module Data.Countable where
import Data.Word;
import Data.Int;
import Prelude;
class (Eq a) => Countable a where
countPrevious :: a -> Maybe a;
countMaybeNext :: Maybe a -> Maybe a;
countDown :: (Countable a) => a -> [a];
countDown a = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> a':(countDown a');
Nothing -> [];
instance Countable () where
countPrevious () = Nothing;
countMaybeNext Nothing = Just ();
countMaybeNext (Just ()) = Nothing;
instance Countable Bool where
countPrevious True = Just False;
countPrevious False = Nothing;
countMaybeNext Nothing = Just False;
countMaybeNext (Just False) = Just True;
countMaybeNext (Just True) = Nothing;
boundedCountPrevious :: (Eq a,Bounded a,Enum a) => a -> Maybe a;
boundedCountPrevious n | n == minBound = Nothing;
boundedCountPrevious n = Just (pred n);
boundedCountMaybeNext :: (Eq a,Bounded a,Enum a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a;
boundedCountMaybeNext Nothing = Just minBound;
boundedCountMaybeNext (Just n) | n == maxBound = Nothing;
boundedCountMaybeNext (Just n) = Just (succ n);
instance Countable Word8 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Word16 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Word32 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Word64 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Int8 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Int16 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Int32 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Int64 where
countPrevious = boundedCountPrevious;
countMaybeNext = boundedCountMaybeNext;
instance Countable Integer where
countPrevious 0 = Nothing;
countPrevious a | a < 0 = Just ( a 1);
countPrevious a = Just ( a);
countMaybeNext = Just . countNext;
instance (Countable a) => Countable (Maybe a) where
countPrevious = fmap countPrevious;
countMaybeNext Nothing = Just Nothing;
countMaybeNext (Just ma) = fmap Just (countMaybeNext ma);
maybeRecount :: (Countable a,Countable b) => a -> Maybe b;
maybeRecount a = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> do
b' <- maybeRecount a';
countMaybeNext b';
Nothing -> countMaybeNext Nothing;
instance (Countable a,Countable b) => Countable (Either a b) where
countPrevious (Right b) = case countPrevious b of
Just b' -> case maybeRecount b' of
Just a -> Just (Left a);
Nothing -> Just (Right b);
Nothing -> Nothing;
countPrevious (Left a) = case maybeRecount a of
Just b -> Just (Right b);
Nothing -> fmap Left (countPrevious a);
countMaybeNext Nothing = case countMaybeNext Nothing of
Just b -> Just (Right b);
Nothing -> fmap Left (countMaybeNext Nothing);
countMaybeNext (Just (Right b)) = case maybeRecount b of
Just a -> Just (Left a);
Nothing -> fmap Right (countMaybeNext (Just b));
countMaybeNext (Just (Left a)) = case maybeRecount a >>= (countMaybeNext . Just) of
Just b -> (Just (Right b));
Nothing -> fmap Left (countMaybeNext (Just a));
countDownUp :: (Countable down,Countable up) => (down,up) -> Maybe (down,up);
countDownUp (down,up) = do
down' <- countPrevious down;
up' <- countMaybeNext (Just up);
return (down',up');
countUpDown :: (Countable up,Countable down) => (up,down) -> Maybe (up,down);
countUpDown (up,down) = do
up' <- countMaybeNext (Just up);
down' <- countPrevious down;
return (up',down');
finalIteration :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> a;
finalIteration f a = case f a of
Just a' -> finalIteration f a';
Nothing -> a;
instance (Countable a,Countable b) => Countable (a,b) where
countPrevious ab = case countUpDown ab of
Just ab' -> Just ab';
_ -> let
(a',b') = finalIteration countDownUp ab;
} in case countPrevious a' of
Just a'' -> Just (a'',b');
Nothing -> case countPrevious b' of
Just b'' -> Just (a',b'');
Nothing -> Nothing;
countMaybeNext Nothing = do
a <- countMaybeNext Nothing;
b <- countMaybeNext Nothing;
return (a,b);
countMaybeNext (Just ab) = case countDownUp ab of
Just ab' -> Just ab';
_ -> let
(a',b') = finalIteration countUpDown ab;
} in case countMaybeNext (Just a') of
Just a'' -> Just (a'',b');
Nothing -> case countMaybeNext (Just b') of
Just b'' -> Just (a',b'');
Nothing -> Nothing;
class (Countable a) => AtLeastOneCountable a where
countFirst :: a;
instance AtLeastOneCountable () where
countFirst = ();
instance AtLeastOneCountable Bool where
countFirst = False;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Word8 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Word16 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Word32 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Word64 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Int8 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Int16 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Int32 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Int64 where
countFirst = minBound;
instance AtLeastOneCountable Integer where
countFirst = 0;
instance (Countable a) => AtLeastOneCountable (Maybe a) where
countFirst = Nothing;
instance (Countable a,AtLeastOneCountable b) => AtLeastOneCountable (Either a b) where
countFirst = Right countFirst;
instance (AtLeastOneCountable a,AtLeastOneCountable b) => AtLeastOneCountable (a,b) where
countFirst = (countFirst,countFirst);
class (AtLeastOneCountable a) => InfiniteCountable a where
countNext :: Maybe a -> a;
instance InfiniteCountable Integer where
countNext Nothing = 0;
countNext (Just a) | a < 0 = a;
countNext (Just a) = a 1;
instance (InfiniteCountable a) => InfiniteCountable (Maybe a) where
countNext = fmap countNext;
instance (AtLeastOneCountable a,InfiniteCountable b) => InfiniteCountable (a,b) where
countNext Nothing = (countFirst,countNext Nothing);
countNext (Just ab) = case countDownUp ab of
Just ab' -> ab';
_ -> let
(a',b') = finalIteration countUpDown ab;
} in case countMaybeNext (Just a') of
Just a'' -> (a'',b');
Nothing -> (a',countNext (Just b'));
recount :: (Countable a,InfiniteCountable b) => a -> b;
recount = countNext . (fmap recount) . countPrevious;
instance (Countable a,InfiniteCountable b) => InfiniteCountable (Either a b) where
countNext Nothing = Right (countNext Nothing);
countNext (Just (Right b)) = case maybeRecount b of
Just a -> Left a;
Nothing -> Right (countNext (Just b));
countNext (Just (Left a)) = Right (countNext (recount a));
instance (Countable a) => Countable [a] where
countPrevious [] = Nothing;
countPrevious (x:xs) = case countMaybeNext Nothing of
Nothing -> seq x undefined;
Just firsta -> Just (pp x xs) where
pp a r = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> firsta:(pp a' r);
Nothing -> case r of
[] -> [];
b:r' -> case countMaybeNext (Just b) of
Just b' -> b':r';
Nothing -> firsta:(pp b r');
countMaybeNext Nothing = Just [];
countMaybeNext (Just l) = case countMaybeNext Nothing of
Nothing -> Nothing;
Just firsta -> Just (countNext' l) where
countNext' [] = [firsta];
countNext' (a:r) = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> firsta:a':r;
Nothing -> upOne (countNext' r);
upOne [] = [firsta];
upOne (a:r) = case countMaybeNext (Just a) of
Just a' -> a':r;
Nothing -> firsta:a:r;
instance (Countable a) => AtLeastOneCountable [a] where
countFirst = [];
instance (AtLeastOneCountable a) => InfiniteCountable [a] where
countNext Nothing = [];
countNext (Just l) = countNext' l where
countNext' [] = [countFirst];
countNext' (a:r) = case countPrevious a of
Just a' -> countFirst:a':r;
Nothing -> upOne (countNext' r);
upOne [] = [countFirst];
upOne (a:r) = case countMaybeNext (Just a) of
Just a' -> a':r;
Nothing -> countFirst:a:r;