name: crypto-api version: 0.3.1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: Thomas DuBuisson , Dominic Steinitz (see Data.LargeWord module) author: Thomas DuBuisson , Dominic Steinitz maintainer: Thomas DuBuisson description: A generic interface for cryptographic operations, platform independent quality RNG, property tests and known-answer tests (KATs) for common algorithms, and a basic benchmark infrastructure. Maintainers of hash and cipher implementations are encouraged to add instances for the classes defined in Crypto.Classes. Crypto users are similarly encouraged to use the interfaces defined in the Classes module. Any concepts or functions of general use to more than one cryptographic algorithm (ex: padding) is within scope of this package. synopsis: A generic interface for cryptographic operations category: Data, Cryptography homepage: bug-reports: stability: stable build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 tested-with: GHC == 6.12.1 data-files: Test/KAT_AES/*.txt , Test/KAT_SHA/*.txt , Test/KAT_HMAC/*.txt , Test/KAT_TWOFISH/*.TXT extra-source-files: Test/KAT_AES/*.txt , Test/KAT_SHA/*.txt , Test/KAT_HMAC/*.txt , Test/KAT_TWOFISH/*.TXT flag tests description: Include Test.Crypto module for testing hash and cipher instances default: False flag benchmarks description: Include benchmarking tools for cryptographic operations default: False Library Build-Depends: base == 4.*, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.10, cereal >= 0.2 && < 0.4, tagged == 0.1.* ghc-options: -O2 hs-source-dirs: exposed-modules: Crypto.Classes, Crypto.Types, Crypto.HMAC, Data.LargeWord, Crypto.Modes, System.Crypto.Random, Crypto.Random, Crypto.Padding if os(windows) cpp-options: -DisWindows extra-libraries: advapi32 if flag(tests) exposed-modules: Test.Crypto, Test.AES, Test.SHA, Test.HMAC, Test.ParseNistKATs, Test.TwoFish build-depends: QuickCheck >= 2.3 && < 2.4, directory >= && < 1.2 other-modules: Paths_crypto_api if flag(benchmarks) exposed-modules: Benchmark.Crypto build-depends: criterion >= 0.5, deepseq source-repository head type: darcs location: