{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ExistentialQuantification, ViewPatterns #-} {- | Maintainer: Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com Stability: beta Portability: portable Basic tests for some common cryptographic algorithms Most user only need to run the {make,run}Tests functions: @ runTests (makeMD5Tests (undefined :: MD5Digest)) @ or @ runTests =<< makeAESTests (undefined :: AESKey) @ TODO: More KATs are needed - particularly ones for non-AES, SHA, or MD5 algorithms. -} module Test.Crypto ( -- * Test Infrastructure runTests , Test(..) -- * Hash KATs , makeMD5Tests , makeSHA1Tests , makeSHA256Tests , makeSHA384Tests , makeSHA512Tests -- * Block Cipher KATs , makeAESTests -- * Hash property tests , prop_LazyStrictEqual , prop_DigestLen , prop_GetPutHash , prop_BlockLengthIsByteAligned , prop_OutputLengthIsByteAligned -- * Utils , hexStringToBS ) where import Test.QuickCheck import Test.ParseNistKATs import Crypto.Classes import Crypto.Modes import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Control.Monad (forM, liftM, filterM) import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.List (intersperse) import qualified Data.Binary as Bin import qualified Data.Serialize as Ser import Numeric (readHex) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Text.Parsec import Text.Parsec.ByteString import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist) import System.FilePath (takeFileName, combine, dropExtension, ()) import Paths_crypto_api instance Arbitrary Word8 where arbitrary = (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= return . fromIntegral instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where arbitrary = do len <- choose (0,4096) :: Gen Int words <- forM [0..len] (\_ -> arbitrary) return $ B.pack words instance Arbitrary L.ByteString where arbitrary = do len <- choose (0,10) :: Gen Int chunks <- vector len return $ L.fromChunks chunks -- |Verify hashing a lazy bytestring is the same as -- hashing the strict bytestring equivalent. prop_LazyStrictEqual :: Hash c d => d -> L.ByteString -> Bool prop_LazyStrictEqual d lps = let strict = B.concat $ L.toChunks lps f = hashFunc d f' = hashFunc' d in f lps == f' strict -- |Verify the Serialize and Binary instances result -- in bytestrings of the correct length for a given digest prop_DigestLen :: Hash c d => d -> L.ByteString -> Bool prop_DigestLen d lps = fromIntegral o == L.length h && o == B.length h' where f = hashFunc d f' = hashFunc' d h = Bin.encode . f $ lps h' = Ser.encode . f' . B.concat . L.toChunks $ lps o = (outputLength `for` d) `div` 8 -- |Verify the Serilize and Binary (decode . encode = id) prop_GetPutHash :: Hash c d => d -> L.ByteString -> Bool prop_GetPutHash d lps = Bin.decode (Bin.encode h) == h && Ser.decode (Ser.encode h') == Right h' where f = hashFunc d f' = hashFunc' d h = f lps h' = f' . B.concat . L.toChunks $ lps -- |verify: -- -- > blockLength .::. d `rem` 8 == 0 prop_BlockLengthIsByteAligned :: Hash c d => d -> Bool prop_BlockLengthIsByteAligned d = blockLength .::. d `rem` 8 == 0 -- |verify -- -- > outputLength .::. d `rem` 8 == 0 prop_OutputLengthIsByteAligned :: Hash c d => d -> Bool prop_OutputLengthIsByteAligned d = blockLength .::. d `rem` 8 == 0 -- |A Test can either be a quickcheck property (constructor 'T') or a -- known answer test (aka KAT, constructor 'TK'). Known answer tests -- are simply stored as their boolean result along with a test name. data Test = forall a. Testable a => T a String | TK Bool String instance Show Test where show (T _ name) = "Test " ++ name show (TK b name) = "KA Test " ++ name katToTest :: (Eq b) => KAT a b -> Test katToTest (K i f o s) = TK (f i == o) s makeHashPropTests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeHashPropTests d = [ T (prop_LazyStrictEqual d) "LazyStrictEqual" , T (prop_DigestLen d) "DigestLen" , T (prop_GetPutHash d) "GetPutHash" , T (prop_BlockLengthIsByteAligned d) "BlockLengthIsByteAligned" , T (prop_OutputLengthIsByteAligned d) "OuputLengthIsByteAligned" ] -- |FIXME make some generic blockcipher tests makeBlockCipherPropTests :: BlockCipher k => k -> [Test] makeBlockCipherPropTests _ = [] data KAT i o = K i (i -> o) o String runKATs :: (Eq o) => [KAT i o] -> Bool runKATs = all goodKAT where goodKAT (K i f o _) = f i == o -- *Known Answer Tests toD :: Hash c d => d -> String -> d toD d str = (Bin.decode $ L.fromChunks [hexStringToBS str]) `asTypeOf` d -- |Convert hex strings to bytestrings, for example: -- -- > "3adf91c0" ==> B.pack [0x3a, 0xdf, 0x91, 0xc0] -- -- Strings of odd length will cause an exception as will non-hex characters such as '0x'. hexStringToBS :: String -> B.ByteString hexStringToBS [] = B.empty hexStringToBS (_:[]) = error "Not an even number of hex characters in alledged 'digest'" hexStringToBS (a:b:xs) = B.cons (rHex (a:b:[])) (hexStringToBS xs) where rHex = fst . head . readHex dogStr = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" cogStr = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog" getAES_KATs :: BlockCipher k => k -> IO [KAT B.ByteString B.ByteString] getAES_KATs k = do dataDir <- getDataFileName ("Test" "KAT_AES") filesAndDirs <- getDirectoryContents dataDir files <- filterM doesFileExist (map (combine dataDir) filesAndDirs) recEs <- mapM (parseFromFile parseCategory) files let recs = map snd (rights recEs) fName = map takeFileName files testTypes = map getTestSig fName :: [String] tts = zip testTypes recs :: [TypedTest] kats = concatMap (uncurry (nistTestsToKAT_AES k)) (zip (zip testTypes recs) fName) return kats -- Obtain the type of AES test, such as "ECBe" or "CBCd" getTestSig :: FilePath -> String getTestSig f = take 3 f ++ [last (dropExtension f)] sigToF :: BlockCipher k => String -> Maybe (k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)) sigToF "CBCe" = Just cbc' sigToF "CBCd" = Just unCbc' sigToF "OFBe" = Just ofb' sigToF "OFBd" = Just unOfb' sigToF _ = Nothing isEnc :: String -> Bool isEnc str | null str = False | last str == 'e' = True | otherwise = False funcAndBool x = (sigToF x, isEnc x) nistTestsToKAT_AES :: BlockCipher k => k -> TypedTest -> String -> [KAT B.ByteString B.ByteString] nistTestsToKAT_AES eK ("ECBe", tests) n = let ks = map testToKAT tests in concatMap maybeToList ks where testToKAT t = testToKatBasic t encryptBlock True eK n nistTestsToKAT_AES eK ("ECBd", tests) n = let ks = map testToKAT tests in concatMap maybeToList ks where testToKAT t = testToKatBasic t decryptBlock False eK n nistTestsToKAT_AES ek (funcAndBool -> (Just modeFunc,enc), tests) n = let ks = map testToKAT tests in concatMap maybeToList ks where testToKAT t = do Right iv <- liftM (Ser.decode . hexStringToBS) (lookup "IV" t) testToKatBasic t ((\i k -> fst . modeFunc k i) iv) enc ek n nistTestsToKAT_AES eK _ _ = [] -- FIXME add CTR, OFB, GCM and other modes testToKatBasic t f enc ek name = do cnt <- lookup "COUNT" t ct <- lookup "CIPHERTEXT" t pt <- lookup "PLAINTEXT" t k <- lookup "KEY" t let realKey = (fromJust . buildKey . hexStringToBS $ k) `asTypeOf` ek ctBS = hexStringToBS ct ptBS = hexStringToBS pt if enc then return (K ptBS (f realKey) ctBS (name ++ "-" ++ cnt)) else return (K ctBS (f realKey) ptBS (name ++ "-" ++ cnt)) md5KATs :: Hash c d => d -> [KAT L.ByteString d] md5KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e") "md5KAT1" , K "a" hash (toD d "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661") "md5KAT2" , K "abc" hash (toD d "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72") "md5KAT3" , K "message digest" hash (toD d "f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0") "md5KAT4" , K "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" hash (toD d "c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b") "md5KAT5" , K "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" hash (toD d "d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f") "md5KAT6" , K "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" hash (toD d "57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a") "md5KAT7" ] sha1KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709") "sha1KAT1" , K dogStr hash (toD d "2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12") "sha1KAT2" , K cogStr hash (toD d "de9f2c7fd25e1b3afad3e85a0bd17d9b100db4b3") "sha1KAT3" ] sha224KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d "d14a028c2a3a2bc9476102bb288234c415a2b01f828ea62ac5b3e42f") "sha224KAT1" , K dogStr hash (toD d "730e109bd7a8a32b1cb9d9a09aa2325d2430587ddbc0c38bad911525") "sha224KAT2" , K cogStr hash (toD d "fee755f44a55f20fb3362cdc3c493615b3cb574ed95ce610ee5b1e9b") "sha224KAT3" ] sha256KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855") "sha256KAT1" , K dogStr hash (toD d "d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592") "sha256KAT2" , K cogStr hash (toD d "e4c4d8f3bf76b692de791a173e05321150f7a345b46484fe427f6acc7ecc81be") "sha256KAT3" ] sha384KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d "38b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274edebfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b") "sha384KAT1" , K dogStr hash (toD d "ca737f1014a48f4c0b6dd43cb177b0afd9e5169367544c494011e3317dbf9a509cb1e5dc1e85a941bbee3d7f2afbc9b1") "sha384KAT2" , K cogStr hash (toD d "098cea620b0978caa5f0befba6ddcf22764bea977e1c70b3483edfdf1de25f4b40d6cea3cadf00f809d422feb1f0161b") "sha384KAT3" ] sha512KATs d = [ K "" hash (toD d $ "cf83e1357eefb8bdf1542850d66d8007d620e4050b5715dc83f4a92" ++ "1d36ce9ce47d0d13c5d85f2b0ff8318d2877eec2f63b931bd47417" ++ "a81a538327af927da3e") "sha512KAT1" , K dogStr hash (toD d $ "07e547d9586f6a73f73fbac0435ed76951218fb7d0c8d788a30" ++ "9d785436bbb642e93a252a954f23912547d1e8a3b5ed6e1bfd7097" ++ "821233fa0538f3db854fee6") "sha512KAT2" , K cogStr hash (toD d $ "3eeee1d0e11733ef152a6c29503b3ae20c4f1f3cda4cb26f1bc1" ++ "a41f91c7fe4ab3bd86494049e201c4bd5155f31ecb7a3c8606843c4" ++ "cc8dfcab7da11c8ae5045") "sha512KAT3" ] -- |Generic routine to construct a series of tests for any hash. Used by the 'make[SHA,MD5]Tests routines. makeHashTests :: Hash c d => (d -> [KAT L.ByteString d]) -> d -> [Test] makeHashTests k d = map katToTest (k d) ++ makeHashPropTests d makeMD5Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeMD5Tests = makeHashTests md5KATs makeSHA1Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeSHA1Tests = makeHashTests sha1KATs makeSHA224Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeSHA224Tests = makeHashTests sha224KATs makeSHA256Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeSHA256Tests = makeHashTests sha256KATs makeSHA384Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeSHA384Tests = makeHashTests sha384KATs makeSHA512Tests :: Hash c d => d -> [Test] makeSHA512Tests = makeHashTests sha512KATs -- |Based on NIST KATs, build a list -- of Tests for the instantiated AES -- algorithm. makeAESTests :: BlockCipher k => k -> IO [Test] makeAESTests k = do kats <- getAES_KATs k return (map katToTest kats ++ makeBlockCipherPropTests k) -- |Run a single test runTest :: Test -> IO () runTest (T a s) = do putStr ("prop_" ++ s ++ ": ") quickCheck a runTest (TK b s) = putStrLn ("kat_" ++ s ++ ": " ++ show b) -- |Run a list of tests runTests :: [Test] -> IO () runTests = mapM_ runTest