csound-expression-0.0: Csound combinator library



Operations Between a Vectorial and a Scalar Signal



vadd :: (K k0, K k1, K k2) => [k0] -> Irate -> k1 -> k2 -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vadd
  • syntax :
   vadd ifn, kval, kelements [, kdstoffset] [, kverbose]
  • description :

Adds a scalar value to a vector in a table.

vmult :: (K k0, K k1, K k2) => [k0] -> Irate -> k1 -> k2 -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vmult
  • syntax :
   vmult ifn, kval, kelements [, kdstoffset] [, kverbose]
  • description :

Multiplies a vector in a table by a scalar value.

vpow :: (K k0, K k1, K k2) => [k0] -> Irate -> k1 -> k2 -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vpow
  • syntax :
   vpow ifn, kval, kelements [, kdstoffset] [, kverbose]
  • description :

Raises each element of a vector to a scalar power

vexp :: (K k0, K k1, K k2) => [k0] -> Irate -> k1 -> k2 -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vexp
  • syntax :
   vexp ifn, kval, kelements [, kdstoffset] [, kverbose]
  • description :

Performs power-of operations between a vector and a scalar

vadd_i :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vadd_i
  • syntax :
   vadd_i ifn, ival, ielements [, idstoffset]
  • description :

Adds a scalar value to a vector in a table.

vmult_i :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vmult_i
  • syntax :
   vmult_i ifn, ival, ielements [, idstoffset]
  • description :

Multiplies a vector in a table by a scalar value.

vpow_i :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vpow_i
  • syntax :
   vpow_i ifn, ival, ielements [, idstoffset]
  • description :

Raises each element of a vector to a scalar power

vexp_i :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : vexp_i
  • syntax :
   vexp_i ifn, ival, ielements[, idstoffset]
  • description :

Performs power-of operations between a vector and a scalar