úÎ&¡      Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>None ?Type class for monads that support suspension and continuation  spots. 9Add the given set of continuations and possibly suspend. 7Add the given set of continuations without suspending. -Allow to continue here with the given value. Allow to continue here. BSuspend with the given value. Does not register any continuation  spots. Note that suspend mempty is equivalent to empty.  Suspend with - and register the given continuations. Note  that suspendWith zero is equivalent to empty. BTime travel warning: Captures the current state, not the state at  reentry. Use  ContinueT over  instead to fix this. BTime travel warning: Captures the current state, not the state at  reentry. Use  ContinueT over  instead to fix this. $What to return now (left suspends). (What to run and return when reentering.  $What to return now (left suspends). 0What to return when reentering (left suspends). Reentering key.     Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>None (Type alias for the common case of using   as  the suspension monoid.  over  . 0This monad transformer adds continuations under f and e-typed  suspensions to m. 2Apply the given morphism to the underlying monad.  Similar to !/, but tries the second computation only if the @ first one actually suspends. Note that not running the second # computation also means that it can't register reentry spots. *As an operator this function is infixr 3. Run the given  computation. "@Warning: If feedback is broken by suspension you get a run-time  error.  Monad morphism to apply. #$%&'(")*+,-./0   #$%&'(")*+,-./01      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=continue-0.2.0Control.Monad.ContinueControl.Monad.Continue.Classsemigroupoids-3.0.2Data.Functor.PluszeroPlusData.Functor.AltmanysomeAlt MonadContinueaddContaddCont_continue continue_suspend suspendWithLastExContinue ContinueT runContinueT mapContinueTorElse runContinuebase Data.Monoidmempty$fMonadContinueefStateTtransformers-$fMonadContinueefStateT0$fMonadContinueefWriterT$fMonadContinueefWriterT0$fMonadContinueefReaderT$fMonadContinueefMaybeT$fMonadContinueefIdentityTLast GHC.Exception SomeExceptionData.Functor.IdentityIdentityControl.Applicative<|>$fMonadFixContinueT$fMonadWriterlContinueT$fMonadTransContinueT$fMonadStatesContinueT$fMonadReaderrContinueT$fMonadPlusContinueT$fMonadIOContinueT$fMonadErroreContinueT$fMonadContinueefContinueT$fMonadBaseControlbContinueT$fMonadBasebContinueT$fMonadContinueT$fFunctorContinueT$fApplicativeContinueT$fAlternativeContinueT