% -*- mode: prolog -*- %% CPSA tools in Prolog %% Translates the output of the cpsasas program into the syntax of %% Prover9. %% Known to work in SWI-Prolog, but not with GNU Prolog. %% To handle the subsort relations of the message algebra, add the %% following axioms. %% all T (akey(T) -> mesg(T)). %% all T (skey(T) -> mesg(T)). %% all T (name(T) -> mesg(T)). %% all T (text(T) -> mesg(T)). %% all T (name(T) -> mesg(T)). %% Copyright (c) 2011 The MITRE Corporation %% %% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or %% modify it under the terms of the BSD License as published by the %% University of California. :- module(prover9, [prover9/2]). :- use_module(pp). :- use_module(sexpr). %% prover9(+In, +Out) Translates cpsasas program output in file In, %% into the syntax of Prover9 and places it in file Out. prover9(In, Out) :- sexpr:read_sexpr_list(In, Forms), open(Out, write, Stream), top_forms_pp(Stream, Forms), close(Stream). %% Ignore all forms except the ones that start with forall. top_forms_pp(_, []). top_forms_pp(Out, [[defsas, _, [forall|Rest]]|Forms]) :- !, form_to_pretty([forall|Rest], Pretty), pp:pr(Out, 72, Pretty), put_char(Out, '.'), nl(Out), nl(Out), top_forms_pp(Out, Forms). top_forms_pp(Out, [_|Forms]) :- top_forms_pp(Out, Forms). %% Formula classification form_to_pretty([equal|Terms], Pretty) :- !, equal(Terms, Pretty). form_to_pretty([implies|Forms], Pretty) :- !, implication(Forms, Pretty). form_to_pretty([and|Forms], Pretty) :- !, junction(and, Forms, Pretty). form_to_pretty([or| Forms], Pretty) :- !, junction(or, Forms, Pretty). form_to_pretty([forall|Rest], Pretty) :- !, quantifier(forall, Rest, Pretty). form_to_pretty([exists|Rest], Pretty) :- !, quantifier(exists, Rest, Pretty). form_to_pretty(Forms, Pretty) :- atomic_form(Forms, Pretty). %% In general, breaks are before binary operators. %% Equality equal([L, R], Pretty) :- term_to_pretty(L, Left), pp:brk(1, Brk), pp:atm('= ', Op), term_to_pretty(R, Right), pp:blo(0, [Left, Brk, Op, Right], Pretty). %% Implication implication([H, C], Pretty) :- form_to_pretty(H, Hypoth), pp:brk(1, Brk), pp:atm('-> ', Op), form_to_pretty(C, Concl), pp:blo(0, [Hypoth, Brk, Op, Concl], Pretty). %% Conjunction and disjunction junction(and, [], Pretty) :- pp:atm('$T', Pretty). junction(or, [], Pretty) :- pp:atm('$F', Pretty). junction(_, [Form], Pretty) :- !, form_to_pretty(Form, Pretty). junction(Kind, [Form|Forms], Pretty) :- form_to_pretty(Form, First), junction_op(Kind, Op), junction_rest(Op, Forms, Pretties), pp:blo(0, [First|Pretties], Pretty). junction_op(and, Pretty) :- pp:atm('&', Pretty). junction_op(or, Pretty) :- pp:atm('|', Pretty). junction_rest(_, [], []). junction_rest(Op, [Form|Forms], [Brk, Op, Sp, Next|Pretties]) :- pp:brk(1, Brk), pp:atm(' ', Sp), form_to_pretty(Form, Next), junction_rest(Op, Forms, Pretties). %% Quantifiers forall and exists quantifier(_, [[], Body], Pretty) :- !, form_to_pretty(Body, Pretty). quantifier(Kind, [Decls, Body], Pretty) :- quantifier_op(Kind, Op), decls(Decls, SVars), quantifier_preds(SVars, Vars, Preds), quantifier_body(Kind, Preds, Body, SBody), quantifier_rest(Op, Vars, SBody, Pretties), pp:blo(2, Pretties, Pretty). quantifier_op(forall, Pretty) :- pp:atm(all, Pretty). quantifier_op(exists, Pretty) :- pp:atm(exists, Pretty). %% Collect vars in declarations. decls(Decls, SortedVars) :- decls(Decls, SortedVars, []). decls([], SVars, SVars). decls([Decl|Decls], SVars, End) :- decl(Decl, _, SVars, Middle), decls(Decls, Middle, End). decl([Sort], Sort, SVars, SVars) :- atom(Sort). decl([Var|Decl], Sort, [(Var,Sort)|SVars], End) :- atom(Var), decl(Decl, Sort, SVars, End). quantifier_preds([], [], []). quantifier_preds([(Var,Sort)|SVars], [Var|Vars], [[Sort, Var]|Preds]) :- quantifier_preds(SVars, Vars, Preds). quantifier_body(_, [], Body, Body) :- !. quantifier_body(exists, Preds, [and|Forms], [and|Conj]) :- !, append(Preds, Forms, Conj). quantifier_body(exists, Preds, Body, [and|Conj]) :- append(Preds, [Body], Conj). quantifier_body(forall, Preds, [implies, [and|Forms], Body], [implies, [and|Conj], Body]) :- !, append(Preds, Forms, Conj). quantifier_body(forall, Preds, [implies, Form, Body], [implies, [and|Conj], Body]) :- !, append(Preds, [Form], Conj). quantifier_body(forall, Preds, Body, [implies, [and|Preds], Body]). quantifier_rest(_, [], Body, [Left, Brk, Pretty, Right]) :- pp:atm('(', Left), pp:brk(0, Brk), form_to_pretty(Body, Pretty), pp:atm(')', Right). quantifier_rest(Op, [Var|Vars], Body, [Op, Sp, V, Brk|Pretties]) :- pp:atm(' ', Sp), term_to_pretty(Var, V), pp:brk(1, Brk), quantifier_rest(Op, Vars, Body, Pretties). % Atomic formulas atomic_form([Pred], Pretty) :- atom(Pred), pp:atm(Pred, Pretty). atomic_form([Pred, Term|Terms], Pretty) :- atom(Pred), pp:atm(Pred, P), pp:atm('(', Left), term_to_pretty(Term, T), terms_to_pretty(Terms, Ts), pp:blo(2, [P, Left, T|Ts], Pretty). terms_to_pretty([], [Right]) :- pp:atm(')', Right). terms_to_pretty([Term|Terms], [Comma, Brk, T|Pretties]) :- pp:atm(',', Comma), pp:brk(1, Brk), term_to_pretty(Term, T), terms_to_pretty(Terms, Pretties). term_to_pretty(Term, Pretty) :- load_term(Term, Internal), term_pp(Internal, Pretty). %% Load a term using CPSA's parsing rules for terms. Also, convert %% variables into uppercase atoms, and constants into lowercase atoms. load_term(Term, Internal) :- atom(Term), upcase_symbol(Term, Internal). load_term(Term, Internal) :- string(Term), string_to_atom(Term, Atom), downcase_symbol(Atom, Internal). load_term(Term, Term) :- integer(Term), Term >= 0. load_term([privk|Terms], Internals) :- !, load_term([invk, [pubk|Terms]], Internals). load_term([cat,Term], Internals) :- !, load_term(Term, Internals). load_term([cat,Term|Terms], [cat, X, Y]) :- !, load_term(Term, X), load_term([cat|Terms], Y). load_term([enc|Terms], Internal) :- !, load_enc(Terms, Internal). load_term([Term|Terms], [Term|Internals]) :- atom(Term), load_terms(Terms, Internals). upcase_symbol(Atom, Symbol) :- atom_chars(Atom, Chars), upcase_parts(Chars, Parts), atom_chars(Symbol, Parts). upcase_parts([First|Rest], [Lead|Tail]) :- upcase_atom(First, Lead), symbol_parts(Rest, Tail). downcase_symbol(Atom, Symbol) :- atom_chars(Atom, Chars), downcase_parts(Chars, Parts), atom_chars(Symbol, Parts). %% The null constant is used for the name of the listener role. downcase_parts([], ['[', ']']). downcase_parts([First|Rest], [Lead|Tail]) :- downcase_atom(First, Lead), symbol_parts(Rest, Tail). symbol_parts([], []). symbol_parts(['-'|Rest], ['_'|Tail]) :- !, symbol_parts(Rest, Tail). symbol_parts([First|Rest], [First|Tail]) :- symbol_parts(Rest, Tail). load_enc(Terms, [enc, X, Y]) :- split(Terms, As, B), load_term([cat|As], X), load_term(B, Y). split([X], [], X). split([X, Y|Z], [X|A], B) :- split([Y|Z], A, B). load_terms([], []). load_terms([T|Ts], [I|Is]) :- load_term(T, I), load_terms(Ts, Is). %% Pretty print a term. term_pp(Term, Pretty) :- atom(Term), pp:atm(Term, Pretty). term_pp([Term], Pretty) :- atom(Term), pp:atm(Term, Pretty). term_pp([Pred, Term|Terms], Pretty) :- atom(Pred), pp:atm(Pred, P), pp:atm('(', Left), term_pp(Term, Arg), args_pp(Terms, Pretties), blo(2, [P, Left, Arg|Pretties], Pretty). %% Natural numbers are turned into lists of nulls. %% The number is the length of the list. term_pp(0, Pretty) :- pp:atm('[]', Pretty). term_pp(Term, Pretty) :- integer(Term), succ(Num, Term), pp:atm('[[]', First), nat_pp(Num, Pretties), blo(1, [First|Pretties], Pretty). args_pp([], [Pretty]) :- pp:atm(')', Pretty). args_pp([Term|Terms], [Comma, Brk, Pretty|Pretties]) :- pp:atm(',', Comma), pp:brk(1, Brk), term_pp(Term, Pretty), args_pp(Terms, Pretties). nat_pp(0, [Right]) :- !, pp:atm(']', Right). nat_pp(Num, [Comma, Brk, Nil|Pretties]) :- succ(Num1, Num), pp:atm(',', Comma), pp:brk(1, Brk), pp:atm('[]', Nil), nat_pp(Num1, Pretties).