-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Cryptol.Symbolic where

import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, zipWithM)
import Data.List (transpose, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Exception as X

import qualified Data.SBV.Dynamic as SBV

import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem as M hiding (getPrimMap)
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Env as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Base as M
import qualified Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Monad as M

import Cryptol.Symbolic.Prims
import Cryptol.Symbolic.Value

import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Value as Eval
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Type (evalValType, evalNumType)
import qualified Cryptol.Eval.Env (EvalEnv(..))
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.InfNat (Nat'(..))
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident (Ident)
import Cryptol.Utils.PP
import Cryptol.Utils.Panic(panic)

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

-- External interface ----------------------------------------------------------

proverConfigs :: [(String, SBV.SMTConfig)]
proverConfigs =
  [ ("cvc4"     , SBV.cvc4     )
  , ("yices"    , SBV.yices    )
  , ("z3"       , SBV.z3       )
  , ("boolector", SBV.boolector)
  , ("mathsat"  , SBV.mathSAT  )
  , ("abc"      , SBV.abc      )
  , ("offline"  , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )
  , ("any"      , SBV.defaultSMTCfg )

proverNames :: [String]
proverNames = map fst proverConfigs

lookupProver :: String -> SBV.SMTConfig
lookupProver s =
  case lookup s proverConfigs of
    Just cfg -> cfg
    -- should be caught by UI for setting prover user variable
    Nothing  -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic" [ "invalid prover: " ++ s ]

type SatResult = [(Type, Expr, Eval.Value)]

data SatNum = AllSat | SomeSat Int
  deriving (Show)

data QueryType = SatQuery SatNum | ProveQuery
  deriving (Show)

data ProverCommand = ProverCommand {
    pcQueryType :: QueryType
    -- ^ The type of query to run
  , pcProverName :: String
    -- ^ Which prover to use (one of the strings in 'proverConfigs')
  , pcVerbose :: Bool
    -- ^ Verbosity flag passed to SBV
  , pcExtraDecls :: [DeclGroup]
    -- ^ Extra declarations to bring into scope for symbolic
    -- simulation
  , pcSmtFile :: Maybe FilePath
    -- ^ Optionally output the SMTLIB query to a file
  , pcExpr :: Expr
    -- ^ The typechecked expression to evaluate
  , pcSchema :: Schema
    -- ^ The 'Schema' of @pcExpr@

-- | A prover result is either an error message, an empty result (eg
-- for the offline prover), a counterexample or a lazy list of
-- satisfying assignments.
data ProverResult = AllSatResult [SatResult] -- LAZY
                  | ThmResult    [Type]
                  | EmptyResult
                  | ProverError  String

satSMTResults :: SBV.SatResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
satSMTResults (SBV.SatResult r) = [r]

allSatSMTResults :: SBV.AllSatResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
allSatSMTResults (SBV.AllSatResult (_, rs)) = rs

thmSMTResults :: SBV.ThmResult -> [SBV.SMTResult]
thmSMTResults (SBV.ThmResult r) = [r]

proverError :: String -> M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
proverError msg modEnv = return (Right (ProverError msg, modEnv), [])

satProve :: ProverCommand -> M.ModuleCmd ProverResult
satProve ProverCommand {..} = protectStack proverError $ \modEnv ->
  M.runModuleM modEnv $ do
  let (isSat, mSatNum) = case pcQueryType of
        ProveQuery -> (False, Nothing)
        SatQuery sn -> case sn of
          SomeSat n -> (True, Just n)
          AllSat    -> (True, Nothing)
  let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
  provers <-
    case pcProverName of
      "any" -> M.io SBV.sbvAvailableSolvers
      _ -> return [(lookupProver pcProverName) { SBV.smtFile = pcSmtFile }]
  let provers' = [ p { SBV.timing = pcVerbose, SBV.verbose = pcVerbose } | p <- provers ]
  let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
  let runProver fn tag e = do
        case provers of
          [prover] -> do
            when pcVerbose $ M.io $
              putStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++ show prover
            res <- M.io (fn prover e)
            when pcVerbose $ M.io $
              putStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show prover
            return (tag res)
          _ ->
            return [ SBV.ProofError
                       [":sat with option prover=any requires option satNum=1"]
                   | prover <- provers ]
      runProvers fn tag e = do
        when pcVerbose $ M.io $
          putStrLn $ "Trying proof with " ++
                     intercalate ", " (map show provers)
        (firstProver, res) <- M.io (fn provers' e)
        when pcVerbose $ M.io $
          putStrLn $ "Got result from " ++ show firstProver
        return (tag res)
  let runFn = case pcQueryType of
        ProveQuery -> runProvers SBV.proveWithAny thmSMTResults
        SatQuery sn -> case sn of
          SomeSat 1 -> runProvers SBV.satWithAny satSMTResults
          _         -> runProver SBV.allSatWith allSatSMTResults
  case predArgTypes pcSchema of
    Left msg -> return (ProverError msg)
    Right ts -> do when pcVerbose $ M.io $ putStrLn "Simulating..."
                   let env = evalDecls mempty extDgs
                   let v = evalExpr env pcExpr
                   prims <- M.getPrimMap
                   results' <- runFn $ do
                                 args <- mapM tyFn ts
                                 b <- return $! fromVBit (foldl fromVFun v args)
                                 return b
                   let results = maybe results' (\n -> take n results') mSatNum
                   esatexprs <- case results of
                     -- allSat can return more than one as long as
                     -- they're satisfiable
                     (SBV.Satisfiable {} : _) -> do
                       tevss <- mapM mkTevs results
                       return $ AllSatResult tevss
                         mkTevs result =
                           let Right (_, cws) = SBV.getModel result
                               (vs, _) = parseValues ts cws
                               sattys = unFinType <$> ts
                               satexprs = zipWithM (Eval.toExpr prims) sattys vs
                           in case zip3 sattys <$> satexprs <*> pure vs of
                             Nothing ->
                               panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
                                 [ "unable to make assignment into expression" ]
                             Just tevs -> return $ tevs
                     -- prove returns only one
                     [SBV.Unsatisfiable {}] ->
                       return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
                     -- unsat returns empty
                     [] -> return $ ThmResult (unFinType <$> ts)
                     -- otherwise something is wrong
                     _ -> return $ ProverError (rshow results)
                            where rshow | isSat = show . SBV.AllSatResult . (boom,)
                                        | otherwise = show . SBV.ThmResult . head
                                  boom = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.sat"
                                           [ "attempted to evaluate bogus boolean for pretty-printing" ]
                   return esatexprs

satProveOffline :: ProverCommand -> M.ModuleCmd (Either String String)
satProveOffline ProverCommand {..} =
  protectStack (\msg modEnv -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])) $ \modEnv -> do
    let isSat = case pcQueryType of
          ProveQuery -> False
          SatQuery _ -> True
    let extDgs = allDeclGroups modEnv ++ pcExtraDecls
    let tyFn = if isSat then existsFinType else forallFinType
    case predArgTypes pcSchema of
      Left msg -> return (Right (Left msg, modEnv), [])
      Right ts ->
        do when pcVerbose $ putStrLn "Simulating..."
           let env = evalDecls mempty extDgs
           let v = evalExpr env pcExpr
           smtlib <- SBV.compileToSMTLib SBV.SMTLib2 isSat $ do
             args <- mapM tyFn ts
             b <- return $! fromVBit (foldl fromVFun v args)
             return b
           return (Right (Right smtlib, modEnv), [])

protectStack :: (String -> M.ModuleCmd a)
             -> M.ModuleCmd a
             -> M.ModuleCmd a
protectStack mkErr cmd modEnv =
  X.catchJust isOverflow (cmd modEnv) handler
  where isOverflow X.StackOverflow = Just ()
        isOverflow _               = Nothing
        msg = "Symbolic evaluation failed to terminate."
        handler () = mkErr msg modEnv

parseValues :: [FinType] -> [SBV.CW] -> ([Eval.Value], [SBV.CW])
parseValues [] cws = ([], cws)
parseValues (t : ts) cws = (v : vs, cws'')
  where (v, cws') = parseValue t cws
        (vs, cws'') = parseValues ts cws'

parseValue :: FinType -> [SBV.CW] -> (Eval.Value, [SBV.CW])
parseValue FTBit [] = panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.parseValue" [ "empty FTBit" ]
parseValue FTBit (cw : cws) = (Eval.VBit (SBV.cwToBool cw), cws)
parseValue (FTSeq 0 FTBit) cws = (Eval.VWord (Eval.BV 0 0), cws)
parseValue (FTSeq n FTBit) cws =
  case SBV.genParse (SBV.KBounded False n) cws of
    Just (x, cws') -> (Eval.VWord (Eval.BV (toInteger n) x), cws')
    Nothing        -> (Eval.VSeq True vs, cws')
      where (vs, cws') = parseValues (replicate n FTBit) cws
parseValue (FTSeq n t) cws = (Eval.VSeq False vs, cws')
  where (vs, cws') = parseValues (replicate n t) cws
parseValue (FTTuple ts) cws = (Eval.VTuple vs, cws')
  where (vs, cws') = parseValues ts cws
parseValue (FTRecord fs) cws = (Eval.VRecord (zip ns vs), cws')
  where (ns, ts) = unzip fs
        (vs, cws') = parseValues ts cws

allDeclGroups :: M.ModuleEnv -> [DeclGroup]
allDeclGroups = concatMap mDecls . M.loadedModules

data FinType
    = FTBit
    | FTSeq Int FinType
    | FTTuple [FinType]
    | FTRecord [(Ident, FinType)]

numType :: Integer -> Maybe Int
numType n
  | 0 <= n && n <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = Just (fromInteger n)
  | otherwise = Nothing

finType :: TValue -> Maybe FinType
finType ty =
  case ty of
    TVBit        -> Just FTBit
    TVSeq n t    -> FTSeq <$> numType n <*> finType t
    TVTuple ts   -> FTTuple <$> traverse finType ts
    TVRec fields -> FTRecord <$> traverse (traverseSnd finType) fields
    _            -> Nothing

unFinType :: FinType -> Type
unFinType fty =
  case fty of
    FTBit        -> tBit
    FTSeq l ety  -> tSeq (tNum l) (unFinType ety)
    FTTuple ftys -> tTuple (unFinType <$> ftys)
    FTRecord fs  -> tRec (zip fns tys)
        fns = fst <$> fs
        tys = unFinType . snd <$> fs

predArgTypes :: Schema -> Either String [FinType]
predArgTypes schema@(Forall ts ps ty)
  | null ts && null ps =
      case go (Cryptol.Eval.Type.evalValType mempty ty) of
        Just fts -> Right fts
        Nothing  -> Left $ "Not a valid predicate type:\n" ++ show (pp schema)
  | otherwise = Left $ "Not a monomorphic type:\n" ++ show (pp schema)
    go :: TValue -> Maybe [FinType]
    go TVBit           = Just []
    go (TVFun ty1 ty2) = (:) <$> finType ty1 <*> go ty2
    go _               = Nothing

forallFinType :: FinType -> SBV.Symbolic Value
forallFinType ty =
  case ty of
    FTBit         -> VBit <$> forallSBool_
    FTSeq 0 FTBit -> return $ VWord (literalSWord 0 0)
    FTSeq n FTBit -> VWord <$> (forallBV_ n)
    FTSeq n t     -> VSeq False <$> replicateM n (forallFinType t)
    FTTuple ts    -> VTuple <$> mapM forallFinType ts
    FTRecord fs   -> VRecord <$> mapM (traverseSnd forallFinType) fs

existsFinType :: FinType -> SBV.Symbolic Value
existsFinType ty =
  case ty of
    FTBit         -> VBit <$> existsSBool_
    FTSeq 0 FTBit -> return $ VWord (literalSWord 0 0)
    FTSeq n FTBit -> VWord <$> existsBV_ n
    FTSeq n t     -> VSeq False <$> replicateM n (existsFinType t)
    FTTuple ts    -> VTuple <$> mapM existsFinType ts
    FTRecord fs   -> VRecord <$> mapM (traverseSnd existsFinType) fs

-- Simulation environment ------------------------------------------------------

data Env = Env
  { envVars :: Map.Map Name Value
  , envTypes :: Map.Map TVar (Either Nat' TValue)

instance Monoid Env where
  mempty = Env
    { envVars  = Map.empty
    , envTypes = Map.empty

  mappend l r = Env
    { envVars  = Map.union (envVars  l) (envVars  r)
    , envTypes = Map.union (envTypes l) (envTypes r)

-- | Bind a variable in the evaluation environment.
bindVar :: (Name, Value) -> Env -> Env
bindVar (n, thunk) env = env { envVars = Map.insert n thunk (envVars env) }

-- | Lookup a variable in the environment.
lookupVar :: Name -> Env -> Maybe Value
lookupVar n env = Map.lookup n (envVars env)

-- | Bind a type variable of kind *.
bindType :: TVar -> (Either Nat' TValue) -> Env -> Env
bindType p ty env = env { envTypes = Map.insert p ty (envTypes env) }

-- | Lookup a type variable.
lookupType :: TVar -> Env -> Maybe (Either Nat' TValue)
lookupType p env = Map.lookup p (envTypes env)

-- Expressions -----------------------------------------------------------------

evalExpr :: Env -> Expr -> Value
evalExpr env expr =
  case expr of
    EList es ty       -> VSeq (tIsBit ty) (map eval es)
    ETuple es         -> VTuple (map eval es)
    ERec fields       -> VRecord [ (f, eval e) | (f, e) <- fields ]
    ESel e sel        -> evalSel sel (eval e)
    EIf b e1 e2       -> iteValue (fromVBit (eval b)) (eval e1) (eval e2)
    EComp ty e mss    -> evalComp env (evalValType env ty) e mss
    EVar n            -> case lookupVar n env of
                           Just x -> x
                           _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalExpr" [ "Variable " ++ show n ++ " not found" ]
    -- TODO: how to deal with uninterpreted functions?
    ETAbs tv e -> case tpKind tv of
      KType -> VPoly $ \ty -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) (Right ty) env) e
      KNum  -> VNumPoly $ \n -> evalExpr (bindType (tpVar tv) (Left n) env) e
      k     -> panic "[Symbolic] evalExpr" ["invalid kind on type abstraction", show k]
    ETApp e ty        -> case eval e of
      VPoly f    -> f (evalValType env ty)
      VNumPoly f -> f (evalNumType env ty)
      _          -> panic "[Symbolic] evalExpr"
                         [ "expected a polymorphic value"
                         , show e, show ty
    EApp e1 e2        -> fromVFun (eval e1) (eval e2)
    EAbs n _ty e      -> VFun $ \x -> evalExpr (bindVar (n, x) env) e
    EProofAbs _prop e -> eval e
    EProofApp e       -> eval e
    ECast e _ty       -> eval e
    EWhere e ds       -> evalExpr (evalDecls env ds) e
      eval e = evalExpr env e

evalValType :: Env -> Type -> TValue
evalValType env ty = Cryptol.Eval.Type.evalValType env' ty
  where env' = Cryptol.Eval.Env.EvalEnv Map.empty (envTypes env)

evalNumType :: Env -> Type -> Nat'
evalNumType env ty = Cryptol.Eval.Type.evalNumType env' ty
  where env' = Cryptol.Eval.Env.EvalEnv Map.empty (envTypes env)

evalSel :: Selector -> Value -> Value
evalSel sel v =
  case sel of
    TupleSel n _  ->
      case v of
        VTuple xs  -> xs !! n -- 0-based indexing
        VSeq b xs  -> VSeq b (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VStream xs -> VStream (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VFun f     -> VFun (\x -> evalSel sel (f x))
        _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Tuple selector applied to incompatible type" ]

    RecordSel n _ ->
      case v of
        VRecord bs  -> case lookup n bs of
                         Just x -> x
                         _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Selector " ++ show n ++ " not found" ]
        VSeq b xs   -> VSeq b (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VStream xs  -> VStream (map (evalSel sel) xs)
        VFun f      -> VFun (\x -> evalSel sel (f x))
        _ -> panic "Cryptol.Symbolic.evalSel" [ "Record selector applied to non-record" ]

    ListSel n _   -> case v of
                       VWord s -> VBit (SBV.svTestBit s i)
                                    where i = SBV.intSizeOf s - 1 - n
                       _       -> fromSeq v !! n  -- 0-based indexing

-- Declarations ----------------------------------------------------------------

evalDecls :: Env -> [DeclGroup] -> Env
evalDecls = foldl evalDeclGroup

evalDeclGroup :: Env -> DeclGroup -> Env
evalDeclGroup env dg =
  case dg of
    NonRecursive d -> bindVar (evalDecl env d) env
    Recursive ds   -> let env' = foldr bindVar env lazyBindings
                          bindings = map (evalDecl env') ds
                          lazyBindings = [ (qname, copyBySchema env (dSignature d) v)
                                         | (d, (qname, v)) <- zip ds bindings ]
                      in env'

evalDecl :: Env -> Decl -> (Name, Value)
evalDecl env d = (dName d, body)
  body = case dDefinition d of
           DExpr e -> evalExpr env e
           DPrim   -> evalPrim d

-- | Make a copy of the given value, building the spine based only on
-- the type without forcing the value argument. This lets us avoid
-- strictness problems when evaluating recursive definitions.
copyBySchema :: Env -> Schema -> Value -> Value
copyBySchema env0 (Forall params _props ty) = go params env0
    go [] env v = copyByType env (evalValType env ty) v
    go (p : ps) env v =
      case tpKind p of
        KType -> VPoly (\t -> go ps (bindType (tpVar p) (Right t) env) (fromVPoly v t))
        KNum -> VNumPoly (\t -> go ps (bindType (tpVar p) (Left t) env) (fromVNumPoly v t))
        k -> panic "[Eval] copyBySchema" ["invalid kind on type abstraction", show k]

copyByType :: Env -> TValue -> Value -> Value
copyByType env ty v =
  case ty of
    TVBit       -> VBit (fromVBit v)
    TVSeq _ ety -> VSeq (isTBit ety) (fromSeq v)
    TVStream _  -> VStream (fromSeq v)
    TVFun _ bty -> VFun (\x -> copyByType env bty (fromVFun v x))
    TVTuple tys -> VTuple (zipWith (copyByType env) tys (fromVTuple v))
    TVRec fs    -> VRecord [ (f, copyByType env t (lookupRecord f v)) | (f, t) <- fs ]
-- copyByType env ty v = logicUnary id id (evalValType env ty) v

-- List Comprehensions ---------------------------------------------------------

-- | Evaluate a comprehension.
evalComp :: Env -> TValue -> Expr -> [[Match]] -> Value
evalComp env seqty body ms =
  case Eval.isTSeq seqty of
    Just (len, el) -> toSeq len el [ evalExpr e body | e <- envs ]
    Nothing -> evalPanic "Cryptol.Eval" ["evalComp given a non sequence", show seqty]

  -- XXX we could potentially print this as a number if the type was available.
  -- generate a new environment for each iteration of each parallel branch
  benvs = map (branchEnvs env) ms

  -- take parallel slices of each environment.  when the length of the list
  -- drops below the number of branches, one branch has terminated.
  allBranches es = length es == length ms
  slices         = takeWhile allBranches (transpose benvs)

  -- join environments to produce environments at each step through the process.
  envs = map mconcat slices

-- | Turn a list of matches into the final environments for each iteration of
-- the branch.
branchEnvs :: Env -> [Match] -> [Env]
branchEnvs env matches =
  case matches of
    []     -> [env]
    m : ms -> do env' <- evalMatch env m
                 branchEnvs env' ms

-- | Turn a match into the list of environments it represents.
evalMatch :: Env -> Match -> [Env]
evalMatch env m = case m of
  From n _ty expr -> [ bindVar (n, v) env | v <- fromSeq (evalExpr env expr) ]
  Let d           -> [ bindVar (evalDecl env d) env ]