{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module Country
  ( Country
    -- * Three digit code
  , encodeNumeric
  , decodeNumeric
    -- * Name
  , encodeEnglish
  , decode
  , parser
  , parserUtf8
    -- * Alpha-2 and Alpha-3
  , alphaTwoUpper
  , alphaThreeUpper
  , alphaThreeLower
  , alphaTwoLower
  , decodeAlphaTwo
  , decodeAlphaThree
  ) where

import Country.Unsafe (Country(..))
import Country.Unexposed.Encode.English (countryNameQuads)
import Country.Unexposed.Names (numberOfPossibleCodes,alphaTwoHashMap,alphaThreeHashMap,decodeMap,decodeNumeric,encodeEnglish)
import Country.Unexposed.Trie (Trie,trieFromList,trieParser)
import Country.Unexposed.TrieByte (TrieByte,trieByteFromList,trieByteParser)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Data.Primitive (indexArray,writeByteArray,indexByteArray,unsafeFreezeByteArray,newByteArray)
import Data.Primitive.Array (Array(..))
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray (ByteArray(..))
import GHC.Prim (sizeofByteArray#,sizeofArray#)
import GHC.Int (Int(..))
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (ord,chr,toLower)
import Data.Bits (unsafeShiftL,unsafeShiftR)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text.Array as TA
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Internal as TI
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AT
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as AB

-- | Convert a country to its numeric code. This is a
--   three-digit number and will consequently be less than 1000.
encodeNumeric :: Country -> Word16
encodeNumeric (Country n) = n

-- | The alpha-2 country code, uppercase
alphaTwoUpper :: Country -> Text
alphaTwoUpper c = TI.text allAlphaTwoUpper (timesTwo (indexOfCountry c)) 2

-- | The alpha-3 country code, uppercase
alphaThreeUpper :: Country -> Text
alphaThreeUpper c = TI.text allAlphaThreeUpper (timesThree (indexOfCountry c)) 3

-- | The alpha-2 country code, lowercase
alphaTwoLower :: Country -> Text
alphaTwoLower c = TI.text allAlphaTwoLower (timesTwo (indexOfCountry c)) 2

-- | The alpha-3 country code, lowercase
alphaThreeLower :: Country -> Text
alphaThreeLower c = TI.text allAlphaThreeLower (timesThree (indexOfCountry c)) 3

decodeAlphaTwo :: Text -> Maybe Country
decodeAlphaTwo = flip HM.lookup alphaTwoHashMap

decodeAlphaThree :: Text -> Maybe Country
decodeAlphaThree = flip HM.lookup alphaThreeHashMap

half :: Int -> Int
half x = unsafeShiftR x 1

timesTwo :: Int -> Int
timesTwo x = unsafeShiftL x 1

timesThree :: Int -> Int
timesThree x = x * 3

-- | Parse a country from its name. This function is language-agnostic.
--   It can handle any source language.
decode :: Text -> Maybe Country
decode = flip HM.lookup decodeMap

-- | Parse a country from its name using an attoparsec text parser. This
--   function is language-agnostic and can handle any source language.
--   In the case that one possible country name is a prefix of another
--   possible name (for example, United States vs United States of America),
--   the longest possible will be parsed.
parser :: AT.Parser Country
parser = coerce (trieParser decodeTrie)

parserUtf8 :: AB.Parser Country
parserUtf8 = coerce (trieByteParser decodeTrieUtf8)

word16ToInt :: Word16 -> Int
word16ToInt = fromIntegral

charToWord16 :: Char -> Word16
charToWord16 = fromIntegral . ord

word16ToChar :: Word16 -> Char
word16ToChar = chr . fromIntegral

-- arrayFoldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Array b -> a
-- arrayFoldl' f z a = go 0 z
--   where
--   go i !acc | i < sizeofArray a = go (i+1) (f acc $ indexArray a i)
--             | otherwise         = acc

-- sizeofArray :: Array a -> Int
-- sizeofArray (Array a) = I# (sizeofArray# a)
-- {-# INLINE sizeofArray #-}

numberOfCountries :: Int
numberOfCountries = length countryNameQuads

-- | The elements in this array are Word16
positions :: ByteArray
positions = runST $ do
  m <- newByteArray (timesTwo numberOfPossibleCodes)
  forM_ (zip (enumFrom (0 :: Word16)) countryNameQuads) $ \(ix,(n,_,_,_)) -> do
    writeByteArray m (word16ToInt n) ix
  unsafeFreezeByteArray m
{-# NOINLINE positions #-}

-- get the index of the country. this refers not to the
-- country code but to the position it shows up in the
-- hard-coded list of all the countries.
indexOfCountry :: Country -> Int
indexOfCountry (Country n) =
  word16ToInt (indexByteArray positions (word16ToInt n))

allAlphaTwoUpper :: TA.Array
allAlphaTwoUpper = TA.run $ do
  m <- TA.new (timesTwo numberOfCountries)
  forM_ countryNameQuads $ \(n,_,(a1,a2),_) -> do
    let ix = timesTwo (indexOfCountry (Country n))
    TA.unsafeWrite m ix (charToWord16 a1)
    TA.unsafeWrite m (ix + 1) (charToWord16 a2)
  return m
{-# NOINLINE allAlphaTwoUpper #-}

allAlphaThreeUpper :: TA.Array
allAlphaThreeUpper = TA.run $ do
  m <- TA.new (timesThree numberOfCountries)
  forM_ countryNameQuads $ \(n,_,_,(a1,a2,a3)) -> do
    let ix = timesThree (indexOfCountry (Country n))
    TA.unsafeWrite m ix (charToWord16 a1)
    TA.unsafeWrite m (ix + 1) (charToWord16 a2)
    TA.unsafeWrite m (ix + 2) (charToWord16 a3)
  return m
{-# NOINLINE allAlphaThreeUpper #-}

allAlphaThreeLower :: TA.Array
allAlphaThreeLower = mapTextArray toLower allAlphaThreeUpper
{-# NOINLINE allAlphaThreeLower #-}

allAlphaTwoLower :: TA.Array
allAlphaTwoLower = mapTextArray toLower allAlphaTwoUpper
{-# NOINLINE allAlphaTwoLower #-}

mapTextArray :: (Char -> Char) -> TA.Array -> TA.Array
mapTextArray f a@(TA.Array inner) = TA.run $ do
  let len = half (I# (sizeofByteArray# inner))
  m <- TA.new len
  TA.copyI m 0 a 0 len
  let go !ix = if ix < len
        then do
          TA.unsafeWrite m ix (charToWord16 (f (word16ToChar (TA.unsafeIndex a ix))))
          go (ix + 1)
        else return ()
  go 0
  return m

decodeTrie :: Trie
decodeTrie = trieFromList (map (\(a,Country x) -> (a,x)) (HM.toList decodeMap))
{-# NOINLINE decodeTrie #-}

decodeTrieUtf8 :: TrieByte
decodeTrieUtf8 = trieByteFromList (map (\(a,Country x) -> (TE.encodeUtf8 a,x)) (HM.toList decodeMap))
{-# NOINLINE decodeTrieUtf8 #-}