-- Copyright © 2011 National Institute of Aerospace / Galois, Inc.

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, GADTs #-}

module Copilot.Compile.SBV.MetaTable
  ( --StreamInfo (..)
  , ExternVarInfoMap
  , ExternArrInfoMap
--  , ExternFunInfo (..)
  , ExternFunInfoMap
  , TriggerInfo (..)
  , TriggerInfoMap
  , ObserverInfo (..)
  , ObserverInfoMap
  , MetaTable (..)
  , allocMetaTable
  , collectArgs
  , Arg(..)
  , c2Args
  ) where

import Copilot.Compile.SBV.Common
import qualified Copilot.Core as C

import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Prelude hiding (id)


type StreamInfoMap = Map C.Id C.Stream
type ExternVarInfoMap = Map C.Name C.ExtVar
type ExternArrInfoMap = Map C.Name C.ExtArray
type ExternFunInfoMap = Map C.Name C.ExtFun


data TriggerInfo = TriggerInfo
  { guardArgs      :: [String]
  , triggerArgArgs :: [[String]] }

type TriggerInfoMap = Map C.Name TriggerInfo


data ObserverInfo = ObserverInfo
  { observerArgs :: [String] }

type ObserverInfoMap = Map C.Name ObserverInfo


data MetaTable = MetaTable
  { streamInfoMap     :: StreamInfoMap
  , externVarInfoMap  :: ExternVarInfoMap
  , externArrInfoMap  :: ExternArrInfoMap
  , externFunInfoMap  :: ExternFunInfoMap
  , triggerInfoMap    :: TriggerInfoMap
  , observerInfoMap   :: ObserverInfoMap }


allocMetaTable :: C.Spec -> MetaTable
allocMetaTable spec =
    streamInfoMap_    = M.fromList $ map allocStream     (C.specStreams spec)
    externVarInfoMap_ = M.fromList $ map allocExternVars (C.externVars spec)
    externArrInfoMap_ = M.fromList $ map allocExternArrs (C.externArrays spec)
    externFunInfoMap_ = M.fromList $ map allocExternFuns (C.externFuns spec)
    triggerInfoMap_   = M.fromList $ map allocTrigger    (C.specTriggers spec)
    observerInfoMap_  = M.fromList $ map allocObserver   (C.specObservers spec)
    MetaTable { streamInfoMap    = streamInfoMap_
              , externVarInfoMap = externVarInfoMap_
              , externArrInfoMap = externArrInfoMap_
              , externFunInfoMap = externFunInfoMap_
              , triggerInfoMap   = triggerInfoMap_
              , observerInfoMap  = observerInfoMap_

allocStream :: C.Stream -> (C.Id, C.Stream)
allocStream strm = 
  (C.streamId strm, strm)


allocExternVars :: C.ExtVar -> (C.Name, C.ExtVar)
allocExternVars var =
  (C.externVarName var, var)


allocExternArrs :: C.ExtArray -> (C.Name, C.ExtArray)
allocExternArrs arr =
  (C.externArrayName arr, arr)


allocExternFuns :: C.ExtFun -> (C.Name, C.ExtFun)
allocExternFuns fun =
  (C.externFunName fun, fun)


allocTrigger :: C.Trigger -> (C.Name, TriggerInfo)
allocTrigger C.Trigger { C.triggerName  = name
                       , C.triggerGuard = guard
                       , C.triggerArgs  = args } 
  let mkArgArgs :: C.UExpr -> [String]
      mkArgArgs C.UExpr { C.uExprExpr = e } = collectArgs e in
  let triggerInfo = 
        TriggerInfo { guardArgs      = collectArgs guard 
                    , triggerArgArgs = map mkArgArgs args } in
  (name, triggerInfo)


allocObserver :: C.Observer -> (C.Name, ObserverInfo)
allocObserver C.Observer { C.observerName = name
                         , C.observerExpr = e } 
  let observerInfo = ObserverInfo { observerArgs = collectArgs e } in
  (name, observerInfo)


-- Kinds of arguments to SBV functions
data Arg = Extern    C.Name
         | ExternFun C.Name C.Tag
         | ExternArr C.Name
         | Queue     C.Id
  deriving Eq

-- | Normal argument calls.
argToCall :: Arg -> [String]
argToCall (Extern name)        = [mkExtTmpVar name]
argToCall (ExternArr name)     = [mkExtTmpVar name]
argToCall (ExternFun name tag) = [mkExtTmpFun name tag]
argToCall (Queue id)           = [ mkQueueVar id 
                                 , mkQueuePtrVar id ]


collectArgs :: C.Expr a -> [String]
collectArgs e = concatMap argToCall (nub $ c2Args e)

-- extCollectArgs :: C.Expr a -> [String]
-- extCollectArgs e = nub (concatMap extArgToCall (c2Args e))


-- Gathers the names of the arguments to the SBV updateState function so that we
-- can construct the prototypes.

-- XXX It depends on gathering the the arguments in the same order that SBV uses
-- them.  SBV makes the arguments in the order that the cgInput and cgInputArr
-- are pushed into the SBVCodeGen.  However, there should really be an API for
-- getting the prototypes.

c2Args :: C.Expr a -> [Arg]
c2Args e = nub $ c2Args_ e

c2Args_ :: C.Expr a -> [Arg]
c2Args_ e0 = case e0 of
  C.Const _ _            -> [] 

  C.Drop _ _ id          -> [ Queue id ]
  C.Local _ _ _ e1 e2    -> c2Args_ e1 ++ c2Args_ e2

  C.Var _ _              -> []

  C.ExternVar   _ name _ -> [Extern name]

  C.ExternFun   _ name args _ tag -> 
    (ExternFun name (fromJust tag)) : 
      concatMap (\C.UExpr { C.uExprExpr = expr } 
                     -> c2Args expr) 

  C.ExternArray _ _ name _ _ _ _  -> [ExternArr name] 

  C.Op1 _ e        -> c2Args_ e

  C.Op2 _ e1 e2    -> c2Args_ e1 ++ c2Args_ e2

  C.Op3 _ e1 e2 e3 -> c2Args_ e1 ++ c2Args_ e2 ++ c2Args_ e3
