{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Crypto.Classical.Test
-- Copyright : (c) Colin Woodbury, 2015
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <colingw@gmail.com>

module Crypto.Classical.Test
    -- * Cipher Tests
  , notSelfT
  , diffKeyT
  , noSelfMappingT
    -- * Misc. Tests
  , stretchT
  , plugFromT
    -- * Batch Tests
  , testAll
  ) where

import           Lens.Micro
import           Control.Monad (void)
import           Crypto.Classical.Cipher
import           Crypto.Classical.Letter
import           Crypto.Classical.Types
import           Crypto.Classical.Util
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Test.QuickCheck


-- Not to be exported, as this only generates ByteStrings
-- of capital Ascii characters.
instance Arbitrary ByteString where
  arbitrary = B.pack . map _char <$> arbitrary


-- | Run every test on every Cipher.
testAll :: IO ()
testAll = void . sequence $ cipherTs ++ otherTs

cipherTs :: [IO ()]
cipherTs = [ cycleT $ (^. caesar)
           , cycleT $ (^. affine)
           , cycleT $ (^. substitution)
           , cycleT $ (^. stream)
           , cycleT $ (^. vigenère)
           , cycleT $ (^. enigma)
           , notSelfT $ (^. caesar)
           , notSelfT $ (^. affine)
           , notSelfT $ (^. substitution)
           , notSelfT $ (^. stream)
           , notSelfT $ (^. vigenère)
           , notSelfT $ (^. enigma)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. caesar)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. affine)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. substitution)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. stream)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. vigenère)
           , diffKeyT $ (^. enigma)
           , noSelfMappingT

otherTs :: [IO ()]
otherTs = [ stretchT, plugFromT ]

-- | An encrypted message should decrypt to the original plaintext.
cycleT :: (Monad c, Cipher k c) => (c ByteString -> ByteString) -> IO ()
cycleT f = do
  k <- key <$> prng
  quickCheck (\m -> f (encrypt k m >>= decrypt k) == m)

-- | A message should never encrypt to itself.
notSelfT :: (Monad c, Cipher k c) => (c ByteString -> ByteString) -> IO ()
notSelfT f = do
  k <- key <$> prng
  quickCheck (\m -> B.length m > 1 ==> m /= e f k m)

-- | Different keys should yield different encryptions.
diffKeyT :: (Eq k,Monad c,Cipher k c) => (c ByteString -> ByteString) -> IO ()
diffKeyT f = do
  k  <- key <$> prng
  k' <- key <$> prng
  quickCheck (\m -> k /= k' && B.length m > 1 ==> e f k m /= e f k' m)

-- | A letter can never encrypt to itself.
noSelfMappingT :: IO ()
noSelfMappingT = do
  k <- key <$> prng
  quickCheck (\m -> all (\(a,b) -> a /= b) $ B.zip m (e _enigma k m))

-- | Encrypt and unwrap a message.
e :: Cipher k a => (a ByteString -> t) -> k -> ByteString -> t
e f k m = f $ encrypt k m

-- | A small manual test of Enigma.
enig :: IO ByteString
enig = do
  k <- key <$> prng
  return $ encrypt k "Das ist ein Wetterbericht. Heil Hitler." ^. enigma

-- | A stretch should always double the length.
stretchT :: IO ()
stretchT = quickCheck prop
  where prop :: [Int] -> Property
        prop xs = let l = length xs in l > 0 ==> length (stretch xs) == 2 * l

-- | Any list of pairs should always result in a Plugboard of 26 mappings.
plugFromT :: IO ()
plugFromT = quickCheck prop
  where prop :: [(Letter,Letter)] -> Bool
        prop xs = let xs' = xs & traverse . both %~ _char in
                   F.length (plugFrom xs') == 26