% -*- mode: prolog -*- % Converts lists of character codes to Prolog style S-Expressions. % Known to work in SWI-Prolog, but not with GNU Prolog. :- module(sexpr, [codes_sexpr/2, codes_sexpr_list/2, sexpr_term/2, read_sexpr_list/2, read_sexpr_term_list/2]). % codes_sexpr(+Codes, -Sexpr) % Convert a list of character codes to a Prolog style S-Expression. codes_sexpr(Codes, Sexpr) :- phrase(sexpr_top(Sexpr), Codes). sexpr_top(S) --> sexpr(S), sexpr_white_spaces. % codes_sexpr_list(+Codes, -Sexprs) % Convert a list of character codes to a Prolog style list of % S-Expressions. codes_sexpr_list(Codes, Sexprs) :- phrase(sexpr_list_top(Sexprs), Codes). sexpr_list_top(S) --> sexpr_list(S), sexpr_white_spaces. % Supporting predicates follow. % Parse an S-Expression. sexpr(S) --> sexpr_white_space, !, sexpr(S). sexpr(S) --> sexpr_open, !, sexpr_list(S), sexpr_close. sexpr(_) --> sexpr_close, !, { fail }. sexpr(S) --> sexpr_digit(C), !, sexpr_number(C, S). sexpr(S) --> sexpr_string_start, !, sexpr_string(S). sexpr(S) --> sexpr_symbol(S). % Parse a list minus the opening parenthesis. sexpr_list(L) --> sexpr_white_space, !, sexpr_list(L). sexpr_list([S|L]) --> sexpr(S), !, sexpr_list(L). sexpr_list([]) --> []. % Parse a number. sexpr_number(C, S) --> sexpr_digits(L), { number_codes(S, [C|L]) }. sexpr_digits([]) --> sexpr_atom_end, !. sexpr_digits([C|L]) --> sexpr_digit(C), sexpr_digits(L). % Parse a string minus the opening quote. sexpr_string(S) --> sexpr_string_rest(L), { string_to_list(S, L) }. sexpr_string_rest(L) --> sexpr_string_start, !, { L = [] }. sexpr_string_rest([C|L]) --> [C], sexpr_string_rest(L). sexpr_string_start --> sexpr_quote. % Symbols sexpr_symbol(S) --> sexpr_symbol_code(C), sexpr_symbol_codes(L), { atom_codes(S, [C|L]) }. sexpr_symbol_codes([C|L]) --> sexpr_symbol_code(C), !, sexpr_symbol_codes(L). sexpr_symbol_codes([]) --> sexpr_atom_end, !. sexpr_symbol_code(C) --> sexpr_other(C). % Character recognizers. sexpr_white_space --> [C], { sexpr_token(C, space) }. sexpr_white_space --> sexpr_semicolon, !, sexpr_comment. sexpr_semicolon --> [C], { sexpr_token(C, semicolon) }. sexpr_comment --> sexpr_comment_char, !, sexpr_comment. sexpr_comment --> []. sexpr_comment_char --> [C], { \+ code_type(C, newline) }. sexpr_open --> [C], { sexpr_token(C, open) }. sexpr_close --> [C], { sexpr_token(C, close) }. sexpr_digit(C) --> [C], { code_type(C, digit) }. sexpr_quote --> [C], { sexpr_token(C, quote) }. sexpr_other(C) --> [C], { sexpr_token_other(C) }. sexpr_token_other(C) :- sexpr_token(C, _), !, fail. sexpr_token_other(_). % Atomic S-Expressions end with EOF, white space, or a parenthesis. sexpr_atom_end([], []) :- !. sexpr_atom_end([C|L], [C|L]) :- sexpr_token(C, space), !. sexpr_atom_end([C|L], [C|L]) :- sexpr_token(C, open), !. sexpr_atom_end([C|L], [C|L]) :- sexpr_token(C, close). % S-Expression character classes. sexpr_token(Code, space) :- code_type(Code, space), !. sexpr_token(Code, open) :- char_code('(', Code), !. sexpr_token(Code, close) :- char_code(')', Code), !. sexpr_token(Code, semicolon) :- char_code(';', Code), !. sexpr_token(Code, quote) :- char_code('"', Code). % Check for trailing white space in a list of character codes. sexpr_white_spaces --> sexpr_white_space, !, sexpr_white_spaces. sexpr_white_spaces --> []. % Other predicates used in conjunction with the parser. % sexpr_term(+Sexpr, -Term) % Convert S-Expression into a more convenient form of term. When the % first element of a list is an atom, convert it to a function symbol % applied to the remaining terms. sexpr_term(A, A) :- atomic(A), !. sexpr_term([F|L], T) :- atom(F), !, sexpr_term_list(L, S), T =.. [F|S]. sexpr_term(L, T) :- sexpr_term_list(L, T). % sexpr_term_list(+Sexprs, -Terms) sexpr_term_list(L, T) :- maplist(sexpr_term, L, T). % --------------I/O-------------- % read_file(+Name, -Codes) read_file(Name, Codes) :- open(Name, read, Stream), get_codes(Stream, Codes). % Get characters from a stream and return them as a list. get_codes(Stream, []) :- at_end_of_stream(Stream), !, close(Stream). get_codes(Stream, [Code|Codes]) :- get_code(Stream, Code), get_codes(Stream, Codes). % read_sexpr_list(+Name, -Sexprs) % Intrepret the character codes from a file as a list of S-Expressions. read_sexpr_list(Name, Sexprs) :- read_file(Name, Codes), codes_sexpr_list(Codes, Sexprs). % read_sexpr_term_list(+Name, -Terms) % Intrepret the character codes from a file as a list of S-Expressions % in which lists that start with an atom have been converted to a % function application. read_sexpr_term_list(Name, Terms) :- read_sexpr_list(Name, Sexprs), sexpr_term_list(Sexprs, Terms).