-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2015 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- We define the behavior of Cryptol's type-level functions on
-- integers.

{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Eval where

import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.FinOrd
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Interval
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Utils(splitConstSummand)

import           Data.List(sortBy)

-- Simplify a type
-- NOTE: These functions assume zonked types.

-- XXX
reAssocArgs :: OrdFacts -> TFun -> [Type] -> [Type]
reAssocArgs info TCAdd [ t1, TCon (TF TCAdd) [t2, t3]]
  | Just t4 <- tfAdd info t1 t2  = reAssocArgs info TCAdd [t4,t3]

reAssocArgs _ TCAdd [ TCon (TF TCAdd) [t1, t2], t3] = [ t1, t2 .+. t3 ]

reAssocArgs info TCMul [ t1, TCon (TF TCMul) [t2, t3]]
  | Just t4 <- tfMul info t1 t2   = reAssocArgs info TMul [t4, t3]

reAssocArgs _ TCMul [ TCon (TF TCMul) [t1, t2], t3] = [ t1, t2 .*. t3 ]

reAssocArgs _ _ ts = ts


{- | Collect `fin` and simple `<=` constraints in the ord model
Returns `Left` if we find a goal which is incompatible with the others.
Otherwise, we return `Right` with a model, and the remaining
(i.e., the non-order related) properties.

These sorts of facts are quite useful during type simplification, because
they provide information which potentially useful for cancellation
(e.g., this variables is finite and not 0)
assumedOrderModel :: OrdFacts -> [Prop] ->
                        Either (OrdFacts,Prop) (OrdFacts, [Prop])

assumedOrderModel m0 todo = go m0 [] False (map (simpType m0) todo)
  go m others changes []
    | changes   = assumedOrderModel m others
    | otherwise =
      case concatMap (derivedOrd m) others of
        []      -> Right (m, others)
        derived -> case assumedOrderModel m derived of
                     Left err -> Left err
                     Right (m1,os) -> Right (m1,os++others)

  go m others changes (g : gs) =
    case addFact g m of
      OrdAlreadyKnown   -> go m  others changes gs
      OrdAdded m1       -> go m1 others True gs
      OrdCannot         -> go m (g : others) changes gs
      OrdImprove t1 t2  -> go m ((t1 =#= t2) : others) changes gs
      OrdImpossible     -> Left (m,g)

-- | This returns order properties that are implied by the give property.
-- It is important that the returned properties are propoer ordering 
-- properties (i.e., `addFact` will not return `OrdCannot`).
derivedOrd :: OrdFacts -> Prop -> [Prop]
derivedOrd m prop =
  case prop of
    TUser _ _ p -> derivedOrd m p

    TCon (PC PGeq) [TVar x, t2] | notSimple t2 -> lowerCt x (typeInterval m t2)
    TCon (PC PGeq) [t1,TVar x] | notSimple t1  -> upperCt x (typeInterval m t1)
    TCon (PC PEqual) [TVar x, t]
      | notSimple t -> equalCt x (typeInterval m t)
    TCon (PC PEqual) [t, TVar x]
      | notSimple  t -> equalCt x (typeInterval m t)
    _ -> []

  notSimple = not . isSimpleType
  equalCt x i = lowerCt x i ++ upperCt x i
  lowerCt x i = [ TVar x >== fromNat' (lowerBound i) ]
  upperCt x i = case upperBound i of
                  Nat n -> [ tNum n >== TVar x ]
                  Inf | isFinite i -> [ pFin (TVar x) ]
                      | otherwise  -> []

isSimpleType :: Type -> Bool
isSimpleType (TCon (TC TCInf) _)      = True
isSimpleType (TCon (TC (TCNum _)) _)  = True
isSimpleType (TVar _)                 = True
isSimpleType _                        = False


-- Performs only forward evaluation.
simpType :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type
simpType i ty =
  case ty of
    TUser f ts t   -> TUser f (map (simpType i) ts) (simpType i t)
    TCon (TF f) ts -> let ts1 = reorderArgs f (map (simpType i) ts)
                      in case evalTFun i f ts1 of
                           Nothing -> TCon (TF f) ts1
                           Just t1 -> simpType i t1
    TCon tc ts     -> TCon tc (map (simpType i) ts)
    TRec fs        -> TRec [ (l,simpType i t) | (l,t) <- fs ]
    _              -> ty

reorderArgs :: TFun -> [Type] -> [Type]
reorderArgs TCAdd ts = commuteArgs ts
reorderArgs TCMul ts = commuteArgs ts
reorderArgs _ ts     = ts

-- Move constants to the front, followed by free variables, followed by
-- bound variables, followed by other expressions.
commuteArgs :: [Type] -> [Type]
commuteArgs = sortBy cmp
  cmp (TCon (TC (TCNum x)) _) (TCon (TC (TCNum y)) _) = compare x y
  cmp (TCon (TC (TCNum _)) _) _                       = LT
  cmp _                       (TCon (TC (TCNum _)) _) = GT

  cmp (TCon (TC TCInf) _) (TCon (TC TCInf) _) = EQ
  cmp (TCon (TC TCInf) _) _                   = LT
  cmp _                   (TCon (TC TCInf) _) = GT

  cmp (TVar x) (TVar y)   = compare x y
  cmp (TVar _) _          = LT
  cmp _         (TVar _)  = GT

  cmp _ _                 = EQ

evalTFun :: OrdFacts -> TFun -> [Type] -> Maybe Type
evalTFun i tfun args =
  case (tfun, args) of
    (TCAdd, [t1,t2])             -> tfAdd i t1 t2
    (TCSub, [t1,t2])             -> tfSub i t1 t2
    (TCMul, [t1,t2])             -> tfMul i t1 t2
    (TCDiv, [t1,t2])             -> tfDiv i t1 t2
    (TCMod, [t1,t2])             -> tfMod i t1 t2
    (TCExp, [t1,t2])             -> tfExp i t1 t2
    (TCMin, [t1,t2])             -> tfMin i t1 t2
    (TCMax, [t1,t2])             -> tfMax i t1 t2
    (TCLg2, [t1])                -> tfLg2 i t1
    (TCWidth, [t1])              -> tfWidth i t1
    (TCLenFromThen,  [t1,t2,t3]) -> tfLenFromThen   i t1 t2 t3
    (TCLenFromThenTo,[t1,t2,t3]) -> tfLenFromThenTo i t1 t2 t3

    _                            -> Nothing

typeInterval :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Interval
typeInterval i = go . simpType i
  go ty =
    case ty of
      TVar {}     -> knownInterval i ty
      TUser _ _ t -> go t
      TCon (TC (TCNum x)) _ -> iConst (Nat x)
      TCon (TF f) ts ->
        case (f,ts) of
          (TCAdd,   [t1,t2]) -> iAdd (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCSub,   [t1,t2]) -> iSub (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCMul,   [t1,t2]) -> iMul (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCDiv,   [t1,t2]) -> iDiv (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCMod,   [t1,t2]) -> iMod (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCExp,   [t1,t2]) -> iExp (go t1) (go t2)
          (TCLg2,   [t1])    -> iLg2 (go t1)
          (TCWidth, [t1])    -> iWidth (go t1)

          (TCLenFromThen,  [t1,t2,t3]) -> iLenFromThen   (go t1) (go t2) (go t3)
          (TCLenFromThenTo,[t1,t2,t3]) -> iLenFromThenTo (go t1) (go t2) (go t3)

          _                  -> anything
      _ -> anything

typeKnownLeq :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Bool
typeKnownLeq _ _ (TCon (TC TCInf) _)     = True
typeKnownLeq _ (TCon (TC (TCNum 0)) _) _ = True

typeKnownLeq _ t1 t2 | t1 == t2          = True

typeKnownLeq m t1 t2 | upperBound i1 <= lowerBound i2  = True
  where i1 = typeInterval m t1
        i2 = typeInterval m t2

typeKnownLeq _ t1 t2
  | Just (_,t2') <- splitConstSummand t2, t1 == t2' = True

typeKnownLeq m t1 t2 = isKnownLeq m t1 t2

typeKnownFin :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Bool
typeKnownFin m t = isFinite (typeInterval m t)


tfAdd :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfAdd m t1 t2
  | Just Inf      <- arg1 = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat 0)  <- arg1 = Just t2

  | Just Inf      <- arg2 = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat 0)  <- arg2 = Just t1

  | Just (Nat x)  <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y)  <- arg2 = Just $ tNum $ x + y

  -- k1 + (k2 + t)  = (k1 + k1) + t
  | Just (Nat k1) <- arg1
  , TCon (TF TCAdd) [ s1, s2 ] <- tNoUser t2
  , Just (Nat k2) <- toNat' s1  = Just $ tNum (k1 + k2) .+. s2

  -- Simplification for `k1 + (t - k2)`
  -- This is only OK as long as we know that `t - k2` is well-defined.
  | Just (Nat x)               <- arg1
  , TCon (TF TCSub) [ s1, s2 ] <- t2
  , Just (Nat y)               <- toNat' s2
  , let i = lowerBound (typeInterval m s1)
  , i >= Nat y            = Just (if x >= y then tNum (x - y) .+. s1
                                            else s1 .-. tNum (y - x))

  -- a + a = 2 * a
  | t1 == t2              = Just (tNum (2 :: Int) .*. t1)

  -- k * a + a = (k + 1) * a
  | TCon (TF TCMul) [s1,s2] <- tNoUser t1
  , Just x <- toNat' s1
  , s2 == t2              = factorConst x (Nat 1) t2

  -- a + k * a = (k + 1) * a
  | TCon (TF TCMul) [s1,s2] <- tNoUser t2
  , Just x <- toNat' s1
  , s2 == t1              = factorConst x (Nat 1) t1

  -- k1 * a + k2 * a = (k1 + k1) * a
  | TCon (TF TCMul) [s1,s2] <- tNoUser t1
  , Just x <- toNat' s1
  , TCon (TF TCMul) [p1,p2] <- tNoUser t2
  , Just y <- toNat' p1
  , s2 == p2              = factorConst x y p1

  | otherwise             = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

        factorConst k1 k2 t = Just $ fromNat' (nAdd k1 k2) .*. t

{- | @tfSub x y = Just z@ iff @z@ is the unique value such that 
@tfAdd y z = Just x@ -}
tfSub :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfSub i t1 t2
  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg2  = Just t1

  | Just Inf <- arg1
  , typeKnownFin i t2       = Just tInf

  -- k1 - k2
  | Just (Nat x) <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y) <- arg2
  , x >= y                = Just $ tNum (x - y)

  -- (x - y) - z  = x - (y + z)
  | TCon (TF TCSub) [s1,s2] <- t1 = Just (s1 .-. (s2 .+. t2))

  -- (k1 + t) - k2
  | TCon (TF TCAdd) [s1,s2] <- t1
  , Just k1 <- toNat' s1
  , Just k2 <- arg2   = case (nSub k1 k2, nSub k2 k1) of

                          -- = (k1 - k2) + t
                          (Just a, _) -> Just (fromNat' a .+. s2)

                          -- = t - (k2 - k1)
                          (_, Just a) -> Just (s2 .-. fromNat' a)

                          _ -> Nothing

  | otherwise             = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

-- | It is important that the 0 rules come before the `Inf` ones
tfMul :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfMul i t1 t2
  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg1  = Just t1

  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg1  = Just t2

  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg2  = Just t2

  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg2  = Just t1

  | Just Inf     <- arg1
  , oneOrMore i t2        = Just tInf

  | Just Inf     <- arg2
  , oneOrMore i t1        = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat x) <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y) <- arg2  = Just $ tNum $ x * y

  -- k1 * (k2 * t)  = (k1 * k2) * t
  | Just k1 <- arg1
  , TCon (TF TCMul) [s1,s2] <- t2
  , Just k2 <- toNat' s1  = Just $ fromNat' (nMul k1 k2) .*. s2

  | otherwise             = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

{- y * q + r = x
x / y = q with remainder r
0 <= r && r < y -}
tfDiv :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfDiv i t1 t2
  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg2      = Just t1

  | Just Inf     <- arg2
  , typeKnownFin i t1           = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)

  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg1
  , Nat 1 <= lowerBound iT2   = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)

  | Just Inf <- arg1
  , Nat 1 <= lowerBound iT2 &&
    isFinite iT2              = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat x) <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y) <- arg2
  , 1 <= y                   = Just $ tNum $ div x y

  -- (k1 * t) / k2  = (k1/k2) * t   , as long as the division is exact
  | TCon (TF TCMul) [ s1, s2 ] <- tNoUser t1
  , Just k1  <- toNat' s1
  , Just k2  <- arg2
  , Just res <- nDiv k1 k2    = Just $ fromNat' res .*. s2

  | otherwise                 = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

        iT2  = knownInterval i t2

tfMod :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfMod i t1 t2
  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg2    = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)

  | Just Inf     <- arg2
  , typeKnownFin i t1         = Just t1

  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg1
  , Nat 1 <= lowerBound iT2 = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)

  -- There is no unique remainder in the case when we are dividing
  -- @Inf@ by a natural number.

  | Just (Nat x) <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y) <- arg2
  , 1 <= y                  = Just $ tNum $ mod x y

  | otherwise               = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

        iT2  = knownInterval i t2

tfMin :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfMin i t1 t2
  | typeKnownLeq i t1 t2  = Just t1
  | typeKnownLeq i t2 t1  = Just t2
  | otherwise           = Nothing

tfMax :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfMax i t1 t2
  | typeKnownLeq i t1 t2  = Just t2
  | typeKnownLeq i t2 t1  = Just t1
  | otherwise           = Nothing

-- x ^ 0        = 1
-- x ^ (n + 1)  = x * (x ^ n)
-- x ^ (m + n)  = (x ^ m) * (x ^ n)
-- x ^ (m * n)  = (x ^ m) ^ n
tfExp :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfExp i t1 t2
  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg1
  , oneOrMore i t2            = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)

  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg1      = Just $ tNum (1 :: Int)

  | Just Inf <- arg1
  , oneOrMore i t2            = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg2      = Just $ tNum (1 :: Int)

  | Just (Nat 1) <- arg2      = Just t1

  | Just Inf <- arg2
  , twoOrMore i t1            = Just tInf

  | Just (Nat x) <- arg1
  , Just (Nat y) <- arg2      = Just $ tNum $ x ^ y

  | otherwise                 = Nothing

  where arg1 = toNat' t1
        arg2 = toNat' t2

-- | Rounds up
-- @lg2 x = Just y@, if @y@ is the smallest number such that @x <= 2 ^ y@
tfLg2 :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfLg2 _ t
  | Just (Nat 0) <- arg     = Just $ tNum (0 :: Int)  -- XXX: should this be defined?
  | Just (Nat x) <- arg     = do (n,exact) <- genLog x 2
                                 return $ tNum $ if exact then n else n + 1
  | Just Inf     <- arg     = Just tInf
  | otherwise               = Nothing

  where arg = toNat' t

-- | XXX: @width@ and @lg2@ are almost the same!
-- @width n == lg2 (n + 1)@
tfWidth :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Maybe Type

-- width (2 ^ a - 1) = a
tfWidth _ ty
  | TCon (TF TCSub) [ t1, TCon (TC (TCNum 1)) _ ] <- ty
  , TCon (TF TCExp) [ TCon (TC (TCNum 2)) _, t2 ] <- t1 = Just t2

tfWidth _ t
  | Just (Nat x)   <- arg = return $ tNum (widthInteger x)
  | Just Inf <- arg       = Just tInf
  | otherwise             = Nothing

  where arg = toNat' t

-- len [ t1, t2 .. ] : [_][t3]
tfLenFromThen :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfLenFromThen i t1 t2 t3

  -- (t2 >= t1) => len [ t1, t2 .. ] = len [ t1, t2, .. 0 ]
  | typeKnownLeq i t2 t1        = tfLenFromThenTo i t1 t2 (tNum (0 :: Int))

  | Just x <- arg1
  , Just y <- arg2
  , Just z <- arg3              = fmap fromNat' (nLenFromThen x y z)

  | otherwise                   = Nothing

  arg1 = toNat' t1
  arg2 = toNat' t2
  arg3 = toNat' t3

tfLenFromThenTo :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
tfLenFromThenTo _ t1 t2 t3
  | Just x <- toNat' t1
  , Just y <- toNat' t2
  , Just z <- toNat' t3       = fmap fromNat' (nLenFromThenTo x y z)

  | otherwise = Nothing


toNat' :: Type -> Maybe Nat'
toNat' ty =
  case ty of
    TUser _ _ t           -> toNat' t
    TCon (TC TCInf) _     -> Just Inf
    TCon (TC (TCNum x)) _ -> Just (Nat x)
    _                     -> Nothing

fromNat' :: Nat' -> Type
fromNat' Inf = tInf
fromNat' (Nat x) = tNum x

oneOrMore :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Bool
oneOrMore i t = typeKnownLeq i (tNum (1::Int)) t

twoOrMore :: OrdFacts -> Type -> Bool
twoOrMore i t = typeKnownLeq i (tNum (2::Int)) t