{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{- |
   Module     : Data.Convertible.Instances.C
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2009 John Goerzen
   License    : BSD3

   Maintainer : Michael Snoyman <michael@snoyman.com>
   Stability  : provisional
   Portability: portable

Numeric instances for Convertible for C types.  See comments in

Copyright (C) 2009 John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>

All rights reserved.

For license and copyright information, see the file LICENSE
module Data.Convertible.Instances.C()

import Data.Convertible.Base
import Data.Convertible.Utils
import Data.Convertible.Instances.Num()
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.Types

    [ ([t| CChar    |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CDouble  |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| CDouble  |], [t| Double   |])
    , ([t| CDouble  |], [t| Float    |])
    , ([t| CDouble  |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CDouble  |], [t| Rational |])
    , ([t| CFloat   |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| CFloat   |], [t| Double   |])
    , ([t| CFloat   |], [t| Float    |])
    , ([t| CFloat   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CFloat   |], [t| Rational |])
    , ([t| CInt     |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CLLong   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CLong    |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CSChar   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CShort   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CSize    |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CUChar   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CUInt    |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CULLong  |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CULong   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CUShort  |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| CWchar   |], [t| Integer  |])
    , ([t| Double   |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Double   |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Float    |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Float    |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Int16    |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Int16    |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Int32    |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Int32    |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Int64    |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Int64    |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Int8     |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Int8     |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Int      |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Int      |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Integer  |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Integer  |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Rational |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Rational |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Word16   |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Word16   |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Word32   |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Word32   |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Word64   |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Word64   |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Word8    |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Word8    |], [t| CFloat   |])
    , ([t| Word     |], [t| CDouble  |])
    , ([t| Word     |], [t| CFloat   |])

-- remainder of this file generated by utils/genCinstances.hs

-- Section 1
instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Int where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Int8 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int8 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Int16 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int16 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Int32 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int32 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Int64 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int64 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Word where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Word8 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word8 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Word16 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word16 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Word32 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word32 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CFloat Word64 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word64 CFloat where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Int where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Int8 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int8 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Int16 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int16 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Int32 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int32 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Int64 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Int64 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Word where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Word8 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word8 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Word16 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word16 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Word32 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word32 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

instance ConvertAttempt CDouble Word64 where 
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . truncate)
instance ConvertSuccess Word64 CDouble where 
    convertSuccess= fromIntegral

-- Section 2
instance ConvertSuccess CFloat Double where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Double CFloat where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CFloat Float where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Float CFloat where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CFloat Rational where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Rational CFloat where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CDouble Double where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Double CDouble where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CDouble Float where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Float CDouble where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CDouble Rational where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac
instance ConvertSuccess Rational CDouble where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

-- Section 3
instance ConvertAttempt CChar Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Int where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Int8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int8 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Int16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int16 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Int32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int32 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Int64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Int64 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Word where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Word8 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word8 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Word16 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word16 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Word32 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word32 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Word64 where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Word64 CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

-- Section 4
instance ConvertAttempt CChar CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CChar CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

-- Section 5
instance ConvertSuccess CFloat CDouble where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

instance ConvertSuccess CDouble CFloat where
    convertSuccess = realToFrac

-- Section 6
instance ConvertSuccess CFloat Integer where
    convertSuccess = truncate
instance ConvertSuccess Integer CFloat where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral

instance ConvertSuccess CDouble Integer where
    convertSuccess = truncate
instance ConvertSuccess Integer CDouble where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral

-- Section 7
instance ConvertSuccess CChar Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CSChar Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CUChar Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CShort Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CUShort Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CInt Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CUInt Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CLong Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CULong Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CSize Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CWchar Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CLLong Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

instance ConvertSuccess CULLong Integer where
    convertSuccess = fromIntegral
instance ConvertAttempt Integer CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral)

-- Section 8o
instance ConvertAttempt CChar Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CSChar Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CSChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CUChar Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CUChar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CShort Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CUShort Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CUShort where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CInt Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CUInt Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CUInt where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CLong Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CULong Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CULong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CSize Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CSize where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CWchar Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CWchar where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CLLong Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CLLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)

instance ConvertAttempt CULLong Char where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . toEnum . fromIntegral)
instance ConvertAttempt Char CULLong where
    convertAttempt = boundedConversion (return . fromIntegral . fromEnum)