-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Cipher.Benchmarks
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
-- Stability   : Stable
-- Portability : Excellent
-- benchmarks for symmetric ciphers
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Crypto.Cipher.Benchmarks
    ( defaultMain
    , GBlockCipher(..)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Criterion
import Criterion.Environment
import Criterion.Config hiding (Help)
import Criterion.Monad
import Criterion.Analysis
import Criterion.Measurement

import Text.Printf
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (Mode, mode)

import Control.Monad.Trans

import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Crypto.Cipher.Types

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit

import Data.Char (toUpper)

-- | Generic Block cipher that wrap a specific block cipher.
data GBlockCipher = forall a . BlockCipher a => GBlockCipher a

data Mode = ECB
          | CBC
          | CTR
          | XTS
          | OCB
          | CCM
          | EAX
          | CWC
          | GCM
          deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded)

defaultSzs :: [Int]
defaultSzs = [16,32,128,512,1024,4096,16384]

defaultModes :: [Mode]
defaultModes = [minBound..]

doCipher :: Environment -> Int -> [Int] -> (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> Criterion [Double]
doCipher env nbIter szs f = mapM getMeanFromBench szs
  where getMeanFromBench sz =
            runBenchmark env (whnf f $ B.replicate sz 0) >>= \sample ->
            analyseMean sample nbIter >>= return

modeToBench :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> Mode -> Maybe (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
modeToBench cipher ECB = Just $ ecbEncrypt cipher
modeToBench cipher CBC = Just $ cbcEncrypt cipher nullIV
modeToBench cipher CTR = Just $ ctrCombine cipher nullIV
modeToBench cipher XTS
    | blockSize cipher == 16 = Just $ xtsEncrypt (cipher, cipher) nullIV 0
    | otherwise              = Nothing
modeToBench cipher OCB = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_OCB
modeToBench cipher GCM = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_GCM
modeToBench cipher CCM = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_CCM
modeToBench cipher CWC = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_CWC
modeToBench cipher EAX = benchAEAD cipher AEAD_EAX

benchAEAD :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> AEADMode -> Maybe (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)
benchAEAD cipher mode = (\aead -> (\b -> snd $ aeadSimpleEncrypt aead B.empty b (blockSize cipher))) `fmap` aeadInit mode cipher (B.replicate (blockSize cipher) 0)

modesToBench :: BlockCipher cipher => cipher -> [Mode] -> [(Mode, B.ByteString -> B.ByteString)]
modesToBench cipher = reverse . foldl (\acc mode -> case modeToBench cipher mode of
                                                      Just fb -> (mode, fb) : acc
                                                      Nothing -> acc) []

data Report = Report
    { reportSz     :: Int
    , reportMean   :: Double
    , reportSecs   :: String
    , reportSpeed  :: Double
    , reportSpeedS :: String
    } deriving (Show)

doOne :: Int -> Environment -> [Int] -> String -> (B.ByteString -> B.ByteString) -> Criterion (String, [Report])
doOne iters env szs name f = do
    means <- doCipher env iters szs f
    return (name, map toReport $ zip means szs)
  where toReport (mean, sz) = Report
            { reportSz     = sz
            , reportMean   = mean
            , reportSecs   = secs mean
            , reportSpeed  = norm sz mean
            , reportSpeedS = pn (norm sz mean)

        norm :: Int -> Double -> Double
        norm n meanTime
            | n < 1024  = 1.0 / (meanTime * (1024 / fromIntegral n))
            | n == 1024 = 1.0 / meanTime
            | otherwise = 1.0 / (meanTime / (fromIntegral n / 1024))

        pn :: Double -> String
        pn val
            | val > (10 * 1024) = printf "%.1f M/s" (val / 1024)
            | otherwise         = printf "%.1f K/s" val

runBench :: Int -> Bool -> [Int] -> [Mode] -> [GBlockCipher] -> Criterion ()
runBench iters showTime szs modes ciphers = do
    env     <- measureEnvironment
    reports <- concat <$> mapM (runBenchCipher env) ciphers
    let docHeader = col1 "cipher name" <+> hsep (map (textOf 12 . show) szs)
    let doc = vcat (docHeader : map toLine reports)
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ show doc
  where runBenchCipher env (GBlockCipher cipher) = do
            let name   = cipherName cipher
                benchs = modesToBench cipher modes
            mapM (\(benchMode, benchF) -> doOne iters env szs (name ++ "-" ++ show benchMode) benchF) benchs
        toLine (name, szReports) =
            hsep (col1 name : map field szReports)
        field | showTime  = textOf 12 . reportSecs
              | otherwise = textOf 12 . reportSpeedS
        textOf n s | len == n  = text s
                   | len < n   = text (s ++ replicate (n - len) ' ')
                   | otherwise = text (take n s)
          where len = length s
        col1 = textOf 14
data OptionArg = SizeArg String
               | CipherArg String
               | ModeArg String
               | Iter String
               | Time
               | Help
               deriving (Show,Eq)

wordsWhen :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [String]
wordsWhen p s =
    case dropWhile p s of
        "" -> []
        s' -> w : wordsWhen p s''
              where (w, s'') = break p s'

instanciateCiphers :: [GBlockCipher] -> [GBlockCipher]
instanciateCiphers ciphers = map proxy ciphers
  where proxy :: GBlockCipher -> GBlockCipher
        proxy (GBlockCipher c) = GBlockCipher $ instanciate c
        instanciate :: BlockCipher a => a -> a
        instanciate c =
            let bs = case cipherKeySize c of
                            KeySizeRange low _ -> B.replicate low 0
                            KeySizeFixed sz    -> B.replicate sz 1
                            KeySizeEnum l      -> B.replicate (head l) 2
             in cipherInit (either (error . show) id $ makeKey bs)

-- | DefaultMain: parse command line arguments, run benchmarks
-- and report
defaultMain :: [GBlockCipher] -> IO ()
defaultMain ciphers = do
    args <- getArgs
    case getOpt Permute opts args of
        (os,_,[]) | Help `elem` os -> do putStrLn (usageInfo "crypto-cipher-benchmark" opts)
                  | otherwise -> do let (ss, ms, iters) = foldl (\(sp, mp, it) o ->
                                            case o of
                                                SizeArg s -> (map read $ wordsWhen (== ',') s, mp, it)
                                                ModeArg s -> let modes = wordsWhen (== ',') $ map toUpper s
                                                                 nm    = filter (\m -> show m `elem` modes) mp
                                                              in (sp, nm, it)
                                                Iter s      -> (sp, mp, read s)
                                                CipherArg _ -> (sp, mp, it)
                                                _           -> (sp, mp, it)
                                            ) (defaultSzs, defaultModes, 100) os
                                    withConfig defaultConfig $ runBench iters (Time `elem` os) ss ms (instanciateCiphers ciphers)
        (_,_,err) -> error (show err)
  where opts =
            [ Option ['n'] ["iter"] (ReqArg Iter "iteration") "number of iterations per benchmarks"
            , Option [] ["size"] (ReqArg SizeArg "size") "size to run (csv)"
            , Option [] ["cipher"] (ReqArg CipherArg "cipher") "cipher to run (csv)"
            , Option [] ["mode"] (ReqArg ModeArg "mode") "mode to run (csv)"
            , Option ['t'] ["time"] (NoArg Time) "show average time instead of average speed"
            , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "get help"