{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}

This library provides strict versions of many
functions in base, as well as a few functions
that do not have lazy versions that exist in
base (see the section on Folds).

Many functions in this library have an increased
constraint from Functor/Applicative to Monad in
order to achieve strictness in their arguments
and/or result.

module Constrictor
    -- * Strict lifting functions 
  , fmap'
  , liftM'
  , liftM2'
  , liftM3'
  , liftM4'
  , liftM5'
  , ap' 
  , traverse'
  , traverse''
  , mapM'
    -- * Folds
    -- ** Lazy monoidal folds
  , foldrMap
  , foldlMap
    -- ** Strict monoidal folds
  , foldrMap'
  , foldlMap'
    -- ** Lazy applicative folds
  , foldlMapA
  , foldrMapA
   -- ** Strict monadic folds
  , foldlMapM'
  , foldrMapM'
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (foldr,foldl)

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), liftA2)
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(..), cont)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mappend,mempty))
import Data.Traversable (traverse,Traversable)

-- | Lazy in the monoidal accumulator. Monoidal accumulation
--   happens from left to right.
foldlMapA :: forall t b a f. (Foldable t, Monoid b, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b
foldlMapA f = foldr (\x y -> liftA2 mappend (f x) y) (pure mempty)

-- | Lazy in the monoidal accumulator. Monoidal accumulation
--   happens from left to right.
foldrMapA :: forall t b a f. (Foldable t, Monoid b, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f b
foldrMapA f = foldl (\y x -> liftA2 (flip mappend) (f x) y) (pure mempty)

-- | Strict in the monoidal accumulator.
--   For monads strict in the left argument of bind,
--   this will run in constant space.
--   Monoidal accumulation happens from left to right.
foldlMapM' :: forall t b a m. (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldlMapM' f xs = foldr f' return xs mempty
  f' :: a -> (b -> m b) -> b -> m b
  f' x k bl = do
    !br <- f x
    k $! (mappend bl br) 

-- | Strict in the monoidal accumulator. 
--   Monoidal accumulation happens from left to right.
foldrMapM' :: forall t b a m. (Foldable t, Monoid b, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
foldrMapM' f xs = foldl f' return xs mempty
  f' :: (b -> m b) -> a -> b -> m b
  f' k x br = do
    !bl <- f x
    k $! (mappend bl br) 

infixl 4 <$!>, `fmap'`, `liftM'`

-- | This is 'Data.Functor.<$>', but strict in its
-- argument and result.
-- This is re-defined in this module, and not
-- just re-exported from /Control.Monad/.
-- The reason for this is that there is no way
-- to hide the docs for re-exports with Haddocks.
-- In the common case that one might import
-- /Control.Monad/, we recommend structuring
-- imports like so:
-- @
-- import Control.Monad hiding ((\<\$!>))
-- import Constrictor
-- @
-- or
-- @
-- import Control.Monad
-- import Constrictor hiding ((\<$!>))
-- @
-- There should be no unintended side effects
-- introduced as a result of structuring one's imports in this way.
(<$!>) :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
{-# INLINE (<$!>) #-}
f <$!> m = do
  !x <- m
  return $! f x

-- | This is 'Data.Functor.fmap', but strict in its
-- argument and result.
-- Note this is equivalent to '<$!>',
-- and is provided for convenience.
fmap' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
{-# INLINE fmap' #-}
fmap' = (<$!>)

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.liftM', but strict in its
-- argument and result.
-- Note this is equivalent to '<$!>',
-- and is provided for convenience.
liftM' :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
{-# INLINE liftM' #-} 
liftM' = (<$!>)

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.liftM2', but strict in its
-- arguments and result.
liftM2' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
{-# INLINE liftM2' #-}
liftM2' f a b = do
  !x <- a
  !y <- b
  return $! f x y

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.liftM3', but strict in its
-- arguments and result.
liftM3' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> m a -> m b -> m c -> m d
{-# INLINE liftM3' #-}
liftM3' f a b c = do
  !x <- a
  !y <- b
  !z <- c
  return $! f x y z

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.liftM4', but strict in its
-- arguments and result.
liftM4' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> m a -> m b -> m c -> m d -> m e 
{-# INLINE liftM4' #-}
liftM4' f a b c d = do
  !x <- a
  !y <- b
  !z <- c
  !u <- d
  return $! f x y z u

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.liftM5', but strict in its
-- arguments and result.
liftM5' :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> m a -> m b -> m c -> m d -> m e -> m f
{-# INLINE liftM5' #-}
liftM5' f a b c d e = do
  !x <- a
  !y <- b
  !z <- c
  !u <- d
  !v <- e
  return $! f x y z u v

-- | This is 'Control.Monad.ap', but strict in its
-- arguments and result.
ap' :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
{-# INLINE ap' #-}
ap' m1 m2 = do
  !f <- m1
  !x <- m2
  return $! f x

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0))
newtype WrappedMonad m a = WrappedMonad { unwrapMonad :: m a }
  deriving (Monad)

instance Monad m => Functor (WrappedMonad m) where
    fmap f (WrappedMonad v) = WrappedMonad (liftM f v)

instance Monad m => Applicative (WrappedMonad m) where
    pure = WrappedMonad . return
    WrappedMonad f <*> WrappedMonad v = WrappedMonad (f `ap` v)

-- | Strict version of 'Data.Traversable.traverse'.
traverse' :: (Traversable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
{-# INLINE traverse' #-}
traverse' f = fmap (runIdentity . evalContT) . getCompose . traverse (Compose . fmap (\a -> cont $ \k -> k $! a) . f)

-- | Stricter version of 'Data.Traversable.traverse'.
traverse'' :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
{-# INLINE traverse'' #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
traverse'' f = fmap' (runIdentity . evalContT) . getCompose . traverse (Compose . fmap' (\a -> cont $ \k -> k $! a) . f)
traverse'' f = unwrapMonad . fmap' (runIdentity . evalContT) . getCompose . traverse (Compose . fmap' (\a -> cont $ \k -> k $! a) . (\x -> WrappedMonad (f x)))

-- this is copied from transformers for backwards compatibility
evalContT :: (Monad m) => ContT r m r -> m r
evalContT m = runContT m return
{-# INLINE evalContT #-}

-- | Strict version of 'Control.Monad.mapM'.
-- This is just 'traverse'' specialised to 'Monad'.
mapM' :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a-> m (t b)
{-# INLINE mapM' #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
mapM' = traverse'
mapM' f xs = unwrapMonad (traverse' (\x -> WrappedMonad (f x)) xs)

-- The INLINES used below allow more list functions to fuse.
-- See Trac #9848.
{-# INLINE foldrMap  #-}
{-# INLINE foldrMap' #-}
{-# INLINE foldlMap  #-}
{-# INLINE foldlMap' #-}

-- | Map each element of a foldable structure to a monoid,
-- and combine the results. This function is left-associative.
-- The operator is applied lazily. For a strict version, see
-- 'foldlMap''.
foldlMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldlMap f = foldl (flip (mappend . f)) mempty

-- | Map each element of a foldable structure to a monoid,
-- and combine the results. This function is right-associative.
-- Note that this is equivalent to 'Data.Foldable.foldMap'.
foldrMap :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldrMap f = foldr (mappend . f) mempty

-- | Map each element of a foldable structure to a monoid,
-- and combine the results. This function is left-associative.
-- The operator is applied strictly. For a lazy version, see
-- 'foldlMap'.
foldlMap' :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldlMap' f = foldl' (flip (mappend . f)) mempty 

-- | Map each element of a foldable structure to a monoid,
-- and combine the results. This function is right-associative.
-- Note that this is equivalent to 'Data.Foldable.foldMap',
-- but is strict.
foldrMap' :: (Monoid m, Foldable t) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldrMap' f = foldr' (mappend . f) mempty