-- | Event store functions.
module Data.CQRS.Internal.EventStore
       ( EventStore
       , enumerateAllEvents
       , enumerateEventStore
       , getLatestSnapshot
       , getLatestVersion
       , retrieveEvents
       , storeEvents
       , withEventStore
       , withTransaction
       , writeSnapshot
       ) where

import           Control.Exception (bracket)
import           Control.Monad (liftM)
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Data.CQRS.EventStore.Backend (EventStoreBackend(..))
import           Data.CQRS.GUID
import           Data.CQRS.Serialize (decode')
import           Data.Enumerator (Enumerator, ($=))
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL
import           Data.Serialize (Serialize, encode)

-- Utilities.
map1st :: (a -> c) -> (a, b) -> (c, b)
map1st f (a,b) = (f a, b)

map2nd :: (b -> c) -> (a,b) -> (a,c)
map2nd f (a,b) = (a, f b)

map3rd :: (c -> d) -> (a,b,c) -> (a,b,d)
map3rd f (a,b,c) = (a,b,f c)

-- Provide a type alias.
data EventStore e = EventStore { esBackend :: EventStoreBackend

-- | Perform an IO action with an open event store.
withEventStore :: (IO EventStoreBackend) -> (EventStore e -> IO a) -> IO a
withEventStore open action = bracket (liftM EventStore open) (esbCloseEventStoreBackend . esBackend) action

-- | Enumerate all the events from an event store that occur at or later
-- than a given logical timestamp.
enumerateEventStore :: forall a e . (Serialize e) => EventStore e -> Int -> Enumerator (Int, (GUID, Int, e)) IO a
enumerateEventStore es minVersion =
  esbEnumerateAllEvents (esBackend es) minVersion $= EL.map (\(gv,(g,ev,ed)) -> (gv,(g,ev,decode' ed :: e)))

withTransaction :: EventStore e -> IO a -> IO a
withTransaction (EventStore esb) = esbWithTransaction esb

storeEvents :: Serialize e => EventStore e -> GUID -> Int -> [(e,Int)] -> IO ()
storeEvents (EventStore esb) guid v0 evs = esbStoreEvents esb guid v0 (map (map1st encode) evs)

retrieveEvents :: Serialize e => EventStore e -> GUID -> Int -> IO (Int,[e])
retrieveEvents (EventStore esb) guid v0 = liftM (map2nd $ map decode') $ esbRetrieveEvents esb guid v0

enumerateAllEvents :: forall a e. Serialize e => EventStore e -> Int -> Enumerator (Int, (GUID, Int, e)) IO a
enumerateAllEvents (EventStore esb) v0 =
  esbEnumerateAllEvents esb v0 $= EL.map (map2nd $ map3rd decode')

writeSnapshot ::   EventStore e -> GUID -> (Int, ByteString) -> IO ()
writeSnapshot (EventStore esb) = esbWriteSnapshot esb

getLatestSnapshot :: EventStore e -> GUID -> IO (Maybe (Int, ByteString))
getLatestSnapshot (EventStore esb) = esbGetLatestSnapshot esb

getLatestVersion :: EventStore e -> IO Int
getLatestVersion (EventStore esb) = esbGetLatestVersion esb