection. -- testPrintHelp ∷ [T.Text] → [IO Bool] testPrintHelp files = [ runTest pkgInfo (mainInfoConfigFile configFiles) "print-help" False [trueAssertion ["-?"]] ] where configFiles = zipWith ($) (ConfigFileRequired : repeat ConfigFileOptional) files testsConfigFile ∷ T.Text → [T.Text] → [IO Bool] testsConfigFile prefix files = [ runTest pkgInfo (mainInfoConfigFile configFiles0) (prefix ⊕ "-1") True [trueAssertion []] , runTest pkgInfo (mainInfoConfigFile configFiles1) (prefix ⊕ "-2") False [trueAssertion []] ] where configFiles0 = zipWith ($) (ConfigFileRequired : repeat ConfigFileOptional) (files ⊕ ["./invalid"]) configFiles1 = zipWith ($) (ConfigFileRequired : repeat ConfigFileOptional) ("./invalid":files) #ifdef REMOTE_CONFIGS -- | Test with invalid remote URLs -- testsInvalidUrl ∷ Int → [IO Bool] testsInvalidUrl httpPort = [ runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "invalidUrl-0" False [x0, d1] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "invalidUrl-1" False [x1, d1] ] where x0 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=http://invalid"] x1 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack (serverUrl httpPort) ⊕ "/invalid"] testsTlsUrl ∷ Int → Int → [IO Bool] testsTlsUrl httpPort httpsPort = [ runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-0" True [cf0, f1 c0] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-1" False [cf0t, f1 c0] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-2" False [cf0tl, f1 c0] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-3" False [cf0t, f1 c0, fingerF] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-4" True [cf0t, f1 c0, fingerT] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-5" True [insec, cf0, f1 c0] , runTest pkgInfo mainInfo "tlsUrl-6" True [insec, cf0t, f1 c0] ] where cf0 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack (serverUrl httpPort) ⊕ "/config0"] cf0t = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack (serverTlsUrl httpsPort) ⊕ "/config0"] cf0tl = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ "https://localhost:8284" ⊕ "/config0"] -- FIXME don't hardcode this insec = trueAssertion ["--config-https-insecure"] fingerF = trueAssertion ["--config-https-allow-cert=" ⊕ drop 8 (T.unpack $ serverTlsUrl httpsPort) ⊕ ":0x+SV6/D6JSIKK8pPCpaMZvMXelXb2CnJ8xWo8qi4Fo="] fingerT = trueAssertion ["--config-https-allow-cert=" ⊕ drop 8 (T.unpack $ serverTlsUrl httpsPort) ⊕ ":HK4/ZeG/3c+H5R/3eTlysmJxmrBil6w8oLdvOdHFlsg="] c0 = config0 #endif -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Tests with two configuration files -- | Tests with two configuration files -- tests2Files1 ∷ T.Text → [T.Text] → [IO Bool] tests2Files1 prefix files = twoFileCasesC0C1 (prefix ⊕ "2files-1-") files (trueAssertion []) ⊕ twoFileCasesC1C0 (prefix ⊕ "2files-1-") selif (trueAssertion []) where selif = reverse files -- | Tests with two configuration files -- tests2Files2 ∷ T.Text -- ^ test label suffix → T.Text -- ^ file for config0 → T.Text -- ^ file for config1 → [IO Bool] tests2Files2 suffix file0 file1 = twoFileCasesC0C1 ("2files-2-" ⊕ suffix) [file0] x1 ⊕ twoFileCasesC1C0 ("2files-2-" ⊕ suffix) [file1] x0 where x0 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file0] x1 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file1] -- | Tests with two configuration files -- tests2Files3 ∷ T.Text -- ^ test label suffix → T.Text -- ^ file for config0 → T.Text -- ^ file for config1 → [IO Bool] tests2Files3 suffix file0 file1 = twoFileCasesC0C1 ("2files-3-" ⊕ suffix) [] x01 ⊕ twoFileCasesC1C0 ("2files-3-" ⊕ suffix) [] x10 where x01 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file0, "--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file1] x10 = trueAssertion ["--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file1, "--config-file=" ⊕ T.unpack file0] -- | Tests with two configuration files c0 then c1 -- twoFileCasesC0C1 ∷ T.Text → [T.Text] → ConfAssertion HttpURL → [IO Bool] twoFileCasesC0C1 prefix files x = [ runf files (prefix ⊕ "c0c1-0") True [x, f1 c1, f2 c0, f3 c1, f4 c0] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c0c1-1") False [x, f1 c0] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c0c1-2") False [x, d1] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c0c1-3") False [x, f3 c0] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c0c1-4") False [x, d4] ] where c0 = config0 c1 = config1 runf = runTest pkgInfo ∘ mainInfoConfigFile ∘ map ConfigFileRequired -- | Tests with two configuration files c1 then c0 -- twoFileCasesC1C0 ∷ T.Text → [T.Text] → ConfAssertion HttpURL → [IO Bool] twoFileCasesC1C0 prefix files x = [ runf files (prefix ⊕ "c1c0-0") True [x, f1 c0, f2 c0, f3 c0, f4 c0] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c1c0-1") False [x, f1 c1] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c1c0-2") False [x, f2 c1] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c1c0-3") False [x, f3 c1] , runf files (prefix ⊕ "c1c0-4") False [x, f4 c1] ] where c0 = config0 c1 = config1 runf = runTest pkgInfo ∘ mainInfoConfigFile ∘ map ConfigFileRequired -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Command Line argument tests -- | Command Line argument test -- tests0 ∷ [IO Bool] tests0 = [ run "test0" False [d1, d2, d3, d4] , run "test1" True [t0, d2, d3, d4] , run "test2" True [t1, d2, d3, d4] , run "test3" True [d1, t2, d3, d4] , run "test4" False [d1, d2, t3, d4] , run "test5" False [d1, d2, d3, t4] , run "test6" False [t0, t1, d2, d3, d4] , run "test7" True [t0, t2, d3, d4] , run "test8" True [t0, d2, t3, d4] , run "test9" True [t0, d2, d3, t4] , run "test10" True [t1, t2, d3, d4] , run "test11" True [t1, d2, t3, d4] , run "test12" True [t1, d2, d3, t4] , run "test13" True [d1, t2, t3, d4] , run "test14" True [d1, t2, d3, t4] , run "test15" False [d1, d2, t3, t4] , run "test16" False [t0, t1, t2, d3, d4] , run "test17" False [t0, t1, t3, d4] , run "test18" False [t0, t1, d3, t4] , run "test19" True [t0, t2, t3, d4] , run "test20" True [t0, t2, d3, t4] , run "test21" True [t0, d2, t3, t4] , run "test22" True [t1, t2, t3, d4] , run "test23" True [t1, t2, d3, t4] , run "test24" True [t1, d2, t3, t4] , run "test25" True [d1, t2, t3, t4] , run "test26" False [t0, t1, t2, t3, d4] , run "test27" False [t0, t1, t2, d3, t4] , run "test28" False [t0, t1, d2, t3, t4] , run "test29" True [t0, t2, t3, t4] , run "test30" True [t1, t2, t3, t4] , run "test31" False [t0, t1, t2, t3, t4] ] where run = runTest pkgInfo mainInfo -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Test Data -- | Test configuration 0 -- config0 ∷ HttpURL config0 = defaultHttpURL { _domain = "f0_localhost" , _path = "f0_path" , _auth = defaultAuth { _user = "f0_user" , _pwd = "f0_pwd" } } -- | Test configuration 1 -- config1 ∷ HttpURL config1 = defaultHttpURL { _domain = "f1_localhost" , _path = "f1_path" , _auth = defaultAuth { _user = "f1_user" , _pwd = "f1_pwd" } } -- | A partial version of configuration 1 -- config1Part ∷ Value config1Part = object [ "domain" .= view domain config1 , "auth" .= object [ "user" .= view (auth ∘ user) config1 ] ] mainInfo ∷ ProgramInfoValidate HttpURL [] mainInfo = programInfoValidate "HTTP URL" pHttpURL defaultHttpURL validateHttpURL mainInfoConfigFile ∷ [ConfigFile] → ProgramInfoValidate HttpURL [] mainInfoConfigFile files = set piConfigurationFiles files mainInfo -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Building blocks for tests -- assert values from given configuration f1 ∷ HttpURL → ConfAssertion HttpURL f1 conf = ConfAssertion [] domain (view domain conf) f2 ∷ HttpURL → ConfAssertion HttpURL f2 conf = ConfAssertion [] path (view path conf) f3 ∷ HttpURL → ConfAssertion HttpURL f3 conf = ConfAssertion [] (auth ∘ user) (view (auth ∘ user) conf) f4 ∷ HttpURL → ConfAssertion HttpURL f4 conf = ConfAssertion [] (auth ∘ pwd) (view (auth ∘ pwd) conf) -- assert default values d1 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL d1 = f1 defaultHttpURL d2 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL d2 = f2 defaultHttpURL d3 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL d3 = f3 defaultHttpURL d4 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL d4 = f4 defaultHttpURL -- assert values from command line -- t0 and t1 are the same option t0 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL t0 = ConfAssertion ["--domain=c_localhost"] domain "c_localhost" t1 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL t1 = ConfAssertion ["-d", "c_localhost"] domain "c_localhost" t2 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL t2 = ConfAssertion ["--path=c_abc"] path "c_abc" t3 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL t3 = ConfAssertion ["--user=c_u"] (auth ∘ user) "c_u" t4 ∷ ConfAssertion HttpURL t4 = ConfAssertion ["--pwd=c_pwd"] (auth ∘ pwd) "c_pwd"