{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ViewPatterns, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveDataTypeable         #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Data.Configurator.Config.Implementation
-- Copyright:   (c) 2015-2016 Leon P Smith
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Leon P Smith <leon@melding-monads.com>

module Data.Configurator.Config.Implementation where

import           Prelude hiding ((++),null)
import           Control.Applicative
-- import           Control.Arrow(first)
import           Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
--import           Data.Ratio
--import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.Configurator.Types.Internal hiding (Group)
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.CritBit.Map.Lazy (CritBit)
import qualified Data.CritBit.Map.Lazy as CB
import qualified Data.List.Ordered as OL
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Function (on)
import           Data.Text(Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
--import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TB
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.RealFloat as TB

data ConfigPlan a
    = Subconfig   Text (ConfigPlan a)
    | Superconfig Text (ConfigPlan a)
    | Union       (ConfigPlan a) (ConfigPlan a)
    | ConfigPlan  a
    | Empty
      deriving (Show, Typeable, Functor)

addPrefix :: Name -> Name -> Name
addPrefix pre key
    | T.null pre = key
    | T.null key = pre
    | otherwise  = T.concat [pre, ".", key]

stripPrefix :: Name -> Name -> Maybe Name
stripPrefix pre key =
    if   T.null pre
    then Just key
    else case T.stripPrefix pre key of
           Nothing -> Nothing
           Just key' -> if   T.null key'
                        then Just T.empty
                        else T.stripPrefix "." key'

foldPlan :: b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (Text -> a -> b) -> Text -> ConfigPlan a -> b
foldPlan empty union lookup = loop
    loop key  (Subconfig   pre pl ) = loop (addPrefix pre key) pl
    loop key  (Superconfig pre pl ) = case stripPrefix pre key of
                                        Nothing   -> empty
                                        Just key' -> loop key' pl
    loop key  (Union       pl1 pl2) = loop key pl1 `union` loop key pl2
    loop key  (ConfigPlan  a      ) = lookup key a
    loop _key  Empty                = empty
{-# INLINE foldPlan #-}

type ConfigMap a = ConfigPlan (CB.CritBit Text a)

-- | A 'Config' is a finite map from 'Text' to 'Value'.
newtype Config = Config (ConfigMap Value)

-- | FIXME: improve this implementation.
subassocs :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> [(Text,a)]
subassocs key c = filter pred (subassocs' key c)
    pred (name,_) = case stripPrefix key name of
                      Nothing -> False -- shouldn't happen
                      Just name' -> T.find ('.'==) name' == Nothing

subassocs' :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> [(Text,a)]
subassocs' key c = subassocs_ subassocsMap key c

lookup :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> Maybe a
lookup = foldPlan Nothing (<|>) CB.lookup

lookupWithName :: Name -> ConfigMap a -> Maybe (Name,a)
lookupWithName = foldPlan Nothing (<|>) (\k m -> (k,) <$> CB.lookup k m)

subassocs_ :: (Text -> a -> [(Text,b)])
           -> Text -> ConfigPlan a -> [(Text,b)]
subassocs_ subassocs = loop
    addPrefixes pre
        | T.null pre = id
        | otherwise  = map (\(k,v) -> (addPrefix pre k,v))

    stripPrefixes pre
        | T.null pre = id
        | otherwise  = mapMaybe $ \(k,v) -> case stripPrefix pre k of
                                              Nothing -> Nothing
                                              Just k' -> Just (k',v)

    loop !_key Empty = []
    loop !key (Subconfig   pre pl) =
        stripPrefixes pre (loop (addPrefix pre key) pl)
    loop !key (Superconfig pre pl) =
        if T.length key <= T.length pre
        then case stripPrefix key pre of
               Nothing    -> []
               Just _pre' -> addPrefixes pre (loop T.empty pl)
        else case stripPrefix pre key of
               Nothing    -> []
               Just key'  -> addPrefixes pre (loop key' pl)
    loop !key (Union pl1 pl2) =
        OL.unionBy (compare `on` fst) (loop key pl1) (loop key pl2)
    loop !key (ConfigPlan map) = subassocs key map

submap :: Text -> CritBit Text a -> CritBit Text a
submap key map
    | T.null key = map
    | otherwise  = let (_ , gt) = CB.split (key <> ".")  map
                       (lt, _ ) = CB.split (key <> ".~") gt
                    in lt

subassocsMap :: Text -> CritBit Text a -> [(Text, a)]
subassocsMap key map = CB.assocs (submap key map)

null :: ConfigPlan (CritBit Text a) -> Bool
null = foldPlan True (&&) nullSubmap T.empty

nullSubmap :: Text -> CritBit Text a -> Bool
-- nullSubmap key map = CB.null (submap key map)
nullSubmap key map =
    if T.null key
    then CB.null map
    else case CB.lookupGT key map of
           Nothing -> True
           Just (key', _) ->
               case stripPrefix key key' of
                 Nothing -> False
                 Just _  -> True

subgroups :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> [Text]
subgroups = loop
    stripPrefixes pre
        | T.null pre = id
        | otherwise  = mapMaybe (stripPrefix pre)

    addPrefixes pre
        | T.null pre = id
        | otherwise  = map (addPrefix pre)

    loop !_key Empty = []
    loop !key (Subconfig   pre pl) =
        stripPrefixes pre (loop (addPrefix pre key) pl)
    loop !key (Superconfig pre pl) =
        if T.length pre <= T.length key
        then case stripPrefix pre key of
               Nothing    -> []
               Just key'  -> addPrefixes pre (loop key' pl)
        else case stripPrefix key pre of
               Nothing    -> []
               Just pre'  -> if null pl
                             then []
                             else [addPrefix key (T.takeWhile ('.' /=) pre')]
    loop !key (Union  pl1 pl2) =
        OL.unionBy compare (loop key pl1) (loop key pl2)
    loop !key (ConfigPlan map) = subgroupsMap key map

subgroupsMap :: Text -> CritBit Text a -> [Text]
subgroupsMap pre_ map = loop (CB.lookupGT pre map)
    pre | T.null pre_ = T.empty
        | otherwise   = pre_ <> "."
    loop Nothing = []
    loop (Just (key,_)) =
        case T.stripPrefix pre key of
          Nothing -> []
          Just sfx -> let (sfxa, sfxz) = T.break ('.' ==) sfx
                       in if T.null sfxz
                          then loop (CB.lookupGT key map)
                          else let key' = pre <> sfxa
                                in key' : loop (CB.lookupGT (key' <> "/") map)

union :: ConfigMap a -> ConfigMap a -> ConfigMap a
union x y
    | null x    = y
    | null y    = x
    | otherwise = Union x y

subconfig :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> ConfigMap a
subconfig = \k c -> if T.null k then c else loop k c
    loop k c =
        case c of
          Empty -> Empty
          Union a b -> union (loop k a) (loop k b)
          Superconfig kk cc ->
            if T.length k <= T.length kk
            then case stripPrefix k kk of
                   Nothing  -> Empty
                   Just kk' -> if T.null kk'
                               then cc
                               else Superconfig kk' cc
            else case stripPrefix kk k of
                   Nothing  -> Empty
                   Just k'  -> loop k' cc
          ConfigPlan map ->
            let map' = submap k map
             in if CB.null map'
                then Empty
                else Subconfig k (ConfigPlan map')
          (Subconfig _ _) ->
            let c' = Subconfig k c
             in if null c'
                then Empty
                else c'

superconfig :: Text -> ConfigMap a -> ConfigMap a
superconfig k c =
    if T.null k
    then c
    else if null c
         then Empty
         else Superconfig k c