module Csound.Air (        
    -- * Basic waveforms
    -- | Basic waveforms that are used most often. A waveform function take in a time varied frequency (in Hz).

    -- ** Bipolar
    osc, oscBy, saw, isaw, pulse, sqr, tri, blosc,

    -- ** Unipolar
    unipolar, bipolar, on, uon, uosc, uoscBy, usaw, uisaw, upulse, usqr, utri, ublosc,

    -- * Noise
    rndh, urndh, rndi, urndi, white, pink,

    -- * Envelopes

    leg, xeg,

    -- ** Relative duration
    onIdur, lindur, expdur, linendur,
    onDur, lindurBy, expdurBy, linendurBy,
    once, onceBy, several, 
    -- ** Looping envelopes
    oscLins, oscElins, oscExps, oscEexps, oscLine, 
    -- ** Faders
    fadeIn, fadeOut, fades, expFadeIn, expFadeOut, expFades,

    -- * Low frequency oscillators
    Lfo, lfo,

    -- * Filters
    -- | Arguemnts are inversed to get most out of curruing. First come parameters and the last one is the signal.
    -- ** Simple filters
    lp, hp, bp, br, alp,
    -- ** Butterworth filters
    blp, bhp, bbp, bbr,

    -- ** Specific filters

    -- * Sound files playback
    -- ** Stereo
    readSnd, loopSnd, loopSndBy, 
    readWav, loopWav, readSegWav, 
    tempoLoopWav, tempoReadWav,
    -- ** Mono
    readSnd1, loopSnd1, loopSndBy1, 
    readWav1, loopWav1, readSegWav1,
    tempoLoopWav1, tempoReadWav1,
    -- ** Read sound with RAM
    -- Loads the sample in the table and plays it back from RAM. The sample should be short. The size of the table is limited.
    -- It's up to 6 minutes for 44100 sample rate, 5 minutes for 48000 and 2.8 minutes for 96000.
    LoopMode(..), ramSnd, ramSnd1, 

    -- * Writing sound files
    writeSigs, writeWav, writeAiff, writeWav1, writeAiff1,

    -- ** Utility
    lengthSnd, segments,

    -- * Signal manipulation
    takeSnd, delaySnd, segmentSnd, repeatSnd, toMono,

    -- * Spectral functions
    toSpec, fromSpec, mapSpec, scaleSpec, addSpec, scalePitch,

    -- * Patterns
    mean, vibrate, randomPitch, chorusPitch, resons, resonsBy, modes, dryWet,    

    -- ** List functions
    odds, evens,

    -- * Widgets
    AdsrBound(..), AdsrInit(..),
    linAdsr, expAdsr, 
    masterVolume, masterVolumeKnob,

    -- Effects
    -- ** Reverbs
    reverbsc1, rever1, rever2, reverTime,
    smallRoom, smallHall, largeHall, magicCave,
    smallRoom2, smallHall2, largeHall2, magicCave2,

    -- ** Delays
    echo, fdelay, fvdelay, fvdelays, funDelays,

    -- ** Distortion

    -- ** Chorus

    -- ** Flanger

    -- ** Phase
    phase1, harmPhase, powerPhase

) where

import Data.List(intersperse, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Boolean

import Csound.Typed
import Csound.Typed.Opcode hiding (display, lfo)
import Csound.Typed.Gui
import Csound.Control.Gui(funnyRadio)
import Csound.Control.Evt(metroE, eventList)
import Csound.Control.Instr(withDur, sched)

import Csound.Types(Sig2)
import Csound.Tab(sine, sines4, mp3s, wavs)
import Csound.SigSpace(mapSig)

-- waveforms

-- | A pure tone (sine wave).
osc :: Sig -> Sig
osc cps = oscil3 1 cps sine

-- | An oscillator with user provided waveform.
oscBy :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig
oscBy tb cps = oscil3 1 cps tb

-- unipolar waveforms

-- | Turns a bipolar sound (ranges from -1 to 1) to unipolar (ranges from 0 to 1)
unipolar :: Sig -> Sig
unipolar a = 0.5 + 0.5 * a

-- | Turns an unipolar sound (ranges from 0 to 1) to bipolar (ranges from -1 to 1)
bipolar :: Sig -> Sig
bipolar a = 2 * a - 1

-- | Unipolar pure tone.
uosc :: Sig -> Sig
uosc = unipolar . osc

-- | Unipolar 'Csound.Air.oscBy'.
uoscBy :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig
uoscBy tb = unipolar . oscBy tb

-- | Unipolar sawtooth.
usaw :: Sig -> Sig
usaw = unipolar . saw

-- | Unipolar integrated sawtooth.
uisaw :: Sig -> Sig
uisaw = unipolar . isaw

-- | Unipolar square wave.
usqr :: Sig -> Sig
usqr = unipolar . sqr

-- | Unipolar triangle wave.
utri :: Sig -> Sig
utri = unipolar . tri

-- | Unipolar pulse.
upulse :: Sig -> Sig
upulse = unipolar . pulse

-- | Unipolar band-limited oscillator.
ublosc :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig
ublosc tb = unipolar . blosc tb

-- rescaling

-- | Rescaling of the bipolar signal (-1, 1) -> (a, b)
-- > on a b biSig
on :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
on a b x = uon a b $ unipolar x 

-- | Rescaling of the unipolar signal (0, 1) -> (a, b)
-- > on a b uniSig
uon :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
uon a b x = a + (b - a) * x

-- noise

-- | Constant random signal. It updates random numbers with given frequency.
-- > constRnd freq 
rndh :: Sig -> SE Sig
rndh = randh 1

-- | Linear random signal. It updates random numbers with given frequency.
-- > rndi freq 
rndi :: Sig -> SE Sig
rndi = randi 1

-- | Unipolar @rndh@
urndh :: Sig -> SE Sig
urndh = fmap unipolar . rndh

-- | Unipolar @rndi@
urndi :: Sig -> SE Sig
urndi = fmap unipolar . rndi

-- | White noise.
white :: SE Sig 
white = noise 1 0

-- | Pink noise.
pink :: SE Sig
pink = pinkish 1

-- envelopes

-- | Linear adsr envelope generator with release
-- > leg attack decay sustain release
leg :: D -> D -> D -> D -> Sig
leg = madsr

-- | Exponential adsr envelope generator with release
-- > xeg attack decay sustain release
xeg :: D -> D -> D -> D -> Sig
xeg a d s r = mxadsr a d (s + 0.00001) r

-- | Makes time intervals relative to the note's duration. So that:
-- > onIdur [a, t1, b, t2, c]
-- becomes: 
-- > [a, t1 * idur, b, t2 * idur, c]
onIdur :: [D] -> [D]
onIdur = onDur idur

-- | Makes time intervals relative to the note's duration. So that:
-- > onDur dt [a, t1, b, t2, c]
-- becomes: 
-- > [a, t1 * dt, b, t2 * dt, c]
onDur :: D -> [D] -> [D]
onDur dur xs = case xs of
    a:b:as -> a : b * dur : onDur dur as
    _ -> xs

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.linseg' with time intervals 
-- relative to the total duration of the note.
lindur :: [D] -> Sig
lindur = linseg . onIdur

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.expseg' with time intervals 
-- relative to the total duration of the note.
expdur :: [D] -> Sig
expdur = expseg . onIdur

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.linseg' with time intervals 
-- relative to the total duration of the note given by the user.
lindurBy :: D -> [D] -> Sig
lindurBy dt = linseg . onDur dt

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.expseg' with time intervals 
-- relative to the total duration of the note given by the user.
expdurBy :: D -> [D] -> Sig
expdurBy dt = expseg . onDur dt

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.linen' with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note. Total time is set to the value of idur.
-- > linendur asig rise decay
linendur :: Sig -> D -> D -> Sig
linendur = linendurBy idur

-- | The opcode 'Csound.Opcode.linen' with time intervals relative to the total duration of the note. Total time is set to the value of
-- the first argument.
-- > linendurBy dt asig rise decay
linendurBy :: D -> Sig -> D -> D -> Sig
linendurBy dt asig ris dec = linen asig (ris * dt) dt (dec * dt)

-- | Fades in with the given attack time.
fadeIn :: D -> Sig
fadeIn att = linseg [0, att, 1]

-- | Fades out with the given attack time.
fadeOut :: D -> Sig
fadeOut dec = linsegr [1] dec 0
-- | Fades in by exponent with the given attack time.
expFadeIn :: D -> Sig
expFadeIn att = expseg [0.0001, att, 1]

-- | Fades out by exponent with the given attack time.
expFadeOut :: D -> Sig
expFadeOut dec = expsegr [1] dec 0.0001

-- | A combination of fade in and fade out.
-- > fades attackDuration decayDuration
fades :: D -> D -> Sig
fades att dec = fadeIn att * fadeOut dec

-- | A combination of exponential fade in and fade out.
-- > expFades attackDuration decayDuration
expFades :: D -> D -> Sig
expFades att dec = expFadeIn att * expFadeOut dec

-- lfo

-- | Low frequency oscillator
type Lfo = Sig

-- | Low frequency oscillator
-- > lfo shape depth rate
lfo :: (Sig -> Sig) -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lfo shape depth rate = depth * shape rate

-- filters

-- | Low-pass filter.
-- > lp cutoff resonance sig
lp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
lp cf q a = bqrez a cf q

-- | High-pass filter.
-- > hp cutoff resonance sig
hp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
hp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 1

-- | Band-pass filter.
-- > bp cutoff resonance sig
bp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 2

-- | Band-reject filter.
-- > br cutoff resonance sig
br :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
br cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 3

-- | All-pass filter.
-- > alp cutoff resonance sig
alp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
alp cf q a = bqrez a cf q `withD` 4

-- Butterworth filters

-- | High-pass filter.
-- > bhp cutoff sig
bhp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bhp = flip buthp

-- | Low-pass filter.
-- > blp cutoff sig
blp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
blp = flip butlp

-- | Band-pass filter.
-- > bbp cutoff bandwidth sig
bbp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
bbp freq band a = butbp a freq band

-- | Band-regect filter.
-- > bbr cutoff bandwidth sig
bbr :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig 
bbr freq band a = butbr a freq band

-- | Moog's low-pass filter.
-- > mlp centerFrequency qResonance signal
mlp :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
mlp cf q asig = moogladder asig cf q

-- Signal manipulation

-- | Takes only given amount (in seconds) from the signal (the rest is silence).
takeSnd :: Sigs a => D -> a -> a
takeSnd dt asig = trigs (const $ return asig) $ eventList [(0, dt, unit)]

-- | Delays signals by the given amount (in seconds).
delaySnd :: Sigs a => D -> a -> a
delaySnd dt asig = trigs (const $ return asig) $ eventList [(dt, -1, unit)]

-- | Delays a signal by the first argument and takes only second argument amount
-- of signal (everything is measured in seconds).
segmentSnd ::Sigs a => D -> D -> a -> a
segmentSnd del dur asig = trigs (const $ return asig) $ eventList [(del, dur, unit)]

-- | Repeats the signal with the given period.
repeatSnd :: Sigs a => D -> a -> a
repeatSnd dt asig = sched (const $ return asig) $ segments dt

-- sound files playback

isMp3 :: String -> Bool
isMp3 name = ".mp3" `isSuffixOf` name

-- | Converts stereosignal to mono with function mean.
toMono :: (Sig, Sig) -> Sig
toMono (a, b) = 0.5 * a + 0.5 * b

-- | Length in seconds of the sound file.
lengthSnd :: String -> D
lengthSnd fileName
    | isMp3 fileName	= mp3len $ text fileName
    | otherwise			= filelen $ text fileName

-- | Produces repeating segments with the given time in seconds.
segments :: D -> Evt (D, Unit)
segments dt = withDur dt $ metroE (sig $ recip dt)

-- Stereo

-- | Reads stereo signal from the sound-file (wav or mp3 or aiff).
readSnd :: String -> (Sig, Sig)
readSnd fileName
	| isMp3 fileName = mp3in (text fileName)		
	| otherwise      = diskin2 (text fileName) 1

-- | Reads stereo signal from the sound-file (wav or mp3 or aiff)
-- and loops it with the given period (in seconds).
loopSndBy :: D -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
loopSndBy dt fileName = repeatSnd dt $ readSnd fileName

-- | Reads stereo signal from the sound-file (wav or mp3 or aiff)
-- and loops it with the file length.
loopSnd :: String -> (Sig, Sig)
loopSnd fileName = loopSndBy (lengthSnd fileName) fileName

-- | Reads the wav file with the given speed (if speed is 1 it's a norma playback).
-- We can use negative speed to read file in reverse.
readWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
readWav speed fileName = diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- | Reads th wav file and loops over it.
loopWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
loopWav speed fileName = flip withDs [0, 1] $ ar2 $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- | Reads a segment from wav file. 
readSegWav :: D -> D -> Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
readSegWav start end speed fileName = takeSnd (end - start) $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed `withDs` [start, 1]

-- | Reads the wav file with the given speed (if speed is 1 it's a norma playback).
-- We can use negative speed to read file in reverse. Scales the tempo with first argument.
tempoReadWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
tempoReadWav speed fileName = mapSig (scaleSpec (1 / abs speed)) $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- | Reads th wav file and loops over it. Scales the tempo with first argument.
tempoLoopWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
tempoLoopWav speed fileName = mapSig (scaleSpec (1 / abs speed)) $ flip withDs [0, 1] $ ar2 $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- Mono

-- | The mono variant of the function @readSnd@.
readSnd1 :: String -> Sig
readSnd1 fileName 
    | isMp3 fileName = toMono $ readSnd fileName
    | otherwise      = diskin2 (text fileName) 1

-- | The mono variant of the function @loopSndBy@.
loopSndBy1 :: D -> String -> Sig
loopSndBy1 dt fileName = repeatSnd dt $ readSnd1 fileName

-- | The mono variant of the function @loopSnd@.
loopSnd1 :: String -> Sig
loopSnd1 fileName = loopSndBy1 (lengthSnd fileName) fileName

-- | The mono variant of the function @readWav@.
readWav1 :: Sig -> String -> Sig
readWav1 speed fileName = diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- | The mono variant of the function @loopWav@.
loopWav1 :: Sig -> String -> Sig
loopWav1 speed fileName = flip withDs [0, 1] $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed

-- | Reads a segment from wav file.
readSegWav1 :: D -> D -> Sig -> String -> Sig
readSegWav1 start end speed fileName = takeSnd (end - start) $ diskin2 (text fileName) speed `withDs` [start, 1]

-- | Reads the mono wav file with the given speed (if speed is 1 it's a norma playback).
-- We can use negative speed to read file in reverse. Scales the tempo with first argument.
tempoReadWav1 :: Sig -> String -> Sig
tempoReadWav1 speed fileName = scaleSpec (1 / abs speed) $ readWav1 speed fileName

-- | Reads th mono wav file and loops over it. Scales the tempo with first argument.
tempoLoopWav1 :: Sig -> String -> Sig
tempoLoopWav1 speed fileName = scaleSpec (1 / abs speed) $ loopWav1 speed fileName

-- With RAM

data LoopMode = Once | Loop | Bounce
    deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

-- | Loads the sample in the table. The sample should be short. The size of the table is limited.
-- It's up to 6 minutes for 
ramSnd :: LoopMode -> Sig -> String -> Sig2
ramSnd loopMode speed file = loscil3 1 speed t `withDs` [1, int $ fromEnum loopMode]
    where t 
            | isMp3 file = mp3s file 0
            | otherwise  = wavs file 0 0

ramSnd1 :: LoopMode -> Sig -> String -> Sig
ramSnd1 loopMode speed file 
    | isMp3 file = (\(aleft, aright) -> 0.5 * (aleft + aright)) $ loscil3 1 speed (mp3s file 0) `withDs` [1, int $ fromEnum loopMode]
    | otherwise  = loscil3 1 speed (wavs file 0 1) `withDs` [1, int $ fromEnum loopMode]

-- writing sound files

-- | The sample format.
data SampleFormat 
    = NoHeaderFloat32       -- ^ 32-bit floating point samples without header
    | NoHeaderInt16         -- ^ 16-bit integers without header
    | HeaderInt16           -- ^ 16-bit integers with a header. The header type depends on the render (-o) format
    | UlawSamples           -- ^  u-law samples with a header
    | Int16                 -- ^ 16-bit integers with a header
    | Int32                 -- ^ 32-bit integers with a header 
    | Float32               -- ^ 32-bit floats with a header
    | Uint8                 -- ^ 8-bit unsigned integers with a header
    | Int24                 -- ^ 24-bit integers with a header
    | Float64               -- ^ 64-bit floats with a header
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)

-- | Writes a sound signal to the file with the given format.
-- It supports only four formats: Wav, Aiff, Raw and Ircam.
writeSigs :: FormatType -> SampleFormat -> String -> [Sig] -> SE ()
writeSigs fmt sample file = fout (text file) formatToInt 
        formatToInt = int $ formatTypeToInt fmt * 10 + fromEnum sample

        formatTypeToInt :: FormatType -> Int
        formatTypeToInt x = case x of
            Wav   -> 1
            Aiff  -> 2
            Raw   -> 3
            Ircam -> 4
            _     -> error $ "Format " ++ (show x) ++ " is not supported in the writeSnd."

-- | Writes wav files.
writeWav :: String -> (Sig, Sig) -> SE ()
writeWav file = writeSigs Wav Int16 file . \(a, b) -> [a, b]

-- | Writes aiff files.
writeAiff :: String -> (Sig, Sig) -> SE ()
writeAiff file = writeSigs Aiff Int16 file . \(a, b) -> [a, b]

-- | Writes mono signals to wav files.
writeWav1 :: String -> Sig -> SE ()
writeWav1 file = writeWav file . \x -> (x, x)

-- | Writes mono signals to aiff files.
writeAiff1 :: String -> Sig -> SE ()
writeAiff1 file = writeAiff file . \x -> (x, x)

-- spectral functions

-- | Converts signal to spectrum.
toSpec :: Sig -> Spec
toSpec asig = pvsanal asig 1024 256 1024 1

-- | Converts spectrum to signal.
fromSpec :: Spec -> Sig
fromSpec = pvsynth

-- | Applies a transformation to the spectrum of the signal.
mapSpec :: (Spec -> Spec) -> Sig -> Sig
mapSpec f = fromSpec . f . toSpec

-- | Scales all frequencies. Usefull for transposition. 
-- For example, we can transpose a signal by the given amount of semitones: 
-- > scaleSpec (semitone 1) asig
scaleSpec :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
scaleSpec k = mapSpec $ \x -> pvscale x k

-- | Adds given amount of Hz to all frequencies.
-- > addSpec hz asig
addSpec :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
addSpec hz = mapSpec $ \x -> pvshift x hz 0

-- | Scales frequency in semitones.
scalePitch :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
scalePitch n = scaleSpec (semitone n)

-- patterns

-- | Selects odd elements from the list.
odds :: [a] -> [a]
odds as = fmap snd $ filter fst $ zip (cycle [True, False]) as 

-- | Selects even elements from the list.
evens :: [a] -> [a]
evens as 
    | null as   = []
    | otherwise = odds $ tail as

-- | Reads table once during the note length. 
once :: Tab -> Sig
once = onceBy idur

-- | Reads table once during a given period of time. 
onceBy :: D -> Tab -> Sig
onceBy dt tb = kr $ oscBy tb (1 / sig dt) 

-- | Reads table several times during the note length.  
several :: Tab -> Sig -> Sig
several tb rate = kr $ oscil3 1 (rate / sig idur) tb

-- | Loops over line segments with the given rate.
-- > oscLins [a, durA, b, durB, c, durC ..] cps
-- where 
-- * @a@, @b@, @c@ ... -- values
-- * durA, durB, durC -- durations of the segments relative to the current frequency.
oscLins :: [D] -> Sig -> Sig
oscLins points cps = loopseg cps 0 0 (fmap sig points) 

-- | Loops over equally spaced line segments with the given rate.
-- > oscElins [a, b, c] === oscLins [a, 1, b, 1, c]
oscElins :: [D] -> Sig -> Sig
oscElins points = oscLins (intersperse 1 points)

-- | 
-- > oscLine a b cps
-- Goes from @a@ to @b@ and back by line segments. One period is equal to @2\/cps@ so that one period is passed by @1\/cps@ seconds.
oscLine :: D -> D -> Sig -> Sig
oscLine a b cps = oscElins [a, b, a] (cps / 2)

-- | Loops over exponential segments with the given rate.
-- > oscLins [a, durA, typeA, b, durB, typeB, c, durC, typeC ..] cps
-- where 
-- * @a@, @b@, @c@ ... -- values
-- * durA, durB, durC -- durations of the segments relative to the current frequency.
-- * typeA, typeB, typeC, ... -- shape of the envelope. If the value is 0 then the shap eis linear; otherwise it is an concave exponential (positive type) or a convex exponential (negative type).
oscExps :: [D] -> Sig -> Sig
oscExps points cps = looptseg cps 0 (fmap sig points)

-- | Loops over equally spaced exponential segments with the given rate.
-- > oscLins [a, typeA, b, typeB, c, typeC ..] === oscLins [a, 1, typeA, b, 1, typeB, c, 1, typeC ..]
oscEexps :: [D] -> Sig -> Sig
oscEexps points = oscExps (insertOnes points)
    where insertOnes xs = case xs of
            a:b:as  -> a:1:b:insertOnes as
            _       -> xs

-- | Mean value.
mean :: Fractional a => [a] -> a
mean xs = sum xs / (fromIntegral $ length xs)

-- | Adds vibrato to the sound unit. Sound units is a function that takes in a frequency. 
vibrate :: Sig -> Sig -> (Sig -> a) -> (Sig -> a)
vibrate vibDepth vibRate f cps = f (cps * (1 + kvib))
    where kvib = vibDepth * kr (osc vibRate) 

-- | Adds a random vibrato to the sound unit. Sound units is a function that takes in a frequency. 
randomPitch :: Sig -> Sig -> (Sig -> a) -> (Sig -> SE a)
randomPitch rndAmp rndCps f cps = fmap go $ randh (cps * rndAmp) rndCps
    where go krand = f (cps + krand)

-- | Chorus takes a number of copies, chorus width and wave shape.
chorusPitch :: Int -> Sig -> (Sig -> Sig) -> Sig -> Sig
chorusPitch n wid = phi dts
        phi :: [Sig] -> (Sig -> Sig) -> Sig -> Sig
        phi ks f = \cps -> mean $ fmap (f . (+ cps)) ks

        dts = fmap (\x -> - wid + fromIntegral x * dt) [0 .. n-1] 

        dt = 2 * wid / fromIntegral n

-- | Applies a resonator to the signals. A resonator is
-- a list of band pass filters. A list contains the parameters for the filters:
-- > [(centerFrequency, bandWidth)]
resons :: [(Sig, Sig)] -> Sig -> Sig
resons = resonsBy bp

-- | A resonator with user defined band pass filter.
-- Warning: a filter takes in a center frequency, band width and the signal.
-- The signal comes last (this order is not standard in the Csound but it's more
-- convinient to use with Haskell).
resonsBy :: (cps -> bw -> Sig -> Sig) -> [(cps, bw)] -> Sig -> Sig
resonsBy filt ps asig = mean $ fmap (( $ asig) . uncurry filt) ps

-- | Mixes dry and wet signals. 
-- > dryWet ratio effect asig
-- * @ratio@ - of dry signal to wet
-- * @effect@ - means to wet the signal
-- * @asig@ -- processed signal
dryWet :: Sig -> (Sig -> Sig) -> Sig -> Sig
dryWet k ef asig = k * asig + (1 - k) * ef asig

-- | Chain of mass-spring-damping filters.
-- > modes params baseCps exciter 
-- * params - a list of pairs @(resonantFrequencyRatio, filterQuality)@
-- * @baseCps@ - base frequency of the resonator
-- * exciter - an impulse that starts a resonator.
modes :: [(Sig, Sig)] -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
modes = relResonsBy (\cf q asig -> mode asig cf q)

relResonsBy :: (Sig -> a -> Sig -> Sig) -> [(Sig, a)] -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
relResonsBy resonator ms baseCps apulse = (recip normFactor * ) $ sum $ fmap (\(cf, q) -> harm cf q apulse) ms
        -- limit modal frequency to prevent explosions by 
        -- skipping if the maximum value is exceeded (with a little headroom)
        gate :: Sig -> Sig
        gate cps = ifB (sig getSampleRate >* pi * cps) 1 0        

        normFactor = sum $ fmap (gate . (* baseCps) . fst) ms

                                    -- an ugly hack to make filter stable for forbidden values)
        harm cf q x = g * resonator (1 - g + g * cps) q x
            where cps = cf * baseCps
                  g   = gate cps  

-- | Mono version of the cool reverberation opcode reverbsc.
-- > reverbsc1 asig feedbackLevel cutOffFreq
reverbsc1 :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
reverbsc1 x k co = 0.5 * (a + b)
    where (a, b) = ar2 $ reverbsc x x k co

-- Widgets

data AdsrBound = AdsrBound
    { attBound  :: Double
    , decBound  :: Double
    , relBound  :: Double }

data AdsrInit = AdsrInit
    { attInit   :: Double
    , decInit   :: Double
    , susInit   :: Double
    , relInit   :: Double }

expEps :: Fractional a => a
expEps = 0.00001

linAdsr :: String -> AdsrBound -> AdsrInit -> Source Sig
linAdsr = genAdsr $ \a d s r -> linsegr [0, a, 1, d, s] r 0

expAdsr :: String -> AdsrBound -> AdsrInit -> Source Sig
expAdsr = genAdsr $ \a d s r -> expsegr [double expEps, a, 1, d, s] r (double expEps)

genAdsr :: (D -> D -> D -> D -> Sig)
    -> String -> AdsrBound -> AdsrInit -> Source Sig
genAdsr mkAdsr name b inits = source $ do
    (gatt, att) <- knob "A" (linSpan expEps $ attBound b) (attInit inits)
    (gdec, dec) <- knob "D" (linSpan expEps $ decBound b) (decInit inits)
    (gsus, sus) <- knob "S" (linSpan expEps 1)       (susInit inits) 
    (grel, rel) <- knob "R" (linSpan expEps $ relBound b) (relInit inits)
    let val   = mkAdsr (ir att) (ir dec) (ir sus) (ir rel)
    gui <- setTitle name $ hor [gatt, gdec, gsus, grel]
    return (gui, val)

-- | A widget with four standard waveforms: pure tone, triangle, square and sawtooth.
-- The last parameter is a default waveform (it's set at init time).
classicWaves :: String -> Int -> Source (Sig -> Sig)
classicWaves name initVal = funnyRadio name 
    [ ("osc", osc)
    , ("tri", tri)
    , ("sqr", sqr)
    , ("saw", saw)]

-- | Slider for master volume
masterVolume :: Source Sig
masterVolume = slider "master" uspan 0.5

-- | Knob for master volume
masterVolumeKnob :: Source Sig
masterVolumeKnob = knob "master" uspan 0.5

-- Reverbs

-- | Reverb with given time.
reverTime :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
reverTime dt a =  nreverb a dt 0.3 

-- | Mono reverb (based on reverbsc)
-- > rever1 feedback asig
rever1 :: Sig -> Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
rever1 fbk a = reverbsc a a fbk 12000

-- | Mono reverb (based on reverbsc)
-- > rever2 feedback asigLeft asigRight
rever2 :: Sig -> Sig2 -> Sig2
rever2 fbk (a1, a2) = (a1 + wa1, a2 + wa2)
	where (wa1, wa2) = reverbsc a1 a2 fbk 12000

-- | Mono reverb for small room.
smallRoom :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
smallRoom = rever1 0.6

-- | Mono reverb for small hall.
smallHall :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
smallHall = rever1 0.8

-- | Mono reverb for large hall.
largeHall :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
largeHall = rever1 0.9

-- | The magic cave reverb (mono).
magicCave :: Sig -> (Sig, Sig)
magicCave = rever1 0.99

-- | Stereo reverb for small room.
smallRoom2 :: Sig2 -> Sig2
smallRoom2 = rever2 0.6

-- | Stereo reverb for small hall.
smallHall2 :: Sig2 -> Sig2
smallHall2 = rever2 0.8

-- | Stereo reverb for large hall.
largeHall2 :: Sig2 -> Sig2
largeHall2 = rever2 0.9

-- | The magic cave reverb (stereo).
magicCave2 :: Sig2 -> Sig2
magicCave2 = rever2 0.99

-- Delays

-- | The simplest delay with feedback. Arguments are: delay length and decay ratio.
-- > echo delayLength ratio
echo :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
echo len fb = fdelay len fb 1

-- | Delay with feedback. 
-- > fdelay maxDelayLength delayLength decayRatio
fdelay :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
fdelay len = fvdelay len (sig len)

-- | Delay with feedback. 
-- > fdelay maxDelayLength delayLength feedbackLevel decayRatio
fvdelay :: D -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
fvdelay len dt fb mx a = do
	_ <- delayr len
	aDel <- deltap3 dt
	delayw $ a + fb * aDel
	return $ a + (aDel * mx)

-- | Multitap delay. Arguments are: max delay length, list of pairs @(delayLength, decayRatio)@,
-- balance of mixed signal with processed signal.
-- > fdelay maxDelayLength  delays balance asig
fvdelays :: D -> [(Sig, Sig)] -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
fvdelays len dtArgs mx a = funDelays len (zip dts fs) mx a
		(dts, fbks) = unzip dtArgs
		fs = map (*) fbks

-- | Generic multitap delay. It's just like @fvdelays@ but instead of constant feedbackLevel 
-- it expects a function for processing a delayed signal on the tap.
-- > fdelay maxDelayLength  delays balance asig
funDelays :: D -> [(Sig, Sig -> Sig)] -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
funDelays len dtArgs mx a = do
	_ <- delayr len
	aDels <- mapM deltap3 dts
	delayw $ a + sum (zipWith ($) fs aDels)
	return $ a + mx * sum aDels 
	where (dts, fs) = unzip dtArgs

-- Distortion

-- | Distortion. 
-- > distort distLevel asig
distortion :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig
distortion pre asig = distort1 asig pre 0.5 0 0 `withD` 1

-- Chorus

-- | Chorus.
-- > chorus depth rate balance asig
chorus :: Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> SE Sig
chorus depth rate mx asig = do
	_ <- delayr 1.2
	adelSig <- deltap3 (0.03 * depth * oscBy fn (3 * rate) + 0.01)
	delayw asig
	return $ ntrpol asig adelSig mx
	where fn = sines4 [(0.5, 1, 180, 1)] -- U-shape parabola

-- Flanger

-- | Flanger. Lfo depth ranges in 0 to 1.
-- flanger lfo feedback balance asig
flange :: Lfo -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
flange alfo fbk mx asig = ntrpol asig (flanger asig ulfo fbk) mx
	where ulfo = 0.0001 + 0.02 * unipolar alfo

-- Phaser

-- | First order phaser.
phase1 :: Sig -> Lfo -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
phase1 ord alfo fbk mx asig = ntrpol asig (phaser1 asig (20 + unipolar alfo) ord fbk) mx  

-- | Second order phaser. Sweeping gaps in the timbre are placed harmonicaly
harmPhase :: Sig -> Lfo -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
harmPhase ord alfo q sep fbk mx asig = ntrpol asig (phaser2 asig (20 + unipolar alfo) q ord 1 sep fbk) mx

-- | Second order phaser. Sweeping gaps in the timbre are placed by powers of the base frequency.
powerPhase :: Sig -> Lfo -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig -> Sig
powerPhase ord alfo q sep fbk mx asig = ntrpol asig (phaser2 asig (20 + unipolar alfo) q ord 2 sep fbk) mx