This ia a CouchDB view server in and for Haskell. With it, you can define design documents that use Haskell functions to perform map/reduce operations. Database.CouchDB.ViewServer is just a container; see the submodules for API documentation.
- type MapSignature = Object -> ViewMap ()
- type ReduceSignature a = [Value] -> [Value] -> Bool -> ViewReduce a
- module Database.CouchDB.ViewServer.Map
- module Database.CouchDB.ViewServer.Reduce
This package includes the executable that runs as the CouchDB view server as well as some modules that your map and reduce functions will compile against. This means, for instance, that if CouchDB is running as a system user, this package must be installed globally in order to work.
The executable is named couch-hs
. Without any arguments, it will run as a
view server, processing lines from stdin until EOF. There are two options
that are important to the compilation of your map and reduce functions
(couch-hs -h
will print a short description of all options).
-x EXT
- Adds a language extension to the function interpreters.
is included by default. -m MODULE[,QUALIFIED]
- Imports a module into the function interpreter context. You may include a qualified name or leave it unqualified. The default environment is equivalent to the following (the last entry varying for map and reduce functions):
import Prelude import Data.Maybe import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M improt Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson.Types as J import Control.Monad import Control.Applicative import Database.CouchDB.ViewServer.[Map|Reduce]
Assuming the package is installed properly, just add it to your CouchDB config file:
[query_servers] haskell = /path/to/couch-hs [options]
Development Modes
In addition to the server mode, couch-hs
has some special modes to aid
development. CouchDB isn't very good at reporting errors in view functions,
so the following modes can be used to make sure your functions compile
before installing them into a view. To ensure valid results, be sure to
match the couch-hs
options with those in CouchDB's config file.
couch-hs [options] -M [CODE|@PATH] ...
- Attempt to compile one or
more map functions. Each argument can either be a source string or a path to
a file prefixed by @. If no arguments are given, one function will be read
from stdin. For each map function that is successfully compiled,
will print OK. If any function fails, the interpreter error(s) will be printed. If there are any failures,couch-hs
will exit with a non-zero status. couch-hs [options] -R [CODE|@PATH] ...
- The same as
, except to compile reduce functions.
Here is a simple summation example to get started. This example assumes documents of the form:
{"name": "Bob", "value": 5}
The map function emits name/value pairs:
\doc ->emitM
"name" ::ViewMap
String) (doc.:
"value" ::ViewMap
The reduce function adds up all of the values:
\keys values rereduce -> sum <$>parseJSONList
values ::ViewReduce
The key things to note here:
- Map and reduce operations take place in a monadic context. The map and
reduce monads are transformers on top of
, which is used to parse the decoded JSON into native values. Lifted parsing tools are provided for convenience. - Both map and reduce functions will parse JSON values and produce output
and log messages. If any JSON parsing operation fails, the entire
computation will fail and no results nor log messages will be returned to
the server. To handle parse failures, you can use
. - Both map and reduce computations are parameterized in some way. In the
case of map functions, it's the
function; for the reduce functions, it's the return type. In either case, since there is no top-level type annotation, it will be necessary to include annotations at key points in the functions. I find that annotations usually belong at the points where the JSON objects are parsed.
Map Functions
A map function takes a single JSON object as an argument and evaluates to
. The map computation may call ViewMap
or emitM
returnkey/value pairs for the given document. The emit functions accept any
type that can be converted by toJSON
, which is a long list. If you want
to emit null
, pass Null
or Nothing
(Null is easier, as it doesn't
require annotation).
Map functions will generally use .:
and .:?
to access fields in the
object and may need parseJSON
to parse embedded values.
If the map computation fails, the result will be equivalent to return ()
type MapSignature = Object -> ViewMap ()Source
The type of your map functions as they are stored in CouchDB. The trivial example:
\doc -> return ()
Reduce Functions
A reduce function takes three arguments: a list of keys as JSON Value
a list of values as JSON Value
s, and a Bool
for rereduce. The
monad may wrap any value that can be converted by toJSON
a type annotation will generally be necessary.
A reduce function will normally use parseJSONList
to parse the JSON
values into primitive types for processing.
If the reduce computation fails, the result will be equivalent to return
type ReduceSignature a = [Value] -> [Value] -> Bool -> ViewReduce aSource
The type of your reduce functions as they are stored in CouchDB. The trivial example:
\keys values rereduce -> return Null
Here's a larger example that shows off a more practical application. Suppose a set of documents representing shared expenses. We'll include a couple of malformed documents for good measure.
{"date": "2011-06-05", "what": "Dinner", "credits": {"Alice": 80}, "shares": {"Alice": 1, "Bob": 2, "Carol": 1}} {"date": "2011-06-17", "credits": {"Bob": 75}, "shares": {"Bob": 1, "Doug": 1}} {"date": "2011-06-08", "what": "Concert", "credits": {"Carol": 150}, "shares": {"Alice": 1, "Carol": 1, "Doug": 1}} {"date": "2011-05-25", "what": "Bogus", "credits": {"Alice": 50}, "shares": {"Bob": 0}} {"food": "pizza", "toppings": ["mushrooms", "onions", "sausage"]}
The following map function will calculate the total credit or debt for each
person for each valid document. The what
field is carried along. The
reduce function sums all of the nets to produce the bottom line.
\doc -> let net credits shares = let debts = shareAmounts (sumMap credits) (sumMap shares) shares in M.unionWith (+) credits debts shareAmounts totCredit totShares = (\shares -> -(shares / totShares) * totCredit) sumMap = M.fold (+) 0 in do date <- doc .: "date" :: ViewMap T.Text what <- doc .:? "what" :: ViewMap (Maybe T.Text) -- Optional field credits <- doc .: "credits" :: ViewMap (M.Map T.Text Double) shares <- doc .: "shares" :: ViewMap (M.Map T.Text Double) guard $ (sumMap shares) > 0 -- Just say no to (/ 0) emit date $ object ["net" .= net credits shares, "what" .= what]
\_ values rereduce -> L.foldl' (M.unionWith (+)) M.empty <$> case rereduce of False -> mapM (.: "net") =<< parseJSONList values :: ViewReduce [(M.Map T.Text Double)] True -> parseJSONList values :: ViewReduce [(M.Map T.Text Double)]
Map results:
"2011-06-05": {what: "Dinner", net: {Alice: 60, Bob: -40, Carol: -20}} "2011-06-08": {what: "Concert", net: {Alice: -50, Carol: 100, Doug: -50}} "2011-06-17": {what: null, net: {Bob: 37.5, Doug: -37.5}}
Which reduces to:
{Alice: 10, Bob: -2.5, Carol: 80, Doug: -87.5}