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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Database.CQL.Protocol.Tuple.TH where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Word
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Class
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Codec (putValue, getValue)
import Database.CQL.Protocol.Types
import Language.Haskell.TH

-- Database.CQL.Protocol.Tuple does not export 'PrivateTuple' but only
-- 'Tuple' effectively turning 'Tuple' into a closed type-class.
class PrivateTuple a where
    count :: Tagged a Int
    check :: Tagged a ([ColumnType] -> [ColumnType])
    tuple :: Version -> Get a
    store :: Version -> Putter a

class PrivateTuple a => Tuple a

-- Manual instances

instance PrivateTuple () where
    count   = Tagged 0
    check   = Tagged $ const []
    tuple _ = return ()
    store _ = const $ return ()

instance Tuple ()

instance Cql a => PrivateTuple (Identity a) where
    count   = Tagged 1
    check   = Tagged $ typecheck [untag (ctype :: Tagged a ColumnType)]
    tuple v = Identity <$> element v ctype
    store v (Identity a) = do
        put (1 :: Word16)
        putValue v (toCql a)

instance Cql a => Tuple (Identity a)

-- Templated instances

genInstances :: Int -> Q [Dec]
genInstances n = join <$> mapM tupleInstance [2 .. n]

tupleInstance :: Int -> Q [Dec]
tupleInstance n = do
    let cql = mkName "Cql"
    vnames <- replicateM n (newName "a")
    let vtypes    = map VarT vnames
    let tupleType = foldl1 ($:) (TupleT n : vtypes)
    let ctx       = map (\t -> ClassP cql [t]) vtypes
    td <- tupleDecl n
    sd <- storeDecl n
        [ InstanceD ctx (tcon "PrivateTuple" $: tupleType)
            [ FunD (mkName "count") [countDecl n]
            , FunD (mkName "check") [checkDecl vnames]
            , FunD (mkName "tuple") [td]
            , FunD (mkName "store") [sd]
        , InstanceD ctx (tcon "Tuple" $: tupleType) []

countDecl :: Int -> Clause
countDecl n = Clause [] (NormalB body) []
    body = con "Tagged" $$ litInt n

-- check = Tagged $
--     typecheck [ untag (ctype :: Tagged x ColumnType)
--               , untag (ctype :: Tagged y ColumnType)
--               , ...
--               ])
checkDecl :: [Name] -> Clause
checkDecl names = Clause [] (NormalB body) []
    body  = con "Tagged" $$ (var "typecheck" $$ ListE (map fn names))
    fn n  = var "untag" $$ SigE (var "ctype") (tty n)
    tty n = tcon "Tagged" $: VarT n $: tcon "ColumnType"

-- tuple v = (,)  <$> element v ctype <*> element v ctype
-- tuple v = (,,) <$> element v ctype <*> element v ctype <*> element v ctype
-- ...
tupleDecl :: Int -> Q Clause
tupleDecl n = do
    let v = mkName "v"
    Clause [VarP v] (NormalB $ body v) <$> comb
    body v = UInfixE (var "combine") (var "<$>") (foldl1 star (elts v))
    elts v = replicate n (var "element" $$ VarE v $$ var "ctype")
    star   = flip UInfixE (var "<*>")
    comb   = do
        names <- replicateM n (newName "x")
        let f = NormalB $ TupE (map VarE names)
        return [ FunD (mkName "combine") [Clause (map VarP names) f []] ]

-- store v (a, b) = put (2 :: Word16) >> putValue v (toCql a) >> putValue v (toCql b)
storeDecl :: Int -> Q Clause
storeDecl n = do
    let v = mkName "v"
    names <- replicateM n (newName "k")
    return $ Clause [VarP v, TupP (map VarP names)] (NormalB $ body v names) []
    body x names = DoE (NoBindS size : map (NoBindS . value x) names)
    size         = var "put" $$ SigE (litInt n) (tcon "Word16")
    value x v    = var "putValue" $$ VarE x $$ (var "toCql" $$ VarE v)

-- Helpers

litInt :: Integral i => i -> Exp
litInt = LitE . IntegerL . fromIntegral

var, con :: String -> Exp
var = VarE . mkName
con = ConE . mkName

tcon :: String -> Type
tcon = ConT . mkName

($$) :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
($$) = AppE

($:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
($:) = AppT

-- Implementation helpers

element :: Cql a => Version -> Tagged a ColumnType -> Get a
element v t = getValue v (untag t) >>= either fail return . fromCql

typecheck :: [ColumnType] -> [ColumnType] -> [ColumnType]
typecheck rr cc = if and (zipWith (===) rr cc) then [] else rr
    (MaybeColumn a) === b               = a === b
    (ListColumn  a) === (ListColumn  b) = a === b
    (SetColumn   a) === (SetColumn   b) = a === b
    (MapColumn a b) === (MapColumn c d) = a === c && b === d
    TextColumn      === VarCharColumn   = True
    VarCharColumn   === TextColumn      = True
    a               === b               = a == b