{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

module LamportClock
    ( Pid (..)
    , Time
    , Timestamp (..)
    , Clock (..)
    , LamportClock
    , runLamportClock
    , Process
    , runProcess
    , barrier
    ) where

import           Control.Arrow (first)
import           Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState, State, evalState,
                                             modify, state)
import           Data.Functor (($>))
import           Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

type Time = Word

-- | Unique process identifier
newtype Pid = Pid Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

unPid :: Pid -> Int
unPid (Pid pid) = pid

-- | Key is 'Pid'. Non-present value is equivalent to 0.
-- TODO(cblp, 2017-09-28) Use bounded-intmap
type LamportTime = IntMap Time

type LamportClock = State LamportTime

-- | XXX Make sure all subsequent calls to 'newTimestamp' return timestamps
-- greater than all prior calls.
barrier :: [Pid] -> LamportClock ()
barrier pids =
    modify $ \clocks -> let
        selectedClocks = lamportTimeFromList
            [(pid, fromMaybe 0 $ lamportTimeLookup pid clocks) | pid <- pids]
        if null selectedClocks then
                (selectedClocks $> succ (maximum selectedClocks))

-- | Timestamps are assumed unique, totally ordered,
-- and consistent with causal order;
-- i.e., if assignment 1 happened-before assignment 2,
-- the former’s timestamp is less than the latter’s.
data Timestamp = Timestamp !Time !Pid
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

class Applicative f => Clock f where
    -- | Get another unique timestamp
    newTimestamp :: f Timestamp

type Process = ReaderT Pid LamportClock

instance Clock Process where
    newTimestamp = do
        pid <- ask
        time <- postIncrementAt pid
        pure $ Timestamp time pid

runLamportClock :: LamportClock a -> a
runLamportClock action = evalState action mempty

runProcess :: Pid -> Process a -> LamportClock a
runProcess pid action = runReaderT action pid

postIncrementAt :: MonadState LamportTime m => Pid -> m Time
postIncrementAt (Pid pid) = state $ \m ->
    let v = fromMaybe 0 $ IntMap.lookup pid m
    in  (v, IntMap.insert pid (v + 1) m)

lamportTimeFromList :: [(Pid, Time)] -> LamportTime
lamportTimeFromList = IntMap.fromList . map (first unPid)

lamportTimeLookup :: Pid -> LamportTime -> Maybe Time
lamportTimeLookup = IntMap.lookup . unPid