-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

module Cryptol.REPL.Monad (
    -- * REPL Monad
    REPL(..), runREPL
  , io
  , raise
  , stop
  , catch
  , rPutStrLn
  , rPutStr
  , rPrint

    -- ** Errors
  , REPLException(..)
  , rethrowEvalError

    -- ** Environment
  , getModuleEnv, setModuleEnv
  , getDynEnv, setDynEnv
  , uniqify
  , getTSyns, getNewtypes, getVars
  , whenDebug
  , getExprNames
  , getTypeNames
  , getPropertyNames
  , LoadedModule(..), getLoadedMod, setLoadedMod
  , setSearchPath, prependSearchPath
  , builtIns
  , getPrompt
  , shouldContinue
  , unlessBatch
  , asBatch
  , disableLet
  , enableLet
  , getLetEnabled
  , updateREPLTitle
  , setUpdateREPLTitle

    -- ** Config Options
  , EnvVal(..)
  , OptionDescr(..)
  , setUser, getUser, tryGetUser
  , userOptions
  , getUserSatNum

    -- ** Configurable Output
  , getPutStr
  , setPutStr

    -- ** Smoke Test
  , smokeTest
  , Smoke(..)

  ) where

import Cryptol.REPL.Trie

import Cryptol.Prims.Types(typeOf)
import Cryptol.Prims.Syntax(ECon(..),ppPrefix)
import Cryptol.Eval (EvalError)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.NamingEnv as M
import Cryptol.Parser (ParseError,ppError)
import Cryptol.Parser.NoInclude (IncludeError,ppIncludeError)
import Cryptol.Parser.NoPat (Error)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as T
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic (panic)
import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.Symbolic (proverNames, lookupProver)

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad (ap,unless,when)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (intercalate, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import System.Directory (findExecutable)
import qualified Control.Exception as X
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import qualified Data.SBV as SBV (sbvCheckSolverInstallation)

-- REPL Environment ------------------------------------------------------------

data LoadedModule = LoadedModule
  { lName :: Maybe P.ModName -- ^ Focused module
  , lPath :: FilePath        -- ^ Focused file

-- | REPL RW Environment.
data RW = RW
  { eLoadedMod   :: Maybe LoadedModule
  , eContinue    :: Bool
  , eIsBatch     :: Bool
  , eModuleEnv   :: M.ModuleEnv
  , eNameSupply  :: Int
  , eUserEnv     :: UserEnv
  , ePutStr      :: String -> IO ()
  , eLetEnabled  :: Bool
  , eUpdateTitle :: REPL ()

-- | Initial, empty environment.
defaultRW :: Bool -> IO RW
defaultRW isBatch = do
  env <- M.initialModuleEnv
  return RW
    { eLoadedMod   = Nothing
    , eContinue    = True
    , eIsBatch     = isBatch
    , eModuleEnv   = env
    , eNameSupply  = 0
    , eUserEnv     = mkUserEnv userOptions
    , ePutStr      = putStr
    , eLetEnabled  = True
    , eUpdateTitle = return ()

-- | Build up the prompt for the REPL.
mkPrompt :: RW -> String
mkPrompt rw
  | eIsBatch rw = ""
  | otherwise   = maybe "cryptol" pretty (lName =<< eLoadedMod rw) ++ "> "

-- REPL Monad ------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | REPL_ context with InputT handling.
newtype REPL a = REPL { unREPL :: IORef RW -> IO a }

-- | Run a REPL action with a fresh environment.
runREPL :: Bool -> REPL a -> IO a
runREPL isBatch m = do
  ref <- newIORef =<< defaultRW isBatch
  unREPL m ref

instance Functor REPL where
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  fmap f m = REPL (\ ref -> fmap f (unREPL m ref))

instance Applicative REPL where
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  pure = return
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad REPL where
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  return x = REPL (\_ -> return x)

  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  m >>= f = REPL $ \ref -> do
    x <- unREPL m ref
    unREPL (f x) ref

-- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | REPL exceptions.
data REPLException
  = ParseError ParseError
  | FileNotFound FilePath
  | DirectoryNotFound FilePath
  | NoPatError [Error]
  | NoIncludeError [IncludeError]
  | EvalError EvalError
  | ModuleSystemError M.ModuleError
  | EvalPolyError T.Schema
  | TypeNotTestable T.Type
    deriving (Show,Typeable)

instance X.Exception REPLException

instance PP REPLException where
  ppPrec _ re = case re of
    ParseError e         -> ppError e
    FileNotFound path    -> sep [ text "File"
                                , text ("`" ++ path ++ "'")
                                , text"not found"
    DirectoryNotFound path -> sep [ text "Directory"
                                  , text ("`" ++ path ++ "'")
                                  , text"not found or not a directory"
    NoPatError es        -> vcat (map pp es)
    NoIncludeError es    -> vcat (map ppIncludeError es)
    ModuleSystemError me -> pp me
    EvalError e          -> pp e
    EvalPolyError s      -> text "Cannot evaluate polymorphic value."
                         $$ text "Type:" <+> pp s
    TypeNotTestable t    -> text "The expression is not of a testable type."
                         $$ text "Type:" <+> pp t

-- | Raise an exception.
raise :: REPLException -> REPL a
raise exn = io (X.throwIO exn)

catch :: REPL a -> (REPLException -> REPL a) -> REPL a
catch m k = REPL (\ ref -> unREPL m ref `X.catch` \ e -> unREPL (k e) ref)

rethrowEvalError :: IO a -> IO a
rethrowEvalError m = run `X.catch` rethrow
  run = do
    a <- m
    return $! a

  rethrow :: EvalError -> IO a
  rethrow exn = X.throwIO (EvalError exn)

-- Primitives ------------------------------------------------------------------

io :: IO a -> REPL a
io m = REPL (\ _ -> m)

getRW :: REPL RW
getRW  = REPL readIORef

modifyRW_ :: (RW -> RW) -> REPL ()
modifyRW_ f = REPL (\ ref -> modifyIORef ref f)

-- | Construct the prompt for the current environment.
getPrompt :: REPL String
getPrompt  = mkPrompt `fmap` getRW

-- | Set the name of the currently focused file, edited by @:e@ and loaded via
-- @:r@.
setLoadedMod :: LoadedModule -> REPL ()
setLoadedMod n = do
  modifyRW_ (\ rw -> rw { eLoadedMod = Just n })

getLoadedMod :: REPL (Maybe LoadedModule)
getLoadedMod  = eLoadedMod `fmap` getRW

setSearchPath :: [FilePath] -> REPL ()
setSearchPath path = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  setModuleEnv $ me { M.meSearchPath = path }

prependSearchPath :: [FilePath] -> REPL ()
prependSearchPath path = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  setModuleEnv $ me { M.meSearchPath = path ++ M.meSearchPath me }

shouldContinue :: REPL Bool
shouldContinue  = eContinue `fmap` getRW

stop :: REPL ()
stop  = modifyRW_ (\ rw -> rw { eContinue = False })

unlessBatch :: REPL () -> REPL ()
unlessBatch body = do
  rw <- getRW
  unless (eIsBatch rw) body

-- | Run a computation in batch mode, restoring the previous isBatch
-- flag afterwards
asBatch :: REPL () -> REPL ()
asBatch body = do
  wasBatch <- eIsBatch `fmap` getRW
  modifyRW_ $ (\ rw -> rw { eIsBatch = True })
  modifyRW_ $ (\ rw -> rw { eIsBatch = wasBatch })

disableLet :: REPL ()
disableLet  = modifyRW_ (\ rw -> rw { eLetEnabled = False })

enableLet :: REPL ()
enableLet  = modifyRW_ (\ rw -> rw { eLetEnabled = True })

-- | Are let-bindings enabled in this REPL?
getLetEnabled :: REPL Bool
getLetEnabled = fmap eLetEnabled getRW

-- | Update the title
updateREPLTitle :: REPL ()
updateREPLTitle  = unlessBatch $ do
  rw <- getRW
  eUpdateTitle rw

-- | Set the function that will be called when updating the title
setUpdateREPLTitle :: REPL () -> REPL ()
setUpdateREPLTitle m = modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eUpdateTitle = m })

-- | Set the REPL's string-printer
setPutStr :: (String -> IO ()) -> REPL ()
setPutStr fn = modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { ePutStr = fn })

-- | Get the REPL's string-printer
getPutStr :: REPL (String -> IO ())
getPutStr = fmap ePutStr getRW

-- | Use the configured output action to print a string
rPutStr :: String -> REPL ()
rPutStr str = do
  rw <- getRW
  io $ ePutStr rw str 

-- | Use the configured output action to print a string with a trailing newline
rPutStrLn :: String -> REPL ()
rPutStrLn str = rPutStr $ str ++ "\n"

-- | Use the configured output action to print something using its Show instance
rPrint :: Show a => a -> REPL ()
rPrint x = rPutStrLn (show x)

builtIns :: [(String,(ECon,T.Schema))]
builtIns = map mk [ minBound .. maxBound :: ECon ]
  where mk x = (show (ppPrefix x), (x, typeOf x))

-- | Only meant for use with one of getVars or getTSyns.
keepOne :: String -> [a] -> a
keepOne src as = case as of
  [a] -> a
  _   -> panic ("REPL: " ++ src) ["name clash in interface file"]

getVars :: REPL (Map.Map P.QName M.IfaceDecl)
getVars  = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  denv <- getDynEnv
  -- the subtle part here is removing the #Uniq prefix from
  -- interactively-bound variables, and also excluding any that are
  -- shadowed and thus can no longer be referenced
  let decls = M.focusedEnv me
      edecls = M.ifDecls (M.deIfaceDecls denv)
      -- is this QName something the user might actually type?
      isShadowed (qn@(P.QName (Just (P.ModName ['#':_])) name), _) =
          case Map.lookup localName neExprs of
            Nothing -> False
            Just uniqueNames -> isNamed uniqueNames
        where localName = P.QName Nothing name
              isNamed us = any (== qn) (map M.qname us)
              neExprs = M.neExprs (M.deNames denv)
      isShadowed _ = False
      unqual ((P.QName _ name), ifds) = (P.QName Nothing name, ifds)
      edecls' = Map.fromList
              . map unqual
              . filter isShadowed
              $ Map.toList edecls
  return (keepOne "getVars" `fmap` (M.ifDecls decls `mappend` edecls'))

getTSyns :: REPL (Map.Map P.QName T.TySyn)
getTSyns  = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  let decls = M.focusedEnv me
  return (keepOne "getTSyns" `fmap` M.ifTySyns decls)

getNewtypes :: REPL (Map.Map P.QName T.Newtype)
getNewtypes = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  let decls = M.focusedEnv me
  return (keepOne "getNewtypes" `fmap` M.ifNewtypes decls)

-- | Get visible variable names.
getExprNames :: REPL [String]
getExprNames  = do as <- (map getName . Map.keys) `fmap` getVars
                   return (map fst builtIns ++ as)

-- | Get visible type signature names.
getTypeNames :: REPL [String]
getTypeNames  =
  do tss <- getTSyns
     nts <- getNewtypes
     return $ map getName $ Map.keys tss ++ Map.keys nts

getPropertyNames :: REPL [String]
getPropertyNames =
  do xs <- getVars
     return [ getName x | (x,d) <- Map.toList xs,
                T.PragmaProperty `elem` M.ifDeclPragmas d ]

getName :: P.QName -> String
getName  = show . pp

getModuleEnv :: REPL M.ModuleEnv
getModuleEnv  = eModuleEnv `fmap` getRW

setModuleEnv :: M.ModuleEnv -> REPL ()
setModuleEnv me = modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eModuleEnv = me })

getDynEnv :: REPL M.DynamicEnv
getDynEnv  = (M.meDynEnv . eModuleEnv) `fmap` getRW

setDynEnv :: M.DynamicEnv -> REPL ()
setDynEnv denv = do
  me <- getModuleEnv
  setModuleEnv (me { M.meDynEnv = denv })

-- | Given an existing qualified name, prefix it with a
-- relatively-unique string. We make it unique by prefixing with a
-- character @#@ that is not lexically valid in a module name.
uniqify :: P.QName -> REPL P.QName
uniqify (P.QName Nothing name) = do
  i <- eNameSupply `fmap` getRW
  modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eNameSupply = i+1 })
  let modname' = P.ModName [ '#' : ("Uniq_" ++ show i) ]
  return (P.QName (Just modname') name)
uniqify qn =
  panic "[REPL] uniqify" ["tried to uniqify a qualified name: " ++ pretty qn]

-- User Environment Interaction ------------------------------------------------

-- | User modifiable environment, for things like numeric base.
type UserEnv = Map.Map String EnvVal

data EnvVal
  = EnvString String
  | EnvNum    !Int
  | EnvBool   Bool
    deriving (Show)

-- | Generate a UserEnv from a description of the options map.
mkUserEnv :: OptionMap -> UserEnv
mkUserEnv opts = Map.fromList $ do
  opt <- leaves opts
  return (optName opt, optDefault opt)

-- | Set a user option.
setUser :: String -> String -> REPL ()
setUser name val = case lookupTrie name userOptions of

  [opt] -> setUserOpt opt
  []    -> io (putStrLn ("Unknown env value `" ++ name ++ "`"))
  _     -> io (putStrLn ("Ambiguous env value `" ++ name ++ "`"))

  setUserOpt opt = case optDefault opt of
    EnvString _ -> do r <- io (optCheck opt (EnvString val))
                      case r of
                        Just err -> io (putStrLn err)
                        Nothing  -> writeEnv (EnvString val)

    EnvNum _ -> case reads val of
      [(x,_)] -> do r <- io (optCheck opt (EnvNum x))
                    case r of
                      Just err -> io (putStrLn err)
                      Nothing  -> writeEnv (EnvNum x)

      _       -> io (putStrLn ("Failed to parse number for field, `" ++ name ++ "`"))

    EnvBool _
      | any (`isPrefixOf` val) ["enable","on","yes"] ->
        writeEnv (EnvBool True)
      | any (`isPrefixOf` val) ["disable","off","no"] ->
        writeEnv (EnvBool False)
      | otherwise ->
        io (putStrLn ("Failed to parse boolean for field, `" ++ name ++ "`"))

    writeEnv ev =
      do optEff opt ev
         modifyRW_ (\rw -> rw { eUserEnv = Map.insert name ev (eUserEnv rw) })

-- | Get a user option, using Maybe for failure.
tryGetUser :: String -> REPL (Maybe EnvVal)
tryGetUser name = do
  rw <- getRW
  return (Map.lookup name (eUserEnv rw))

-- | Get a user option, when it's known to exist.  Fail with panic when it
-- doesn't.
getUser :: String -> REPL EnvVal
getUser name = do
  mb <- tryGetUser name
  case mb of
    Just ev -> return ev
    Nothing -> panic "[REPL] getUser" ["option `" ++ name ++ "` does not exist"]

-- Environment Options ---------------------------------------------------------

type OptionMap = Trie OptionDescr

mkOptionMap :: [OptionDescr] -> OptionMap
mkOptionMap  = foldl insert emptyTrie
  insert m d = insertTrie (optName d) d m

data OptionDescr = OptionDescr
  { optName    :: String
  , optDefault :: EnvVal
  , optCheck   :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
  , optHelp    :: String
  , optEff     :: EnvVal -> REPL ()

simpleOpt :: String -> EnvVal -> (EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)) -> String
          -> OptionDescr
simpleOpt optName optDefault optCheck optHelp =
  OptionDescr { optEff = \ _ -> return (), .. }

userOptions :: OptionMap
userOptions  = mkOptionMap
  [ simpleOpt "base" (EnvNum 16) checkBase
    "the base to display words at"
  , simpleOpt "debug" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
    "enable debugging output"
  , simpleOpt "ascii" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
    "display 7- or 8-bit words using ASCII notation."
  , simpleOpt "infLength" (EnvNum 5) checkInfLength
    "The number of elements to display for infinite sequences."
  , simpleOpt "tests" (EnvNum 100) (const $ return Nothing)
    "The number of random tests to try."
  , simpleOpt "satNum" (EnvString "1") checkSatNum
    "The maximum number of :sat solutions to display (\"all\" for no limit)."
  , simpleOpt "prover" (EnvString "cvc4") checkProver $
    "The external SMT solver for :prove and :sat (" ++ proverListString ++ ")."
  , simpleOpt "iteSolver" (EnvBool False) (const $ return Nothing)
    "Use smt solver to filter conditional branches in proofs."
  , simpleOpt "warnDefaulting" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
    "Choose if we should display warnings when defaulting."
  , simpleOpt "warnShadowing" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
    "Choose if we should display warnings when shadowing symbols."
  , simpleOpt "smtfile" (EnvString "-") (const $ return Nothing)
    "The file to use for SMT-Lib scripts (for debugging or offline proving)"
  , OptionDescr "mono-binds" (EnvBool True) (const $ return Nothing)
    "Whether or not to generalize bindings in a where-clause" $
    \case EnvBool b -> do me <- getModuleEnv
                          setModuleEnv me { M.meMonoBinds = b }
          _         -> return ()

-- | Check the value to the `base` option.
checkBase :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
checkBase val = case val of
  EnvNum n
    | n >= 2 && n <= 36 -> return Nothing
    | otherwise         -> return $ Just "base must fall between 2 and 36"
  _                     -> return $ Just "unable to parse a value for base"

checkInfLength :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
checkInfLength val = case val of
  EnvNum n
    | n >= 0    -> return Nothing
    | otherwise -> return $ Just "the number of elements should be positive"
  _ -> return $ Just "unable to parse a value for infLength"

checkProver :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
checkProver val = case val of
  EnvString s
    | s `notElem` proverNames     -> return $ Just $ "Prover must be " ++ proverListString
    | s `elem` ["offline", "any"] -> return Nothing
    | otherwise                   -> do let prover = lookupProver s
                                        available <- SBV.sbvCheckSolverInstallation prover
                                        unless available $
                                          putStrLn $ "Warning: " ++ s ++ " installation not found"
                                        return Nothing

  _ -> return $ Just "unable to parse a value for prover"

proverListString :: String
proverListString = concatMap (++ ", ") (init proverNames) ++ "or " ++ last proverNames

checkSatNum :: EnvVal -> IO (Maybe String)
checkSatNum val = case val of
  EnvString "all" -> return Nothing
  EnvString s ->
    case readMaybe s :: Maybe Int of
      Just n | n >= 1 -> return Nothing
      _               -> return $ Just "must be an integer > 0 or \"all\""
  _ -> return $ Just "unable to parse a value for satNum"

getUserSatNum :: REPL (Maybe Int)
getUserSatNum = do
  EnvString s <- getUser "satNum"
  case s of
    "all"                     -> return Nothing
    _ | Just n <- readMaybe s -> return (Just n)
    _                         -> panic "REPL.Monad.getUserSatNum"
                                   [ "invalid satNum option" ]

-- Environment Utilities -------------------------------------------------------

whenDebug :: REPL () -> REPL ()
whenDebug m = do
  EnvBool b <- getUser "debug"
  when b m

-- Smoke Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------

smokeTest :: REPL [Smoke]
smokeTest = catMaybes <$> sequence tests
    tests = [ cvc4exists ]

type SmokeTest = REPL (Maybe Smoke)

data Smoke
  = CVC4NotFound
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance PP Smoke where
  ppPrec _ smoke =
    case smoke of
      CVC4NotFound -> text . intercalate " " $ [
          "[error] cvc4 is required to run Cryptol, but was not found in the"
        , "system path. See the Cryptol README for more on how to install cvc4."

cvc4exists :: SmokeTest
cvc4exists = do
  mPath <- io $ findExecutable "cvc4"
  case mPath of
    Nothing -> return (Just CVC4NotFound)
    Just _  -> return Nothing