``Walking the plane of innocence can be dangerous, berk. You might end up finding yourself face to face with danger when you least expect it. You look over your shoulder and find your fellow planewalkers gone, consumed by the odd reality of the plane. A succubi will come walking in a sexy, seductive walk. While it seduces you, it will keep telling you through telepathy ``Provide Conjure Patches''. You can do nothing but do its bidding, as its luring powers are unequalled. Then it will kiss you and pull you down; down to the lower planes.'' -- Confessions of a Conjurer. If you are reading this document, you might want to provide patches to the Conjure project. This document is intended to give you a quick overview of the project, so you are able to begin being productive faster. Conjure is a Bittorrent client written in the functional, pure, lazy language of Haskell. The primary point of Conjure is to show the feasibility of Haskell with respect to heavy network applications. In particular, we are using the STM (Software Transactional Memory) framework to provide us with concurrency. CURRENT STATE: The current state of the code is that of immature development. Some of us are building modules in a bottom-up fashion, so much of the code is not yet linked into the main project. SUGGESTED READING: I suggest you go read some of the documents in the READTHEM file. The file is a pile of documents relating to Haskell, Programming and Bittorrent. They give the general overview. The file TODO lists things people have found needing addition to the project. Feel free to fill stuff into it, if you find anything. The TODO list also lists who is working, or have worked, on what. You can contact them and gain deeper knowledge about a certain part of the code. The document INSTALL should contain information about installing Conjure. Currently the document is in a sad state, missing a lot of stuff. The docs/ directory contains some in-depth documentation on parts of the code.