-- | FLTK Widgets and GUI controllers
module CsoundExpr.Opcodes.Control.FltkIntro

import CsoundExpr.Base.Types
import CsoundExpr.Base.MultiOut
import CsoundExpr.Base.SideEffect
import CsoundExpr.Base.UserDefined

-- | * opcode : FLrun
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLrun
-- * description : 
--  Starts the FLTK widget thread.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLrun.html>
flRun :: SignalOut
flRun = outOpcode "FLrun" args
  where args = []

-- | * opcode : FLgetsnap
-- * syntax : 
--  >   inumsnap FLgetsnap index [, igroup]
-- * description : 
--  Retrieves a previously stored snapshot (in memory), i.e. sets
-- all valuator to the corresponding values stored in that snaphot.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgetsnap.html>
flGetsnap :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate
flGetsnap i0init i1ndex = opcode "FLgetsnap" args
  where args = [to i1ndex] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLloadsnap
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLloadsnap "filename" [, igroup]
-- * description : 
--  FLloadsnap loads all the snapshots contained in a file into the
-- memory bank of the current orchestra.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLloadsnap.html>
flLoadsnap :: [Irate] -> String -> SignalOut
flLoadsnap i0init s1filename = outOpcode "FLloadsnap" args
  where args = [to s1filename] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLsavesnap
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLsavesnap "filename" [, igroup]
-- * description : 
--  FLsavesnap saves all snapshots currently created (i.e. the
-- entire memory bank) into a file.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsavesnap.html>
flSavesnap :: [Irate] -> String -> SignalOut
flSavesnap i0init s1filename = outOpcode "FLsavesnap" args
  where args = [to s1filename] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLsetsnap
-- * syntax : 
--  >   inumsnap, inumval FLsetsnap index [, ifn, igroup]
-- * description : 
--  FLsetsnap stores the current status of all valuators present in
-- the orchestra into a snapshot location (in memory).
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetsnap.html>
flSetsnap :: [Irate] -> Irate -> MultiOut
flSetsnap i0init i1ndex = opcode "FLsetsnap" args
  where args = [to i1ndex] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLsetSnapGroup
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLsetSnapGroup igroup
-- * description : 
--  FLsetSnapGroup determines the snapshot group of valuators
-- declared after it.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLsetSnapGroup.html>
flSetSnapGroup :: Irate -> SignalOut
flSetSnapGroup i0group = outOpcode "FLsetSnapGroup" args
  where args = [to i0group]

-- | * opcode : FLgroup
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLgroup "label", iwidth, iheight, ix, iy [, iborder] [, image]
-- * description : 
--  A FLTK container opcode that groups child widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgroup.html>
flGroup ::
          [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOut
flGroup i0init s1label i2width i3height i4x i5y
  = outOpcode "FLgroup" args
  where args
          = [to s1label, to i2width, to i3height, to i4x, to i5y] ++
              map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLgroupEnd
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLgroupEnd
-- * description : 
--  Marks the end of a group of FLTK child widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLgroupEnd.html>
flGroupEnd :: SignalOut
flGroupEnd = outOpcode "FLgroupEnd" args
  where args = []

-- | * opcode : FLpack
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLpack iwidth, iheight, ix, iy, itype, ispace, iborder
-- * description : 
--  FLpack provides the functionality of compressing and aligning
-- widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpack.html>
flPack ::
         Irate ->
           Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOut
flPack i0width i1height i2x i3y i4type i5space i6border
  = outOpcode "FLpack" args
  where args
          = [to i0width, to i1height, to i2x, to i3y, to i4type, to i5space,
             to i6border]

-- | * opcode : FLpackEnd
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLpackEnd
-- * description : 
--  Marks the end of a group of compressed or aligned FLTK widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpackEnd.html>
flPackEnd :: SignalOut
flPackEnd = outOpcode "FLpackEnd" args
  where args = []

-- | * opcode : FLpanel
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLpanel "label", iwidth, iheight [, ix] [, iy] [, iborder] [, ikbdcapture] [, iclose]
-- * description : 
--  Creates a window that contains FLTK widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpanel.html>
flPanel :: [Irate] -> String -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOut
flPanel i0init s1label i2width i3height = outOpcode "FLpanel" args
  where args = [to s1label, to i2width, to i3height] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLpanelEnd
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLpanelEnd
-- * description : 
--  Marks the end of a group of FLTK widgets contained inside of a
-- window (panel).
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLpanelEnd.html>
flPanelEnd :: SignalOut
flPanelEnd = outOpcode "FLpanelEnd" args
  where args = []

-- | * opcode : FLscroll
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLscroll iwidth, iheight [, ix] [, iy]
-- * description : 
--  FLscroll adds scroll bars to an area.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLscroll.html>
flScroll :: [Irate] -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOut
flScroll i0init i1width i2height = outOpcode "FLscroll" args
  where args = [to i1width, to i2height] ++ map to i0init

-- | * opcode : FLscrollEnd
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLscrollEnd
-- * description : 
--  A FLTK opcode that marks the end of an area with scrollbars.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLscrollEnd.html>
flScrollEnd :: SignalOut
flScrollEnd = outOpcode "FLscrollEnd" args
  where args = []

-- | * opcode : FLtabs
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLtabs iwidth, iheight, ix, iy
-- * description : 
--  FLtabs is a file card tabs interface that is useful to display
-- several areas containing widgets in the same windows,
-- alternatively. It must be used together with FLgroup, another
-- container that groups child widgets.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtabs.html>
flTabs :: Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> Irate -> SignalOut
flTabs i0width i1height i2x i3y = outOpcode "FLtabs" args
  where args = [to i0width, to i1height, to i2x, to i3y]

-- | * opcode : FLtabsEnd
-- * syntax : 
--  >   FLtabsEnd
-- * description : 
--  Marks the end of a tabbed FLTK interface.
-- * url : <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/FLtabsEnd.html>
flTabsEnd :: SignalOut
flTabsEnd = outOpcode "FLtabsEnd" args
  where args = []