The purpose of the READTHEM document is to provide newcomers with some information and documentation. I, jlouis, encourage all wanting to work on parts of the protocol to read the documents here. It is much easier to do stuff on the project, when you know the intrisics. Bram Cohen did a tremendous job and the torrent specification is quite succint. The initial developer guide is the file DEVELOPING in this very directory The Bittorrent protocol specification is at The Bittorrent economics paper is at Another, nicer-looking page documenting the protocol is at A student project aimed to produce RFC for BitTorrent protocol is at Interesting paper about BitTorrent performance ``Composeable Memory Transactions'' -- Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton Jones and Maurice Herlihy. This document describes the base behind the Control.Concurrent.STM library in Haskell. Conjure will make heavy use of these primitives, so reading about them might be a good idea if you want to hack on the project. All the project documentation resides in the repository under ./docs Typing ``runhaskell Setup.lhs haddock'' will build the source code haddock documentation in the following directory (if you haven't told cabal otherwise): ./dist/doc/html/conjure