-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2015-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Sanity
  ( tcExpr
  , tcDecls
  , tcModule
  , ProofObligation
  , Error(..)
  , same
  ) where

import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst(apSubst, fvs, singleSubst)
import Cryptol.Utils.Ident

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List(sort, sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import MonadLib
import qualified Control.Applicative as A

import           Data.Map ( Map )
import qualified Data.Map as Map

tcExpr :: Map Name Schema -> Expr -> Either Error (Schema, [ ProofObligation ])
tcExpr env e = runTcM env (exprSchema e)

tcDecls :: Map Name Schema -> [DeclGroup] -> Either Error [ ProofObligation ]
tcDecls env ds0 = case runTcM env (go ds0) of
                    Left err     -> Left err
                    Right (_,ps) -> Right ps
  go []       = return ()
  go (d : ds) = do xs <- checkDeclGroup d
                   withVars xs (go ds)

tcModule :: Map Name Schema -> Module -> Either Error [ ProofObligation ]
tcModule env m = tcDecls env (mDecls m)

tMono :: Type -> Schema
tMono = Forall [] []

isMono :: Schema -> Maybe Type
isMono s =
  case s of
    Forall [] [] t -> Just t
    _              -> Nothing


-- | Validate a type, returning its kind.
checkType :: Type -> TcM Kind
checkType ty =
  case ty of
    TUser _ _ t -> checkType t    -- Maybe check synonym too?

    TCon tc ts ->
      do ks <- mapM checkType ts
         checkKind (kindOf tc) ks

    TVar tv -> lookupTVar tv

    TRec fs ->
      do forM_ fs $ \(_,t) ->
           do k <- checkType t
              unless (k == KType) $ reportError $ KindMismatch KType k
         return KType

  checkKind k [] = case k of
                     _ :-> _  -> reportError $ NotEnoughArgumentsInKind k
                     KProp    -> return k
                     KNum     -> return k
                     KType    -> return k

  checkKind (k1 :-> k2) (k : ks)
    | k == k1   = checkKind k2 ks
    | otherwise = reportError $ KindMismatch k1 k

  checkKind k ks = reportError $ BadTypeApplication k ks

-- | Check that the type is valid, and it has the given kind.
checkTypeIs :: Kind -> Type -> TcM ()
checkTypeIs k ty =
  do k1 <- checkType ty
     unless (k == k1) $ reportError $ KindMismatch k k1

-- | Check that this is a valid schema.
checkSchema :: Schema -> TcM ()
checkSchema (Forall as ps t) = foldr withTVar check as
  where check = do mapM_ (checkTypeIs KProp) ps
                   checkTypeIs KType t

class Same a where
  same :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Same a => Same [a] where
  same [] [] = True
  same (x : xs) (y : ys) = same x y && same xs ys
  same _ _ = False

instance Same Type where
  same t1 t2 = tNoUser t1 == tNoUser t2

instance Same Schema where
  same (Forall xs ps s) (Forall ys qs t) = same xs ys && same ps qs && same s t

instance Same TParam where
  same x y = tpName x == tpName y && tpKind x == tpKind y


-- | Check that the expression is well-formed, and compute its type.
-- Reports an error if the expression is not of a mono type.
exprType :: Expr -> TcM Type
exprType expr =
  do s <- exprSchema expr
     case isMono s of
       Just t  -> return t
       Nothing -> reportError (ExpectedMono s)

-- | Check that the expression is well-formed, and compute its schema.
exprSchema :: Expr -> TcM Schema
exprSchema expr =
  case expr of

    EList es t ->
      do checkTypeIs KType t
         forM_ es $ \e ->
           do t1 <- exprType e
              unless (same t1 t) $
                reportError $ TypeMismatch (tMono t) (tMono t1)

         return $ tMono $ tSeq (tNum (length es)) t

    ETuple es ->
      fmap (tMono . tTuple) (mapM exprType es)

    ERec fs ->
      do fs1 <- forM fs $ \(f,e) -> do t <- exprType e
                                       return (f,t)
         return $ tMono $ TRec fs1

    ESel e sel ->
      do t <- exprType e
         case sel of

           TupleSel n mb ->
              case tNoUser t of
                TCon (TC (TCTuple sz)) ts ->

                   do case mb of
                        Just sz1 -> when (sz /= sz1) $
                                      reportError (UnexpectedTupleShape sz1 sz)
                        Nothing  -> return ()

                      unless (n < sz) $
                        reportError (TupleSelectorOutOfRange n sz)

                      return $ tMono $ ts !! n

                _ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t

           RecordSel f mb ->
             case tNoUser t of
               TRec fs ->

                 do case mb of
                      Nothing -> return ()
                      Just fs1 ->
                        do let ns  = sort (map fst fs)
                               ns1 = sort fs1
                           unless (ns == ns1) $
                             reportError $ UnexpectedRecordShape ns1 ns

                    case lookup f fs of
                      Nothing -> reportError $ MissingField f $ map fst fs
                      Just ft -> return $ tMono ft

               _ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t

           ListSel _ mb ->
             case tNoUser t of
               TCon (TC TCSeq) [ n, elT ] ->

                 do case mb of
                      Nothing  -> return ()
                      Just len ->
                        case tNoUser n of
                          TCon (TC (TCNum m)) []
                            | m == fromIntegral len -> return ()
                          _ -> reportError $ UnexpectedSequenceShape len n

                    return $ tMono elT

               _ -> reportError $ BadSelector sel t

    EIf e1 e2 e3 ->
      do ty <- exprType e1
         unless (same tBit ty) $
           reportError $ TypeMismatch (tMono tBit) (tMono ty)

         t1 <- exprType e2
         t2 <- exprType e3
         unless (same t1 t2) $
           reportError $ TypeMismatch (tMono t1) (tMono t2)

         return $ tMono t1

    EComp t e mss ->
      do checkTypeIs KType t

         (xs,ls) <- unzip `fmap` mapM checkArm mss
         -- XXX: check no duplicates
         elT <- withVars (concat xs) $ exprType e

         case ls of
           [] -> return ()
           _  -> convertible t (tSeq (foldr1 tMin ls) elT)

         return (tMono t)

    EVar x -> lookupVar x

    ETAbs a e     ->
      do Forall as p t <- withTVar a (exprSchema e)
         when (any (== a) as) $
           reportError $ RepeatedVariableInForall a

         return (Forall (a : as) p t)

    ETApp e t ->
      do k <- checkType t
         s <- exprSchema e
         case s of
           Forall (a : as) ps t1 ->
             do let vs = fvs t

                forM_ (map tpVar as) $ \b ->
                  when (b `Set.member` vs) $ reportError $ Captured b

                let k' = kindOf a
                unless (k == k') $ reportError $ KindMismatch k' k

                let su = singleSubst (tpVar a) t
                return $ Forall as (apSubst su ps) (apSubst su t1)

           Forall [] _ _ -> reportError BadInstantiation

    EApp e1 e2 ->
      do t1 <- exprType e1
         t2 <- exprType e2

         case tNoUser t1 of
           TCon (TC TCFun) [ a, b ]
              | same a t2 -> return (tMono b)
           tf -> reportError (BadApplication tf t1)

    EAbs x t e    ->
      do checkTypeIs KType t
         res <- withVar x t (exprType e)
         return $ tMono $ tFun t res

    EProofAbs p e ->
      do checkTypeIs KProp p
         withAsmp p $ do Forall as ps t <- exprSchema e
                         return $ Forall as (p : ps) t

    EProofApp e ->
      do Forall as ps t <- exprSchema e
         case (as,ps) of
           ([], p:qs) -> do proofObligation p
                            return (Forall [] qs t)
           ([], _)    -> reportError BadProofNoAbs
           (_,_)      -> reportError (BadProofTyVars as)

    ECast e t ->
      do checkTypeIs KType t
         t1 <- exprType e
         convertible t t1
         return (tMono t)

    -- XXX: Check that defined things are disitnct?
    EWhere e dgs ->
      let go []       = exprSchema e
          go (d : ds) = do xs <- checkDeclGroup d
                           withVars xs (go ds)
      in go dgs

-- | Check if the one type is convertible to the other.
convertible :: Type -> Type -> TcM ()
convertible t1 t2
  | k1 /= k2    = reportError (KindMismatch k1 k2)
  | k1 == KNum  = proofObligation (t1 =#= t2)
  k1 = kindOf t1
  k2 = kindOf t2

convertible t1 t2 = go t1 t2
  go ty1 ty2 =
    let err   = reportError $ TypeMismatch (tMono ty1) (tMono ty2)
        other = tNoUser ty2

        goMany [] []             = return ()
        goMany (x : xs) (y : ys) = convertible x y >> goMany xs ys
        goMany _ _               = err

    in case ty1 of
         TUser _ _ s   -> go s ty2

         TVar x        -> case other of
                            TVar y | x == y  -> return ()
                            _                -> err

         TCon tc1 ts1  -> case other of
                            TCon tc2 ts2
                               | tc1 == tc2 -> goMany ts1 ts2
                            _ -> err

         TRec fs ->
           case other of
             TRec gs ->
               do let order = sortBy (compare `on` fst)
                      fs1   = order fs
                      gs1   = order gs
                  unless (map fst fs1 == map fst gs1) err
                  goMany (map snd fs1) (map snd gs1)
             _ -> err


-- | Check a declaration. The boolean indicates if we should check the siganture
checkDecl :: Bool -> Decl -> TcM (Name, Schema)
checkDecl checkSig d =
  case dDefinition d of

    DPrim ->
      do when checkSig $ checkSchema $ dSignature d
         return (dName d, dSignature d)

    DExpr e ->
      do let s = dSignature d
         when checkSig $ checkSchema s
         s1 <- exprSchema e
         unless (same s s1) $
           reportError $ TypeMismatch s s1
         return (dName d, s)

checkDeclGroup :: DeclGroup -> TcM [(Name, Schema)]
checkDeclGroup dg =
  case dg of
    NonRecursive d -> do x <- checkDecl True d
                         return [x]
    Recursive ds ->
      do xs <- forM ds $ \d ->
                  do checkSchema (dSignature d)
                     return (dName d, dSignature d)
         withVars xs $ mapM (checkDecl False) ds

checkMatch :: Match -> TcM ((Name, Schema), Type)
checkMatch ma =
  case ma of
    From x t e ->
      do checkTypeIs KType t
         t1 <- exprType e
         case tNoUser t1 of
           TCon (TC TCSeq) [ l, el ]
             | same t el -> return ((x, tMono t), l)
             | otherwise -> reportError $ TypeMismatch (tMono t) (tMono el)

           _ -> reportError $ BadMatch t1

    Let d -> do x <- checkDecl True d
                return (x, tNum (1 :: Int))

checkArm :: [Match] -> TcM ([(Name, Schema)], Type)
checkArm []   = reportError EmptyArm
checkArm [m]  = do (x,l) <- checkMatch m
                   return ([x], l)
checkArm (m : ms) =
  do (x, l)   <- checkMatch m
     (xs, l1) <- withVars [x] $ checkArm ms
     let newLen = l .*. l1
     return $ if fst x `elem` map fst xs
                 then (xs, newLen)
                 else (x : xs, newLen)


data RO = RO
  { roTVars   :: Map Int TParam
  , roAsmps   :: [Prop]
  , roVars    :: Map Name Schema

type ProofObligation = Schema -- but the type is of kind Prop

data RW = RW
  { woProofObligations :: [ProofObligation]

newtype TcM a = TcM (ReaderT RO (ExceptionT Error (StateT RW Id)) a)

instance Functor TcM where
  fmap = liftM

instance A.Applicative TcM where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad TcM where
  return a    = TcM (return a)
  fail x      = TcM (fail x)
  TcM m >>= f = TcM (do a <- m
                        let TcM m1 = f a

runTcM :: Map Name Schema -> TcM a -> Either Error (a, [ProofObligation])
runTcM env (TcM m) =
  case runM m ro rw of
    (Left err, _) -> Left err
    (Right a, s)  -> Right (a, woProofObligations s)
  ro = RO { roTVars = Map.empty
          , roAsmps = []
          , roVars  = env
  rw = RW { woProofObligations = [] }

data Error =
    TypeMismatch Schema Schema    -- ^ expected, actual
  | ExpectedMono Schema           -- ^ expected a mono type, got this
  | TupleSelectorOutOfRange Int Int
  | MissingField Ident [Ident]
  | UnexpectedTupleShape Int Int
  | UnexpectedRecordShape [Ident] [Ident]
  | UnexpectedSequenceShape Int Type
  | BadSelector Selector Type
  | BadInstantiation
  | Captured TVar
  | BadProofNoAbs
  | BadProofTyVars [TParam]
  | KindMismatch Kind Kind
  | NotEnoughArgumentsInKind Kind
  | BadApplication Type Type
  | FreeTypeVariable TVar
  | BadTypeApplication Kind [Kind]
  | RepeatedVariableInForall TParam
  | BadMatch Type
  | EmptyArm
  | UndefinedTypeVaraible TVar
  | UndefinedVariable Name
    deriving Show

reportError :: Error -> TcM a
reportError e = TcM (raise e)

withTVar :: TParam -> TcM a -> TcM a
withTVar a (TcM m) = TcM $
  do ro <- ask
     local ro { roTVars = Map.insert (tpUnique a) a (roTVars ro) } m

withAsmp :: Prop -> TcM a -> TcM a
withAsmp p (TcM m) = TcM $
  do ro <- ask
     local ro { roAsmps = p : roAsmps ro } m

withVar :: Name -> Type -> TcM a -> TcM a
withVar x t = withVars [(x,tMono t)]

withVars :: [(Name, Schema)] -> TcM a -> TcM a
withVars xs (TcM m) = TcM $
  do ro <- ask
     local ro { roVars = Map.union (Map.fromList xs) (roVars ro) } m

proofObligation :: Prop -> TcM ()
proofObligation p = TcM $
  do ro <- ask
     sets_ $ \rw -> rw { woProofObligations =
                             Forall (Map.elems (roTVars ro)) (roAsmps ro) p
                           : woProofObligations rw }

lookupTVar :: TVar -> TcM Kind
lookupTVar x =
  case x of
    TVFree {} -> reportError (FreeTypeVariable x)
    TVBound u k ->
       do ro <- TcM ask
          case Map.lookup u (roTVars ro) of
            Just tp
              | kindOf tp == k  -> return k
              | otherwise       -> reportError $ KindMismatch (kindOf tp) k
            Nothing  -> reportError $ UndefinedTypeVaraible x

lookupVar :: Name -> TcM Schema
lookupVar x =
  do ro <- TcM ask
     case Map.lookup x (roVars ro) of
       Just s -> return s
       Nothing -> reportError $ UndefinedVariable x