-- | Look for opportunity to solve goals by instantiating variables.
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Improve where

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import Cryptol.Utils.Patterns

import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Type
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.SimpType as Mk
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Types
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Solver.Numeric.Interval
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.TypePat
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Subst

-- | Improvements from a bunch of propositions.
-- Invariant:
-- the substitions should be already applied to the new sub-goals, if any.
improveProps :: Bool -> Ctxt -> [Prop] -> Match (Subst,[Prop])
improveProps impSkol ctxt ps0 = loop emptySubst ps0
  loop su props = case go emptySubst [] props of
                      | isEmptySubst newSu ->
                        if isEmptySubst su then mzero else return (su,props)
                      | otherwise -> loop (newSu @@ su) newProps

  go su subs [] = (su,subs)
  go su subs (p : ps) =
    case matchMaybe (improveProp impSkol ctxt p) of
      Nothing            -> go su (p:subs) ps
      Just (suNew,psNew) -> go (suNew @@ su) (psNew ++ apSubst suNew subs)
                                             (apSubst su ps)

-- | Improvements from a proposition.
-- Invariant:
-- the substitions should be already applied to the new sub-goals, if any.
improveProp :: Bool -> Ctxt -> Prop -> Match (Subst,[Prop])
improveProp impSkol ctxt prop =
  improveEq impSkol ctxt prop
  -- XXX: others

-- | Improvements from euqality constraints.
-- Invariant:
-- the substitions should be already applied to the new sub-goals, if any.
improveEq :: Bool -> Ctxt -> Prop -> Match (Subst,[Prop])
improveEq impSkol fins prop =
  do (lhs,rhs) <- (|=|) prop
     rewrite lhs rhs <|> rewrite rhs lhs
  rewrite this other =
    do x <- aTVar this
       guard (considerVar x && x `Set.notMember` fvs other)
       return (singleSubst x other, [])
    do (v,s) <- isSum this
       guard (v `Set.notMember` fvs other)
       return (singleSubst v (Mk.tSub other s), [ other >== s ])

  isSum t = do (v,s) <- matches t (anAdd, aTVar, __)
               valid v s
        <|> do (s,v) <- matches t (anAdd, __, aTVar)
               valid v s

  valid v s = do let i = typeInterval fins s
                 guard (considerVar v && v `Set.notMember` fvs s && iIsFin i)
                 return (v,s)

  considerVar x = impSkol || isFreeTV x


-- XXX

-- | When given an equality constraint, attempt to rewrite it to the form `?x =
-- ...`, by moving all occurrences of `?x` to the LHS, and any other variables
-- to the RHS.  This will only work when there's only one unification variable
-- present in the prop.

tryRewrteEqAsSubst :: Ctxt -> Type -> Type -> Maybe (TVar,Type)
tryRewrteEqAsSubst fins t1 t2 =
  do let vars = Set.toList (Set.filter isFreeTV (fvs (t1,t2)))
     listToMaybe $ sortBy (flip compare `on` rank)
                 $ catMaybes [ tryRewriteEq fins var t1 t2 | var <- vars ]

-- | Rank a rewrite, favoring expressions that have fewer subtractions than
-- additions.
rank :: (TVar,Type) -> Int
rank (_,ty) = go ty

  go (TCon (TF TCAdd) ts) = sum (map go ts) + 1
  go (TCon (TF TCSub) ts) = sum (map go ts) - 1
  go (TCon (TF TCMul) ts) = sum (map go ts) + 1
  go (TCon (TF TCDiv) ts) = sum (map go ts) - 1
  go (TCon _          ts) = sum (map go ts)
  go _                    = 0

-- | Rewrite an equation with respect to a unification variable ?x, into the
-- form `?x = t`.  There are two interesting cases to consider (four with
-- symmetry):
--  * ?x = ty
--  * expr containing ?x = expr
-- In the first case, we just return the type variable and the type, but in the
-- second we try to rewrite the equation until it's in the form of the first
-- case.
tryRewriteEq :: Map TVar Interval -> TVar -> Type -> Type -> Maybe (TVar,Type)
tryRewriteEq fins uvar l r =
  msum [ do guard (uvarTy == l && uvar `Set.notMember` rfvs)
            return (uvar, r)

       , do guard (uvarTy == r && uvar `Set.notMember` lfvs)
            return (uvar, l)

       , do guard (uvar `Set.notMember` rfvs)
            ty <- rewriteLHS fins uvar l r
            return (uvar,ty)

       , do guard (uvar `Set.notMember` lfvs)
            ty <- rewriteLHS fins uvar r l
            return (uvar,ty)


  uvarTy = TVar uvar

  lfvs   = fvs l
  rfvs   = fvs r

-- | Check that a type contains only finite type variables.
allFin :: Map TVar Interval -> Type -> Bool
allFin ints ty = iIsFin (typeInterval ints ty)

-- | Rewrite an equality until the LHS is just `uvar`. Return the rewritten RHS.
-- There are a few interesting cases when rewriting the equality:
--  A o B = R  when `uvar` is only present in A
--  A o B = R  when `uvar` is only present in B
-- In the first case, as we only consider addition and subtraction, the
-- rewriting will continue on the left, after moving the `B` side to the RHS of
-- the equation.  In the second case, if the operation is addition, the `A` side
-- will be moved to the RHS, with rewriting continuing in `B`. However, in the
-- case of subtraction, the `B` side is moved to the RHS, and rewriting
-- continues on the RHS instead.
-- In both cases, if the operation is addition, rewriting will only continue if
-- the operand being moved to the RHS is known to be finite. If this check was
-- not done, we would end up violating the well-definedness condition for
-- subtraction (for a, b: well defined (a - b) iff fin b).
rewriteLHS :: Map TVar Interval -> TVar -> Type -> Type -> Maybe Type
rewriteLHS fins uvar = go

  go (TVar tv) rhs | tv == uvar = return rhs

  go (TCon (TF tf) [x,y]) rhs =
    do let xfvs = fvs x
           yfvs = fvs y

           inX  = Set.member uvar xfvs
           inY  = Set.member uvar yfvs

       if | inX && inY -> mzero
          | inX        -> balanceR x tf y rhs
          | inY        -> balanceL x tf y rhs
          | otherwise  -> mzero

  -- discard type synonyms, the rewriting will make them no longer apply
  go (TUser _ _ l) rhs =
       go l rhs

  -- records won't work here.
  go _ _ =

  -- invert the type function to balance the equation, when the variable occurs
  -- on the LHS of the expression `x tf y`
  balanceR x TCAdd y rhs = do guardFin y
                              go x (tSub rhs y)
  balanceR x TCSub y rhs = go x (tAdd rhs y)
  balanceR _ _     _ _   = mzero

  -- invert the type function to balance the equation, when the variable occurs
  -- on the RHS of the expression `x tf y`
  balanceL x TCAdd y rhs = do guardFin y
                              go y (tSub rhs x)
  balanceL x TCSub y rhs = go (tAdd rhs y) x
  balanceL _ _     _ _   = mzero

  -- guard that the type is finite
  -- XXX this ignores things like `min x inf` where x is finite, and just
  -- assumes that it won't work.
  guardFin ty = guard (allFin fins ty)