{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface,
    ScopedTypeVariables #-}

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
-- Disable deprecation warnings for now until we remove the use of getGCStats
-- and applyGCStats for good
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}

-- |
-- Module      : Criterion.Measurement
-- Copyright   : (c) 2009-2014 Bryan O'Sullivan
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Benchmark measurement code.

module Criterion.Measurement
    , getTime
    , getCPUTime
    , getCycles
    , getGCStatistics
    , GCStatistics(..)
    , secs
    , measure
    , runBenchmark
    , runBenchmarkable
    , runBenchmarkable_
    , measured
    , applyGCStatistics
    , threshold
      -- * Deprecated
    , getGCStats
    , applyGCStats
    ) where

import Criterion.Types (Benchmarkable(..), Measured(..))
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Control.Exception (finally,evaluate)
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Stats (GCStats(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import GHC.Stats (RTSStats(..), GCDetails(..))
import System.Mem (performGC)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GHC.Stats as Stats

-- | Statistics about memory usage and the garbage collector. Apart from
-- 'gcStatsCurrentBytesUsed' and 'gcStatsCurrentBytesSlop' all are cumulative values since
-- the program started.
-- 'GCStatistics' is cargo-culted from the 'GCStats' data type that "GHC.Stats"
-- has. Since 'GCStats' was marked as deprecated and will be removed in GHC 8.4,
-- we use 'GCStatistics' to provide a backwards-compatible view of GC statistics.
data GCStatistics = GCStatistics
    { -- | Total number of bytes allocated
    gcStatsBytesAllocated :: !Int64
    -- | Number of garbage collections performed (any generation, major and
    -- minor)
    , gcStatsNumGcs :: !Int64
    -- | Maximum number of live bytes seen so far
    , gcStatsMaxBytesUsed :: !Int64
    -- | Number of byte usage samples taken, or equivalently
    -- the number of major GCs performed.
    , gcStatsNumByteUsageSamples :: !Int64
    -- | Sum of all byte usage samples, can be used with
    -- 'gcStatsNumByteUsageSamples' to calculate averages with
    -- arbitrary weighting (if you are sampling this record multiple
    -- times).
    , gcStatsCumulativeBytesUsed :: !Int64
    -- | Number of bytes copied during GC
    , gcStatsBytesCopied :: !Int64
    -- | Number of live bytes at the end of the last major GC
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesUsed :: !Int64
    -- | Current number of bytes lost to slop
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesSlop :: !Int64
    -- | Maximum number of bytes lost to slop at any one time so far
    , gcStatsMaxBytesSlop :: !Int64
    -- | Maximum number of megabytes allocated
    , gcStatsPeakMegabytesAllocated :: !Int64
    -- | CPU time spent running mutator threads.  This does not include
    -- any profiling overhead or initialization.
    , gcStatsMutatorCpuSeconds :: !Double

    -- | Wall clock time spent running mutator threads.  This does not
    -- include initialization.
    , gcStatsMutatorWallSeconds :: !Double
    -- | CPU time spent running GC
    , gcStatsGcCpuSeconds :: !Double
    -- | Wall clock time spent running GC
    , gcStatsGcWallSeconds :: !Double
    -- | Total CPU time elapsed since program start
    , gcStatsCpuSeconds :: !Double
    -- | Total wall clock time elapsed since start
    , gcStatsWallSeconds :: !Double
    } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic)

-- | Try to get GC statistics, bearing in mind that the GHC runtime
-- will throw an exception if statistics collection was not enabled
-- using \"@+RTS -T@\".
      ["GCStats has been deprecated in GHC 8.2. As a consequence,",
       "getGCStats has also been deprecated in favor of getGCStatistics.",
       "getGCStats will be removed in the next major criterion release."] #-}
getGCStats :: IO (Maybe GCStats)
getGCStats =
  (Just `fmap` Stats.getGCStats) `Exc.catch` \(_::Exc.SomeException) ->
  return Nothing

-- | Try to get GC statistics, bearing in mind that the GHC runtime
-- will throw an exception if statistics collection was not enabled
-- using \"@+RTS -T@\".
getGCStatistics :: IO (Maybe GCStatistics)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
-- Use RTSStats/GCDetails to gather GC stats
getGCStatistics = do
  stats <- Stats.getRTSStats
  let gcdetails :: Stats.GCDetails
      gcdetails = gc stats

      nsToSecs :: Int64 -> Double
      nsToSecs ns = fromIntegral ns * 1.0E-9

  return $ Just GCStatistics {
      gcStatsBytesAllocated         = fromIntegral $ gcdetails_allocated_bytes gcdetails
    , gcStatsNumGcs                 = fromIntegral $ gcs stats
    , gcStatsMaxBytesUsed           = fromIntegral $ max_live_bytes stats
    , gcStatsNumByteUsageSamples    = fromIntegral $ major_gcs stats
    , gcStatsCumulativeBytesUsed    = fromIntegral $ cumulative_live_bytes stats
    , gcStatsBytesCopied            = fromIntegral $ gcdetails_copied_bytes gcdetails
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesUsed       = fromIntegral $ gcdetails_live_bytes gcdetails
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesSlop       = fromIntegral $ gcdetails_slop_bytes gcdetails
    , gcStatsMaxBytesSlop           = fromIntegral $ max_slop_bytes stats
    , gcStatsPeakMegabytesAllocated = fromIntegral (max_mem_in_use_bytes stats) `quot` (1024*1024)
    , gcStatsMutatorCpuSeconds      = nsToSecs $ mutator_cpu_ns stats
    , gcStatsMutatorWallSeconds     = nsToSecs $ mutator_elapsed_ns stats
    , gcStatsGcCpuSeconds           = nsToSecs $ gcdetails_cpu_ns gcdetails
    , gcStatsGcWallSeconds          = nsToSecs $ gcdetails_elapsed_ns gcdetails
    , gcStatsCpuSeconds             = nsToSecs $ cpu_ns stats
    , gcStatsWallSeconds            = nsToSecs $ elapsed_ns stats
  \(_::Exc.SomeException) -> return Nothing
-- Use the old GCStats type to gather GC stats
getGCStatistics = do
  stats <- Stats.getGCStats
  return $ Just GCStatistics {
      gcStatsBytesAllocated         = bytesAllocated stats
    , gcStatsNumGcs                 = numGcs stats
    , gcStatsMaxBytesUsed           = maxBytesUsed stats
    , gcStatsNumByteUsageSamples    = numByteUsageSamples stats
    , gcStatsCumulativeBytesUsed    = cumulativeBytesUsed stats
    , gcStatsBytesCopied            = bytesCopied stats
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesUsed       = currentBytesUsed stats
    , gcStatsCurrentBytesSlop       = currentBytesSlop stats
    , gcStatsMaxBytesSlop           = maxBytesSlop stats
    , gcStatsPeakMegabytesAllocated = peakMegabytesAllocated stats
    , gcStatsMutatorCpuSeconds      = mutatorCpuSeconds stats
    , gcStatsMutatorWallSeconds     = mutatorWallSeconds stats
    , gcStatsGcCpuSeconds           = gcCpuSeconds stats
    , gcStatsGcWallSeconds          = gcWallSeconds stats
    , gcStatsCpuSeconds             = cpuSeconds stats
    , gcStatsWallSeconds            = wallSeconds stats
  \(_::Exc.SomeException) -> return Nothing

-- | Measure the execution of a benchmark a given number of times.
measure :: Benchmarkable        -- ^ Operation to benchmark.
        -> Int64                -- ^ Number of iterations.
        -> IO (Measured, Double)
measure bm iters = runBenchmarkable bm iters addResults $ \act -> do
  startStats <- getGCStatistics
  startTime <- getTime
  startCpuTime <- getCPUTime
  startCycles <- getCycles
  endTime <- getTime
  endCpuTime <- getCPUTime
  endCycles <- getCycles
  endStats <- getGCStatistics
  let !m = applyGCStatistics endStats startStats $ measured {
             measTime    = max 0 (endTime - startTime)
           , measCpuTime = max 0 (endCpuTime - startCpuTime)
           , measCycles  = max 0 (fromIntegral (endCycles - startCycles))
           , measIters   = iters
  return (m, endTime)
    addResults :: (Measured, Double) -> (Measured, Double) -> (Measured, Double)
    addResults (!m1, !d1) (!m2, !d2) = (m3, d1 + d2)
        add f = f m1 + f m2

        m3 = Measured
            { measTime               = add measTime
            , measCpuTime            = add measCpuTime
            , measCycles             = add measCycles
            , measIters              = add measIters

            , measAllocated          = add measAllocated
            , measNumGcs             = add measNumGcs
            , measBytesCopied        = add measBytesCopied
            , measMutatorWallSeconds = add measMutatorWallSeconds
            , measMutatorCpuSeconds  = add measMutatorCpuSeconds
            , measGcWallSeconds      = add measGcWallSeconds
            , measGcCpuSeconds       = add measGcCpuSeconds
{-# INLINE measure #-}

-- | The amount of time a benchmark must run for in order for us to
-- have some trust in the raw measurement.
-- We set this threshold so that we can generate enough data to later
-- perform meaningful statistical analyses.
-- The threshold is 30 milliseconds. One use of 'runBenchmark' must
-- accumulate more than 300 milliseconds of total measurements above
-- this threshold before it will finish.
threshold :: Double
threshold = 0.03
{-# INLINE threshold #-}

runBenchmarkable :: Benchmarkable -> Int64 -> (a -> a -> a) -> (IO () -> IO a) -> IO a
runBenchmarkable Benchmarkable{..} i comb f
    | perRun = work >>= go (i - 1)
    | otherwise = work
    go 0 result = return result
    go !n !result = work >>= go (n - 1) . comb result

    count | perRun = 1
          | otherwise = i

    work = do
        env <- allocEnv count
        let clean = cleanEnv count env
            run = runRepeatedly env count

        clean `seq` run `seq` evaluate $ rnf env

        f run `finally` clean <* performGC
    {-# INLINE work #-}
{-# INLINE runBenchmarkable #-}

runBenchmarkable_ :: Benchmarkable -> Int64 -> IO ()
runBenchmarkable_ bm i = runBenchmarkable bm i (\() () -> ()) id
{-# INLINE runBenchmarkable_ #-}

-- | Run a single benchmark, and return measurements collected while
-- executing it, along with the amount of time the measurement process
-- took.
runBenchmark :: Benchmarkable
             -> Double
             -- ^ Lower bound on how long the benchmarking process
             -- should take.  In practice, this time limit may be
             -- exceeded in order to generate enough data to perform
             -- meaningful statistical analyses.
             -> IO (V.Vector Measured, Double)
runBenchmark bm timeLimit = do
  runBenchmarkable_ bm 1
  start <- performGC >> getTime
  let loop [] !_ !_ _ = error "unpossible!"
      loop (iters:niters) prev count acc = do
        (m, endTime) <- measure bm iters
        let overThresh = max 0 (measTime m - threshold) + prev
        -- We try to honour the time limit, but we also have more
        -- important constraints:
        -- We must generate enough data that bootstrapping won't
        -- simply crash.
        -- We need to generate enough measurements that have long
        -- spans of execution to outweigh the (rather high) cost of
        -- measurement.
        if endTime - start >= timeLimit &&
           overThresh > threshold * 10 &&
           count >= (4 :: Int)
          then do
            let !v = V.reverse (V.fromList acc)
            return (v, endTime - start)
          else loop niters overThresh (count+1) (m:acc)
  loop (squish (unfoldr series 1)) 0 0 []

-- Our series starts its growth very slowly when we begin at 1, so we
-- eliminate repeated values.
squish :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
squish ys = foldr go [] ys
  where go x xs = x : dropWhile (==x) xs

series :: Double -> Maybe (Int64, Double)
series k = Just (truncate l, l)
  where l = k * 1.05

-- | An empty structure.
measured :: Measured
measured = Measured {
      measTime               = 0
    , measCpuTime            = 0
    , measCycles             = 0
    , measIters              = 0

    , measAllocated          = minBound
    , measNumGcs             = minBound
    , measBytesCopied        = minBound
    , measMutatorWallSeconds = bad
    , measMutatorCpuSeconds  = bad
    , measGcWallSeconds      = bad
    , measGcCpuSeconds       = bad
    } where bad = -1/0

-- | Apply the difference between two sets of GC statistics to a
-- measurement.
{-# DEPRECATED applyGCStats
      ["GCStats has been deprecated in GHC 8.2. As a consequence,",
       "applyGCStats has also been deprecated in favor of applyGCStatistics.",
       "applyGCStats will be removed in the next major criterion release."] #-}
applyGCStats :: Maybe GCStats
             -- ^ Statistics gathered at the __end__ of a run.
             -> Maybe GCStats
             -- ^ Statistics gathered at the __beginning__ of a run.
             -> Measured
             -- ^ Value to \"modify\".
             -> Measured
applyGCStats (Just end) (Just start) m = m {
    measAllocated          = diff bytesAllocated
  , measNumGcs             = diff numGcs
  , measBytesCopied        = diff bytesCopied
  , measMutatorWallSeconds = diff mutatorWallSeconds
  , measMutatorCpuSeconds  = diff mutatorCpuSeconds
  , measGcWallSeconds      = diff gcWallSeconds
  , measGcCpuSeconds       = diff gcCpuSeconds
  } where diff f = f end - f start
applyGCStats _ _ m = m

-- | Apply the difference between two sets of GC statistics to a
-- measurement.
applyGCStatistics :: Maybe GCStatistics
                  -- ^ Statistics gathered at the __end__ of a run.
                  -> Maybe GCStatistics
                  -- ^ Statistics gathered at the __beginning__ of a run.
                  -> Measured
                  -- ^ Value to \"modify\".
                  -> Measured
applyGCStatistics (Just end) (Just start) m = m {
    measAllocated          = diff gcStatsBytesAllocated
  , measNumGcs             = diff gcStatsNumGcs
  , measBytesCopied        = diff gcStatsBytesCopied
  , measMutatorWallSeconds = diff gcStatsMutatorWallSeconds
  , measMutatorCpuSeconds  = diff gcStatsMutatorCpuSeconds
  , measGcWallSeconds      = diff gcStatsGcWallSeconds
  , measGcCpuSeconds       = diff gcStatsGcCpuSeconds
  } where diff f = f end - f start
applyGCStatistics _ _ m = m

-- | Convert a number of seconds to a string.  The string will consist
-- of four decimal places, followed by a short description of the time
-- units.
secs :: Double -> String
secs k
    | k < 0      = '-' : secs (-k)
    | k >= 1     = k        `with` "s"
    | k >= 1e-3  = (k*1e3)  `with` "ms"
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    | k >= 1e-6  = (k*1e6)  `with` "us"
    | k >= 1e-6  = (k*1e6)  `with` "μs"
    | k >= 1e-9  = (k*1e9)  `with` "ns"
    | k >= 1e-12 = (k*1e12) `with` "ps"
    | k >= 1e-15 = (k*1e15) `with` "fs"
    | k >= 1e-18 = (k*1e18) `with` "as"
    | otherwise  = printf "%g s" k
     where with (t :: Double) (u :: String)
               | t >= 1e9  = printf "%.4g %s" t u
               | t >= 1e3  = printf "%.0f %s" t u
               | t >= 1e2  = printf "%.1f %s" t u
               | t >= 1e1  = printf "%.2f %s" t u
               | otherwise = printf "%.3f %s" t u

-- | Set up time measurement.
foreign import ccall unsafe "criterion_inittime" initializeTime :: IO ()

-- | Read the CPU cycle counter.
foreign import ccall unsafe "criterion_rdtsc" getCycles :: IO Word64

-- | Return the current wallclock time, in seconds since some
-- arbitrary time.
-- You /must/ call 'initializeTime' once before calling this function!
foreign import ccall unsafe "criterion_gettime" getTime :: IO Double

-- | Return the amount of elapsed CPU time, combining user and kernel
-- (system) time into a single measure.
foreign import ccall unsafe "criterion_getcputime" getCPUTime :: IO Double