csound-expression-0.0.2: Csound combinator library



ATS Spectral Processing



atsInfo :: Irate -> Irate -> IrateSource

  • opcode : ATSinfo
  • syntax :
   idata ATSinfo iatsfile, ilocation
  • description :

atsinfo reads data out of the header of an ATS file.

atsRead :: K k0 => k0 -> Irate -> Irate -> MultiOutSource

  • opcode : ATSread
  • syntax :
   kfreq, kamp ATSread ktimepnt, iatsfile, ipartial
  • description :

ATSread returns the amplitude (kamp) and frequency (kfreq) information of a user specified partial contained in the ATS analysis file at the time indicated by the time pointer ktimepnt.

atsReadnz :: K k0 => k0 -> Irate -> Irate -> KrateSource

  • opcode : ATSreadnz
  • syntax :
   kenergy ATSreadnz ktimepnt, iatsfile, iband
  • description :

ATSreadnz returns the energy (kenergy) of a user specified noise band (1-25 bands) at the time indicated by the time pointer ktimepnt.

atsBufread :: (K k0, K k1) => [Irate] -> k0 -> k1 -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : ATSbufread
  • syntax :
   ATSbufread ktimepnt, kfmod, iatsfile, ipartials[, ipartialoffset, 
  • description :

ATSbufread reads data from and ATS data file and stores it in an internal data table of frequency, amplitude pairs.

atsInterpread :: K k0 => k0 -> KrateSource

  • opcode : ATSinterpread
  • syntax :
   kamp ATSinterpread kfreq
  • description :

ATSinterpread allows a user to determine the frequency envelope of any ATSbufread.

atsPartialtap :: Irate -> MultiOutSource

  • opcode : ATSpartialtap
  • syntax :
   kfrq, kamp ATSpartialtap ipartialnum
  • description :

ATSpartialtap takes a partial number and returns a frequency, amplitude pair. The frequency and amplitude data comes from an ATSbufread opcode.

atsAdd :: (K k0, K k1) => [Irate] -> k0 -> k1 -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> ArateSource

  • opcode : ATSadd
  • syntax :
   ar ATSadd ktimepnt, kfmod, iatsfile, ifn, ipartials[, ipartialoffset, 
       ipartialincr, igatefn]
  • description :

ATSadd reads from an ATS analysis file and uses the data to perform additive synthesis using an internal array of interpolating oscillators.

atsAddnz :: K k0 => [Irate] -> k0 -> Irate -> Irate -> ArateSource

  • opcode : ATSaddnz
  • syntax :
   ar ATSaddnz ktimepnt, iatsfile, ibands[, ibandoffset, ibandincr]
  • description :

ATSaddnz reads from an ATS analysis file and uses the data to perform additive synthesis using a modified randi function.

atsCross :: (K k0, K k1, K k2, K k3) => [Irate] -> k0 -> k1 -> Irate -> Irate -> k2 -> k3 -> Irate -> ArateSource

  • opcode : ATScross
  • syntax :
   ar ATScross ktimepnt, kfmod, iatsfile, ifn, kmylev, kbuflev, ipartials 
       [, ipartialoffset, ipartialincr]
  • description :

ATScross uses data from an ATS analysis file and data from an ATSbufread to perform cross synthesis.

atsSinnoi :: (K k0, K k1, K k2, K k3) => [Irate] -> k0 -> k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> Irate -> Irate -> ArateSource

  • opcode : ATSsinnoi
  • syntax :
   ar ATSsinnoi ktimepnt, ksinlev, knzlev, kfmod, iatsfile, ipartials 
       [, ipartialoffset, ipartialincr]
  • description :

ATSsinnoi reads data from an ATS data file and uses the information to synthesize sines and noise together.