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{-# LINE 1 "src/Foreign/CUDA/Analysis/Device.chs" #-}
-- |
-- Module    : Foreign.CUDA.Analysis.Device
-- Copyright : [2009..2018] Trevor L. McDonell
-- License   : BSD
-- Common device functions

module Foreign.CUDA.Analysis.Device (

    Compute(..), ComputeMode(..),
    DeviceProperties(..), DeviceResources(..), Allocation(..), PCI(..),

) where

import Data.Int
import Text.Show.Describe

import Debug.Trace

-- |
-- The compute mode the device is currently in
data ComputeMode = Default
                 | Prohibited
                 | ExclusiveProcess
  deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Enum ComputeMode where
  succ Default = Prohibited
  succ Prohibited = ExclusiveProcess
  succ ExclusiveProcess = error "ComputeMode.succ: ExclusiveProcess has no successor"

  pred Prohibited = Default
  pred ExclusiveProcess = Prohibited
  pred Default = error "ComputeMode.pred: Default has no predecessor"

  enumFromTo from to = go from
      end = fromEnum to
      go v = case compare (fromEnum v) end of
                 LT -> v : go (succ v)
                 EQ -> [v]
                 GT -> []

  enumFrom from = enumFromTo from ExclusiveProcess

  fromEnum Default = 0
  fromEnum Prohibited = 2
  fromEnum ExclusiveProcess = 3

  toEnum 0 = Default
  toEnum 2 = Prohibited
  toEnum 3 = ExclusiveProcess
  toEnum unmatched = error ("ComputeMode.toEnum: Cannot match " ++ show unmatched)

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instance Describe ComputeMode where
  describe Default          = "Multiple contexts are allowed on the device simultaneously"
  describe Prohibited       = "No contexts can be created on this device at this time"
  describe ExclusiveProcess = "Only one context used by a single process can be present on this device at a time"

-- |
-- GPU compute capability, major and minor revision number respectively.
data Compute = Compute !Int !Int
  deriving Eq

instance Show Compute where
  show (Compute major minor) = show major ++ "." ++ show minor

instance Ord Compute where
  compare (Compute m1 n1) (Compute m2 n2) =
    case compare m1 m2 of
      EQ -> compare n1 n2
      x  -> x

cap :: Int -> Int -> Double
cap a 0 = fromIntegral a
cap a b = let a' = fromIntegral a in
            let b' = fromIntegral b in
            a' + b' / max 10 (10^ ((ceiling . logBase 10) b' :: Int))

-- |
-- The properties of a compute device
data DeviceProperties = DeviceProperties
    deviceName                    :: !String          -- ^ Identifier
  , computeCapability             :: !Compute         -- ^ Supported compute capability
  , totalGlobalMem                :: !Int64           -- ^ Available global memory on the device in bytes
  , totalConstMem                 :: !Int64           -- ^ Available constant memory on the device in bytes
  , sharedMemPerBlock             :: !Int64           -- ^ Available shared memory per block in bytes
  , regsPerBlock                  :: !Int             -- ^ 32-bit registers per block
  , warpSize                      :: !Int             -- ^ Warp size in threads (SIMD width)
  , maxThreadsPerBlock            :: !Int             -- ^ Maximum number of threads per block
  , maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor   :: !Int             -- ^ Maximum number of threads per multiprocessor
  , maxBlockSize                  :: !(Int,Int,Int)   -- ^ Maximum size of each dimension of a block
  , maxGridSize                   :: !(Int,Int,Int)   -- ^ Maximum size of each dimension of a grid
  , maxTextureDim1D               :: !Int             -- ^ Maximum texture dimensions
  , maxTextureDim2D               :: !(Int,Int)
  , maxTextureDim3D               :: !(Int,Int,Int)
  , clockRate                     :: !Int             -- ^ Clock frequency in kilohertz
  , multiProcessorCount           :: !Int             -- ^ Number of multiprocessors on the device
  , memPitch                      :: !Int64           -- ^ Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies
  , memBusWidth                   :: !Int             -- ^ Global memory bus width in bits
  , memClockRate                  :: !Int             -- ^ Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz
  , textureAlignment              :: !Int64           -- ^ Alignment requirement for textures
  , computeMode                   :: !ComputeMode
  , deviceOverlap                 :: !Bool            -- ^ Device can concurrently copy memory and execute a kernel
  , concurrentKernels             :: !Bool            -- ^ Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently
  , eccEnabled                    :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports and has enabled error correction
  , asyncEngineCount              :: !Int             -- ^ Number of asynchronous engines
  , cacheMemL2                    :: !Int             -- ^ Size of the L2 cache in bytes
  , pciInfo                       :: !PCI             -- ^ PCI device information for the device
  , tccDriverEnabled              :: !Bool            -- ^ Whether this is a Tesla device using the TCC driver
  , kernelExecTimeoutEnabled      :: !Bool            -- ^ Whether there is a runtime limit on kernels
  , integrated                    :: !Bool            -- ^ As opposed to discrete
  , canMapHostMemory              :: !Bool            -- ^ Device can use pinned memory
  , unifiedAddressing             :: !Bool            -- ^ Device shares a unified address space with the host
  , streamPriorities              :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports stream priorities
  , globalL1Cache                 :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports caching globals in L1 cache
  , localL1Cache                  :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports caching locals in L1 cache
  , managedMemory                 :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports allocating managed memory on this system
  , multiGPUBoard                 :: !Bool            -- ^ Device is on a multi-GPU board
  , multiGPUBoardGroupID          :: !Int             -- ^ Unique identifier for a group of devices associated with the same board
  , preemption                    :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports compute pre-emption
  , singleToDoublePerfRatio       :: !Int             -- ^ Ratio of single precision performance (in floating-point operations per second) to double precision performance
  , cooperativeLaunch             :: !Bool            -- ^ Device supports launching cooperative kernels
  , cooperativeLaunchMultiDevice  :: !Bool            -- ^ Device can participate in cooperative multi-device kernels
  deriving (Show)

data PCI = PCI
    busID       :: !Int,      -- ^ PCI bus ID of the device
    deviceID    :: !Int,      -- ^ PCI device ID
    domainID    :: !Int       -- ^ PCI domain ID
  deriving (Show)

-- GPU Hardware Resources
-- These are either taken from the CUDA occupancy calculator, or the CUDA
-- wikipedia entry: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA#Version_features_and_specifications>
data Allocation      = Warp | Block
data DeviceResources = DeviceResources
  { threadsPerWarp          :: !Int         -- ^ Warp size
  , coresPerMP              :: !Int         -- ^ Number of SIMD arithmetic units per multiprocessor
  , warpsPerMP              :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of in-flight warps per multiprocessor
  , threadsPerMP            :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of in-flight threads on a multiprocessor
  , threadBlocksPerMP       :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of thread blocks resident on a multiprocessor
  , sharedMemPerMP          :: !Int         -- ^ Total amount of shared memory per multiprocessor (bytes)
  , maxSharedMemPerBlock    :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum amount of shared memory per thread block (bytes)
  , regFileSizePerMP        :: !Int         -- ^ Total number of registers in a multiprocessor
  , maxRegPerBlock          :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of registers per block
  , regAllocUnit            :: !Int         -- ^ Register allocation unit size
  , regAllocationStyle      :: !Allocation  -- ^ How multiprocessor resources are divided (register allocation granularity)
  , maxRegPerThread         :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of registers per thread
  , sharedMemAllocUnit      :: !Int         -- ^ Shared memory allocation unit size (bytes)
  , warpAllocUnit           :: !Int         -- ^ Warp allocation granularity
  , warpRegAllocUnit        :: !Int         -- ^ Warp register allocation granularity
  , maxGridsPerDevice       :: !Int         -- ^ Maximum number of resident grids per device (concurrent kernels)

-- |
-- Extract some additional hardware resource limitations for a given device.
deviceResources :: DeviceProperties -> DeviceResources
deviceResources = resources . computeCapability
    -- This is mostly extracted from tables in the CUDA occupancy calculator.
    resources compute = case compute of
      Compute 1 0 -> resources (Compute 1 1)      -- Tesla G80
      Compute 1 1 -> DeviceResources              -- Tesla G8x
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 8
        , warpsPerMP            = 24
        , threadsPerMP          = 768
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 8
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 16384
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 16384
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 8192
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 8192
        , regAllocUnit          = 256
        , regAllocationStyle    = Block
        , maxRegPerThread       = 124
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 512
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 256
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 1
      Compute 1 2 ->  resources (Compute 1 3)     -- Tesla G9x
      Compute 1 3 -> (resources (Compute 1 1))    -- Tesla GT200
        { threadsPerMP          = 1024
        , warpsPerMP            = 32
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 16384
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 16384
        , regAllocUnit          = 512

      Compute 2 0 -> DeviceResources              -- Fermi GF100
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 32
        , warpsPerMP            = 48
        , threadsPerMP          = 1536
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 8
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 49152
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 49152
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 32768
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 32768
        , regAllocUnit          = 64
        , regAllocationStyle    = Warp
        , maxRegPerThread       = 63
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 128
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 64
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 16
      Compute 2 1 -> (resources (Compute 2 0))    -- Fermi GF10x
        { coresPerMP            = 48

      Compute 3 0 -> DeviceResources              -- Kepler GK10x
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 192
        , warpsPerMP            = 64
        , threadsPerMP          = 2048
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 16
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 49152
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 49152
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 65536
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 65536
        , regAllocUnit          = 256
        , regAllocationStyle    = Warp
        , maxRegPerThread       = 63
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 256
        , warpAllocUnit         = 4
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 256
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 16
      Compute 3 2 -> (resources (Compute 3 5))    -- Jetson TK1
        { maxRegPerBlock        = 32768
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 4
      Compute 3 5 -> (resources (Compute 3 0))    -- Kepler GK11x
        { maxRegPerThread       = 255
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 32
      Compute 3 7 -> (resources (Compute 3 5))    -- Kepler GK21x
        { sharedMemPerMP        = 114688
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 131072

      Compute 5 0 -> DeviceResources              -- Maxwell GM10x
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 128
        , warpsPerMP            = 64
        , threadsPerMP          = 2048
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 32
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 65536
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 49152
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 65536
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 65536
        , regAllocUnit          = 256
        , regAllocationStyle    = Warp
        , maxRegPerThread       = 255
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 256
        , warpAllocUnit         = 4
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 256
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 32
      Compute 5 2 -> (resources (Compute 5 0))    -- Maxwell GM20x
        { sharedMemPerMP        = 98304
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 32768
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
      Compute 5 3 -> (resources (Compute 5 0))    -- Maxwell GM20B
        { maxRegPerBlock        = 32768
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 16

      Compute 6 0 -> DeviceResources              -- Pascal GP100
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 64
        , warpsPerMP            = 64
        , threadsPerMP          = 2048
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 32
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 65536
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 49152
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 65536
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 65536
        , regAllocUnit          = 256
        , regAllocationStyle    = Warp
        , maxRegPerThread       = 255
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 256
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 256
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 128
      Compute 6 1 -> (resources (Compute 6 0))    -- Pascal GP10x
        { coresPerMP            = 128
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 98304
        , warpAllocUnit         = 4
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 32
      Compute 6 2 -> (resources (Compute 6 0))    -- Pascal GP10B
        { coresPerMP            = 128
        , warpsPerMP            = 128
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 4096
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 32768
        , warpAllocUnit         = 4
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 16

      Compute 7 _ -> DeviceResources              -- Volta GV100
        { threadsPerWarp        = 32
        , coresPerMP            = 64
        , warpsPerMP            = 64
        , threadsPerMP          = 2048
        , threadBlocksPerMP     = 32
        , sharedMemPerMP        = 98304
        , maxSharedMemPerBlock  = 49152           -- XXX: or 96KB?
        , regFileSizePerMP      = 65536
        , maxRegPerBlock        = 65536
        , regAllocUnit          = 256
        , regAllocationStyle    = Warp
        , maxRegPerThread       = 255
        , sharedMemAllocUnit    = 256
        , warpAllocUnit         = 2
        , warpRegAllocUnit      = 256
        , maxGridsPerDevice     = 128

      -- Something might have gone wrong, or the library just needs to be
      -- updated for the next generation of hardware, in which case we just want
      -- to pick a sensible default and carry on.
      -- This is slightly dodgy as the warning message is coming from pure code.
      -- However, it should be OK because all library functions run in IO, so it
      -- is likely the user code is as well.
      _           -> trace warning $ resources (Compute 3 0)
        where warning = unlines [ "*** Warning: Unknown CUDA device compute capability: " ++ show compute
                                , "*** Please submit a bug report at https://github.com/tmcdonell/cuda/issues" ]