-- |
-- Module      :  $Header$
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cryptol@galois.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable

{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.CrySAT
  ( withScope, withSolver
  , assumeProps, simplifyProps, getModel
  , check
  , Solver, logger, getIntervals
  , DefinedProp(..)
  , debugBlock
  , DebugLog(..)
  , knownDefined, numericRight
  , minimizeContradictionSimpDef
  , loadFile
  , rawSolver
  ) where

import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as Cry
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.InferTypes(Goal(..), SolverConfig(..))
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst as Cry

import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Types
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.AST
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Fin
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.ImportExport
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Interval
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Defined
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Simplify
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.NonLin
import           Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.SMT
import           Cryptol.Utils.PP -- ( Doc )
import           Cryptol.Utils.Panic ( panic )

import           MonadLib
import           Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Char(isSpace)
import           Data.Foldable ( any, all )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef',
                              atomicModifyIORef' )
import           Prelude hiding (any,all)

import qualified SimpleSMT as SMT

-- | We use this to remember what we simplified
newtype SimpProp = SimpProp { unSimpProp :: Prop }

simpProp :: Prop -> SimpProp
simpProp p = SimpProp (crySimplify p)

class    HasProp a        where getProp :: a -> Cry.Prop
instance HasProp Cry.Prop where getProp  = id
instance HasProp Goal     where getProp  = goal

-- | 'dpSimpProp' and 'dpSimpExprProp' should be logically equivalent,
-- to each other, and to whatever 'a' represents (usually 'a' is a 'Goal').
data DefinedProp a = DefinedProp
  { dpData         :: a
    -- ^ Optional data to associate with prop.
    -- Often, the original `Goal` from which the prop was extracted.

  , dpSimpProp     :: SimpProp
    {- ^ Fully simplified: may mention ORs, and named non-linear terms.
    These are what we send to the prover, and we don't attempt to
    convert them back into Cryptol types. -}

  , dpSimpExprProp :: Prop
    {- ^ A version of the proposition where just the expression terms
    have been simplified.  These should not contain ORs or named non-linear
    terms because we want to import them back into Crytpol types. -}

knownDefined :: (a,Prop) -> DefinedProp a
knownDefined (a,p) = DefinedProp
  { dpData = a, dpSimpProp = simpProp p, dpSimpExprProp = p }

-- | Class goals go on the left, numeric goals go on the right.
numericRight :: Goal -> Either Goal (Goal, Prop)
numericRight g  = case exportProp (goal g) of
                    Just p  -> Right (g, p)
                    Nothing -> Left g

-- | Simplify a bunch of well-defined properties.
--  * Eliminates properties that are implied by the rest.
--  * Does not modify the set of assumptions.
simplifyProps :: Solver -> [DefinedProp Goal] -> IO [Goal]
simplifyProps s props =
  debugBlock s "Simplifying properties" $
  withScope s (go [] (eliminateSimpleGEQ props))
  go survived [] = return survived

  go survived (DefinedProp { dpSimpProp = SimpProp PTrue } : more) =
                                                          go survived more

  go survived (p : more) =
    case dpSimpProp p of
      SimpProp PTrue -> go survived more
      SimpProp p' ->
        do mbProved <- withScope s $
             do mapM_ (assert s) more
                e <- getIntervals s
                case e of
                  Left _     -> return Nothing
                  Right ints -> do b <- prove s p'
                                   return (Just (ints,b))
           case mbProved of
             Just (_,True)  -> go survived more

             Just (ints,False) ->
               debugLog s ("Using the fin solver:" ++ show (pp (goal (dpData p)))) >>
               case cryIsFin ints (goal (dpData p)) of
                 SolvedIf ps' ->
                   do debugLog s "solved"
                      let gg = dpData p
                          gs' = [ gg { goal = pr } | pr <- ps' ]
                      let more' = [ knownDefined g | Right g <- map numericRight gs' ]
                      go survived (more' ++ more)
                 Unsolved ->
                   do debugLog s "unsolved"
                      assert s p
                      go (dpData p : survived) more

                 x@(Unsolvable {}) ->
                   do debugLog s (show (pp x))
                      go (dpData p:survived) more

             Nothing -> go (dpData p:survived) more

{- | Simplify easy less-than-or-equal-to and equal-to goals.
Those are common with long lists of literals, so we have special handling
for them.  In particular:

  * Reduce goals of the form @(a >= k1, a >= k2, a >= k3, ...)@ to
   @a >= max (k1, k2, k3, ...)@, when all the k's are constant.

  * Eliminate goals of the form @ki >= k2@, when @k2@ is leq than @k1@.

  * Eliminate goals of the form @a >= 0@.

NOTE:  This assumes that the goals are well-defined.
eliminateSimpleGEQ :: [DefinedProp a] -> [DefinedProp a]
eliminateSimpleGEQ = go Map.empty []

  go geqs other (g : rest) =
    case dpSimpExprProp g of
      K a :== K b
        | a == b -> go geqs other rest

      _ :>= K (Nat 0) ->
          go geqs  other rest

      K (Nat k1) :>= K (Nat k2)
        | k1 >= k2 -> go geqs other rest

      Var v :>= K (Nat k2) ->
        go (addUpperBound v (k2,g) geqs) other rest

      _ -> go geqs (g:other) rest

  go geqs other [] = [ g | (_,g) <- Map.elems geqs ] ++ other

  -- add in a possible upper bound for var
  addUpperBound var g = Map.insertWith cmp var g
    cmp a b | fst a > fst b = a
            | otherwise     = b

-- | Add the given constraints as assumptions.
--  * We assume that the constraints are well-defined.
--  * Modifies the set of assumptions.
assumeProps :: Solver -> [Cry.Prop] -> IO [SimpProp]
assumeProps s props =
  do let ps = [ (p,p') | p       <- props
                       , Just p' <- [exportProp p] ]

     let defPs = [ (p,cryDefinedProp p') | (p,p') <- ps ]

     let simpProps = map knownDefined (defPs ++ ps)
     mapM_ (assert s) simpProps
     return (map dpSimpProp simpProps)
  -- XXX: Instead of asserting one at a time, perhaps we should
  -- assert a conjunction.  That way, we could simplify the whole thing
  -- in one go, and would avoid having to assert 'true' many times.

-- | Given a list of propositions that together lead to a contradiction,
-- find a sub-set that still leads to a contradiction (but is smaller).
minimizeContradictionSimpDef :: HasProp a => Solver -> [DefinedProp a] -> IO [a]
minimizeContradictionSimpDef s ps = start [] ps
  start bad todo =
    do res <- SMT.check (solver s)
       case res of
         SMT.Unsat -> return (map dpData bad)
         _         -> do solPush s
                         go bad [] todo

  go _ _ [] = panic "minimizeContradiction"
               $ ("No contradiction" : map (show . ppProp . dpSimpExprProp) ps)
  go bad prev (d : more) =
    do assert s d
       res <- SMT.check (solver s)
       case res of
         SMT.Unsat -> do solPop s
                         assert s d
                         start (d : bad) prev
         _ -> go bad (d : prev) more

{- | Attempt to find a substituion that, when applied, makes all of the
given properties hold. -}
getModel :: Solver -> [Cry.Prop] -> IO (Maybe Cry.Subst)
getModel s props = withScope s $
  do ps  <- assumeProps s props
     res <- SMT.check (solver s)
     let vars = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map (cryPropFVS . unSimpProp) ps

     case res of
       SMT.Sat ->
          do vs <- getVals (solver s) vars
             -- This is guaranteed to be a model only for the *linear*
             -- properties, so now we check if it works for the rest too.

             let su1  = fmap K vs
                 ps1  = [ fromMaybe p (apSubst su1 p) | SimpProp p <- ps ]
                 ok p = case crySimplify p of
                          PTrue -> True
                          _     -> False

                 su2 = Cry.listSubst
                          [ (x, numTy v) | (UserName x, v) <- Map.toList vs ]

             return (guard (all ok ps1) >> return su2)

       _ -> return Nothing

  numTy Inf     = Cry.tInf
  numTy (Nat k) = Cry.tNum k


-- | An SMT solver, and some info about declared variables.
data Solver = Solver
  { solver    :: SMT.Solver
    -- ^ The actual solver

  , declared  :: IORef VarInfo
    -- ^ Information about declared variables, and assumptions in scope.

  , logger    :: SMT.Logger
    -- ^ For debugging

loadFile :: Solver -> FilePath -> IO ()
loadFile s file = do -- txt <- readFile file
                     -- mapM_ putStrLn (lines txt)
                     go . dropComments =<< readFile file
  go txt
    | all isSpace txt = return ()
    | otherwise = case SMT.readSExpr txt of
                    Just (e,rest) -> SMT.command (solver s) e >> go rest
                    Nothing       -> panic "loadFile" [ "Failed to parse SMT file."
                                                      , txt

  dropComments = unlines . map dropComment . lines
  dropComment xs = case break (== ';') xs of
                     (as,_:_) -> as
                     _ -> xs

rawSolver :: Solver -> SMT.Solver
rawSolver = solver

-- | Keeps track of declared variables and non-linear terms.
data VarInfo = VarInfo
  { curScope    :: Scope
  , otherScopes :: [Scope]
  } deriving Show

data Scope = Scope
  { scopeNames    :: [Name]
    -- ^ Variables declared in this scope (not counting the ones from
    -- previous scopes).

  , scopeNonLinS  :: NonLinS
    {- ^ These are the non-linear terms mentioned in the assertions
    that are currently asserted (including ones from previous scopes). -}

  , scopeIntervals :: Either Cry.TVar (Map.Map Cry.TVar Interval)
    -- ^ Either a type variable that makes the asserted properties unsatisfiable
    -- (due to a broken interval), or the current set of intervals for type
    -- variables. If a variable is not in the interval map, its value can be
    -- anything.
    -- This includes all intervals from previous scopes.

  , scopeAsserted  :: [Cry.Prop]
    -- ^ This is the set of currently-asserted cryptol properties only in this
    -- scope.
    -- This includes all asserted props from previous scopes.
  } deriving Show

scopeEmpty :: Scope
scopeEmpty = Scope { scopeNames = [], scopeNonLinS = initialNonLinS
                   , scopeIntervals = Right Map.empty, scopeAsserted = [] }

scopeElem :: Name -> Scope -> Bool
scopeElem x Scope { .. } = x `elem` scopeNames

scopeInsert :: Name -> Scope -> Scope
scopeInsert x Scope { .. } = Scope { scopeNames = x : scopeNames, .. }

scopeAssertNew :: Cry.Prop -> Scope -> Scope
scopeAssertNew prop Scope { .. } =
  Scope { scopeIntervals = ints'
        , scopeAsserted  = props
        , .. }

  props = prop : scopeAsserted
  ints' = case scopeIntervals of
            Left tv    -> Left tv
            Right ints -> case computePropIntervals ints props of
                            NoChange           -> scopeIntervals
                            NewIntervals is    -> Right is
                            InvalidInterval tv -> Left tv

-- | Given a *simplified* prop, separate linear and non-linear parts
-- and return the linear ones.
scopeAssertSimpProp :: SimpProp -> Scope -> ([SimpProp],Scope)
scopeAssertSimpProp (SimpProp p) Scope { .. } =
  let (ps1,s1) = nonLinProp scopeNonLinS p
  in (map SimpProp ps1, Scope { scopeNonLinS = s1, ..  })

scopeAssert :: HasProp a => DefinedProp a -> Scope -> ([SimpProp],Scope)
scopeAssert DefinedProp { .. } s =
  let (ps1,s1) = scopeAssertSimpProp dpSimpProp s
   in (ps1,scopeAssertNew (getProp dpData) s1)

-- | No scopes.
viEmpty :: VarInfo
viEmpty = VarInfo { curScope = scopeEmpty, otherScopes = [] }

-- | Check if a name is any of the scopes.
viElem :: Name -> VarInfo -> Bool
viElem x VarInfo { .. } = any (x `scopeElem`) (curScope : otherScopes)

-- | Add a name to a scope.
viInsert :: Name -> VarInfo -> VarInfo
viInsert x VarInfo { .. } = VarInfo { curScope = scopeInsert x curScope, .. }

-- | Add an assertion to the current scope. Returns the linear part.
viAssertSimpProp :: SimpProp -> VarInfo -> (VarInfo, [SimpProp])
viAssertSimpProp p VarInfo { .. } = ( VarInfo { curScope = s1, .. }, p1)
  where (p1, s1) = scopeAssertSimpProp p curScope

viAssert :: HasProp a => DefinedProp a -> VarInfo -> (VarInfo, [SimpProp])
viAssert d VarInfo { .. } = (VarInfo { curScope = s1, .. },p1)
  where (p1, s1) = scopeAssert d curScope

-- | Enter a scope.
viPush :: VarInfo -> VarInfo
viPush VarInfo { .. } =
  VarInfo { curScope = scopeEmpty { scopeNonLinS   = scopeNonLinS curScope
                                  , scopeAsserted  = scopeAsserted curScope
                                  , scopeIntervals = scopeIntervals curScope }
          , otherScopes = curScope : otherScopes

-- | Exit a scope.
viPop :: VarInfo -> VarInfo
viPop VarInfo { .. } = case otherScopes of
                         c : cs -> VarInfo { curScope = c, otherScopes = cs }
                         _ -> panic "viPop" ["no more scopes"]

-- | All declared names, that have not been "marked".
-- These are the variables whose values we are interested in.
viUnmarkedNames :: VarInfo -> [ Name ]
viUnmarkedNames VarInfo { .. } = concatMap scopeNames scopes
  where scopes      = curScope : otherScopes

getIntervals :: Solver -> IO (Either Cry.TVar (Map Cry.TVar Interval))
getIntervals Solver { .. } =
  do vi <- readIORef declared
     return (scopeIntervals (curScope vi))

-- | All known non-linear terms.
getNLSubst :: Solver -> IO Subst
getNLSubst Solver { .. } =
  do VarInfo { .. } <- readIORef declared
     return $ nonLinSubst $ scopeNonLinS curScope

-- | Execute a computation with a fresh solver instance.
withSolver :: SolverConfig -> (Solver -> IO a) -> IO a
withSolver SolverConfig { .. } k =
  do logger <- if solverVerbose > 0 then SMT.newLogger 0 else return quietLogger

     let smtDbg = if solverVerbose > 1 then Just logger else Nothing
     solver <- SMT.newSolver solverPath solverArgs smtDbg
     _ <- SMT.setOptionMaybe solver ":global-decls" "false"
     -- SMT.setLogic solver "QF_LIA"
     declared <- newIORef viEmpty
     a <- k Solver { .. }
     _ <- SMT.stop solver

     return a

  quietLogger = SMT.Logger { SMT.logMessage = \_ -> return ()
                           , SMT.logLevel   = return 0
                           , SMT.logSetLevel= \_ -> return ()
                           , SMT.logTab     = return ()
                           , SMT.logUntab   = return ()

solPush :: Solver -> IO ()
solPush Solver { .. } =
  do SMT.push solver
     SMT.logTab logger
     modifyIORef' declared viPush

solPop :: Solver -> IO ()
solPop Solver { .. } =
  do modifyIORef' declared viPop
     SMT.logUntab logger
     SMT.pop solver

-- | Execute a computation in a new solver scope.
withScope :: Solver -> IO a -> IO a
withScope s k =
  do solPush s
     a <- k
     solPop s
     return a

-- | Declare a variable.
declareVar :: Solver -> Name -> IO ()
declareVar s@Solver { .. } a =
  do done <- fmap (a `viElem`) (readIORef declared)
     unless done $
       do e  <- SMT.declare solver (smtName a)    SMT.tInt
          let fin_a = smtFinName a
          fin <- SMT.declare solver fin_a SMT.tBool
          SMT.assert solver (SMT.geq e (SMT.int 0))

          nlSu <- getNLSubst s
          modifyIORef' declared (viInsert a)
          case Map.lookup a nlSu of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just e'  ->
              do let finDef = crySimplify (Fin e')
                 mapM_ (declareVar s) (Set.toList (cryPropFVS finDef))
                 SMT.assert solver $
                    SMT.eq fin (ifPropToSmtLib (desugarProp finDef))

-- | Add an assertion to the current context.
-- INVARIANT: Assertion is simplified.
assert :: HasProp a => Solver -> DefinedProp a -> IO ()
assert _               DefinedProp { dpSimpProp = SimpProp PTrue } = return ()
assert s@Solver { .. } def@DefinedProp { dpSimpProp = p } =
  do debugLog s ("Assuming: " ++ show (ppProp (unSimpProp p)))
     a <- getIntervals s
     debugLog s ("Intervals before:" ++ show (either pp ppIntervals a))
     ps1' <- atomicModifyIORef' declared (viAssert def)
     b <- getIntervals s
     debugLog s ("Intervals after:" ++ show (either pp ppIntervals b))
     let ps1 = map unSimpProp ps1'
         vs  = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map cryPropFVS ps1
     mapM_ (declareVar s) vs
     mapM_ (SMT.assert solver . ifPropToSmtLib . desugarProp) ps1

-- | Add an assertion to the current context.
-- INVARIANT: Assertion is simplified.
assertSimpProp :: Solver -> SimpProp -> IO ()
assertSimpProp _ (SimpProp PTrue) = return ()
assertSimpProp s@Solver { .. } p@(SimpProp p0) =
  do debugLog s ("Assuming: " ++ show (ppProp p0))
     ps1' <- atomicModifyIORef' declared (viAssertSimpProp p)
     let ps1 = map unSimpProp ps1'
         vs  = Set.toList $ Set.unions $ map cryPropFVS ps1
     mapM_ (declareVar s) vs
     mapM_ (SMT.assert solver . ifPropToSmtLib . desugarProp) ps1

-- | Try to prove a property.  The result is 'True' when we are sure that
-- the property holds, and 'False' otherwise.  In other words, getting `False`
-- *does not* mean that the proposition does not hold.
prove :: Solver -> Prop -> IO Bool
prove _ PTrue  = return True
prove s@Solver { .. } p =
  debugBlock s ("Proving: " ++ show (ppProp p)) $
  withScope s $
  do assertSimpProp s (simpProp (Not p))
     res <- SMT.check solver
     case res of
       SMT.Unsat   -> debugLog s "Proved" >> return True
       SMT.Unknown -> debugLog s "Not proved" >> return False -- We are not sure
       SMT.Sat     -> debugLog s "Not proved" >> return False
        -- XXX: If the answer is Sat, it is possible that this is a
        -- a fake example, as we need to evaluate the nonLinear constraints.
        -- If they are all satisfied, then we have a genuine counter example.
        -- Otherwise, we could look for another one...

{- | Check if the current set of assumptions is satisfiable, and find
some facts that must hold in any models of the current assumptions.

Returns `Nothing` if the currently asserted constraints are known to
be unsatisfiable.

Returns `Just (su, sub-goals)` is the current set is satisfiable.
  * The `su` is a substitution that may be applied to the current constraint
    set without loosing generality.
  * The `sub-goals` are additional constraints that must hold if the
    constraint set is to be satisfiable.
check :: Solver -> IO (Maybe (Subst, [Prop]))
check s@Solver { .. } =
  do e <- getIntervals s
     case e of

       Left tv ->
         do debugLog s ("Invalid interval: " ++ show (pp tv))
            return Nothing

       Right ints ->
         do debugLog s ("Intervals:" ++ show (ppIntervals ints))
            res <- SMT.check solver
            case res of

              SMT.Unsat   ->
               do debugLog s "Not satisfiable"
                  return Nothing

              SMT.Unknown ->
               do debugLog s "Unknown"
                  return (Just (Map.empty, []))

              SMT.Sat     ->
               do debugLog s "Satisfiable"
                  (impMap,sideConds) <- debugBlock s "Computing improvements"
                                            (getImpSubst s)
                  return (Just (impMap, sideConds))

{- | Assuming that we are in a satisfiable state, try to compute an
improving substitution.  We also return additional constraints that must
hold for the currently asserted propositions to hold.
getImpSubst :: Solver -> IO (Subst,[Prop])
getImpSubst s@Solver { .. } =
  do names <- viUnmarkedNames `fmap` readIORef declared
     m     <- getVals solver names
     (impSu,sideConditions) <- cryImproveModel solver logger m

     nlSu <- getNLSubst s

     let isNonLinName (SysName {})  = True
         isNonLinName (UserName {}) = False

         (nlFacts, vFacts) = Map.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> isNonLinName k) impSu

         (vV, vNL)  = Map.partition noNLVars vFacts

         nlSu1  = fmap (doAppSubst vV) nlSu

         (vNL_su,vNL_eqs) = Map.partitionWithKey goodDef
                          $ fmap (doAppSubst nlSu1) vNL

         nlSu2 = fmap (doAppSubst vNL_su) nlSu1
         nlLkp x = case Map.lookup x nlSu2 of
                     Just e  -> e
                     Nothing -> panic "getImpSubst"
                                [ "Missing NL variable:", show x ]

         allSides =
           [ Var a   :== e                  | (a,e) <- Map.toList vNL_eqs ] ++
           [ nlLkp x :== doAppSubst nlSu2 e | (x,e) <- Map.toList nlFacts ] ++
           [ doAppSubst nlSu2 si            | si    <- sideConditions ]

         theImpSu = composeSubst vNL_su vV

     debugBlock s "Improvments" $
       do debugBlock s "substitution" $
            mapM_ (debugLog s . dump) (Map.toList theImpSu)
          debugBlock s "side-conditions" $ debugLog s allSides

     return (theImpSu, allSides)

  goodDef k e = not (k `Set.member` cryExprFVS e)

  isNLVar (SysName _) = True
  isNLVar _           = False

  noNLVars e = all (not . isNLVar) (cryExprFVS e)

  dump (x,e) = show (ppProp (Var x :== e))


debugBlock :: Solver -> String -> IO a -> IO a
debugBlock s@Solver { .. } name m =
  do debugLog s name
     SMT.logTab logger
     a <- m
     SMT.logUntab logger
     return a

class DebugLog t where
  debugLog :: Solver -> t -> IO ()

  debugLogList :: Solver -> [t] -> IO ()
  debugLogList s ts = case ts of
                        [] -> debugLog s "(none)"
                        _  -> mapM_ (debugLog s) ts

instance DebugLog Char where
  debugLog s x     = SMT.logMessage (logger s) (show x)
  debugLogList s x = SMT.logMessage (logger s) x

instance DebugLog a => DebugLog [a] where
  debugLog = debugLogList

instance DebugLog a => DebugLog (Maybe a) where
  debugLog s x = case x of
                   Nothing -> debugLog s "(nothing)"
                   Just a  -> debugLog s a

instance DebugLog Doc where
  debugLog s x = debugLog s (show x)

instance DebugLog Cry.Type where
  debugLog s x = debugLog s (pp x)

instance DebugLog Goal where
  debugLog s x = debugLog s (goal x)

instance DebugLog Cry.Subst where
  debugLog s x = debugLog s (pp x)

instance DebugLog Prop where
  debugLog s x = debugLog s (ppProp x)