import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import Data.STRef import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.Array.ST import Data.Char import Data.Chatty.AVL import Data.List import System.Environment import qualified Text.CTPL0 as Old import qualified Text.CTPL0n as New debugOld :: String -> String -> IO () debugOld prog str = let state0 = Old.CTPL0State buffer0 program0 register0 info0 buffer0 | null str = Old.BufferState [] (chr 3) [] | otherwise = Old.BufferState [] (head str) (tail str ++ [chr 3]) program0 | null prog = Old.BufferState [] (chr 3) [] | otherwise = Old.BufferState [] (head prog) (tail prog ++ [chr 3]) register0 = Old.RegisterState 0 [] [length prog] [0] False info0 = Old.InfoState EmptyAVL imprf avl = sortBy (\b a -> snd a `compare` snd b) $ avlInorder avl in debugOldProg 10000 state0 debugOldProg :: Int -> Old.CTPL0State -> IO () debugOldProg limit state = let prst (Old.CTPL0State b p r f) i m = putStrLn (show (Old.unetx (reverse (Old.leftBehind b) ++ [Old.thisChar b] ++ Old.rightPending b)) ++ " I="++show i++" AX="++show ( r)++" CK="++concat(intersperse ":" (map show $ r))++" IP=" ++ show (length $ Old.leftBehind p)++ " BP="++ show (length $ Old.leftBehind b) ++ " | "++m) in case Old.runCTPL0 Old.endOfInstr limit state of Old.Succ (True, st, i) -> prst st i "Program finished." Old.Succ (False, st, i) -> case Old.runCTPL0 Old.singleInstr limit state of Old.Succ (_, st, i) -> do prst st i "<>" debugOldProg i st Old.Expired -> putStrLn "Expired." Old.SynViol -> putStrLn "Syntax violation." Old.ConfViol -> putStrLn "Confidence violation." debugNew :: String -> String -> IO () debugNew prog str = mapM_ putStrLn $ runST $ do let limit = New.maxTime New.safeVM bufsize = max (New.initBufferMeasure New.safeVM) (length str+1) bc <- newListArray (0, bufsize-1) (str++'\3':replicate (bufsize-length str-1) '\0') let pc = listArray (0, length prog - 1) prog state0 = New.CTPL0State (New.MBuffer bc) pc 0 0 False 0 [] [length prog] [0] ref <- newSTRef state0 debugNewProg limit ref New.safeVM debugNewProg :: Int -> STRef s (New.CTPL0State s) -> New.VMConfig -> ST s [String] debugNewProg limit state cfg = let prst ref i m = do New.CTPL0State bc pc bp pp cp ax mk rk ck <- readSTRef ref buf <- New.joinBuffer bc return (show buf ++ " I=" ++ show i ++ " AX=" ++ show ax ++ " CK="++concat(intersperse ":" $ map show ck) ++ " IP=" ++ show pp ++ " BP="++show bp++" | "++m) in do r <- New.runCTPL0 New.endOfInstr limit state cfg case r of New.Succ (True, i) -> return <$> prst state i "Program finished." New.Succ (False, i) -> do r <- New.runCTPL0 New.singleInstr limit state cfg case r of New.Succ (_, i) -> (:) <$> prst state i "<>" <*> debugNewProg i state cfg New.Fail f -> return [show f] main = do args <- getArgs case args of ["--old", progf, buff] -> do prog <- readFile progf buf <- readFile buff debugOld (init prog) (init buf) ["--new", progf, buff] -> do prog <- readFile progf buf <- readFile buff debugNew (init prog) (init buf) ["--help"] -> do putStrLn "ctpl0debug 0.1" putStrLn "----------------" putStrLn "A debugger for CTPL0 (both VMs)" putStrLn "Synapsis:" putStrLn " ctpl0debug --old " putStrLn " Debugs execution with the old VM" putStrLn " ctpl0debug --new " putStrLn " Debugs execution with the new VM" _ -> putStrLn "Don't know what to do. See --help for help"