-- | Mathematical Functions
module CsoundExpr.Opcodes.Math.Matfunc

import CsoundExpr.Base.Types
import CsoundExpr.Base.MultiOut
import CsoundExpr.Base.SideEffect
import CsoundExpr.Base.UserDefined

-- | * opcode : abs
-- * syntax : 
--  >   abs(x) (no rate restriction)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the absolute value of x.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/abs.html>
abs' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
abs' x0sig = prefixOperation "abs" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : ceil
-- * syntax : 
--  >   ceil(x) (init-, control-, or audio-rate arg allowed)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the smallest integer not less than x
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/ceil.html>
ceil :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
ceil x0sig = prefixOperation "ceil" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : exp
-- * syntax : 
--  >   exp(x) (no rate restriction)
-- * description : 
--  Returns e raised to the xth power.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/exp.html>
exp' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
exp' x0sig = prefixOperation "exp" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : floor
-- * syntax : 
--  >   floor(x) (init-, control-, or audio-rate arg allowed)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the largest integer not greater than x
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/floor.html>
floor' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
floor' x0sig = prefixOperation "floor" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : frac
-- * syntax : 
--  >   frac(x) (init-rate or control-rate args; also works at audio rate in Csound5)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the fractional part of x.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/frac.html>
frac :: (K k0) => k0 -> k0
frac k0sig = prefixOperation "frac" args
  where args = [to k0sig]

-- | * opcode : int
-- * syntax : 
--  >   int(x) (init-rate or control-rate; also works at audio rate in Csound5)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the integer part of x.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/int.html>
int :: (K k0) => k0 -> k0
int k0sig = prefixOperation "int" args
  where args = [to k0sig]

-- | * opcode : log
-- * syntax : 
--  >   log(x) (no rate restriction)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the natural log of x (x positive only).
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/log.html>
log' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
log' x0sig = prefixOperation "log" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : log10
-- * syntax : 
--  >   log10(x) (no rate restriction)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the base 10 log of x (x positive only).
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/log10.html>
log10 :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
log10 x0sig = prefixOperation "log10" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : logbtwo
-- * syntax : 
--  >   logbtwo(x) (init-rate or control-rate args only)
-- * description : 
--  Performs a logarithmic base two calculation.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/logbtwo.html>
logbtwo :: (K k0) => k0 -> k0
logbtwo k0sig = prefixOperation "logbtwo" args
  where args = [to k0sig]

-- | * opcode : pow
-- * syntax : 
--  >   ares pow aarg, kpow [, inorm]
--  >   ires pow iarg, ipow [, inorm]
--  >   kres pow karg, kpow [, inorm]
-- * description : 
--  Computes xarg to the power of kpow (or ipow) and scales the
-- result by inorm.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/pow.html>
powA :: (K k0) => [Irate] -> Arate -> k0 -> Arate
powA i0init a1arg k2pow = opcode "pow" args
  where args = [to a1arg, to k2pow] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : pow
-- * syntax : 
--  >   ares pow aarg, kpow [, inorm]
--  >   ires pow iarg, ipow [, inorm]
--  >   kres pow karg, kpow [, inorm]
-- * description : 
--  Computes xarg to the power of kpow (or ipow) and scales the
-- result by inorm.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/pow.html>
powI :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate
powI i0init i1arg i2pow = opcode "pow" args
  where args = [to i1arg, to i2pow] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : pow
-- * syntax : 
--  >   ares pow aarg, kpow [, inorm]
--  >   ires pow iarg, ipow [, inorm]
--  >   kres pow karg, kpow [, inorm]
-- * description : 
--  Computes xarg to the power of kpow (or ipow) and scales the
-- result by inorm.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/pow.html>
powK :: (K k0, K k1) => [Irate] -> k0 -> k1 -> Krate
powK i0init k1arg k2pow = opcode "pow" args
  where args = [to k1arg, to k2pow] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : powoftwo
-- * syntax : 
--  >   powoftwo(x) (init-rate or control-rate args only)
-- * description : 
--  Performs a power-of-two calculation.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/powoftwo.html>
powoftwo :: (K k0) => k0 -> k0
powoftwo k0sig = prefixOperation "powoftwo" args
  where args = [to k0sig]

-- | * opcode : round
-- * syntax : 
--  >   round(x) (init-, control-, or audio-rate arg allowed)
-- * description : 
--  The integer value nearest to x ; if the fractional part of x is
-- exactly 0.5, the direction of rounding is undefined.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/round.html>
round' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
round' x0sig = prefixOperation "round" args
  where args = [to x0sig]

-- | * opcode : sqrt
-- * syntax : 
--  >   sqrt(x) (no rate restriction)
-- * description : 
--  Returns the square root of x (x non-negative).
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/sqrt.html>
sqrt' :: (X x0) => x0 -> x0
sqrt' x0sig = prefixOperation "sqrt" args
  where args = [to x0sig]