-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Cipher.Benchmarks
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : Stable
-- Portability : Excellent
-- benchmarks for symmetric ciphers
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Crypto.Cipher.Benchmarks
    ( defaultMain
    , GBlockCipher(..)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Criterion
import Criterion.Environment
import Criterion.Config hiding (Help)
import Criterion.Monad
import Criterion.Analysis
import Criterion.Measurement

import Text.Printf
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (Mode, mode)

import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans

import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Crypto.Cipher.Types

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit

import Data.Char (toUpper)

-- | Generic Block cipher that wrap a specific block cipher.
data GBlockCipher = forall a . BlockCipher a => GBlockCipher a

data Mode = ECB
          | CBC
          | CTR
          | XTS
          | OCB
          | CCM
          | EAX
          | CWC
          | GCM
          deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)

defaultSzs :: [Int]
defaultSzs = [16,32,128,512,1024,4096,16384]

defaultModes :: [Mode]
defaultModes = [minBound..]

doCipher :: Environment -> Int -> [Int] -> (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> Criterion [Double]
doCipher env nbIter szs f = mapM getMeanFromBench szs
  where getMeanFromBench sz =
            runBenchmark env (whnf f $ B.replicate sz 0) >>= \sample ->
            analyseMean sample nbIter >>= return

modeToBench :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> Mode -> Maybe (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
modeToBench cipher ECB = Just $ ecbEncrypt cipher
modeToBench cipher CBC = Just $ cbcEncrypt cipher nullIV
modeToBench cipher CTR = Just $ ctrCombine cipher nullIV
modeToBench cipher XTS = Just $ xtsEncrypt (cipher, cipher) nullIV 0
modeToBench cipher OCB = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_OCB
modeToBench cipher GCM = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_GCM
modeToBench cipher CCM = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_CCM
modeToBench cipher CWC = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_CWC
modeToBench cipher EAX = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_EAX

benchAEAD :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> AEADMode -> Maybe (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
benchAEAD cipher mode = (\aead -> (\b -> snd $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aead B.empty b (blockSize cipher))) `fmap` aeadInit mode cipher (B.replicate (blockSize cipher) 0)

modesToBench :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> [Mode] -> [(Mode, B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)]
modesToBench cipher = reverse . foldl (\acc mode -> case modeToBench cipher mode of
                                                      Just fb -> (mode, fb) : acc
                                                      Nothing -> acc) []

data Report = Report
    { reportSz     :: Int
    , reportMean   :: Double
    , reportSecs   :: String
    , reportSpeed  :: Double
    , reportSpeedS :: String
    } deriving (Show)

doOne :: Int -> Environment -> [Int] -> String -> (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> Criterion (String, [Report])
doOne iters env szs name f = do
    means <- doCipher env iters szs f
    return (name, map toReport $ zip means szs)
  where toReport (mean, sz) = Report
            { reportSz     = sz
            , reportMean   = mean
            , reportSecs   = secs mean
            , reportSpeed  = norm sz mean
            , reportSpeedS = pn (norm sz mean)

        norm :: Int -> Double -> Double
        norm n meanTime
            | n < 1024  = 1.0 / (meanTime * (1024 / fromIntegral n))
            | n == 1024 = 1.0 / meanTime
            | otherwise = 1.0 / (meanTime / (fromIntegral n / 1024))

        pn :: Double -> String
        pn val
            | val > (10 * 1024) = printf "%.1f M/s" (val / 1024)
            | otherwise         = printf "%.1f K/s" val

runBench :: Int -> Bool -> [Int] -> [Mode] -> [GBlockCipher] -> Criterion ()
runBench iters showTime szs modes ciphers = do
    env     <- measureEnvironment
    reports <- concat <$> mapM (runBenchCipher env) ciphers
    let docHeader = col1 "cipher name" <+> hsep (map (textOf 12 . show) szs)
    let doc = vcat (docHeader : map toLine reports)
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ show doc
  where runBenchCipher env (GBlockCipher cipher) = do
            let name   = cipherName cipher
                benchs = modesToBench cipher modes
            mapM (\(benchMode, benchF) -> doOne iters env szs (name ++ "-" ++ show benchMode) benchF) benchs
        toLine (name, szReports) =
            hsep (col1 name : map field szReports)
        field | showTime  = textOf 12 . reportSecs
              | otherwise = textOf 12 . reportSpeedS
        textOf n s | len == n  = text s
                   | len < n   = text (s ++ replicate (n - len) ' ')
                   | otherwise = text (take n s)
          where len = length s
        col1 = textOf 14
data OptionArg = SizeArg String
               | CipherArg String
               | ModeArg String
               | Iter String
               | Time
               | Help
               deriving (Show,Eq)

wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
wordsWhen p s =
    case dropWhile p s of
        "" -> []
        s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
              where (w, s'') = break p s'

instanciateCiphers :: [GBlockCipher] -> [GBlockCipher]
instanciateCiphers ciphers = map proxy ciphers
  where proxy :: GBlockCipher -> GBlockCipher
        proxy (GBlockCipher c) = GBlockCipher $ instanciate c
        instanciate :: BlockCipher a => a -> a
        instanciate c =
            let bs = case cipherKeySize c of
                            Nothing -> B.replicate 1 0
                            Just sz -> B.replicate sz 1
             in cipherInit (fromJust $ makeKey bs)

-- | DefaultMain: parse command line arguments, run benchmarks
-- and report
defaultMain :: [GBlockCipher] -> IO ()
defaultMain ciphers = do
    args <- getArgs
    case getOpt Permute opts args of
        (os,_,[]) | Help `elem` os -> do putStrLn (usageInfo "crypto-cipher-benchmark" opts)
                  | otherwise -> do let (ss, ms, iters) = foldl (\(sp, mp, it) o ->
                                            case o of
                                                SizeArg s -> (map read $ wordsWhen (== ',') s, mp, it)
                                                ModeArg s -> let modes = wordsWhen (== ',') $ map toUpper s
                                                                 nm    = filter (\m -> show m `elem` modes) mp
                                                              in (sp, nm, it)
                                                Iter s      -> (sp, mp, read s)
                                                CipherArg _ -> (sp, mp, it)
                                                _           -> (sp, mp, it)
                                            ) (defaultSzs, defaultModes, 100) os
                                    withConfig defaultConfig $ runBench iters (Time `elem` os) ss ms (instanciateCiphers ciphers)
        (_,_,err) -> error (show err)
  where opts =
            [ Option ['n'] ["iter"] (ReqArg Iter "iteration") "number of iterations per benchmarks"
            , Option [] ["size"] (ReqArg SizeArg "size") "size to run (csv)"
            , Option [] ["cipher"] (ReqArg CipherArg "cipher") "cipher to run (csv)"
            , Option [] ["mode"] (ReqArg ModeArg "mode") "mode to run (csv)"
            , Option ['t'] ["time"] (NoArg Time) "show average time instead of average speed"
            , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "get help"