module Craft.S3File where import Control.Lens hiding (noneOf) import Control.Monad.Logger (logDebug) import Crypto.Hash (SHA1) import Crypto.MAC.HMAC (HMAC, hmac) import Data.ByteArray.Encoding import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.String import Craft hiding (try) import qualified Craft.File as File data S3File = S3File { _file :: File , _source :: String , _domain :: String , _version :: Version , _auth :: Maybe (String, String) -- ^ (AWSAccessKeyId, AWSSecretAccessKey) } deriving (Eq, Show) makeLenses ''S3File -- TODO: instance FileLike S3File s3file :: Path Abs FileP -> String -> S3File s3file fp source' = S3File { _file = Craft.file fp , _domain = "" , _source = source' , _version = AnyVersion , _auth = Nothing } url :: Getter S3File String url = to (\f -> "https://" ++ f ^. domain ++ "/" ++ f ^. source) -- | Add AWS Authentication Headers to curl commands -- authHeaders :: String -> S3File -> Craft [String] authHeaders method s3f = case s3f ^. auth of Nothing -> return [] Just (awsKeyID, awsSecretKey) -> do date <- $stdoutOrError =<< exec "date" ["-u", "--rfc-2822"] sourceUrl <- case s3f ^. source of [] -> $craftError $ "S3File.source is empty! " ++ show s3f '/':_ -> return $ s3f ^. source s3source -> return $ '/':s3source let contentMD5 = "" contentType = "" canonicalizedAmzHeaders = "" toSign = method ++ "\n" ++ contentMD5 ++ "\n" ++ contentType ++ "\n" ++ date ++ "\n" ++ canonicalizedAmzHeaders ++ sourceUrl sigHMAC :: HMAC SHA1 sigHMAC = hmac (B8.pack awsSecretKey) (B8.pack toSign) sig = B8.unpack $ convertToBase Base64 sigHMAC $logDebug . T.pack $ "awsSecretKey == " ++ awsSecretKey $logDebug . T.pack $ "awsKeyID == " ++ awsKeyID $logDebug . T.pack $ "toSign == " ++ show toSign return [ "--header", "Date:" ++ date , "--header", "Authorization:AWS " ++ awsKeyID ++ ":" ++ sig ] getS3Sum :: S3File -> Craft (Maybe String) getS3Sum f = do hdrs <- authHeaders "HEAD" f headers <- parseExecStdout httpHeaders "curl" (hdrs ++ ["-s", "-XHEAD", "-I", f ^. url]) return $ filter ('"' /=) <$> lookup "ETag" headers httpHeaders :: Parser [(String, String)] httpHeaders = do _ <- string "HTTP/1." >> oneOf "01" >> string " 200 OK" >> eol headers <- header `sepEndBy1` eol return headers header :: Parser (String, String) header = do k <- noneOf ":\r\n" `someTill` string ": " v <- many $ noneOf "\r\n" return (k,v) instance Craftable S3File S3File where watchCraft s3f = do let s3f' = s3f & Craft.S3File.file . fileContent .~ Nothing let fp = s3f' ^. Craft.S3File.file . path let downloadFile = do hdrs <- authHeaders "GET" s3f exec_ "curl" $ hdrs ++ ["-XGET", "-s", "-L", "-o", fromAbsFile fp, s3f'^.url] let verify expected = do md5chksum <- File.md5sum fp when (md5chksum /= expected) ( $craftError $ "verify S3File failed! Expected `" ++ expected ++ "` " ++ "Got `" ++ md5chksum ++ "` for " ++ show s3f') getS3Sum s3f' >>= \case Nothing -> $craftError $ "Failed to get chksum from S3 for: " ++ show s3f' Just etag -> do exists <- File.exists fp w <- if exists then do curSum <- File.md5sum fp case s3f' ^. version of AnyVersion -> return Unchanged Latest | etag == curSum -> return Unchanged | otherwise -> do downloadFile verify etag return Updated Version verStr | curSum == verStr -> return Unchanged | verStr /= etag -> $craftError $ "Cannot download specific file version from S3. " ++ "Found version " ++ etag ++ " for " ++ show s3f' | otherwise -> do downloadFile verify verStr return Updated else do downloadFile case s3f' ^. version of Version verStr -> verify verStr _ -> verify etag return Created fw <- watchCraft_ $ s3f' ^. Craft.S3File.file if changed w then return (w, s3f') else return (fw, s3f')