{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, MonoLocalBinds #-}
 Maintainer: Thomas.DuBuisson@gmail.com
 Stability: beta
 Portability: portable 

 Generic mode implementations useable by any correct BlockCipher instance 
  Be aware there are no tests for CFB mode yet.  See "Test.Crypto".
module Crypto.Modes
	( ecb, unEcb
	, cbc, unCbc
	, cfb, unCfb
	, ofb, unOfb
	, ecb', unEcb'
	, cbc', unCbc'
	, cfb', unCfb'
	, ofb', unOfb'
	, IV
	, getIV, getIVIO
	-- , gmc
	-- , xts
	-- , ccm
	-- , ctr, unCtr, ctr', unCtr'
	) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Serialize
import qualified Data.Binary as Bin
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as BP
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as BG
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as SP
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as SG
import Data.Bits (xor)
import Crypto.Classes
import Crypto.Random
import System.Crypto.Random (getEntropy)

-- |Initilization Vectors for BlockCipher implementations (IV k) are used
-- for various modes and guarrenteed to be blockSize bits long.
data IV k = IV { initializationVector :: B.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- gather a specified number of bytes from the list of bytestrings
collect :: Int -> [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
collect 0 _ = []
collect _ [] = []
collect i (b:bs)
	| len < i  = b : collect (i - len) bs
        | len >= i = [B.take i b]
  len = B.length b
{-# INLINE collect #-}

chunkFor :: (BlockCipher k) => k -> L.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
chunkFor k = go
  blkSz = (blockSize `for` k) `div` 8
  blkSzI = fromIntegral blkSz
  go bs | L.length bs < blkSzI = []
        | otherwise            = let (blk,rest) = L.splitAt blkSzI bs in B.concat (L.toChunks blk) : go rest
{-# INLINE chunkFor #-}

chunkFor' :: (BlockCipher k) => k -> B.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
chunkFor' k = go
  blkSz = (blockSize `for` k) `div` 8
  go bs | B.length bs < blkSz = []
        | otherwise           = let (blk,rest) = B.splitAt blkSz bs in blk : go rest
{-# INLINE chunkFor' #-}

-- |zipWith xor + Pack
-- This is written intentionally to take advantage of the bytestring
-- libraries 'zipWith'' rewrite rule but at the extra cost of the
-- resulting lazy bytestring being more fragmented than either of the
-- two inputs.
zwp  a b = 
	let as = L.toChunks a
	    bs = L.toChunks b
	in L.fromChunks (go as bs)
  go [] _ = []
  go _ [] = []
  go (a:as) (b:bs) =
	let l = min (B.length a) (B.length b)
	    (a',ar) = B.splitAt l a
	    (b',br) = B.splitAt l b
	    as' = if B.length ar == 0 then as else ar : as
	    bs' = if B.length br == 0 then bs else br : bs
	in (zwp' a' b') : go as' bs'

-- |zipWith xor + Pack
-- As a result of rewrite rules, this should automatically be optimized (at compile time) 
-- to use the bytestring libraries 'zipWith'' function.
zwp' a = B.pack . B.zipWith xor a

-- |Cipher block chaining encryption mode on strict bytestrings
cbc' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
cbc' k (IV v) plaintext =
	let blks = chunkFor' k plaintext
	    (cts, iv) = go blks v
	in (B.concat cts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (b:bs) iv =
	let c = encryptBlock k (zwp' iv b)
	    (cs, ivFinal) = go bs c
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)

-- |Cipher block chaining decryption for strict bytestrings
unCbc' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unCbc' k (IV v) ciphertext =
	let blks = chunkFor' k ciphertext
	    (pts, iv) = go blks v
	in (B.concat pts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (c:cs) iv =
	let p = zwp' (decryptBlock k c) iv
	    (ps, ivFinal) = go cs c
	in (p:ps, ivFinal)

-- |Cipher block chaining encryption for lazy bytestrings
cbc :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
cbc k (IV v) plaintext =
	let blks = chunkFor k plaintext
	    (cts, iv) = go blks v
	in (L.fromChunks cts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (b:bs) iv =
	let c = encryptBlock k (zwp' iv b)
	    (cs, ivFinal) = go bs c
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)

-- |Cipher block chaining decryption for lazy bytestrings
unCbc :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unCbc k (IV v) ciphertext =
	let blks = chunkFor k ciphertext
	    (pts, iv) = go blks v
	in (L.fromChunks pts, IV iv)
  go [] iv = ([], iv)
  go (c:cs) iv =
	let p = zwp' (decryptBlock k c) iv
	    (ps, ivFinal) = go cs c
	in (p:ps, ivFinal)

ecb :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
ecb k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor k msg
	in L.fromChunks $ map (encryptBlock k) chunks

unEcb :: BlockCipher k => k -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString
unEcb k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor k msg
	in L.fromChunks $ map (decryptBlock k) chunks

ecb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
ecb' k msg =
	let chunks = chunkFor' k msg
	in B.concat $ map (encryptBlock k) chunks

unEcb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
unEcb' k ct =
	let chunks = chunkFor' k ct
	in B.concat $ map (decryptBlock k) chunks

-- |Ciphertext feed-back encryption mode for lazy bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
cfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
cfb k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor k msg
	    (cs,ivF) = go v blks
	in (L.fromChunks cs, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([],iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let c = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (cs,ivFinal) = go c bs
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)

-- |Ciphertext feed-back decryption mode for lazy bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
unCfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unCfb k (IV v) msg = 
	let blks = chunkFor k msg
	    (ps, ivF) = go v blks
	in (L.fromChunks ps, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([], iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let p = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (ps, ivF) = go b bs
	in (p:ps, ivF)

-- |Ciphertext feed-back encryption mode for strict bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
cfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
cfb' k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor' k msg
	    (cs,ivF) = go v blks
	in (B.concat cs, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([],iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let c = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (cs,ivFinal) = go c bs
	in (c:cs, ivFinal)

-- |Ciphertext feed-back decryption mode for strict bytestrings (with s == blockSize)
unCfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unCfb' k (IV v) msg =
	let blks = chunkFor' k msg
	    (ps, ivF) = go v blks
	in (B.concat ps, IV ivF)
  go iv [] = ([], iv)
  go iv (b:bs) =
	let p = zwp' (encryptBlock k iv) b
	    (ps, ivF) = go b bs
	in (p:ps, ivF)

-- |Output feedback mode for lazy bytestrings
ofb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
ofb = unOfb

-- |Output feedback mode for lazy bytestrings
unOfb :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString, IV k)
unOfb k (IV iv) msg =
	let ivStr = drop 1 (iterate (encryptBlock k) iv)
	    ivLen = fromIntegral (B.length iv)
	    newIV = IV . B.concat . L.toChunks . L.take ivLen . L.drop (L.length msg) . L.fromChunks $ ivStr
	in (zwp (L.fromChunks ivStr) msg, newIV)

-- |Output feedback mode for strict bytestrings
ofb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
ofb' = unOfb'

-- |Output feedback mode for strict bytestrings
unOfb' :: BlockCipher k => k -> IV k -> B.ByteString -> (B.ByteString, IV k)
unOfb' k (IV iv) msg =
	let ivStr = collect (B.length msg + ivLen) (drop 1 (iterate (encryptBlock k) iv))
	    ivLen = B.length iv
	    mLen = fromIntegral (B.length msg)
	    newIV = IV . B.concat . L.toChunks . L.take (fromIntegral ivLen) . L.drop mLen . L.fromChunks $ ivStr
	in (zwp' (B.concat ivStr) msg, newIV)

unfoldK :: (b -> Maybe (a,b)) -> b -> ([a],b)
unfoldK f i = 
	case (f i) of
		Nothing -> ([], i)
		Just (a,i') ->
			let (as, iF) = unfoldK f i'
			in (a:as, iF)

-- |Obtain an `IV` using the provided CryptoRandomGenerator.
getIV :: (BlockCipher k, CryptoRandomGen g) => g -> Either GenError (IV k, g)
getIV g =
	let bytes = ivBlockSizeBytes iv
	    gen = genBytes g bytes
	    fromRight (Right x) = x
	    iv  = IV (fst  . fromRight $ gen)
	in case gen of
		Left err -> Left err
		Right (bs,g')
			| B.length bs == bytes	-> Right (iv, g')
			| otherwise		-> Left (GenErrorOther "Generator failed to provide requested number of bytes")

-- |Obtain an `IV` using the system entropy (see "System.Crypto.Random")
getIVIO :: (BlockCipher k) => IO (IV k)
getIVIO = do
	let bytes = ivBlockSizeBytes p
	    p = undefined
	bs <- getEntropy bytes
	return (IV bs `asTypeOf` p)

ivBlockSizeBytes :: BlockCipher k => IV k -> Int
ivBlockSizeBytes iv = (blockSize `for` (keyForIV iv)) `div` 8
  keyForIV :: IV k -> k
  keyForIV _ = undefined

instance (BlockCipher k) => Serialize (IV k) where
	get = do
	  	let bytes = blockSize .::. (undefined :: k) `div` 8
		iv <- SG.getByteString bytes
		return (IV iv)
	put (IV iv) = SP.putByteString iv

instance BlockCipher k => Bin.Binary (IV k) where
	get = do
		let bytes = blockSize .::. (undefined :: k) `div` 8
		iv <- BG.getByteString bytes
		return (IV iv)
	put (IV iv) = BP.putByteString iv

-- Consider the AES-only modes of XTS, CCM