module CsoundExpr.Base.Types 
    (X(..), K,
     Arate, Krate, Irate, SignalOut, 
     itime, idur, num, double, string)

import Text.PrettyPrint(Doc, vcat, text, space)

import qualified CsoundExpr.Translator.Cs.CsTree as La

import CsoundExpr.Translator.Cs.IM
import CsoundExpr.Translator.Types

import CsoundExpr.Base.Imperative 
import CsoundExpr.Base.UserDefined(opcode, prefixOperation)
import CsoundExpr.Translator.Csd

--  constructors

-- | @p2@ p-field
itime :: Irate
itime = La.param 2

-- | @p3@ p-field
idur :: Irate
idur = La.param 3

-- | auxiliary function, to write (num n) instead of (n :: Irate)
num :: Irate -> Irate
num = id

-- | Lift 'Double' to 'Irate'
double :: Double -> Irate
double = La.double

-- | Lift 'String' to 'Irate'
string :: String -> Irate
string = La.string

-- show instances

instance Show Arate where
    show x = show $ vcat [title , ppCsTrees $ fromSignalOut (ar "Out" <=> x)]
        where title = text "; Arate expression :"

instance Show Krate where
    show x = show $ vcat [title , ppCsTrees $ fromSignalOut (kr "Out" <=> x)]
        where title = text "; Krate expression :"

instance Show Irate where
    show x = show $ vcat [title , ppCsTrees $ fromSignalOut (ir "Out" <=> x)]
        where title = text "; Irate expression :"

instance Show SignalOut where
    show x = show $ vcat [title , ppCsTrees $ fromSignalOut x]
        where title = text "; SignalOut expression :"