{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, 
    FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

-- | Provides basic types and functions for other parts of /Copilot/.
-- If you wish to add a new type, you need to make it an instance of @'Streamable'@,
-- to add it to @'foldStreamableMaps'@, @'mapStreamableMaps'@, and optionnaly 
-- to add an ext[Type], a [type] and a var[Type]
-- functions in Language.hs to make it easier to use. 
module Language.Copilot.Core (
        Period, Var, Name, Port(..), Ext(..),
        Exs, ExtRet(..), Args, ArgConstVar(..),
        Spec(..), Streams, Stream, 
        Trigger(..), Triggers, LangElems(..),
	Streamable(..), StreamableMaps(..), emptySM,
        isEmptySM, getMaybeElem, getElem, 
        mapStreamableMaps, mapStreamableMapsM,
        filterStreamableMaps, normalizeVar, getVars, Vars,
        getAtomType, getSpecs, getTriggers, vPre, funcShow,
    ) where

import qualified Language.Atom as A

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.List hiding (union)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Printf
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, Monoid(..), execWriter)

---- Type hierarchy for the copilot language -----------------------------------

-- | Names of the streams or external variables
type Var = String
-- | C file name
type Name = String
-- | Atom period -- used as an option to control the duration of a Copilot "tick".
type Period = Int
-- -- | Phase of an Atom phase
-- type Phase = Int
-- | Port over which to broadcast information
data Port = Port Int

-- | Specification of a stream, parameterized by the type of the values of the stream.
-- The only requirement on @a@ is that it should be 'Streamable'.
data Spec a where
    Var :: Streamable a => Var -> Spec a
    Const :: Streamable a => a -> Spec a

    PVar :: Streamable a => A.Type -> Ext -> Spec a
    PArr :: (Streamable a, Streamable b, A.IntegralE b) 
         => A.Type -> (Ext, Spec b) -> Spec a

    F :: (Streamable a, Streamable b) => 
	    (b -> a) -> (A.E b -> A.E a) -> Spec b -> Spec a
    F2 :: (Streamable a, Streamable b, Streamable c) => 
        (b -> c -> a) -> (A.E b -> A.E c -> A.E a) -> Spec b -> Spec c -> Spec a
    F3 :: (Streamable a, Streamable b, Streamable c, Streamable d) => 
        (b -> c -> d -> a) -> (A.E b -> A.E c -> A.E d -> A.E a) 
                           -> Spec b -> Spec c -> Spec d -> Spec a

    Append :: Streamable a => [a] -> Spec a -> Spec a
    Drop :: Streamable a => Int -> Spec a -> Spec a

-- | Arguments to be passed to a C function.  Either a Copilot variable or a
-- constant.  A little hacky that I store constants as strings so we don't have
-- to pass around types.  However, these data are just used to make external C
-- calls, for which we have no type info anyway, so it's a bit of a moot point.
data ArgConstVar = V Var
                 | C String
  deriving Eq

instance Show ArgConstVar where 
  show args = case args of
                V v -> normalizeVar v
                C c -> "_const_" ++ c ++ "_"

type Args = [ArgConstVar]

data Trigger =
  Trigger { trigVar  :: Spec Bool
          , trigName :: String
          -- We carry around both the value and the vars of the arguments to be
          -- passed to the trigger.  The vars are used to put the arguments in
          -- the correct order, since the values are stored in a map, destroying
          -- their order.
          , trigArgs :: Args} 

type Triggers = M.Map String Trigger

instance Show Trigger where 
  show (Trigger s fnName args) =
    "trigger_" ++ notConstVarErr s show ++ "_" ++ fnName ++ "_" ++ normalizeVar (show args)

  -- getMaybeVar :: Streamable a => Spec a -> Var
  -- getMaybeVar (Var v) = v
  -- getMaybeVar s = 
  --   error $ "Expected a Copilot variable but provided " ++ show s ++ " instead."

-- XXX change the constructors to SimpleVar and Function (or something like that)
-- XXX in Ext, we throw away the type info for Args.  This is because we're just
-- making external calls, and we don't know anything about the types anyway (we
-- just make strings).  Remove from the datatype.

-- | Holds external variables or external functions to call.
data Ext = ExtV Var
         | Fun String Args

instance Show Ext where
  show (ExtV v) = v
  show (Fun f args) = normalizeVar f ++ show args

type Exs = (A.Type, Ext, ExtRet)

data ExtRet = ExtRetV 
            | ExtRetA ArgConstVar
  deriving Eq

-- | For calling a function with Atom variables.
funcShow :: Name -> String -> Args -> String
funcShow cName fname args = 
  fname ++ "(" ++ (unwords $ intersperse "," 
    (map (\arg -> case arg of
                    v@(V _) -> vPre cName ++ show v
                    C c -> c
         ) args)) ++ ")"

instance Eq Ext where
  (==) (ExtV v0) (ExtV v1) = v0 == v1
  (==) (Fun f0 l0) (Fun f1 l1) = f0 == f1 && l0 == l1  
  (==) _ _ = False

-- These belong in Language.hs, but we don't want orphan instances.
instance (Streamable a, A.NumE a) => Num (Spec a) where
    (+) = F2 (+) (+) -- A.NumE a => E a is an instance of Num
    (*) = F2 (*) (*)
    (-) = F2 (-) (-)
    negate = F negate negate
    abs = F abs abs
    signum = F signum signum
    fromInteger i = Const (fromInteger i)

instance (Streamable a, A.NumE a, Fractional a) => Fractional (Spec a) where
    (/) = F2 (/) (/)
    recip = F recip recip
    fromRational r = Const (fromRational r)

"Copilot.Core appendAppend" forall ls1 ls2 s. Append ls1 (Append ls2 s) = Append (ls1 ++ ls2) s
"Copilot.Core dropDrop" forall i1 i2 s. Drop i1 (Drop i2 s) = Drop (i1 + i2) s
"Copilot.Core dropConst" forall i x. Drop i (Const x) = Const x
"Copilot.Core FConst" forall fI fC x0. F fI fC (Const x0) = Const (fI x0)
"Copilot.Core F2Const" forall fI fC x0 x1. F2 fI fC (Const x0) (Const x1) = Const (fI x0 x1)
"Copilot.Core F3Const" forall fI fC x0 x1 x2. F3 fI fC (Const x0) (Const x1) (Const x2) = Const (fI x0 x1 x2)

instance Eq a => Eq (Spec a) where
    (==) (PVar t v) (PVar t' v') = t == t' && v == v' -- && ph == ph'
    (==) (PArr t (v, idx)) (PArr t' (v', idx')) = 
           t == t' && v == v' && show idx == show idx' -- && ph == ph'
    (==) (Var v) (Var v') = v == v'
    (==) (Const x) (Const x') = x == x'
    (==) s@(F _ _ _) s'@(F _ _ _) = show s == show s'
    (==) s@(F2 _ _ _ _) s'@(F2 _ _ _ _) = show s == show s'
    (==) s@(F3 _ _ _ _ _) s'@(F3 _ _ _ _ _) = show s == show s'
    (==) (Append ls s) (Append ls' s') = ls == ls' && s == s'
    (==) (Drop i s) (Drop i' s') = i == i' && s == s'
    (==) _ _ = False

-- | Copilot variable reference, taking the name of the generated C file.
vPre :: Name -> String
vPre cName = "copilotState" ++ cName ++ "." ++ cName ++ "."

-- -- | An instruction to send data on a port at a given phase.  
-- -- data Send a = Sendable a => Send (Var, Phase, Port)
-- data Send a =  
--   Send { sendVar  :: Spec a 
--        , sendPort :: Port
--        , sendName :: String}

-- instance Streamable a => Show (Send a) where 
--   show (Send s (Port port) portName) = 
--     portName ++ "_port_" ++ show port ++ "_var_" ++ getMaybeVar s
-- | Holds all the different kinds of language elements that are pushed into the
-- Writer monad.  This currently includes the actual specs and trigger
-- directives. (Use the functions in Language.hs to make sends and triggers.)
data LangElems = LangElems 
       { strms :: StreamableMaps Spec
       , trigs :: Triggers}

-- | Container for mutually recursive streams, whose specifications may be
-- parameterized by different types
type Streams = Writer LangElems ()

getSpecs :: Streams -> StreamableMaps Spec
getSpecs streams = 
  let (LangElems ss _) = execWriter streams
  in  ss

getTriggers :: Streams -> Triggers
getTriggers streams = 
  let (LangElems _ triggers) = execWriter streams
  in  triggers

-- | A named stream
type Stream a = Streamable a => (Var, Spec a)

-- | If the 'Spec' isn't a 'Var' or 'Const', then throw an error; otherwise,
-- apply the function.
notConstVarErr :: Streamable a => Spec a -> (ArgConstVar -> b) -> b
notConstVarErr s f = f $
  case s of
    Var v -> V v
    Const c -> C (showAsC c)
    _     -> error $ "You provided specification \n" ++ "  " ++ show s 
                        ++ "\n where you needed to give a Copilot variable or constant."

-- | Holds the complete specification of a distributed monitor
-- type DistributedStreams = (Streams, Sends)

---- General functions on streams ----------------------------------------------

-- | A type is streamable iff a stream may emit values of that type
-- There are very strong links between @'Streamable'@ and @'StreamableMaps'@ :
-- the types aggregated in @'StreamableMaps'@ are exactly the @'Streamable'@
-- types and that invariant should be kept (see methods)
class (A.Expr a, A.Assign a, Show a) => Streamable a where
    -- | Provides access to the Map in a StreamableMaps which store values
    -- of the good type
    getSubMap :: StreamableMaps b -> M.Map Var (b a)

    -- | Provides a way to modify (mostly used for insertions) the Map in a
    -- StreamableMaps which store values of the good type
    updateSubMap :: (M.Map Var (b a) -> M.Map Var (b a)) 
                 -> StreamableMaps b -> StreamableMaps b

    -- | A default value for the type @a@. Its value is not important.
    unit :: a
    -- | A constructor to produce an @Atom@ value
    atomConstructor :: Var -> a -> A.Atom (A.V a)

    -- | A constructor to get an @Atom@ value from an external variable
    externalAtomConstructor :: Var -> A.V a

    -- | The argument only coerces the type, it is discarded.  Returns the
    -- format for outputting a value of this type with printf in C
    -- For example "%f" for a float
    typeId :: a -> String
    -- | The same, only adds the wanted precision for floating points.
    typeIdPrec :: a -> String
    typeIdPrec x = typeId x
    -- | The argument only coerces the type, it is discarded.
    -- Returns the corresponding /Atom/ type.
    atomType :: a -> A.Type
    -- | Like Show, except that the formatting is exactly the same as the one of
    -- C for example the booleans are first converted to 0 or 1, and floats and
    -- doubles have the good precision.
    showAsC :: a -> String
instance Streamable Bool where
    getSubMap = bMap
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {bMap = f $ bMap sm}
    unit = False
    atomConstructor = A.bool
    externalAtomConstructor = A.bool'
    typeId _ = "%i"
    atomType _ = A.Bool
    showAsC x = printf "%u" (if x then 1::Int else 0)
instance Streamable Int8 where
    getSubMap = i8Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {i8Map = f $ i8Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.int8
    externalAtomConstructor = A.int8'
    typeId _ = "%d"
    atomType _ = A.Int8
    showAsC x = printf "%d" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Int16 where
    getSubMap = i16Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {i16Map = f $ i16Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.int16
    externalAtomConstructor = A.int16'
    typeId _ = "%d"
    atomType _ = A.Int16
    showAsC x = printf "%d" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Int32 where
    getSubMap = i32Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {i32Map = f $ i32Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.int32
    externalAtomConstructor = A.int32'
    typeId _ = "%d"
    atomType _ = A.Int32
    showAsC x = printf "%d" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Int64 where
    getSubMap = i64Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {i64Map = f $ i64Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.int64
    externalAtomConstructor = A.int64'
    typeId _ = "%lld"
    atomType _ = A.Int64
    showAsC x = printf "%d" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Word8 where
    getSubMap = w8Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {w8Map = f $ w8Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.word8
    externalAtomConstructor = A.word8'
    typeId _ = "%u"
    atomType _ = A.Word8
    showAsC x = printf "%u" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Word16 where
    getSubMap = w16Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {w16Map = f $ w16Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.word16
    externalAtomConstructor = A.word16'
    typeId _ = "%u"
    atomType _ = A.Word16
    showAsC x = printf "%u" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Word32 where
    getSubMap = w32Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {w32Map = f $ w32Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.word32
    externalAtomConstructor = A.word32'
    typeId _ = "%u"
    atomType _ = A.Word32
    showAsC x = printf "%u" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Word64 where
    getSubMap = w64Map
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {w64Map = f $ w64Map sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.word64
    externalAtomConstructor = A.word64'
    typeId _ = "%llu"
    atomType _ = A.Word64
    showAsC x = printf "%u" (toInteger x)
instance Streamable Float where
    getSubMap = fMap
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {fMap = f $ fMap sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.float
    externalAtomConstructor = A.float'
    typeId _ = "%f"
    typeIdPrec _ = "%.5f"
    atomType _ = A.Float
    showAsC x = printf "%.5f" x
instance Streamable Double where
    getSubMap = dMap
    updateSubMap f sm = sm {dMap = f $ dMap sm}
    unit = 0
    atomConstructor = A.double
    externalAtomConstructor = A.double'
    typeId _ = "%lf"
    typeIdPrec _ = "%.10lf"
    atomType _ = A.Double
    showAsC x = printf "%.10f" x

-- | Lookup into the map of the right type in @'StreamableMaps'@
{-# INLINE getMaybeElem #-}
getMaybeElem :: Streamable a => Var -> StreamableMaps b -> Maybe (b a)
getMaybeElem v sm = M.lookup v $ getSubMap sm

-- | Lookup into the map of the right type in @'StreamableMaps'@
-- Launch an exception if the index is not in it
{-# INLINE getElem #-}
getElem :: Streamable a => Var -> StreamableMaps b -> b a
getElem v sm = 
  case getMaybeElem v sm of
    Nothing -> error $ "Error in application of getElem from Core.hs for variable "
                 ++ v ++ "."
    Just x -> x

getAtomType :: Streamable a => Spec a -> A.Type
getAtomType s =
  let unitElem = unit
      _ = (Const unitElem) `asTypeOf` s -- to help the typechecker
  in atomType unitElem

-- | This function is used to iterate on all the values in all the maps stored
-- by a @'StreamableMaps'@, accumulating a value over time
{-# INLINE foldStreamableMaps #-}
foldStreamableMaps :: forall b c. 
    (Streamable a => Var -> c a -> b -> b) -> 
    StreamableMaps c -> b -> b
foldStreamableMaps f (SM bm i8m i16m i32m i64m w8m w16m w32m w64m fm dm) acc =
    let acc0  = M.foldrWithKey f acc  bm
        acc1  = M.foldrWithKey f acc0 i8m        
        acc2  = M.foldrWithKey f acc1 i16m
        acc3  = M.foldrWithKey f acc2 i32m
        acc4  = M.foldrWithKey f acc3 i64m
        acc5  = M.foldrWithKey f acc4 w8m
        acc6  = M.foldrWithKey f acc5 w16m
        acc7  = M.foldrWithKey f acc6 w32m
        acc8  = M.foldrWithKey f acc7 w64m
        acc9  = M.foldrWithKey f acc8 fm      
        acc10 = M.foldrWithKey f acc9 dm
    in acc10

{-# INLINE mapStreamableMaps #-}
mapStreamableMaps :: forall s s'. 
    (forall a. Streamable a => Var -> s a -> s' a) -> 
    StreamableMaps s -> StreamableMaps s'
mapStreamableMaps f (SM bm i8m i16m i32m i64m w8m w16m w32m w64m fm dm) =
    SM {
            bMap = M.mapWithKey f bm,
            i8Map = M.mapWithKey f i8m,
            i16Map = M.mapWithKey f i16m,
            i32Map = M.mapWithKey f i32m,
            i64Map = M.mapWithKey f i64m,
            w8Map = M.mapWithKey f w8m,
            w16Map = M.mapWithKey f w16m,
            w32Map = M.mapWithKey f w32m,
            w64Map = M.mapWithKey f w64m,
            fMap = M.mapWithKey f fm,
            dMap = M.mapWithKey f dm

{-# INLINE mapStreamableMapsM #-}
mapStreamableMapsM :: forall s s' m. Monad m => 
    (Streamable a => Var -> s a -> m (s' a)) -> 
    StreamableMaps s -> m (StreamableMaps s')
mapStreamableMapsM f sm =
    foldStreamableMaps (
            \ v s sm'M ->  do
                    sm' <- sm'M
                    s' <- f v s
                    return $ updateSubMap (\ m -> M.insert v s' m) sm'
        ) sm (return emptySM)

-- | Only keeps in @sm@ the values whose key+type are in @l@.  Also returns a
-- bool saying whether all the elements in sm were in l.  Works even if some
-- elements in @l@ are not in @sm@.  Not optimised at all.
filterStreamableMaps :: 
  forall c b. StreamableMaps c -> [(A.Type, Var, b)] -> (StreamableMaps c, Bool)
filterStreamableMaps sm l =
    let (sm2, l2) = foldStreamableMaps filterElem sm (emptySM, []) in
    (sm2, (l' \\ nub l2) == [])
        filterElem :: forall a. Streamable a => Var -> c a -> 
            (StreamableMaps c, [(A.Type, Var)]) -> 
            (StreamableMaps c, [(A.Type, Var)])
        filterElem v s (sm', l2) =
            let x = (atomType (unit::a), v) in
            if x `elem` l'
                then (updateSubMap (\m -> M.insert v s m) sm', x:l2)
                else (sm', l2)
        l' = nub $ map (\(x,y,_) -> (x,y)) l

-- | This is a generalization of @'Streams'@
-- which is used for storing Maps over values parameterized by different types.
-- It is extensively used in the internals of Copilot, in conjunction with
-- @'foldStreamableMaps'@ and @'mapStreamableMaps'@
data StreamableMaps a =
    SM {
            bMap   :: M.Map Var (a Bool),
            i8Map  :: M.Map Var (a Int8),
            i16Map :: M.Map Var (a Int16),
            i32Map :: M.Map Var (a Int32),
            i64Map :: M.Map Var (a Int64),
            w8Map  :: M.Map Var (a Word8),
            w16Map :: M.Map Var (a Word16),
            w32Map :: M.Map Var (a Word32),
            w64Map :: M.Map Var (a Word64),
            fMap   :: M.Map Var (a Float),
            dMap   :: M.Map Var (a Double)

instance Monoid (StreamableMaps Spec) where
  mempty = emptySM
  mappend x y = overlap x y

instance Monoid LangElems where
  mempty = LangElems emptySM M.empty
  mappend (LangElems x z) (LangElems x' z') = 
    LangElems (overlap x x') (M.union z z') 
overlap :: StreamableMaps s -> StreamableMaps s -> StreamableMaps s 
overlap x@(SM bm i8m i16m i32m i64m w8m w16m w32m w64m fm dm) 
        y@(SM bm' i8m' i16m' i32m' i64m' w8m' w16m' w32m' w64m' fm' dm') =
  let multDefs = (getVars x `intersect` getVars y)
  in  if null multDefs then union
        else error $    "Copilot error: The variables " 
                     ++ show multDefs ++ " have multiple definitions."
  where union = SM (M.union bm bm') (M.union i8m i8m') (M.union i16m i16m') 
                   (M.union i32m i32m') (M.union i64m i64m') (M.union w8m w8m') 
                   (M.union w16m w16m') (M.union w32m w32m') (M.union w64m w64m') 
                   (M.union fm fm') (M.union dm dm')

-- | Get the Copilot variables.
getVars :: StreamableMaps s -> [Var]
getVars streams = foldStreamableMaps (\k _ ks -> k:ks) streams []                         

-- | An empty streamableMaps. 
emptySM :: StreamableMaps a
emptySM = SM
        bMap = M.empty, 
        i8Map = M.empty,
        i16Map = M.empty,
        i32Map = M.empty,
        i64Map = M.empty,
        w8Map = M.empty,
        w16Map = M.empty,
        w32Map = M.empty,
        w64Map = M.empty,
        fMap = M.empty,
        dMap = M.empty 

-- | Verifies if its argument is equal to emptySM
isEmptySM :: StreamableMaps a -> Bool
isEmptySM (SM bm i8m i16m i32m i64m w8m w16m w32m w64m fm dm) = 
    M.null bm &&
        M.null i8m &&
        M.null i16m &&
        M.null i32m &&
        M.null i64m &&
        M.null w8m &&
        M.null w16m &&
        M.null w32m &&
        M.null w64m &&
        M.null fm &&
        M.null dm 

-- | Replace all accepted special characters by sequences of underscores.  
normalizeVar :: Var -> Var
normalizeVar v = 
  map (\c -> if (c `elem` ".[]()") then '_' else c)
      (filter (\c -> c /= ',' && c /= ' ') v) 

-- | For each typed variable, this type holds all its successive values in an infinite list
-- Beware : each element of one of those lists corresponds to a full @Atom@ period, 
-- not to a single clock tick.
type Vars = StreamableMaps []

-- Pretty printer: can't put in PrettyPrinter since that causes circular deps.

instance Show a => Show (Spec a) where
    show s = showIndented s 0

showIndented :: Spec a -> Int -> String
showIndented s n =
    let tabs = concat $ replicate n "  " in
    tabs ++ showRaw s n

showRaw :: Spec a -> Int -> String
showRaw (PVar t v) _ = "PVar " ++ show t ++ " " ++ show v -- ++ " " ++ show ph
showRaw (PArr t (v, idx)) _ = 
  "PArr " ++ show t ++ " (" ++ show v ++ " ! (" ++ show idx ++ "))" -- ++ show ph
showRaw (Var v) _ = "Var " ++ v
showRaw (Const e) _ = show e
showRaw (F _ _ s0) n = 
    "F op? (\n" ++ 
        showIndented s0 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        (concat $ replicate n "  ") ++ ")"
showRaw (F2 _ _ s0 s1) n = 
    "F2 op? (\n" ++
        showIndented s0 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        showIndented s1 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        (concat $ replicate n "  ") ++ ")"
showRaw (F3 _ _ s0 s1 s2) n = 
    "F3 op? (\n" ++ 
        showIndented s0 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        showIndented s1 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        showIndented s2 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        (concat $ replicate n "  ") ++ ")"
showRaw (Append ls s0) n = 
    "Append " ++ show ls ++ " (\n" ++
        showIndented s0 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        (concat $ replicate n "  ") ++ ")"
showRaw (Drop i s0) n = 
    "Drop " ++ show i ++ " (\n" ++
        showIndented s0 (n + 1) ++ "\n" ++ 
        (concat $ replicate n "  ") ++ ")"