/* * A simple pretty printer * * The alogithm is by Lawrence C. Paulson, who simplified an algorithm * by Derek C. Oppen. * * Derek C. Oppen, Prettyprinting, ACM Transactions on Programming * Languages and Systems, Vol 2, No. 4, October 1980, Pages 465-483. * * Copyright (c) 2010 The MITRE Corporation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the BSD License as published by the University * of California. */ /* A pretty printer based on ML programs with the following copyright (**** ML Programs from Chapter 8 of ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd edition by Lawrence C. Paulson, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. (Cambridge University Press, 1996) Copyright (C) 1996 by Cambridge University Press. Permission to copy without fee is granted provided that this copyright notice and the DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY are included in any copy. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY. These programs are provided `as is' without warranty of any kind. We make no warranties, express or implied, that the programs are free of error, or are consistent with any particular standard of merchantability, or that they will meet your requirements for any particular application. They should not be relied upon for solving a problem whose incorrect solution could result in injury to a person or loss of property. If you do use the programs or functions in such a manner, it is at your own risk. The author and publisher disclaim all liability for direct, incidental or consequential damages resulting from your use of these programs or functions. ****) */ package cpsaextras import java.io.PrintWriter /** Abstract data type for pretty printing. */ sealed abstract class Pretty private case class Str(s: String) extends Pretty private case class Brk(n: Int) extends Pretty private case class Blo(l: List[Pretty], indent: Int, n: Int) extends Pretty private case class Grp(l: List[Pretty], indent: Int, n: Int) extends Pretty object Pretty { // Exported constructors /** Create a string. * @param s string to be printed */ def str(s: String): Pretty = { Str(s) } /** Create a break point. * @param n number of spaces */ def brk(n: Int): Pretty = { Brk(n) } /** Create an indentation block. When pretty printing, any of the * break points in the list can be used. * @param indent number of spaces to indent * @param es a list that includes break points */ def blo(indent: Int, es: List[Pretty]): Pretty = { Blo(es, indent, len(es, 0)) } /** Create an indentation group. When pretty printing, * either all or none of the break points are used. * @param indent number of spaces to indent * @param es a list that includes break points */ def grp(indent: Int, es: List[Pretty]): Pretty = { Grp(es, indent, len(es, 0)) } private def len(es: List[Pretty], n: Int): Int = { es match { case Nil => n case e :: es => len(es, size(e) + n) } } private def size(e: Pretty): Int = { e match { case Str(s) => s.length case Brk(n) => n case Blo(_, _, n) => n case Grp(_, _, n) => n } } /** Print an object of type Pretty. */ def pr(w: PrintWriter, margin: Int, e: Pretty): Unit = { printing(w, margin, List(e), margin, 0, false, margin) } private def printing(w: PrintWriter, margin: Int, es: List[Pretty], blockspace:Int, after: Int, force: Boolean, space: Int): Int = { es match { case Nil => space case e :: es => val space1 = e match { case Str(s) => // Place a string w.print(s) space - s.length case Brk(n) => // Place breakable space if (!force && n + breakdist(es, after) <= space) blanks(w, n, space) // Don't break else { w.println() // Break blanks(w, margin - blockspace, margin) } case Blo(bes, indent, _) => // Place a block printing(w, margin, bes, space - indent, breakdist(es, after), false, space) case Grp(bes, indent, n) => // Place a group val dist = breakdist(es, after) printing(w, margin, bes, space - indent, dist, n + dist > space, space) } printing(w, margin, es, blockspace, after, force, space1) } } // Find the distance to the nearest breakable space private def breakdist(es: List[Pretty], after: Int): Int = { es match { case Nil => after case Str(s) :: es => s.length + breakdist(es, after) case Brk(_) :: es => 0 case Blo(_, _, n) :: es => n + breakdist(es, after) case Grp(_, _, n) :: es => n + breakdist(es, after) } } // Place spaces private def blanks(w: PrintWriter, n: Int, space: Int): Int = { if (n <= 0) space else { w.print(' ') blanks(w, n - 1, space - 1) } } }