This directory contains the test suite for CPSA. Files with a .scm extension are expected to succeed, ones with a .lsp extension expected are expected to fail, and ones with a .lisp are not run. The .lisp files may run for a long time and succeed or maybe they fail. The test suite is usually run by typing "sh" in the parent directory. After running the test suite, you will note files with the extension .xml. These are XHTML/SVG compound documents that can be viewed by standards compliant browsers such as Firefox and Safari. New users should study CPSA's analysis of the following protocols in order, Needham-Schroeder (ns.xml), Woo-Lam (woolan.xml), Yahalom (yahalom.xml), ffgg (ffgg.xml), and finally Otway-Rees (or.xml). When studying the full output, simultaneously display the extracted shapes. The shapes file has an extension of _shapes.xml. On the first pass, just look at the first two problems in the analysis of the Needham-Schroeder Protocol, and return to this test case when reading about role origination assumptions in the primer.