csound-expression-0.2.0: Csound combinator library



Signal Flow Graph Opcodes



outleta :: String -> Arate -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : outleta
  • syntax :
   outleta Sname, asignal
  • description :

Sends an arate signal out from an instrument to a named port.

outletk :: K k0 => String -> k0 -> SignalOutSource

  • opcode : outletk
  • syntax :
   outletk Sname, ksignal
  • description :

Sends a krate signal out from an instrument to a named port.

inleta :: String -> ArateSource

  • opcode : inleta
  • syntax :
   asignal inleta Sname
  • description :

Receives an arate signal into an instrument through a named port.

inletk :: String -> KrateSource

  • opcode : inletk
  • syntax :
   ksignal inletk Sname
  • description :

Receives a krate signal into an instrument from a named port.

ftgenonce :: Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> [Irate] -> IrateSource

  • opcode : ftgenonce
  • syntax :
   ifno ftgenonce ip1dummy, ip2dummy, isize, igen, iarga, iargb,...
  • description :

Generate a function table from within an instrument definition, without duplication of data.