{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Data.Constraint.Deriving.DeriveAll ( DeriveAll (..), DeriveContext , deriveAllPass , CorePluginEnvRef, initCorePluginEnv ) where import Class (Class, classTyCon) import CoAxiom (CoAxBranch, coAxBranchIncomps, coAxBranchLHS, coAxBranchRHS, coAxiomBranches, coAxiomSingleBranch, fromBranches) import Control.Applicative (Alternative (..)) import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (join, unless) import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import qualified Data.Kind (Constraint, Type) import Data.List (groupBy, isPrefixOf, nubBy, sortOn) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid import qualified FamInstEnv import GhcPlugins hiding (OverlapMode (..), overlapMode, (<>)) import qualified GhcPlugins import InstEnv (ClsInst, DFunInstType) import qualified InstEnv import qualified OccName import Panic (panicDoc) import TcType (tcSplitDFunTy) import qualified Unify #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 810 import Predicate #endif import Data.Constraint.Deriving.CorePluginM -- | A marker to tell the core plugin to derive all visible class instances -- for a given newtype. -- -- The deriving logic is to simply re-use existing instance dictionaries -- by type-casting. data DeriveAll = DeriveAll -- ^ Same as @DeriveAllBut []@. | DeriveAllBut { _ignoreList :: [String] } -- ^ Specify a list of class names to ignore | DeriveAll' { _forcedMode :: OverlapMode, _ignoreList :: [String] } -- ^ Specify an overlap mode and a list of class names to ignore deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Data) -- | This type family is used to impose constraints on type parameters when -- looking up type instances for the `DeriveAll` core plugin. -- -- `DeriveAll` uses only those instances that satisfy the specified constraint. -- If the constraint is not specified, it is assumed to be `()`. type family DeriveContext (t :: Data.Kind.Type) :: Data.Kind.Constraint -- | Run `DeriveAll` plugin pass deriveAllPass :: CorePluginEnvRef -> CoreToDo deriveAllPass eref = CoreDoPluginPass "Data.Constraint.Deriving.DeriveAll" -- if a plugin pass totally fails to do anything useful, -- copy original ModGuts as its output, so that next passes can do their jobs. (\x -> fromMaybe x <$> runCorePluginM (deriveAllPass' x) eref) {- Derive all specific instances of a type for its newtype wrapper. Steps: 1. Lookup a type or type family instances (branches of CoAxiom) of referenced by the newtype decl 2. For every type instance: 2.1 Lookup all class instances 2.2 For every class instance: * Use mkLocalInstance with parameters of found instance and replaced RHS types * Create a corresponding top-level binding (DFunId), add it to mg_binds of ModGuts. * Add new instance to (mg_insts :: [ClsInst]) of ModGuts * Update mg_inst_env of ModGuts accordingly. -} deriveAllPass' :: ModGuts -> CorePluginM ModGuts deriveAllPass' gs = go (mg_tcs gs) annotateds gs where annotateds :: UniqFM [(Name, DeriveAll)] annotateds = getModuleAnns gs go :: [TyCon] -> UniqFM [(Name, DeriveAll)] -> ModGuts -> CorePluginM ModGuts -- All exports are processed, just return ModGuts go [] anns guts = do unless (isNullUFM anns) $ pluginWarning $ "One or more DeriveAll annotations are ignored:" $+$ vcat (map (pprBulletNameLoc . fst) . join $ eltsUFM anns) $+$ "Note, DeriveAll is meant to be used only on type declarations." return guts -- process type definitions present in the set of annotations go (x:xs) anns guts | Just ((xn, da):ds) <- lookupUFM anns x = do unless (null ds) $ pluginLocatedWarning (nameSrcSpan xn) $ "Ignoring redundant DeriveAll annotations" $$ hcat [ "(the plugin needs only one annotation per type declaration, but got " , speakN (length ds + 1) , ")" ] pluginDebug $ "DeriveAll invoked on TyCon" <+> ppr x (newInstances, newBinds) <- unzip . fromMaybe [] <$> try (deriveAll da x guts) -- add new definitions and continue go xs (delFromUFM anns x) guts { mg_insts = newInstances ++ mg_insts guts -- I decided to not modify mg_inst_env so that DeriveAll-derived instances -- do not refer to each other. -- Overwise, the result of the plugin would depend on the order of -- type declaration, which would be not good at all. -- , mg_inst_env = InstEnv.extendInstEnvList (mg_inst_env guts) newInstances , mg_binds = newBinds ++ mg_binds guts } -- ignore the rest of type definitions go (_:xs) anns guts = go xs anns guts pprBulletNameLoc n = hsep [" ", bullet, ppr $ occName n, ppr $ nameSrcSpan n] {- | At this point, the plugin has found a candidate type. The first thing I do here is to make sure this is indeed a proper newtype declaration. Then, lookup the DeriveContext-specified constraints. Then, enumerate specific type instances (based on constraints and type families in the newtype def.) Then, lookup all class instances for the found type instances. -} deriveAll :: DeriveAll -> TyCon -> ModGuts -> CorePluginM [(InstEnv.ClsInst, CoreBind)] deriveAll da tyCon guts -- match good newtypes only | True <- isNewTyCon tyCon , False <- isClassTyCon tyCon , [dataCon] <- tyConDataCons tyCon = do dcInsts <- lookupDeriveContextInstances guts tyCon pluginDebug . hang "DeriveAll (1): DeriveContext instances:" 2 . vcat $ map ppr dcInsts unpackedInsts <- if null dcInsts then (:[]) <$> mockInstance tyCon else return $ map unpackInstance dcInsts pluginDebug . hang "DeriveAll (1): DeriveContext instance parameters and RHSs:" 2 . vcat $ map ppr unpackedInsts allMatchingTypes <- join <$> traverse (lookupMatchingBaseTypes guts tyCon dataCon) unpackedInsts pluginDebug . hang "DeriveAll (2): matching base types:" 2 . vcat $ map ppr allMatchingTypes r <- join <$> traverse (lookupMatchingInstances da guts) allMatchingTypes pluginDebug . hang "DeriveAll (3): matching class instances:" 2 . vcat $ map (ppr . fst) r return $ filterDupInsts r -- not a good newtype declaration | otherwise = pluginLocatedError (nameSrcSpan $ tyConName tyCon) "DeriveAll works only on plain newtype declarations" where -- O(n^2) search for duplicates. Slow, but what else can I do?.. filterDupInsts = nubBy $ \(x,_) (y, _) -> InstEnv.identicalClsInstHead x y mockInstance tc = do let tvs = tyConTyVars tc tys = mkTyVarTys tvs rhs <- ask tyEmptyConstraint return (tys, rhs) unpackInstance i = let tys = case tyConAppArgs_maybe <$> FamInstEnv.fi_tys i of [Just ts] -> ts _ -> panicDoc "DeriveAll" $ hsep [ "I faced an impossible type when" <+> "matching an instance of type family DeriveContext:" , ppr i, "at" , ppr $ nameSrcSpan $ getName i] rhs = FamInstEnv.fi_rhs i in (tys, rhs) -- | Find all instance of a type family in scope by its TyCon. lookupTyFamInstances :: ModGuts -> TyCon -> CorePluginM [FamInstEnv.FamInst] lookupTyFamInstances guts fTyCon = do pkgFamInstEnv <- liftCoreM getPackageFamInstEnv return $ FamInstEnv.lookupFamInstEnvByTyCon (pkgFamInstEnv, mg_fam_inst_env guts) fTyCon -- | Find all possible instances of DeriveContext type family for a given TyCon lookupDeriveContextInstances :: ModGuts -> TyCon -> CorePluginM [FamInstEnv.FamInst] lookupDeriveContextInstances guts tyCon = do allInsts <- ask tyConDeriveContext >>= lookupTyFamInstances guts return $ filter check allInsts where check fi = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe <$> FamInstEnv.fi_tys fi of Just tc : _ -> tc == tyCon _ -> False -- | Result of base type lookup, matching, and expanding data MatchingType = MatchingType { mtCtxEqs :: [(TyVar, Type)] -- ^ Current list of constraints that I may want to process -- during type expansion or substitution , mtTheta :: ThetaType -- ^ Irreducible constraints -- (I can prepend them in the class instance declarations) , mtOverlapMode :: OverlapMode -- ^ How to declare a class instance , mtBaseType :: Type -- ^ The type behind the newtype wrapper , mtNewType :: Type -- ^ The newtype with instantiated type arguments , mtIgnoreList :: [Type] -- ^ A list of type families I have already attempted to expand once -- (e.g. wired-in type families or closed families with no equations -- or something recursive). } instance Outputable MatchingType where ppr MatchingType {..} = vcat [ "MatchingType" , "{ mtCtxEqs = " GhcPlugins.<> ppr mtCtxEqs , ", mtTheta = " GhcPlugins.<> ppr mtTheta , ", mtOverlapMode = " GhcPlugins.<> text (show mtOverlapMode) , ", mtBaseType = " GhcPlugins.<> ppr mtBaseType , ", mtNewType = " GhcPlugins.<> ppr mtNewType , ", mtIgnorelist = " GhcPlugins.<> ppr mtIgnoreList , "}" ] -- | Replace TyVar in all components of a MatchingType substMatchingType :: TCvSubst -> MatchingType -> MatchingType substMatchingType sub MatchingType {..} = MatchingType { mtCtxEqs = map (second $ substTyAddInScope sub) mtCtxEqs , mtTheta = map (substTyAddInScope sub) mtTheta , mtOverlapMode = mtOverlapMode , mtBaseType = substTyAddInScope sub mtBaseType , mtNewType = substTyAddInScope sub mtNewType , mtIgnoreList = map (substTyAddInScope sub) mtIgnoreList } replaceTyMatchingType :: Type -> Type -> MatchingType -> MatchingType replaceTyMatchingType oldt newt MatchingType {..} = MatchingType { mtCtxEqs = map (second rep) mtCtxEqs , mtTheta = map rep mtTheta , mtOverlapMode = mtOverlapMode , mtBaseType = rep mtBaseType , mtNewType = rep mtNewType , mtIgnoreList = map rep mtIgnoreList } where rep = replaceTypeOccurrences oldt newt -- | try to get rid of mtCtxEqs by replacing tyvars -- by rhs in all components of the MatchingType cleanupMatchingType :: MatchingType -> MatchingType cleanupMatchingType mt0 = go (groupLists $ mtCtxEqs mt0) mt0 { mtCtxEqs = []} where groupOn f = groupBy (\x y -> f x == f y) flattenSnd [] = [] flattenSnd ([]:xs) = flattenSnd xs flattenSnd (ts@((tv,_):_):xs) = (tv, map snd ts): flattenSnd xs groupLists = flattenSnd . groupOn fst . sortOn fst go :: [(TyVar, [Type])] -> MatchingType -> MatchingType go [] mt = mt go ((_, []):xs) mt = go xs mt -- TyVar occurs once in mtCtxEqs: I can safely replace it in the type. go ((tv,[ty]):xs) mt = let sub = extendTCvSubst emptyTCvSubst tv ty in go (map (second (map $ substTyAddInScope sub)) xs) $ substMatchingType sub mt -- TyVar occurs more than once: it may indicate -- a trivial substition or contradiction go ((tv, tys):xs) mt = case removeEqualTypes tys of [] -> go xs mt -- redundant, but compiler is happy [t] -> go ((tv, [t]):xs) mt ts -> go xs mt { mtCtxEqs = mtCtxEqs mt ++ map ((,) tv) ts } removeEqualTypes [] = [] removeEqualTypes [t] = [t] removeEqualTypes (t:ts) | any (eqType t) ts = removeEqualTypes ts | otherwise = t : removeEqualTypes ts -- | Try to strip trailing TyVars from the base and newtypes, -- thus matching higher-kinded types. -- This way I can also derive things like Monad & co tryHigherRanks :: MatchingType -> [MatchingType] tryHigherRanks mt@MatchingType {..} | Just (mtBaseType', bt) <- splitAppTy_maybe mtBaseType , Just (mtNewType' , nt) <- splitAppTy_maybe mtNewType , Just btv <- getTyVar_maybe bt , Just ntv <- getTyVar_maybe nt , btv == ntv -- No constraints or anything else involving our TyVar , not . elem btv . (map fst mtCtxEqs ++) . tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped $ [mtBaseType', mtNewType'] ++ map snd mtCtxEqs ++ mtTheta ++ mtIgnoreList = let mt' = mt { mtBaseType = mtBaseType' , mtNewType = mtNewType' } in mt : tryHigherRanks mt' tryHigherRanks mt = [mt] -- | For a given type and constraints, enumerate all possible concrete types; -- specify overlapping mode if encountered with conflicting instances of -- closed type families. -- lookupMatchingBaseTypes :: ModGuts -> TyCon -> DataCon -> ([Type], Type) -> CorePluginM [MatchingType] lookupMatchingBaseTypes guts tyCon dataCon (tys, constraints) = do ftheta <- filterTheta theta let initMt = MatchingType { mtCtxEqs = fst ftheta , mtTheta = snd ftheta , mtOverlapMode = NoOverlap , mtBaseType = baseType , mtNewType = newType , mtIgnoreList = [] } (>>= tryHigherRanks . cleanupMatchingType) . take 1000 -- TODO: improve the logic and the termination rule <$> go (cleanupMatchingType initMt) where go :: MatchingType -> CorePluginM [MatchingType] go mt = expandOneFamily guts mt >>= \case Nothing -> pure [mt] Just mts -> join <$> traverse go mts newType = mkTyConApp tyCon tys -- mkFunTys theta $ mkTyConApp tyCon tys theta = splitCts constraints ++ dataConstraints splitCts c = case splitTyConApp_maybe c of Nothing -> [c] Just (tc, ts) -> if isCTupleTyConName $ getName tc then foldMap splitCts ts else [c] (dataConstraints, baseType) = case dataConInstSig dataCon tys of ([], cts, [bt]) -> (cts, bt) _ -> panicDoc "DeriveAll" $ hsep [ "Impossible happened:" , "expected a newtype constructor" , "with no existential tyvars and a single type argument," , "but got", ppr dataCon , "at", ppr $ nameSrcSpan $ getName dataCon ] {- New plan for generating matching types Split ThetaType into two lists: [(TyVar, Type)] and the rest of ThetaType The rest of ThetaType is considered not useful; it will be just appended to a list of constraints in the result types. [(TyVar, Type)] is a list of equality constraints that might help the algorithm. I want to perform three operations related to this list: [1] Add new tyVar ~ TypeFamily, from type family occurrences in the base or newtypes (but also check this type family is not present in the eqs?) [2] Remove an item (TypeFamily) from the list by substituting all possible type family instances into the the base type, the newtype, and the list of constraints. [3] Remove a non-TypeFamily item (i.e. a proper data/newtype TyCon) by substituting TyVar with this type in the base type, the newtype, and the list of constraints. Actions [1,2] may lead to an infinite expansion (recursive families) so I need to bound the number of iterations. An approximate implementation plan: 1. Apply [1] until no type families present in the basetype or the newtype 2. Apply [2] or [3] until no esq left??? -} -- | Split constraints into two groups: -- 1. The ones used as substitutions -- 2. Irreducible ones w.r.t. the type expansion algorithm filterTheta :: ThetaType -> CorePluginM ([(TyVar, Type)], ThetaType) filterTheta = fmap (partitionEithers . join) . traverse (\t -> do teqClass <- ask classTypeEq filterTheta' teqClass t ) -- "worker" part of filterTheta (with a provided reference to "~") filterTheta' :: Class -> Type -> CorePluginM [Either (TyVar, Type) PredType] filterTheta' teqClass t = go (classifyPredType t) where go (EqPred _ t1 t2) | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe t1 = return [Left (tv, t2)] | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe t2 = return [Left (tv, t1)] | otherwise = do tv <- newTyVar (typeKind t1) return [Left (tv, t1), Left (tv, t2)] go (ClassPred c ts) | c == heqClass , [_, _, t1, t2] <- ts -- nominal or rep-al equality does not matter here, because -- I don't distinguish between those a few lines above. = go (EqPred ReprEq t1 t2) | c == teqClass , [_, t1, t2] <- ts = go (EqPred ReprEq t1 t2) | otherwise = return [Right t] go _ = return [Right t] expandOneFamily :: ModGuts -> MatchingType -> CorePluginM (Maybe [MatchingType]) expandOneFamily guts mt@MatchingType{..} = case mfam of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (ff, t) -> expandFamily guts ff t >>= \case Nothing -> return $ Just [mt { mtIgnoreList = t : mtIgnoreList }] Just es -> return $ Just $ map (toMT t) es where -- first, substitute all type variables, -- then substitute family occurrence with RHS of the axiom (rezt) toMT ft (omode, rezt, subst) = let famOcc = substTyAddInScope subst ft newMt = substMatchingType subst mt in if eqType ft rezt then mt { mtIgnoreList = ft : mtIgnoreList } else replaceTyMatchingType famOcc rezt newMt { mtOverlapMode = omode } -- Lookup through all components look = First . lookupFamily mtIgnoreList First mfam = mconcat [ foldMap (look . snd) mtCtxEqs , foldMap look mtTheta , look mtBaseType , look mtNewType ] -- -- TODO: Not sure if I need it at all; -- most of the API functions look through synonyms -- -- | Try to remove all occurrences of type synonyms. -- clearSynonyms :: Type -> Type -- clearSynonyms t' -- -- split type constructors -- | Just (tyCon, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t -- = mkTyConApp tyCon $ map clearSynonyms tys -- -- split foralls -- | (bndrs@(_:_), t1) <- splitForAllTys t -- = mkSpecForAllTys bndrs $ clearSynonyms t1 -- -- split arrow types -- | Just (at, rt) <- splitFunTy_maybe t -- = mkFunTy (clearSynonyms at) (clearSynonyms rt) -- | otherwise -- = t -- where -- stripOuter x = case tcView x of -- Nothing -> x -- Just y -> stripOuter y -- t = stripOuter t' -- | Depth-first lookup of the first occurrence of any type family. -- First argument is a list of types to ignore. lookupFamily :: [Type] -> Type -> Maybe (FamTyConFlav, Type) lookupFamily ignoreLst t -- split type constructors | Just (tyCon, tys) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t = case foldMap (First . lookupFamily ignoreLst) tys of First (Just r) -> Just r First Nothing -> famTyConFlav_maybe tyCon >>= \ff -> if any (eqType t) ignoreLst then Nothing else Just (ff, t) -- split foralls | (_:_, t') <- splitForAllTys t = lookupFamily ignoreLst t' -- split arrow types | Just (at, rt) <- splitFunTy_maybe t = lookupFamily ignoreLst at <|> lookupFamily ignoreLst rt | otherwise = Nothing -- | Enumerate available family instances and substitute type arguments, -- such that original type family can be replaced with any -- of the types in the output list. -- It passes a TCvSubst alongside with the substituted Type. -- The substituted Type may have TyVars from the result set of the substitution, -- thus I must be careful with using it: -- either somehow substitute back these tyvars from the result, -- or substitute the whole type that contains this family occurrence. -- -- return Nothing means cannot expand family (shall use it as-is); -- return (Just []) means all instances contradict family arguments. expandFamily :: ModGuts -> FamTyConFlav -> Type -> CorePluginM (Maybe [(OverlapMode, Type, TCvSubst)]) -- cannot help here expandFamily _ AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon{} _ = pure Nothing -- .. and here expandFamily _ BuiltInSynFamTyCon{} _ = pure Nothing -- .. closed type families with no equations cannot be helped either expandFamily _ (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing) _ = pure Nothing -- For a closed type family, equations are accessible right there expandFamily _ (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just coax)) ft = withFamily ft (pure Nothing) $ const $ expandClosedFamily os bcs where bcs = fromBranches $ coAxiomBranches coax os = if any (not . null . coAxBranchIncomps) bcs then map overlap bcs else repeat NoOverlap overlap cb = if null $ coAxBranchIncomps cb then Overlapping else Incoherent -- For a data family or an open type family, I need to lookup instances -- in the family instance environment. expandFamily guts DataFamilyTyCon{} ft = withFamily ft (pure Nothing) $ expandDataFamily guts expandFamily guts OpenSynFamilyTyCon ft = withFamily ft (pure Nothing) $ expandOpenFamily guts withFamily :: Type -> a -> (TyCon -> [Type] -> a) -> a withFamily ft def f = case splitTyConApp_maybe ft of Nothing -> def Just (tc, ts) -> f tc ts -- | The same as `expandFamily`, but I know already that the family is closed. expandClosedFamily :: [OverlapMode] -> [CoAxBranch] -> [Type] -> CorePluginM (Maybe [(OverlapMode, Type, TCvSubst)]) -- empty type family -- leave it as-is expandClosedFamily _ [] _ = pure Nothing expandClosedFamily os bs fTyArgs = fmap (Just . catMaybes) $ traverse go $ zip os bs where go (om, cb) = do let flhs' = coAxBranchLHS cb n = length flhs' tvs' = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped flhs' tvs <- traverse freshenTyVar tvs' let freshenSub = zipTvSubst tvs' $ map mkTyVarTy tvs flhs = substTys freshenSub flhs' frhs = substTyAddInScope freshenSub $ coAxBranchRHS cb t = foldl mkAppTy frhs $ drop n fTyArgs msub = Unify.tcMatchTys (take n fTyArgs) flhs return $ (,,) om t <$> msub -- | The same as `expandFamily`, but I know already that the family is open. expandOpenFamily :: ModGuts -> TyCon -- ^ Type family construtor -> [Type] -- ^ Type family arguments -> CorePluginM (Maybe [(OverlapMode, Type, TCvSubst)]) expandOpenFamily guts fTyCon fTyArgs = do tfInsts <- lookupTyFamInstances guts fTyCon if null tfInsts then pure $ Just [] -- No mercy else expandClosedFamily (repeat NoOverlap) (coAxiomSingleBranch . FamInstEnv.famInstAxiom <$> tfInsts) fTyArgs -- | The same as `expandFamily`, but I know already that this is a data family. expandDataFamily :: ModGuts -> TyCon -- ^ Type family construtor -> [Type] -- ^ Type family arguments -> CorePluginM (Maybe [(OverlapMode, Type, TCvSubst)]) expandDataFamily guts fTyCon fTyArgs = do tfInsts <- lookupTyFamInstances guts fTyCon if null tfInsts then pure $ Just [] -- No mercy else sequence <$> traverse expandDInstance tfInsts where expandDInstance inst | fitvs <- FamInstEnv.fi_tvs inst = do tvs <- traverse freshenTyVar $ fitvs let freshenSub = zipTvSubst fitvs $ map mkTyVarTy tvs fitys = substTys freshenSub $ FamInstEnv.fi_tys inst instTyArgs = align fTyArgs fitys return $ (,,) NoOverlap (mkTyConApp fTyCon instTyArgs) <$> Unify.tcMatchTys fTyArgs instTyArgs align [] _ = [] align xs [] = xs align (_:xs) (y:ys) = y : align xs ys data MatchingInstance = MatchingInstance { miInst :: ClsInst -- ^ Original found instance for the base type (as declared somewhere); -- It contains the signature and original DFunId , miInstTyVars :: [DFunInstType] -- ^ How TyVars of miOrigBaseClsInst should be replaced to make it as -- an instance for the base type; -- e.g. a TyVar may be instantiated with a concrete type -- (which may or may not contain more type variables). , miTheta :: [(PredType, MatchingPredType)] -- ^ Original pred types and how they are going to be transformed } instance Outputable MatchingInstance where ppr MatchingInstance {..} = hang "MatchingInstance" 2 $ vcat [ "{ miInst =" <+> ppr miInst , ", miInstTyVars =" <+> ppr miInstTyVars , ", miTheta =" <+> ppr miTheta ] {- Resolving theta types: 1. Class constraints: every time check a. if there is an instance, substitute corresponding DFunIds and be happy. b. if there is no instance and no tyvars, then fail c. otherwise propagate the constraint further. 2. Equality constraints: check equality a. Types are equal (and tyvars inside equal as well): Substitute mkReflCo b. Types are unifiable: Propagate constraint further c. Types are non-unifiable: Discard the whole instance declaration. -} data MatchingPredType = MptInstance MatchingInstance -- ^ Found an instance | MptReflexive Coercion -- ^ The equality become reflexive after a tyvar substitution | MptPropagateAs PredType -- ^ Could do nothing, but there is still hope due to the present tyvars instance Outputable MatchingPredType where ppr (MptInstance x) = "MptInstance" <+> ppr x ppr (MptReflexive x) = "MptReflexive" <+> ppr x ppr (MptPropagateAs x) = "MptPropagateAs" <+> ppr x findInstance :: InstEnv.InstEnvs -> Type -> ClsInst -> Maybe MatchingInstance findInstance ie t i | -- Most important: some part of the instance parameters must unify to arg Just sub <- getFirst $ foldMap (First . flip (recMatchTyKi False) t) iTyPams -- substituted type parameters of the class , newTyPams <- map (substTyAddInScope sub) iTyPams -- This tells us how instance tyvars change after matching the type = matchInstance ie iClass newTyPams | otherwise = Nothing where (_, _, iClass, iTyPams) = InstEnv.instanceSig i matchInstance :: InstEnv.InstEnvs -> Class -> [Type] -> Maybe MatchingInstance matchInstance ie cls ts | ([(i, tyVarSubs)], _notMatchButUnify, _safeHaskellStuff) <- InstEnv.lookupInstEnv False ie cls ts , (iTyVars, iTheta, _, _) <- InstEnv.instanceSig i , sub <- mkTvSubstPrs . catMaybes $ zipWith (fmap . (,)) iTyVars tyVarSubs = do -- the following line checks if constraints are solvable and fails otherwise mpts <- traverse (matchPredType ie . substTyAddInScope sub) iTheta return MatchingInstance { miInst = i , miInstTyVars = tyVarSubs , miTheta = zip iTheta mpts } | otherwise = Nothing matchPredType :: InstEnv.InstEnvs -> PredType -> Maybe MatchingPredType matchPredType ie pt = go $ classifyPredType pt where go (ClassPred cls ts) | Just mi <- matchInstance ie cls ts = Just $ MptInstance mi -- we could not find an instance, but also there are no tyvars (and no hope) | [] <- tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped ts = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ MptPropagateAs pt go (EqPred rel t1 t2) | eqType t1 t2 = Just . MptReflexive $ case rel of NomEq -> mkReflCo Nominal t1 ReprEq -> mkReflCo Representational t1 | Unify.typesCantMatch [(t1,t2)] = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ MptPropagateAs pt go _ = Just $ MptPropagateAs pt type TyExp = (Type, CoreExpr) type TyBndr = (Type, CoreBndr) mtmiToExpression :: MatchingType -> MatchingInstance -> CorePluginM TyExp mtmiToExpression MatchingType {..} mi = do (bndrs, (tOrig, e)) <- miToExpression' [] mi let extraTheta = filter (\t -> not $ any (eqType t . fst) bndrs) mtTheta tRepl = replaceTypeOccurrences mtBaseType mtNewType tOrig tFun = mkInvisFunTys (extraTheta ++ map fst bndrs) tRepl tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypeWellScoped tFun return ( mkSpecForAllTys tvs tFun , mkCoreLams (tvs ++ map mkWildValBinder extraTheta ++ map snd bndrs) $ mkCast e $ mkUnsafeCo Representational tOrig tRepl ) -- | Construct a core expression and a corresponding type. -- It does not bind arguments; -- uses only types and vars present in MatchingInstance; -- may create a few vars for PredTypes, they are returned in fst. miToExpression' :: [TyExp] -- ^ types and expressions of the PredTypes that are in scope -> MatchingInstance -> CorePluginM ([TyBndr], TyExp) -- (what to add to lambda, and the final expression) miToExpression' availPTs MatchingInstance {..} = do (bndrs, eArgs) <- addArgs availPTs $ map snd miTheta return ( bndrs , ( newIHead , mkCoreApps eDFunWithTyPams eArgs ) ) where (iTyVars, _, iClass, iTyPams) = InstEnv.instanceSig miInst -- this is the same length as iTyVars, needs to be applied on dFunId tyVarVals = zipWith (fromMaybe . mkTyVarTy) iTyVars miInstTyVars sub = mkTvSubstPrs . catMaybes $ zipWith (fmap . (,)) iTyVars miInstTyVars newTyPams = map (substTyAddInScope sub) iTyPams newIHead = mkTyConApp (classTyCon iClass) newTyPams eDFun = Var $ InstEnv.instanceDFunId miInst eDFunWithTyPams = mkTyApps eDFun tyVarVals addArgs :: [TyExp] -> [MatchingPredType] -> CorePluginM ([TyBndr], [CoreExpr]) addArgs _ [] = pure ([], []) addArgs ps (x:xs) = do (tbdrs, e) <- mptToExpression ps x let ps' = ps ++ map (Var <$>) tbdrs (tbdrs', es) <- addArgs ps' xs return ( tbdrs ++ tbdrs' , e:es ) -- | Construct an expression to put as a PredType argument. -- It may need to produce a new type variable. mptToExpression :: [TyExp] -> MatchingPredType -> CorePluginM ([TyBndr], CoreExpr) mptToExpression ps (MptInstance mi) = fmap snd <$> miToExpression' ps mi mptToExpression _ (MptReflexive c) = pure ([], Coercion c) mptToExpression ps (MptPropagateAs pt) = case mte of Just e -> pure ([], e) Nothing -> do loc <- liftCoreM getSrcSpanM u <- getUniqueM let n = mkInternalName u (mkOccName OccName.varName $ "dFunArg_" ++ show u) loc v = mkLocalIdOrCoVar n pt return ([(pt,v)], Var v) where mte = getFirst $ foldMap getSamePT ps getSamePT (t, e) | eqType t pt = First $ Just e | otherwise = First Nothing -- | For a given most concrete type, find all possible class instances. -- Derive them all by creating a new CoreBind with a casted type. -- -- Prerequisite: in the tripple (overlapmode, baseType, newType), -- TyVars of the newType must be a superset of TyVars of the baseType. lookupMatchingInstances :: DeriveAll -> ModGuts -> MatchingType -> CorePluginM [(ClsInst, CoreBind)] lookupMatchingInstances da guts mt | Just bTyCon <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe $ mtBaseType mt = do ie <- getInstEnvs guts let clsInsts = lookupClsInsts ie bTyCon pluginDebug $ hang "lookupMatchingInstances candidate instances:" 2 $ vcat $ map ppr clsInsts catMaybes <$> traverse (lookupMatchingInstance da ie mt) clsInsts | otherwise = fmap (const []) . pluginDebug $ hcat [ text "DeriveAll.lookupMatchingInstances found no class instances for " , ppr (mtBaseType mt) , text ", because it could not get the type constructor." ] lookupMatchingInstance :: DeriveAll -> InstEnv.InstEnvs -> MatchingType -> ClsInst -> CorePluginM (Maybe (ClsInst, CoreBind)) lookupMatchingInstance da ie mt@MatchingType {..} baseInst | not . unwantedName da $ getName iClass , all (noneTy (unwantedName DeriveAll)) iTyPams = case findInstance ie mtBaseType baseInst of Just mi -> do (t, e) <- mtmiToExpression mt mi newN <- newName (occNameSpace baseDFunName) $ occNameString baseDFunName ++ show (getUnique baseDFunId) -- unique per baseDFunId ++ newtypeNameS -- unique per newType let (newTyVars, _, _, newTyPams) = tcSplitDFunTy t newDFunId = mkExportedLocalId (DFunId isNewType) newN t return $ Just ( InstEnv.mkLocalInstance newDFunId ( deriveAllMode da $ mappend mtOverlapMode baseOM ) newTyVars iClass newTyPams , NonRec newDFunId e ) Nothing -- in case if the instance is more specific than the MatchingType, -- substitute types and try again | Just sub <- getFirst $ foldMap (First . flip (recMatchTyKi True) mtBaseType) iTyPams , not $ isEmptyTCvSubst sub -> do pluginDebug $ hang "Could not find an instance, trying again:" 2 $ vcat $ [ text "Base type:" <+> ppr mtBaseType , text "Instance:" <+> ppr baseInst , text "Substitution:" <+> ppr sub ] lookupMatchingInstance da ie (substMatchingType sub mt) baseInst | otherwise -> do pluginDebug $ hang "Ignored instance" 2 $ vcat $ [ text "Base type:" <+> ppr mtBaseType , text "Instance:" <+> ppr baseInst ] pure Nothing | otherwise = pure Nothing where deriveAllMode (DeriveAll' m _) _ = toOverlapFlag m deriveAllMode _ m = toOverlapFlag m baseOM = instanceOverlapMode baseInst baseDFunId = InstEnv.instanceDFunId baseInst (_, _, iClass, iTyPams) = InstEnv.instanceSig baseInst isNewType = isNewTyCon (classTyCon iClass) baseDFunName = occName . idName $ baseDFunId newtypeNameS = case tyConAppTyCon_maybe mtNewType of Nothing -> "DeriveAll-generated" Just tc -> occNameString $ occName $ tyConName tc -- checks if none of the names in the type satisfy the predicate noneTy :: (Name -> Bool) -> Type -> Bool noneTy f = not . uniqSetAny f . orphNamesOfType #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 802 where uniqSetAny g = foldl (\a -> (||) a . g) False #endif unwantedName :: DeriveAll -> Name -> Bool unwantedName da n | modName == "GHC.Generics" = True | modName == "Data.Typeable" = True | modName == "Data.Data" = True | "Language.Haskell.TH" `isPrefixOf` modName = True | valName == "Coercible" = True | DeriveAllBut xs <- da , valName `elem` xs = True | DeriveAll' _ xs <- da , valName `elem` xs = True | otherwise = False where modName = moduleNameString . moduleName $ nameModule n valName = occNameString $ getOccName n