{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Csound.Typed.Control.Ref(
    Ref(..), writeRef, readRef, newRef, mixRef, modifyRef, sensorsSE, newGlobalRef,
    concatRef, concatRef3, concatRef4, concatRef5,
    newCtrlRef, newGlobalCtrlRef,
    globalSensorsSE, newClearableGlobalRef, newTab, newGlobalTab,
    -- conditionals
    whileRef, whileRefD
) where

import Data.Boolean
import Control.DeepSeq(deepseq)

import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Csound.Dynamic hiding (when1, newLocalVars, writeArr, readArr, whileRef)

import Csound.Typed.Types.Prim
import Csound.Typed.Types.Tuple
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.SE
import Csound.Typed.GlobalState.GE

import qualified Csound.Dynamic as D

-- | It describes a reference to mutable values.
newtype Ref a = Ref [Var]
    { writeRef :: a -> SE ()
    , readRef  :: SE a }

writeRef :: Tuple a => Ref a -> a -> SE ()
writeRef (Ref vars) a = fromDep_ $ hideGEinDep $ do
    vals <- fromTuple a
    return $ zipWithM_ writeVar vars vals

--    (zipWithM_ writeVar vars) =<< lift (fromTuple a)
--writeVar :: Var -> E -> Dep ()
--[Var] (GE [E])

readRef  :: Tuple a => Ref a -> SE a
readRef (Ref vars) = SE $ fmap (toTuple . return) $ mapM readVar vars

-- | Allocates a new local (it is visible within the instrument) mutable value and initializes it with value. 
-- A reference can contain a tuple of variables.
newRef :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newRef t = fmap Ref $ newLocalVars (tupleRates t) (fromTuple t)    
-- | Allocates a new local (it is visible within the instrument) mutable value and initializes it with value. 
-- A reference can contain a tuple of variables.
-- It contains control signals (k-rate) and constants for numbers (i-rates).
newCtrlRef :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newCtrlRef t = fmap Ref $ newLocalVars (fmap toCtrlRate $ tupleRates t) (fromTuple t) 
toCtrlRate x = case x of 
    Ar -> Kr
    Kr -> Ir
    _  -> x

concatRef :: (Tuple a, Tuple b) => Ref a -> Ref b -> Ref (a, b)
concatRef (Ref a) (Ref b) = Ref (a ++ b)

concatRef3 :: (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c) => Ref a -> Ref b -> Ref c -> Ref (a, b, c)
concatRef3 (Ref a) (Ref b) (Ref c) = Ref (a ++ b ++ c)

concatRef4 :: (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d) => Ref a -> Ref b -> Ref c -> Ref d -> Ref (a, b, c, d)
concatRef4 (Ref a) (Ref b) (Ref c) (Ref d) = Ref (a ++ b ++ c ++ d)

concatRef5 :: (Tuple a, Tuple b, Tuple c, Tuple d, Tuple e) => Ref a -> Ref b -> Ref c -> Ref d -> Ref e -> Ref (a, b, c, d, e)
concatRef5 (Ref a) (Ref b) (Ref c) (Ref d) (Ref e) = Ref (a ++ b ++ c ++ d ++ e)

-- | Adds the given signal to the value that is contained in the
-- reference.
mixRef :: (Num a, Tuple a) => Ref a -> a -> SE ()
mixRef ref asig = modifyRef ref (+ asig)

-- | Modifies the Ref value with given function.
modifyRef :: Tuple a => Ref a -> (a -> a) -> SE ()
modifyRef ref f = do
    v <- readRef ref      
    writeRef ref (f v)

-- | An alias for the function @newRef@. It returns not the reference
-- to mutable value but a pair of reader and writer functions.
sensorsSE :: Tuple a => a -> SE (SE a, a -> SE ())
sensorsSE a = do
    ref <- newRef a
    return $ (readRef ref, writeRef ref)

-- | Allocates a new global mutable value and initializes it with value. 
-- A reference can contain a tuple of variables.
newGlobalRef :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newGlobalRef t = fmap Ref $ newGlobalVars (tupleRates t) (fromTuple t)    

-- | Allocates a new global mutable value and initializes it with value. 
-- A reference can contain a tuple of variables.
-- It contains control signals (k-rate) and constants for numbers (i-rates).
newGlobalCtrlRef :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newGlobalCtrlRef t = fmap Ref $ newGlobalVars (fmap toCtrlRate $ tupleRates t) (fromTuple t)   

-- | An alias for the function @newRef@. It returns not the reference
-- to mutable value but a pair of reader and writer functions.
globalSensorsSE :: Tuple a => a -> SE (SE a, a -> SE ())
globalSensorsSE a = do
    ref <- newRef a
    return $ (readRef ref, writeRef ref)

-- | Allocates a new clearable global mutable value and initializes it with value. 
-- A reference can contain a tuple of variables.
-- The variable is set to zero at the end of every iteration.
-- It's useful for accumulation of audio values from several instruments.
newClearableGlobalRef :: Tuple a => a -> SE (Ref a)
newClearableGlobalRef t = fmap Ref $ newClearableGlobalVars (tupleRates t) (fromTuple t) 

-- writable tables

-- | Creates a new table. The Tab could be used while the instrument
-- is playing. When the instrument is retriggered the new tab is allocated.
-- > newTab size
newTab :: D -> SE Tab
newTab size = ftgentmp 0 0 size 7 0 [size, 0]

-- | Creates a new global table. 
-- It's generated only once. It's persisted between instrument calls.
-- > newGlobalTab identifier size
newGlobalTab :: Int -> SE Tab
newGlobalTab size = do 
    ref <- newGlobalCtrlRef ((fromGE $ saveWriteTab size) :: D)
    fmap (fromGE . toGE) $ readRef ref

    identifier <- geToSe $ getNextGlobalGenId
    ref <- newGlobalRef (0 :: D)        
    tabId <- ftgenonce 0 (Csound.Typed.Types.Prim.int identifier) size 7 0 [size, 0]
    writeRef ref (fromGE $ toGE tabId)
    fmap (fromGE . toGE) $ readRef ref

-- some opcodes that I have to define upfront

-- | 
-- Generate a function table from within an instrument definition, without duplication of data.
-- Enables the creation of function tables entirely inside 
--       instrument definitions, without any duplication of data.
-- > ifno  ftgenonce  ip1, ip2dummy, isize, igen, iarga, iargb, ...
-- csound doc: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/ftgenonce.html>
ftgenonce ::  D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> [D] -> SE Tab
ftgenonce b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 = fmap ( Tab . return) $ SE $ (depT =<<) $ lift $ f <$> unD b1 <*> unD b2 <*> unD b3 <*> unD b4 <*> unD b5 <*> mapM unD b6
    where f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = opcs "ftgenonce" [(Ir,(repeat Ir))] ([a1,a2,a3,a4,a5] ++ a6)

-- | 
-- Generate a score function table from within the orchestra, which is deleted at the end of the note.
-- Generate a score function table from within the orchestra,
--     which is optionally deleted at the end of the note.
-- > ifno  ftgentmp  ip1, ip2dummy, isize, igen, iarga, iargb, ...
-- csound doc: <http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/ftgentmp.html>
ftgentmp ::  D -> D -> D -> D -> D -> [D] -> SE Tab
ftgentmp b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 = fmap ( Tab . return) $ SE $ (depT =<<) $ lift $ f <$> unD b1 <*> unD b2 <*> unD b3 <*> unD b4 <*> unD b5 <*> mapM unD b6
    where f a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 = opcs "ftgentmp" [(Ir,(repeat Ir))] ([a1,a2,a3,a4,a5] ++ a6)


whileSE :: SE BoolSig -> SE () -> SE ()
whileSE mcond body = do      
    ref <- newCtrlRef $ (0 :: Sig)
    writeCond ref
    whileRefBegin ref
    writeCond ref
        writeCond :: Ref Sig -> SE ()
        writeCond ref = writeRef ref =<< fmap (\x -> ifB x 1 0) mcond

-- ifBegin :: BoolSig -> SE ()
-- ifBegin a = fromDep_ $ D.ifBegin Kr =<< lift (toGE a)

whileRefBegin :: Ref Sig -> SE ()
whileRefBegin (Ref [var]) = fromDep_ $ D.whileBegin ((D.prim $ D.PrimVar D.Kr var) ==* 1)

whileRefEnd :: SE ()
whileRefEnd = fromDep_ D.whileEnd

whileRef :: forall st . Tuple st => st -> (st -> SE BoolSig) -> (st -> SE st) -> SE ()
whileRef initVal cond body = do
    refSt   <- newCtrlRef initVal
    refCond <- newRef =<< condSig =<< readRef refSt
    whileRefBegin refCond
    writeRef refSt   =<< body    =<< readRef refSt
    writeRef refCond =<< condSig =<< readRef refSt
    fromDep_ whileEnd
        condSig :: st -> SE Sig               
        condSig   = fmap (\b -> ifB b 1 0) . cond

whileRefD :: forall st . Tuple st => st -> (st -> SE BoolD) -> (st -> SE st) -> SE ()
whileRefD initVal cond body = do
    refSt   <- newCtrlRef initVal
    refCond <- newRef =<< condSig =<< readRef refSt
    whileRefBegin refCond
    writeRef refSt   =<< body    =<< readRef refSt
    writeRef refCond =<< condSig =<< readRef refSt
    fromDep_ whileEnd
        condSig :: st -> SE D              
        condSig   = fmap (\b -> ifB b 1 0) . cond

whileRefBegin :: SigOrD a => Ref a -> SE ()
whileRefBegin (Ref vars) = fromDep_ $ D.whileRef $ head vars