{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Module:     System.Cpuid
-- Copyright:  (c) 2008,2010 Martin Grabmueller
--             (c) 2011 Henning Thielemann
-- License:    GPL
-- Maintainer:  martin@grabmueller.de
-- Stability:   provisional
-- Portability: non-portable (requires IA-32 processor)
-- This module provides the function 'cpuid' for accessing the cpuid
-- instruction on modern IA-32 processors.  Additionally, some convenience
-- functions are provided, which perform some of the (really complicated and
-- obstruse) decoding.
-- As an example, you may use the following program to determine some
-- characteristics of your machine:
-- > module Main(main) where
-- >
-- > import Text.Printf (printf, )
-- > import System.Cpuid
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- >    (a, b, c, d) <- cpuid 0
-- >    _ <- printf "Basic CPUID usage: EAX=0: %8x %8x %8x %8x\n\n" a b c d
-- >    _ <- printf "Vendor string: %s\n\n" =<< vendorString
-- >    _ <- printf "Brand string: %s\n\n" =<< brandString
-- >    putStrLn "Cache information:"
-- >    putStrLn . unlines .
-- >       map (\ v -> "  " ++ show v) =<< cacheInfo
-- >    p <- processorInfo
-- >    _ <- printf "Processor info: family: %d, model: %d, stepping: %d, processor type: %d\n"
-- >       (piFamily p) (piModel p) (piStepping p) (piType p)
-- >    return ()
module System.Cpuid
    (-- * Functions
     -- * Data types
     -- * Features
     ) where

import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray, peekArray, advancePtr, )
import qualified Foreign.C.String as CString
import Foreign.Storable (pokeElemOff, peekElemOff, )
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, castPtr, )

import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet
import qualified Data.FlagSet as FlagSet
import qualified Data.FlagSet.PackedRecord as PackedRec

import Data.Bits ((.&.), shiftR, complement, testBit, )
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32, )
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, )
import Control.Monad (replicateM, )

import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Acc
import Data.Accessor ((^.), )

foreign import ccall unsafe "cpuid_array" cpuid_ :: Word32 -> Ptr Word32 -> IO ()

-- | Execute the @cpuid@ instructions with the given argument
-- in the EAX register.  Return the values of the registers
-- EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX in that order.
cpuid :: Word32 -> IO (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32)
cpuid op =
    allocaArray 4 $ \ arr -> do
        cpuid_ op arr
        [a,b,c,d] <- peekArray 4 arr
        return (a, b, c, d)

-- | Run @cpuid@ but check before that the used operation is actually supported
cpuidMaybe :: Word32 -> IO (Maybe (Word32, Word32, Word32, Word32))
cpuidMaybe op = do
   (high, _, _, _) <- cpuid 0
   if op>high
     then return Nothing
     else fmap Just $ cpuid op

peekCStringLen :: (Ptr Word32, Int) -> IO String
peekCStringLen (ptr,len) =
   fmap (takeWhile ('\0' /=)) $
   CString.peekCAStringLen (castPtr ptr, len)

-- | Execute the @cpuid@ instruction and return the vendor
-- string reported by that instruction.
vendorString :: IO String
vendorString =
    allocaArray 4 $ \ arr -> do
        cpuid_ 0 arr
        c <- peekElemOff arr 2
        d <- peekElemOff arr 3
        pokeElemOff arr 2 d
        pokeElemOff arr 3 c
        peekCStringLen (advancePtr arr 1, 3*4)

-- | Execute the @cpuid@ instruction and return the brand string
-- (processor name and maximum frequency) reported by that
-- instruction.
brandString :: IO String
brandString =
    allocaArray (3*4) $ \ arr -> do
        cpuid_ 0x80000002 arr
        cpuid_ 0x80000003 (advancePtr arr 4)
        cpuid_ 0x80000004 (advancePtr arr 8)
        peekCStringLen (arr, 3*4*4)

-- | Number of entries in a TLB.
newtype Entries = Entries Int
                     deriving (Show)

-- | Associativity in a set-associative cache.
newtype Ways = Ways Int
                     deriving (Show)

-- | MuOps in a processors trace cache.
newtype MuOps = MuOps Int
                     deriving (Show)

-- | Page size. Some entries can have alternative page sizes,
-- therefore the complicated type.
data PageSize = PageSize Int
              | PageSizeOr PageSize PageSize
                 deriving (Show)

-- | Cache size. Some entries can have alternative cache sizes,
-- therefore the complicated type.
data CacheSize = CacheSize Int
               | CacheSizeOr CacheSize CacheSize
                 deriving (Show)

-- | Line size in a cache.
newtype LineSize = LineSize Int
                     deriving (Show)

-- | Bytes per sector in a cache.
newtype BytesPerSector = BytesPerSector Int
                     deriving (Show)

-- | Cache associativity.  For some entries, this is not specified in
-- the manual.  We report these as 'DirectMapped'.
data Associativity = SetAssociative Ways
                   | DirectMapped
                     deriving (Show)

-- | Information for caches and TLBs.
data CacheInfo = InstructionTLB (Maybe CacheSize) PageSize Associativity Entries -- ^ Configuration of code TLB.
               | DataTLB (Maybe CacheSize) PageSize Associativity Entries -- ^ Configuration of data TLB.
               | FirstLevelICache CacheSize Associativity LineSize -- ^ First-level code cache configuration.
               | FirstLevelDCache CacheSize Associativity LineSize -- ^ First-level code cache configuration.
               | NoSecondLevelCache -- ^ No second level support.
               | SecondLevelCache CacheSize Associativity LineSize (Maybe BytesPerSector) -- ^ Second-level cache configuration.
               | NoThirdLevelCache -- ^ No third level support.
               | NoSecondOrThirdLevelCache -- ^ Internal use only.
               | ThirdLevelCache CacheSize Associativity LineSize (Maybe BytesPerSector) -- ^ Second-level cache configuration.
               | TraceCache MuOps Associativity -- ^ Trace cache (1st-level code cache) configuration.
               | Prefetching Int -- ^ Prefetching information.
                 deriving (Show)

-- | Fetch all available cache information from the processor, using
-- the @cpuid@ instruction.  The list is not ordered.
cacheInfo :: IO [CacheInfo]
cacheInfo =
    do m <- cpuidMaybe 2
       case m of
          Nothing -> return []
          Just (a, b, c, d) ->
             fmap (postProcess . interpretCD) $
             fmap ([a .&. complement 0xff, b, c, d] ++) $
             fmap (concatMap (\(a', b', c', d') -> [a', b', c', d'])) $
                 (fromIntegral ((a .&. 0xff) - 1))
                 (cpuid 2)

-- | Convert the strange 0x40 code to valid entries.
postProcess :: [CacheInfo] -> [CacheInfo]
postProcess infos =
    let has2ndLevel = any (\ info -> case info of
                                       SecondLevelCache{} -> True
                                       _ -> False) infos
        hasNo2ndOr3rd = any (\ info -> case info of
                                       NoSecondOrThirdLevelCache{} -> True
                                       _ -> False) infos
        infos' = filter (\ info -> case info of
                                     NoSecondOrThirdLevelCache{} -> False
                                     _ -> True) infos
    in if has2ndLevel
          then if hasNo2ndOr3rd
                 then NoThirdLevelCache : infos'
                 else infos'
          else NoSecondLevelCache : infos'

-- | Convert the values from the registers to cache information records.
interpretCD :: [Word32] -> [CacheInfo]
interpretCD =
    mapMaybe (flip lookup cacheTable) .
    concatMap (\w -> map (fromIntegral . shiftR w) [0,8,16,24]) .
    filter (not . flip testBit 31)

-- | Convert kBytes to bytes.
kByte :: Int -> Int
kByte b = b * 1024

-- | Convert mBytes to bytes.
mByte :: Int -> Int
mByte b = b * 1024 * 1024

-- | Table of cache configuration.  Information from the CPUID
-- documentation in the /IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's
-- Manual Volumes 2A/.
cacheTable :: [(Word8, CacheInfo)]
cacheTable =
     (0x01, InstructionTLB Nothing (PageSize (kByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 32)),
     (0x02, InstructionTLB Nothing (PageSize (mByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 2)),
     (0x03, DataTLB Nothing (PageSize (kByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 64)),
     (0x04, DataTLB Nothing (PageSize (mByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 8)),
     (0x06, FirstLevelICache (CacheSize (kByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32)),
     (0x08, FirstLevelICache (CacheSize (kByte 16)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32)),
     (0x0a, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 8)) (SetAssociative (Ways 2)) (LineSize 32)),
     (0x0c, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 16)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32)),
     (0x22, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x23, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x25, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 2)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x29, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x2c, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 32)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x30, FirstLevelICache (CacheSize (kByte 32)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x40, NoSecondOrThirdLevelCache),
     (0x41, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 128)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x42, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 256)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x43, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x44, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x45, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 2)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x46, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x47, ThirdLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 8)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x50, InstructionTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSizeOr (PageSize (mByte 2)) (PageSize (mByte 4))) DirectMapped (Entries 64)),
     (0x51, InstructionTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSizeOr (PageSize (mByte 2)) (PageSize (mByte 4))) DirectMapped (Entries 128)),
     (0x52, InstructionTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSizeOr (PageSize (mByte 2)) (PageSize (mByte 4))) DirectMapped (Entries 256)),
     (0x5b, DataTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSize (mByte 4)) DirectMapped (Entries 64)),
     (0x5c, DataTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSize (mByte 4)) DirectMapped (Entries 128)),
     (0x5d, DataTLB (Just (CacheSize (kByte 4))) (PageSize (mByte 4)) DirectMapped (Entries 256)),
     (0x60, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 16)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x66, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 8)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x67, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 16)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x68, FirstLevelDCache (CacheSize (kByte 32)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64)),
     (0x70, TraceCache (MuOps (kByte 12)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8))),
     (0x71, TraceCache (MuOps (kByte 16)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8))),
     (0x72, TraceCache (MuOps (kByte 32)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8))),
     (0x78, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x79, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 128)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x7a, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 256)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x7b, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x7c, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) (Just (BytesPerSector 2))),
     (0x7d, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 2)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x7f, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 2)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x82, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 256)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x83, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x84, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x85, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 2)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 32) Nothing),
     (0x86, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (kByte 512)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0x87, SecondLevelCache (CacheSize (mByte 1)) (SetAssociative (Ways 8)) (LineSize 64) Nothing),
     (0xb0, InstructionTLB Nothing (PageSize (kByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 128)),
     (0xb3, DataTLB Nothing (PageSize (kByte 4)) (SetAssociative (Ways 4)) (Entries 128)),
     (0xf0, Prefetching 64),
     (0xf1, Prefetching 128)

-- | Processor information.
data ProcessorInfo = ProcessorInfo{piFamily :: Int, -- ^ Processor family.
                                   piModel :: Int, -- ^ Processor model.
                                   piStepping :: Int, -- ^ Processor stepping.
                                   piType :: Int --  ^ Processor type.

-- | Retrieve basic processor information from the processor using the
-- @cpuid@ instruction.
processorInfo :: IO ProcessorInfo
processorInfo =
    do (a, _, _, _) <- cpuid 1
       let p = FlagSet.Cons a
       return $ ProcessorInfo{
          piFamily = p ^. family,
          piModel = p ^. model,
          piStepping = p ^. stepping,
          piType = p ^. typ

{- |
Instead of ProcessorInfo we could also export this FlagSet and the accessors.
This would be more space efficient and
would also allow for construction of processor identifiers.
stepping, model, baseFamily, extFamily, typ ::
   Acc.T (FlagSet.T Word32 ProcessorInfo) Int
stepping   = PackedRec.accessorIntByRange 4  0
model      = PackedRec.accessorIntByRange 4  4
baseFamily = PackedRec.accessorIntByRange 4  8
typ        = PackedRec.accessorIntByRange 2 12
extFamily  = PackedRec.accessorIntByRange 8 20

family :: Acc.T (FlagSet.T Word32 ProcessorInfo) Int
family =
      (\n ->
         if n<=15
           then (n,0)
           else (15,n-15))
      (\(bf,ef) ->
          case bf of
             0xf -> 0xf + ef
             fam -> fam)
   Acc.merge baseFamily extFamily

type FlagSet = EnumSet.T Word32

features :: IO (FlagSet Feature1C, FlagSet Feature1D)
features =
    flip fmap (cpuidMaybe 1) $ \m ->
    case m of
       Nothing -> (EnumSet.empty, EnumSet.empty)
       Just (_, _, c, d) -> (EnumSet.Cons c, EnumSet.Cons d)

testFlag :: Enum a => a -> FlagSet a -> Bool
testFlag = EnumSet.get

infix 9 *->

(*->) :: a -> b -> (a, b)
(*->) = (,)

showsPrecEnum ::
    (Eq e, Enum e) =>
    String -> [(e, String)] -> Int -> e -> ShowS
showsPrecEnum consName table prec item =
       (showParen (prec>10)
          (showString consName . showString " " . shows (fromEnum item)))
       showString $
    lookup item table

-- | features as found in page 1, register C
newtype Feature1C = Feature1C Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Enum Feature1C where
    fromEnum (Feature1C n) = n
    toEnum n = Feature1C n

instance Bounded Feature1C where
    minBound = (Feature1C  0)
    maxBound = (Feature1C 31)

instance Show Feature1C where
    showsPrec =
       showsPrecEnum "Feature1C" $
          sse3       *-> "sse3" :
          pclmulqdq  *-> "pclmulqdq" :
          dtes64     *-> "dtes64" :
          monitor    *-> "monitor" :
          dscpl      *-> "dscpl" :
          vmx        *-> "vmx" :
          smx        *-> "smx" :
          est        *-> "est" :
          tm2        *-> "tm2" :
          ssse3      *-> "ssse3" :
          cnxtid     *-> "cnxtid" :
          fma        *-> "fma" :
          cmpxchg16b *-> "cmpxchg16b" :
          xtpr       *-> "xtpr" :
          pdcm       *-> "pdcm" :
          dca        *-> "dca" :
          sse4_1     *-> "sse4_1" :
          sse4_2     *-> "sse4_2" :
          x2apic     *-> "x2apic" :
          movbe      *-> "movbe" :
          popcnt     *-> "popcnt" :
          aes        *-> "aes" :
          xsave      *-> "xsave" :
          osxsave    *-> "osxsave" :
          avx        *-> "avx" :

sse3       :: Feature1C
pclmulqdq  :: Feature1C
dtes64     :: Feature1C
monitor    :: Feature1C
dscpl      :: Feature1C
vmx        :: Feature1C
smx        :: Feature1C
est        :: Feature1C
tm2        :: Feature1C
ssse3      :: Feature1C
cnxtid     :: Feature1C
fma        :: Feature1C
cmpxchg16b :: Feature1C
xtpr       :: Feature1C
pdcm       :: Feature1C
dca        :: Feature1C
sse4_1     :: Feature1C
sse4_2     :: Feature1C
x2apic     :: Feature1C
movbe      :: Feature1C
popcnt     :: Feature1C
aes        :: Feature1C
xsave      :: Feature1C
osxsave    :: Feature1C
avx        :: Feature1C

sse3       = Feature1C 0
pclmulqdq  = Feature1C 1
dtes64     = Feature1C 2
monitor    = Feature1C 3
dscpl      = Feature1C 4
vmx        = Feature1C 5
smx        = Feature1C 6
est        = Feature1C 7
tm2        = Feature1C 8
ssse3      = Feature1C 9
cnxtid     = Feature1C 10
fma        = Feature1C 12
cmpxchg16b = Feature1C 13
xtpr       = Feature1C 14
pdcm       = Feature1C 15
dca        = Feature1C 18
sse4_1     = Feature1C 19
sse4_2     = Feature1C 20
x2apic     = Feature1C 21
movbe      = Feature1C 22
popcnt     = Feature1C 23
aes        = Feature1C 25
xsave      = Feature1C 26
osxsave    = Feature1C 27
avx        = Feature1C 28

-- | features as found in page 1, register D
newtype Feature1D = Feature1D Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Enum Feature1D where
    fromEnum (Feature1D n) = n
    toEnum n = Feature1D n

instance Bounded Feature1D where
    minBound = (Feature1D  0)
    maxBound = (Feature1D 31)

instance Show Feature1D where
    showsPrec =
       showsPrecEnum "Feature1D" $
          fpu   *-> "fpu" :
          vme   *-> "vme" :
          de    *-> "de" :
          pse   *-> "pse" :
          tsc   *-> "tsc" :
          msr   *-> "msr" :
          pae   *-> "pae" :
          mce   *-> "mce" :
          cx8   *-> "cx8" :
          apic  *-> "apic" :
          sep   *-> "sep" :
          mtrr  *-> "mtrr" :
          pge   *-> "pge" :
          mca   *-> "mca" :
          cmov  *-> "cmov" :
          pat   *-> "pat" :
          pse36 *-> "pse36" :
          psn   *-> "psn" :
          clfsh *-> "clfsh" :
          ds    *-> "ds" :
          acpi  *-> "acpi" :
          mmx   *-> "mmx" :
          fxsr  *-> "fxsr" :
          sse   *-> "sse" :
          sse2  *-> "sse2" :
          ss    *-> "ss" :
          htt   *-> "htt" :
          tm    *-> "tm" :
          pbe   *-> "pbe" :

fpu   :: Feature1D
vme   :: Feature1D
de    :: Feature1D
pse   :: Feature1D
tsc   :: Feature1D
msr   :: Feature1D
pae   :: Feature1D
mce   :: Feature1D
cx8   :: Feature1D
apic  :: Feature1D
sep   :: Feature1D
mtrr  :: Feature1D
pge   :: Feature1D
mca   :: Feature1D
cmov  :: Feature1D
pat   :: Feature1D
pse36 :: Feature1D
psn   :: Feature1D
clfsh :: Feature1D
ds    :: Feature1D
acpi  :: Feature1D
mmx   :: Feature1D
fxsr  :: Feature1D
sse   :: Feature1D
sse2  :: Feature1D
ss    :: Feature1D
htt   :: Feature1D
tm    :: Feature1D
pbe   :: Feature1D

fpu   = Feature1D  0
vme   = Feature1D  1
de    = Feature1D  2
pse   = Feature1D  3
tsc   = Feature1D  4
msr   = Feature1D  5
pae   = Feature1D  6
mce   = Feature1D  7
cx8   = Feature1D  8
apic  = Feature1D  9
sep   = Feature1D 11
mtrr  = Feature1D 12
pge   = Feature1D 13
mca   = Feature1D 14
cmov  = Feature1D 15
pat   = Feature1D 16
pse36 = Feature1D 17
psn   = Feature1D 18
clfsh = Feature1D 19
ds    = Feature1D 21
acpi  = Feature1D 22
mmx   = Feature1D 23
fxsr  = Feature1D 24
sse   = Feature1D 25
sse2  = Feature1D 26
ss    = Feature1D 27
htt   = Feature1D 28
tm    = Feature1D 29
pbe   = Feature1D 31